path: root/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/src/prober.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/src/prober.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 954 deletions
diff --git a/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/src/prober.cpp b/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/src/prober.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 13fe7ce5d..000000000
--- a/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/src/prober.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,954 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2016, Mate Soos
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#include "prober.h"
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <utility>
-#include <set>
-#include <utility>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "solver.h"
-#include "clausecleaner.h"
-#include "time_mem.h"
-#include "clausecleaner.h"
-#include "completedetachreattacher.h"
-#include "sqlstats.h"
-using namespace CMSat;
-using std::make_pair;
-using std::set;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-@brief Sets up variables that are used between calls to probe()
-Prober::Prober(Solver* _solver):
- solver(_solver)
- , numPropsMultiplier(1.0)
- , lastTimeZeroDepthAssings(0)
-uint64_t Prober::limit_used() const
- return solver->propStats.bogoProps
- + solver->propStats.otfHyperTime
- + extraTime
- + extraTimeCache;
-void Prober::checkOTFRatio()
- double ratio = float_div(solver->propStats.bogoProps,
- solver->propStats.otfHyperTime + solver->propStats.bogoProps);
- /*static int val = 0;
- if (val % 10 == 0) {
- cout << "Ratio is " << std::setprecision(2) << ratio << endl;
- }
- val++;*/
- if (solver->conf.verbosity) {
- cout
- << "c [probe] Ratio of hyperbin/(bogo+hyperbin) is : "
- << std::setprecision(2) << ratio
- << " (this indicates how much time is spent doing hyperbin&trans-red)"
- << endl;
- }
- const uint64_t time_limit =
- solver->conf.otf_hyper_time_limitM*1000ULL*1000ULL
- *solver->conf.global_timeout_multiplier;
- if (solver->propStats.bogoProps+solver->propStats.otfHyperTime
- > time_limit
- && ratio < solver->conf.otf_hyper_ratio_limit
- && solver->conf.otfHyperbin
- && !(solver->drat->enabled() || solver->conf.simulate_drat)
- ) {
- solver->conf.otfHyperbin = false;
- if (solver->conf.verbosity) {
- cout << "c [probe] no longer doing OTF hyper-bin&trans-red" << endl;
- }
- solver->needToAddBinClause.clear();
- solver->uselessBin.clear();
- }
-void Prober::reset_stats_and_state()
- extraTime = 0;
- extraTimeCache = 0;
- solver->propStats.clear();
- runStats.clear();
- runStats.origNumBins = solver->binTri.redBins + solver->binTri.irredBins;
- visitedAlready.clear();
- visitedAlready.resize(solver->nVars()*2, 0);
- propagatedBitSet.clear();
- propagated.clear();
- propagated.resize(solver->nVars(), 0);
- propValue.resize(solver->nVars());
-uint64_t Prober::calc_num_props_limit()
- uint64_t num_props_limit = solver->conf.probe_bogoprops_time_limitM
- *solver->conf.global_timeout_multiplier
- *1000ULL*1000ULL;
- //Bogoprops for hyper-bin is MUCH more precise, so if no propagateFull???
- //then mush less bogoProps will lead to the same amount of time
- if (!solver->conf.otfHyperbin) {
- num_props_limit /= 4;
- }
- //Account for cache being too small
- const size_t num_active_vars = solver->num_active_vars();
- if (num_active_vars < 50LL*1000LL) {
- num_props_limit *= 1.2;
- }
- if (solver->litStats.redLits + solver->litStats.irredLits < 2LL*1000LL*1000LL) {
- num_props_limit *= 1.2;
- }
- if (num_active_vars > 600LL*1000LL) {
- num_props_limit *= 0.8;
- }
- if (solver->litStats.redLits + solver->litStats.irredLits > 20LL*1000LL*1000LL) {
- num_props_limit *= 0.8;
- }
- runStats.origNumFreeVars = num_active_vars;
- if (solver->conf.verbosity) {
- cout
- << "c [probe] lits : "
- << std::setprecision(2) << (double)(solver->litStats.redLits + solver->litStats.irredLits)/(1000.0*1000.0)
- << "M"
- << " act vars: "
- << std::setprecision(2) << (double)num_active_vars/1000.0 << "K"
- << " BP+HP todo: "
- << std::setprecision(2) << (double)num_props_limit/(1000.0*1000.0) << "M"
- << endl;
- }
- return num_props_limit;
-void Prober::clean_clauses_before_probe()
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 6) {
- cout << "c Cleaning clauses before probing." << endl;
- }
- solver->clauseCleaner->remove_and_clean_all();
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 6) {
- cout << "c Cleaning clauses before probing finished." << endl;
- }
-uint64_t Prober::update_num_props_limit_based_on_prev_perf(uint64_t num_props_limit)
- //If failed var searching is going good, do successively more and more of it
- const double percentEffectLast =
- float_div(lastTimeZeroDepthAssings, runStats.origNumFreeVars)
- * 100.0;
- if (percentEffectLast > 20.0) {
- //It's doing VERY well
- numPropsMultiplier = std::min(numPropsMultiplier*2, 5.0);
- } else if (percentEffectLast >= 10.0) {
- //It's doing well
- numPropsMultiplier = std::min(numPropsMultiplier*1.6, 4.0);
- } else if (percentEffectLast <= 3) {
- //It's doing badly
- numPropsMultiplier = 0.5;
- } else {
- //It's doing OK
- numPropsMultiplier = 1.0;
- }
- //First start is special, there is no previous record
- if (globalStats.numCalls == 0) {
- numPropsMultiplier = 1.0;
- }
- num_props_limit = (double)num_props_limit * numPropsMultiplier;
- const size_t num_props_limitAftPerf = num_props_limit;
- num_props_limit = (double)num_props_limit * std::pow((double)(globalStats.numCalls+1), 0.3);
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >=2 ) {
- cout
- << "c [probe] NumProps after perf multi: "
- << std::setprecision(2) << (double)num_props_limitAftPerf/(1000.0*1000.0)
- << "M"
- << " after numcall multi: "
- << std::setprecision(2) << (double)num_props_limit/(1000.0*1000.0)
- << "M (<- final)"
- << endl;
- }
- return num_props_limit;
-void Prober::clean_clauses_after_probe()
- double time = cpuTime();
- bool advancedCleanup = false;
- //If more than 10% were set, detach&reattach. It's faster
- if ((double)runStats.origNumFreeVars - (double)solver->get_num_free_vars()
- > (double)runStats.origNumFreeVars/10.0
- && solver->getNumLongClauses() > 200000
- ) {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 5)
- cout << "c Advanced cleanup after probing" << endl;
- advancedCleanup = true;
- CompleteDetachReatacher reattacher(solver);
- reattacher.detach_nonbins_nontris();
- const bool ret = reattacher.reattachLongs();
- release_assert(ret == true);
- } else {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 5)
- cout << "c Standard cleanup after probing" << endl;
- solver->clauseCleaner->remove_and_clean_all();
- }
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 1 &&
- (runStats.zeroDepthAssigns > 100 || advancedCleanup)
- ) {
- double time_used = cpuTime() - time;
- cout
- << "c [probe] cleaning up after"
- << solver->conf.print_times(time_used)
- << endl;
- }
-void Prober::check_if_must_disable_otf_hyperbin_and_tred(const uint64_t num_props_limit)
- const double ratioUsedTime = float_div(
- solver->propStats.bogoProps + solver->propStats.otfHyperTime + extraTime
- , num_props_limit);
- if (solver->conf.otfHyperbin
- //Visited less than half
- && float_div(runStats.numVisited, runStats.origNumFreeVars) < 0.8
- //And we used up most of the time
- && ratioUsedTime > 0.8
- ) {
- checkOTFRatio();
- }
-void Prober::check_if_must_disable_cache_update()
- //If time wasted on cache updating (extraTime) is large, stop cache
- //updation
- double timeOnCache = float_div(extraTimeCache
- , solver->propStats.bogoProps
- + solver->propStats.otfHyperTime
- + extraTime + extraTimeCache
- ) ;
- //More than 50% of the time is spent updating the cache... that's a lot
- //Disable and free
- if (timeOnCache > 50.0 && solver->conf.doCache) {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity) {
- cout
- << "c [probe] too much time spent on updating cache: "
- << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << timeOnCache
- << "% during probing --> disabling cache"
- << endl;
- }
- solver->conf.doCache = false;
- solver->;
- } else {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity) {
- cout
- << "c [probe] time spent updating cache during probing: "
- << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << timeOnCache
- << "%"
- << endl;
- }
- }
-vector<uint32_t> Prober::randomize_possible_choices()
- vars_to_probe.clear();
- for(size_t i = 0; i < solver->nVars(); i++) {
- if (solver->value(i) == l_Undef
- && solver->varData[i].removed == Removed::none
- ) {
- vars_to_probe.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- //Random swap
- for (size_t i = 0
- ; i + 1< vars_to_probe.size()
- ; i++
- ) {
- std::swap(
- vars_to_probe[i]
- , vars_to_probe[i+solver->mtrand.randInt(vars_to_probe.size()-1-i)]
- );
- }
- return vars_to_probe;
-bool Prober::probe(vector<uint32_t>* probe_order)
- assert(solver->ok);
- assert(solver->qhead == solver->trail.size());
- assert(solver->decisionLevel() == 0);
- assert(solver->nVars() > 0);
- clean_clauses_before_probe();
- reset_stats_and_state();
- uint64_t num_props_limit = calc_num_props_limit();
- const double myTime = cpuTime();
- const size_t origTrailSize = solver->trail_size();
- num_props_limit = update_num_props_limit_based_on_prev_perf(num_props_limit);
- if (probe_order == NULL) {
- randomize_possible_choices();
- } else {
- vars_to_probe = *probe_order;
- }
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 10) {
- cout << "Order of probe:";
- for(auto x: vars_to_probe) {
- cout << x+1 << ", ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- assert(solver->propStats.bogoProps == 0);
- assert(solver->propStats.otfHyperTime == 0);
- single_prop_tout = (double)num_props_limit *solver->conf.single_probe_time_limit_perc;
- for(size_t i = 0
- ; i < vars_to_probe.size()
- && limit_used() < num_props_limit
- && !solver->must_interrupt_asap()
- ; i++
- ) {
- if ((i & 0xff) == 0xff
- && cpuTime() >= solver->conf.maxTime
- ) {
- break;
- }
- extraTime += 20;
- runStats.numLoopIters++;
- const uint32_t var = vars_to_probe[i];
- //Probe 'false' first --> this is not critical
- Lit lit = Lit(var, false);
- //Check if var is set already
- if (solver->value(lit.var()) != l_Undef
- || solver->varData[lit.var()].removed != Removed::none
- || visitedAlready[lit.toInt()]
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- runStats.numVarProbed++;
- extraTime += 20;
- if (!try_this(lit, true))
- goto end;
- if (solver->value(lit) == l_Undef
- && !try_this(~lit, false)
- ) {
- goto end;
- }
- }
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 10) {
- cout << "c main loop for " << __func__
- << " finished: "
- << " must_interrupt? " << solver->must_interrupt_asap()
- << " limit_used? " << (limit_used() >= num_props_limit)
- << endl;
- }
- //Delete any remaining binaries to add or remove
- //next time, variables will be renumbered/etc. so it will be wrong
- //to add/remove them
- solver->needToAddBinClause.clear();
- solver->uselessBin.clear();
- runStats.zeroDepthAssigns = solver->trail_size() - origTrailSize;
- if (solver->ok && runStats.zeroDepthAssigns) {
- clean_clauses_after_probe();
- }
- update_and_print_stats(myTime, num_props_limit);
- check_if_must_disable_otf_hyperbin_and_tred(num_props_limit);
- check_if_must_disable_cache_update();
- return solver->okay();
-void Prober::update_and_print_stats(const double myTime, const uint64_t num_props_limit)
- for(size_t i = 0; i < visitedAlready.size(); i++) {
- if (visitedAlready[i])
- runStats.numVisited++;
- }
- lastTimeZeroDepthAssings = runStats.zeroDepthAssigns;
- const double time_used = cpuTime() - myTime;
- const bool time_out = (limit_used() > num_props_limit);
- const double time_remain = float_div((int64_t)num_props_limit-(int64_t)limit_used(), num_props_limit);
- runStats.cpu_time = time_used;
- runStats.propStats = solver->propStats;
- runStats.timeAllocated += num_props_limit;
- runStats.numCalls = 1;
- globalStats += runStats;
- if (solver->conf.verbosity) {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 3)
- runStats.print(solver->nVars(), solver->conf.do_print_times);
- else
- runStats.print_short(solver, time_out, time_remain);
- }
- if (solver->sqlStats) {
- solver->sqlStats->time_passed(
- solver
- , "probe"
- , time_used
- , time_out
- , time_remain
- );
- }
-void Prober::clear_up_before_first_set()
- extraTime += propagatedBitSet.size();
- for(size_t varset: propagatedBitSet) {
- propagated[varset] = false;
- }
- propagatedBitSet.clear();
-void Prober::update_cache(Lit thisLit, Lit lit, size_t numElemsSet)
- //Update cache, if the trail was within limits (cacheUpdateCutoff)
- const Lit ancestor = solver->varData[thisLit.var()].reason.getAncestor();
- if (solver->conf.doCache
- && thisLit != lit
- && numElemsSet <= solver->conf.cacheUpdateCutoff
- //&& cacheUpdated[(~ancestor).toInt()] == 0
- ) {
- //Update stats/markings
- //cacheUpdated[(~ancestor).toInt()]++;
- extraTime += 1;
- extraTimeCache += solver->implCache[~ancestor].lits.size()/30;
- extraTimeCache += solver->implCache[~thisLit].lits.size()/30;
- const bool redStep = solver->varData[thisLit.var()].reason.isRedStep();
- //Update the cache now
- assert(ancestor != lit_Undef);
- bool taut = solver->implCache[~ancestor].merge(
- solver->implCache[~thisLit].lits
- , thisLit
- , redStep
- , ancestor.var()
- , solver->seen
- );
- //If tautology according to cache we can
- //enqueue ~ancestor at toplevel since both
- //~ancestor V OTHER, and ~ancestor V ~OTHER are technically in
- if (taut
- && solver->varData[ancestor.var()].removed == Removed::none
- ) {
- toEnqueue.push_back(~ancestor);
- (*solver->drat) << add << ~ancestor
- << solver->clauseID++
- << solver->sumConflicts
- #endif
- << fin;
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 10)
- cout << "c Tautology from cache indicated we can enqueue " << (~ancestor) << endl;
- }
- cout << "The impl cache of " << (~ancestor) << " is now: ";
- cout << solver->implCache[(~ancestor).toInt()] << endl;
- #endif
- }
-void Prober::check_and_set_both_prop(Lit probed_lit, uint32_t var, bool first)
- //If this is the first, set what is propagated
- if (first) {
- //Visited this var, needs clear later on
- propagatedBitSet.push_back(var);
- //Set prop has been done
- propagated[var] = true;
- //Set propValue
- if (solver->value(var) == l_True)
- propValue[var] = true;
- else
- propValue[var] = false;
- } else if (propagated[var]) {
- if (propValue[var] == (solver->value(var) == l_True)) {
- //they both imply the same
- const Lit litToEnq = Lit(var, !propValue[var]);
- toEnqueue.push_back(litToEnq);
- (*solver->drat) << add << probed_lit << litToEnq
- << solver->clauseID++
- << solver->sumConflicts
- #endif
- << fin;
- (*solver->drat) << add << ~probed_lit << litToEnq
- << solver->clauseID++
- << solver->sumConflicts
- #endif
- << fin;
- (*solver->drat) << add << litToEnq
- << solver->clauseID++
- << solver->sumConflicts
- #endif
- << fin;
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 10)
- cout << "c Bothprop indicated to enqueue " << litToEnq << endl;
- }
- }
-void Prober::add_rest_of_lits_to_cache(Lit lit)
- tmp_lits.clear();
- for (int64_t c = solver->trail_size()-1
- ; c != (int64_t)solver->trail_lim[0] - 1
- ; c--
- ) {
- extraTime += 2;
- const Lit thisLit = solver->trail[c];
- tmp_lits.push_back(thisLit);
- }
- bool taut = solver->implCache[~lit].merge(
- tmp_lits
- , lit_Undef
- , true //Red step -- we don't know, so we assume
- , lit.var()
- , solver->seen
- );
- //If tautology according to cache we can
- //enqueue ~lit at toplevel since both
- //~lit V OTHER, and ~lit V ~OTHER are technically in
- if (taut) {
- toEnqueue.push_back(~lit);
- (*solver->drat) << add << ~lit
- << solver->clauseID++
- << solver->sumConflicts
- #endif
- << fin;
- }
-bool Prober::check_timeout_due_to_hyperbin()
- //If we timed out on ONE call, turn otf hyper-bin off
- //and return --> the "visitedAlready" will be wrong
- if (solver->timedOutPropagateFull
- && !(solver->drat->enabled() || solver->conf.simulate_drat)
- ) {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity) {
- cout
- << "c [probe] intra-propagation timout,"
- << " turning off OTF hyper-bin&trans-red"
- << endl;
- }
- solver->conf.otfHyperbin = false;
- solver->cancelUntil<false, true>(0);
- runStats.addedBin += solver->hyper_bin_res_all();
- std::pair<size_t, size_t> tmp = solver->remove_useless_bins();
- runStats.removedIrredBin += tmp.first;
- runStats.removedRedBin += tmp.second;
- for(vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator
- it = propagatedBitSet.begin(), end = propagatedBitSet.end()
- ; it != end
- ; ++it
- ) {
- propagated[*it] = false;
- }
- propagatedBitSet.clear();
- toEnqueue.clear();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool Prober::try_this(const Lit lit, const bool first)
- //Clean state if this is the 1st of two
- if (first) {
- clear_up_before_first_set();
- }
- toEnqueue.clear();
- runStats.numProbed++;
- solver->new_decision_level();
- solver->enqueue(lit);
- solver->depth[lit.var()] = 0;
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 6) {
- cout
- << "c Probing lit " << lit
- << endl;
- }
- Lit failed = lit_Undef;
- if (!propagate(failed)) {
- return solver->okay();
- }
- if (failed == lit_Undef) {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 6)
- cout << "c Did not fail on lit " << lit << endl;
- //Fill bothprop, cache
- assert(solver->decisionLevel() > 0);
- size_t numElemsSet = solver->trail_size() - solver->trail_lim[0];
- for (int64_t c = solver->trail_size()-1
- ; c != (int64_t)solver->trail_lim[0] - 1
- ; c--
- ) {
- extraTime += 2;
- const Lit thisLit = solver->trail[c];
- const uint32_t var = thisLit.var();
- if (solver->conf.doBothProp) {
- check_and_set_both_prop(lit, var, first);
- }
- visitedAlready[thisLit.toInt()] = 1;
- if (solver->conf.otfHyperbin) {
- update_cache(thisLit, lit, numElemsSet);
- }
- }
- if (!solver->conf.otfHyperbin
- && solver->conf.doCache
- ) {
- add_rest_of_lits_to_cache(lit);
- }
- }
- solver->cancelUntil<false, true>(0);
- solver->add_otf_subsume_long_clauses();
- solver->add_otf_subsume_implicit_clause();
- runStats.addedBin += solver->hyper_bin_res_all();
- std::pair<size_t, size_t> tmp = solver->remove_useless_bins();
- runStats.removedIrredBin += tmp.first;
- runStats.removedRedBin += tmp.second;
- if (failed != lit_Undef) {
- if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 6) {
- cout << "c Failed while enq + prop " << lit
- << " Lit that got propagated to both values: " << failed << endl;
- }
- runStats.numFailed++;
- runStats.conflStats.update(solver->lastConflictCausedBy);
- #endif
- runStats.conflStats.numConflicts++;
- vector<Lit> lits;
- lits.push_back(~failed);
- solver->add_clause_int(lits, true);
- clear_up_before_first_set();
- return solver->okay();
- } else {
- assert(solver->ok);
- runStats.bothSameAdded += toEnqueue.size();
- extraTime += 3*toEnqueue.size();
- return solver->fully_enqueue_these(toEnqueue);
- }
-bool Prober::propagate(Lit& failed)
- if (solver->conf.otfHyperbin) {
- //Set timeout for ONE enqueue. This used so that in case ONE enqueue
- //takes too long (usually because of hyper-bin), we exit early
- uint64_t timeout = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
- if (!(solver->drat->enabled() || solver->conf.simulate_drat)) {
- timeout = solver->propStats.otfHyperTime
- + solver->propStats.bogoProps
- + single_prop_tout;
- }
- //DFS is expensive, actually. So do BFS 50% of the time
- if (solver->conf.doStamp &&
- (force_stamp >= 1 || (solver->mtrand.randInt(1) == 0 && force_stamp == -1))
- ) {
- StampType stampType;
- if (force_stamp == 2) {
- stampType = StampType::STAMP_IRRED;
- } else if (force_stamp == 1) {
- stampType = StampType::STAMP_RED;
- } else {
- stampType = solver->mtrand.randInt(1) ? StampType::STAMP_IRRED : StampType::STAMP_RED;
- }
- failed = solver->propagate_dfs(stampType, timeout);
- } else {
- failed = solver->propagate_bfs(timeout);
- }
- if (check_timeout_due_to_hyperbin()) {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- //No hyper-bin so we use regular propagate and regular analyze
- PropBy confl = solver->propagate<true>();
- if (!confl.isNULL()) {
- uint32_t glue;
- uint32_t backtrack_level;
- solver->analyze_conflict<true>(
- confl
- , backtrack_level //return backtrack level here
- , glue //return glue here
- );
- if (solver->learnt_clause.empty()) {
- solver->ok = false;
- return false;
- }
- assert(solver->learnt_clause.size() == 1);
- failed = ~(solver->learnt_clause[0]);
- }
- }
- return true;
-size_t Prober::mem_used() const
- size_t mem = 0;
- mem += visitedAlready.capacity()*sizeof(char);
- mem += propagatedBitSet.capacity()*sizeof(uint32_t);
- mem += toEnqueue.capacity()*sizeof(Lit);
- mem += tmp_lits.capacity()*sizeof(Lit);
- mem += propagated.capacity()/8;
- mem += propValue.capacity()/8;
- return mem;
-// void Prober::fillToTry(vector<uint32_t>& toTry)
-// {
-// uint32_t max = std::min(solver->negPosDist.size()-1, (size_t)300);
-// while(true) {
-// uint32_t var = solver->negPosDist[solver->mtrand.randInt(max)].var;
-// if (solver->value(var) != l_Undef
-// || (solver->varData[var].removed != Removed::none)
-// ) continue;
-// bool OK = true;
-// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < toTry.size(); i++) {
-// if (toTry[i] == var) {
-// OK = false;
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// if (OK) {
-// toTry.push_back(var);
-// return;
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// const bool Prober::tryMultiLevelAll()
-// {
-// assert(solver->ok);
-// uint32_t backupNumUnits = solver->trail_size();
-// double myTime = cpuTime();
-// uint32_t numTries = 0;
-// uint32_t finished = 0;
-// uint64_t oldBogoProps = solver->bogoProps;
-// uint32_t enqueued = 0;
-// uint32_t numFailed = 0;
-// if (solver->negPosDist.size() < 30) return true;
-// propagated.resize(solver->nVars(), 0);
-// propagated2.resize(solver->nVars(), 0);
-// propValue.resize(solver->nVars(), 0);
-// assert(propagated.isZero());
-// assert(propagated2.isZero());
-// vector<uint32_t> toTry;
-// while(solver->bogoProps < oldBogoProps + 300*1000*1000) {
-// toTry.clear();
-// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-// fillToTry(toTry);
-// }
-// numTries++;
-// if (!tryMultiLevel(toTry, enqueued, finished, numFailed)) goto end;
-// }
-// end:
-// assert(propagated.isZero());
-// assert(propagated2.isZero());
-// cout
-// << "c multiLevelBoth tried " << numTries
-// << " finished: " << finished
-// << " units: " << (solver->trail_size() - backupNumUnits)
-// << " enqueued: " << enqueued
-// << " numFailed: " << numFailed
-// << " time: " << (cpuTime() - myTime)
-// << endl;
-// return solver->okay();
-// }
-// const bool Prober::tryMultiLevel(const vector<uint32_t>& vars, uint32_t& enqueued, uint32_t& finished, uint32_t& numFailed)
-// {
-// assert(solver->ok);
-// vector<Lit> toEnqueue;
-// bool first = true;
-// bool last = false;
-// //cout << "//////////////////" << endl;
-// for (uint32_t comb = 0; comb < (1U << vars.size()); comb++) {
-// last = (comb == (1U << vars.size())-1);
-// solver->new_decision_level();
-// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++) {
-// solver->enqueue(Lit(vars[i], comb&(0x1 << i)));
-// //cout << "lit: " << Lit(vars[i], comb&(1U << i)) << endl;
-// }
-// //cout << "---" << endl;
-// bool failed = !(solver->propagate().isNULL());
-// if (failed) {
-// solver->cancelUntil<false>(0);
-// if (!first) propagated.setZero();
-// numFailed++;
-// return true;
-// }
-// for (int sublevel = solver->trail_size()-1; sublevel > (int)solver->trail_lim[0]; sublevel--) {
-// uint32_t x = solver->trail[sublevel].var();
-// if (first) {
-// propagated.setBit(x);
-// if (solver->assigns[x].getBool()) propValue.setBit(x);
-// else propValue.clearBit(x);
-// } else if (last) {
-// if (propagated[x] && solver->assigns[x].getBool() == propValue[x])
-// toEnqueue.push_back(Lit(x, !propValue[x]));
-// } else {
-// if (solver->assigns[x].getBool() == propValue[x]) {
-// propagated2.setBit(x);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// solver->cancelUntil<false>(0);
-// if (!first && !last) propagated &= propagated2;
-// propagated2.setZero();
-// if (propagated.isZero()) return true;
-// first = false;
-// }
-// propagated.setZero();
-// finished++;
-// for (vector<Lit>::iterator l = toEnqueue.begin(), end = toEnqueue.end(); l != end; l++) {
-// enqueued++;
-// solver->enqueue(*l);
-// }
-// solver->ok = solver->propagate().isNULL();
-// //std::exit(-1);
-// return solver->okay();
-// }
-void Prober::Stats::print_short(const Solver* solver, const bool time_out, const double time_remain) const
- cout
- << "c [probe]"
- << " 0-depth assigns: " << zeroDepthAssigns
- << " bsame: " << bothSameAdded
- << " Flit: " << numFailed
- // x2 because it's LITERAL visit
- << " Visited: " << numVisited << "/" << (origNumFreeVars*2)
- << "(" << std::setprecision(1)
- << stats_line_percent(numVisited, origNumFreeVars*2)
- << "%)"
- << endl;
- cout
- << "c [probe]"
- << " probed: " << numProbed
- << "(" << std::setprecision(1)
- // x2 because it's LITERAL probed
- << stats_line_percent(numProbed, origNumFreeVars*2)
- << "%)"
- << " hyperBin:" << addedBin
- << " transR-Irred:" << removedIrredBin
- << " transR-Red:" << removedRedBin
- << endl;
- cout
- << "c [probe]"
- << " BP: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
- << (double)(propStats.bogoProps)/1000000.0 << "M"
- << " HP: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
- << (double)(propStats.otfHyperTime)/1000000.0 << "M"
- << solver->conf.print_times(cpu_time, time_out, time_remain)
- << endl;
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