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3 files changed, 422 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/drat.plf b/proofs/signatures/drat.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d52586bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/signatures/drat.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+; Depends on lrat.plf
+; Implementation of DRAT checking.
+; Unfortunately, there are **two** different notions of DRAT floating around in
+; the world:
+; * Specified DRAT : This is a reasonable proof format
+; * Operational DRAT : This is a variant of specified DRAT warped by the
+; details of common SAT solver architectures.
+; Both are detailed in this paper, along with their differences:
+; This signature checks **Specified DRAT**.
+(declare cnf_holds (! c cnf type))
+(declare cnfn_proof (cnf_holds cnfn))
+(declare cnfc_proof
+ (! c clause
+ (! deduped_c clause
+ (! rest cnf
+ (! proof_c (holds c)
+ (! proof_rest (cnf_holds rest)
+ (! sc (^ (clause_dedup c) deduped_c)
+ (cnf_holds (cnfc c rest)))))))))
+; A DRAT proof itself: a list of addition or deletion instructions.
+(declare DRATProof type)
+(declare DRATProofn DRATProof)
+(declare DRATProofa (! c clause (! p DRATProof DRATProof)))
+(declare DRATProofd (! c clause (! p DRATProof DRATProof)))
+; ==================== ;
+; Functional Programs ;
+; ==================== ;
+; Are two clauses equal (in the set sense)
+; Since clauses are sets, it is insufficient to do list equality
+; We could sort them, but that would require defining an order on our variables,
+; and incurring the cost of sorting.
+; Instead, we do the following:
+; 1. Sweep the first clause, marking variables with flags 1 (pos) and 2 (neg)
+; 2. Sweep the second clause, erasing marks.
+; 3. Unsweep the first clause, returning FALSE on marks.
+; Also unmarking
+; TODO(aozdemir) This implementation could be further optimized b/c once c1 is
+; drained, we need not continue to pattern match on it.
+(program clause_eq ((c1 clause) (c2 clause)) bool
+ (match
+ c1
+ (cln (match
+ c2
+ (cln tt)
+ ((clc c2h c2t) (match
+ c2h
+ ((pos v) (ifmarked1
+ v
+ (do (markvar1 v) (clause_eq c1 c2t))
+ ff))
+ ((neg v) (ifmarked2
+ v
+ (do (markvar2 v) (clause_eq c1 c2t))
+ ff))))))
+ ((clc c1h c1t) (match
+ c1h
+ ((pos v) (do
+ (markvar1 v)
+ (let res (clause_eq c1t c2)
+ (ifmarked1
+ v
+ (do (markvar1 v) ff)
+ res))))
+ ((neg v) (do
+ (markvar2 v)
+ (let res (clause_eq c1t c2)
+ (ifmarked2
+ v
+ (do (markvar2 v) ff)
+ res))))))))
+; Does this formula contain bottom as one of its clauses?
+(program cnf_has_bottom ((cs cnf)) bool
+ (match cs
+ (cnfn ff)
+ ((cnfc c rest) (match c
+ (cln tt)
+ ((clc l c') (cnf_has_bottom rest))))))
+; Return a new cnf with one copy of this clause removed.
+(program cnf_remove_clause ((c clause) (cs cnf)) cnf
+ (match cs
+ (cnfn (fail cnf))
+ ((cnfc c' cs')
+ (match (clause_eq c c')
+ (tt cs')
+ (ff (cnfc c' (cnf_remove_clause c cs')))))))
+; return (c1 union (c2 \ ~l))
+; Significant for how a RAT is defined.
+(program clause_pseudo_resolvent ((c1 clause) (c2 clause)) clause
+ (clause_dedup (clause_append c1
+ (clause_remove_all
+ (lit_flip (clause_head c1)) c2))))
+; Given a formula, `cs` and a clause `c`, return all pseudo resolvents, i.e. all
+; (c union (c' \ ~head(c)))
+; for c' in cs, where c' contains ~head(c)
+(program collect_pseudo_resolvents ((cs cnf) (c clause)) cnf
+ (match cs
+ (cnfn cnfn)
+ ((cnfc c' cs')
+ (let rest_of_resolvents (collect_pseudo_resolvents cs' c)
+ (match (clause_contains_lit c' (lit_flip (clause_head c)))
+ (tt (cnfc (clause_pseudo_resolvent
+ c
+ c')
+ rest_of_resolvents))
+ (ff rest_of_resolvents))))))
+; =============================================================== ;
+; Unit Propegation implementation (manipulates global assignment) ;
+; =============================================================== ;
+; See the lrat file for a description of the global assignment.
+; The result of search for a unit clause in
+(declare UnitSearchResult type)
+; There was a unit, and
+; this is the (previously floating) literal that is now satisfied.
+; this is a version of the input cnf with satisfied clauses removed.
+(declare USRUnit (! l lit (! f cnf UnitSearchResult)))
+; There was an unsat clause
+(declare USRBottom UnitSearchResult)
+; There was no unit.
+(declare USRNoUnit UnitSearchResult)
+; If a UnitSearchResult is a Unit, containing a cnf, adds this clause to that
+; cnf. Otherwise, returns the UnitSearchResult unmodified.
+(program USR_add_clause ((c clause) (usr UnitSearchResult)) UnitSearchResult
+ (match usr
+ ((USRUnit l f) (USRUnit l (cnfc c f)))
+ (USRBottom USRBottom)
+ (USRNoUnit USRNoUnit)))
+; Searches through the clauses, looking for a unit clause.
+; Reads the global assignment. Possibly assigns one variable.
+; Returns
+; USRBottom if there is an unsat clause
+; (USRUnit l f) if there is a unit, with lit l, and
+; f is the cnf with some SAT clauses removed.
+; USRNoUnit if there is no unit
+(program unit_search ((f cnf)) UnitSearchResult
+ (match f
+ (cnfn USRNoUnit)
+ ((cnfc c f')
+ (match (clause_check_unit_and_maybe_mark c)
+ (MRSat (unit_search f'))
+ ((MRUnit l) (USRUnit l f'))
+ (MRUnsat USRBottom)
+ (MRNotUnit (USR_add_clause c (unit_search f')))))))
+; Given the current global assignment, does the formula `f` imply bottom via
+; unit propegation? Leaves the global assignment in the same state that it was
+; initially.
+(program unit_propegates_to_bottom ((f cnf)) bool
+ (match (unit_search f)
+ (USRBottom tt)
+ ((USRUnit l f') (let result (unit_propegates_to_bottom f')
+ (do (lit_un_mk_sat l)
+ result)))
+ (USRNoUnit ff)))
+; ================================== ;
+; High-Level DRAT checking functions ;
+; ================================== ;
+; Is this clause an AT?
+(program is_at ((cs cnf) (c clause)) bool
+ (match (is_t c)
+ (tt tt)
+ (ff (do (clause_mk_all_unsat c)
+ (let r (unit_propegates_to_bottom cs)
+ (do (clause_un_mk_all_unsat c)
+ r))))))
+; Are all of these clauses ATs?
+(program are_all_at ((cs cnf) (clauses cnf)) bool
+ (match clauses
+ (cnfn tt)
+ ((cnfc c clauses')
+ (match (is_at cs c)
+ (tt (are_all_at cs clauses'))
+ (ff ff)))))
+; Is the clause `c` a RAT for the formula `cs`?
+(program is_rat ((cs cnf) (c clause)) bool
+ (match (is_t c)
+ (tt tt)
+ (ff (match (is_at cs c)
+ (tt tt)
+ (ff (are_all_at
+ cs
+ (collect_pseudo_resolvents cs c)))))))
+; Is this proof a valid DRAT proof of bottom?
+(program is_drat_proof_of_bottom ((f cnf) (proof DRATProof)) bool
+ (match proof
+ (DRATProofn (cnf_has_bottom f))
+ ((DRATProofa c p) (match
+ (is_rat f c)
+ (tt (is_drat_proof_of_bottom (cnfc c f) p))
+ (ff ff)))
+ ((DRATProofd c p)
+ (is_drat_proof_of_bottom (cnf_remove_clause c f) p))))
+(declare drat_proof_of_bottom
+ (! f cnf
+ (! proof_of_formula (cnf_holds f)
+ (! proof DRATProof
+ (! sc (^ (is_drat_proof_of_bottom f proof) tt)
+ bottom)))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/drat_test.plf b/proofs/signatures/drat_test.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2f2c7286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/signatures/drat_test.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+;depends on drat.plf
+(declare check_rat
+ (! f cnf
+ (! c clause
+ (! b bool
+ (! sc (^ (is_rat f c) b)
+ bottom)))))
+(declare trust_cnf (! f cnf (cnf_holds f)))
+; RAT Test 1
+; Formula: (-p, -a) ^ (-p, b) ^( b, c) ^ (-c, a)
+; Candidate RAT: (p, a)
+; Answer: true
+ (% va var
+ (% vb var
+ (% vc var
+ (% vp var
+ (check_rat
+ (cnfc (clc (neg vp) (clc (neg va) cln))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg vp) (clc (pos vb) cln))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos vb) (clc (pos vc) cln))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg vc) (clc (pos va) cln)) cnfn))))
+ (clc (pos vp) (clc (pos va) cln))
+ tt))))))
+; RAT Test 2
+; Formula:
+; p cnf 4 8
+; 1 2 -3 0
+; -1 -2 3 0
+; 2 3 -4 0
+; -2 -3 4 0
+; -1 -3 -4 0
+; 1 3 4 0
+; -1 2 4 0
+; 1 -2 -4 0
+; Candidate RAT: -1
+ (% v1 var
+ (% v2 var
+ (% v3 var
+ (% v4 var
+ (check_rat
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (neg v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (pos v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ cnfn))))))))
+ (clc (neg v1) cln)
+ tt))))))
+; RAT Test 3
+; Formula:
+; p cnf 4 9
+; 1 2 -3 0
+; -1 -2 3 0
+; 2 3 -4 0
+; -2 -3 4 0
+; -1 -3 -4 0
+; 1 3 4 0
+; -1 2 4 0
+; 1 -2 -4 0
+; -1 0
+; Candidate RAT: 2
+ (% v1 var
+ (% v2 var
+ (% v3 var
+ (% v4 var
+ (check_rat
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (neg v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (pos v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) cln)
+ cnfn)))))))))
+ (clc (pos v2) cln)
+ tt))))))
+; RAT Test 4
+; Formula:
+; p cnf 4 2
+; 2 -3 0
+; 1 -4 0
+; Candidate RAT: 3
+; Answer: false
+ (% v1 var
+ (% v2 var
+ (% v3 var
+ (% v4 var
+ (check_rat
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v2) (clc (neg v3) cln))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (neg v4) cln)) cnfn))
+ (clc (pos v3) cln)
+ ff))))))
+; DRAT Test 1 (from Example 1 @
+; without deletions
+; Formula:
+; p cnf 4 8
+; 1 2 -3 0
+; -1 -2 3 0
+; 2 3 -4 0
+; -2 -3 4 0
+; -1 -3 -4 0
+; 1 3 4 0
+; -1 2 4 0
+; 1 -2 -4
+; Proof:
+; -1 0
+; 2 0
+; 0
+ (% v1 var
+ (% v2 var
+ (% v3 var
+ (% v4 var
+ (:
+ (holds cln)
+ (drat_proof_of_bottom _
+ (trust_cnf (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (neg v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (pos v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ cnfn)))))))))
+ (DRATProofa (clc (neg v1) cln)
+ (DRATProofa (clc (pos v2) cln)
+ (DRATProofa cln
+ DRATProofn))))))))))
+; DRAT Test 2 (from Example 1 @
+; with deletions
+; Formula:
+; p cnf 4 8
+; 1 2 -3 0
+; -1 -2 3 0
+; 2 3 -4 0
+; -2 -3 4 0
+; -1 -3 -4 0
+; 1 3 4 0
+; -1 2 4 0
+; 1 -2 -4
+; Proof:
+; -1 0
+; d -1 -2 3 0
+; d -1 -3 -4 0
+; d -1 2 4 0
+; 2 0
+; d 1 2 -3 0
+; d 2 3 -4 0
+; 0
+ (% v1 var (% v2 var (% v3 var (% v4 var
+ (: (holds cln)
+ (drat_proof_of_bottom _
+ (trust_cnf
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (neg v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (pos v3) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v3) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (neg v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (cnfc (clc (pos v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ cnfn)))))))))
+ (DRATProofa (clc (neg v1) cln)
+ (DRATProofd (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v2) (clc (pos v3) cln)))
+ (DRATProofd (clc (neg v1) (clc (neg v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (DRATProofd (clc (neg v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v4) cln)))
+ (DRATProofa (clc (pos v2) cln)
+ (DRATProofd (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v2) (clc (neg v3) cln)))
+ (DRATProofd (clc (pos v2) (clc (pos v3) (clc (neg v4) cln)))
+ (DRATProofa cln
+ DRATProofn)))))))))))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/lrat.plf b/proofs/signatures/lrat.plf
index 96cdd83b3..5224cf3ce 100644
--- a/proofs/signatures/lrat.plf
+++ b/proofs/signatures/lrat.plf
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
; LRAT Proof signature
; LRAT format detailed in "Efficient Certified RAT Verification"
+; Link:
; Author: aozdemir
; Depends On: sat.plf, smt.plf
@@ -504,7 +505,7 @@
; Goes through a list of clause, trace pairs and verifies that each clause is
; an AT via that trace.
; Fails if any putative AT is a TAUT or contains duplicates
-(program are_all_at (
+(program are_all_at_trace (
(cs CMap)
(l CTPairs)
) UPResult
@@ -514,12 +515,12 @@
(match (is_at_trace cs c t)
(UPR_Broken UPR_Broken)
- (UPR_Bottom (are_all_at cs l'))))))
+ (UPR_Bottom (are_all_at_trace cs l'))))))
; Is this trace, and list of hints, proof that `c` is an Resolution Assymeytic
; Tautology?
-; Fails is the hints are empty (i.e. `c` should be AT, and c is TAUT or contains duplicates)
-; Also fails if any of the pseudo-resolvants are TAUT or contain duplicates.
+; Fails is the hints are empty (which means `c` should be AT) and `c` contains
+; duplicates)
(program is_rat_trace ((cs CMap) (c clause) (t Trace) (hints RATHints)) UPResult
(RATHints_is_empty hints)
@@ -529,10 +530,10 @@
(match (resolution_targets_match
(collect_resolution_targets cs c)
- (ff ; Res targets are bad
+ (ff ; Resolution targets disagree with hints.
- (are_all_at cs (construct_ct_pairs cs c t hints)))))))
+ (are_all_at_trace cs (construct_ct_pairs cs c t hints)))))))
; Is this proof an LRAT proof of bottom?
; Fails if any added AT is a TAUT or contains duplicates OR if any added RAT
generated by cgit on debian on lair
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