path: root/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/scripts/reconf/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/scripts/reconf/')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/scripts/reconf/ b/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/scripts/reconf/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fbdd6e8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptominisat5/cryptominisat-5.6.3/scripts/reconf/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Mate Soos
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
+# of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+import sys
+import re
+import ntpath
+import os
+from optparse import OptionParser
+usage = """
+./ -n 15 ~/media/sat/out/satcomp091113/reconf0-09113-23-July-2015-mark-XZGKC-78499d3f2-tout-5000-mout-1600/*.stdout* ~/media/sat/out/satcomp091113/reconf14-091113-28-August-2015-mark-O5T8F-169dfc802-tout-5000-mout-1600/*.stdout*
+NOTE: you *must* have reconf14 in there or a lot of data will be missing
+in particular avg_confl_size, which will make the system error out on you.
+parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
+ dest="outfname", type=str, default="outfile",
+ help="print final values to this file")
+parser.add_option("-n", "--num",
+ dest="num", type=int,
+ help="Number of reconfs")
+ dest="dropdown", type=float, default=0.02,
+ help="From traget 1.0 this is subtracted no matter what")
+ dest="cutoff", type=float, default=0.50,
+ help="At least this much or higher is needed for +")
+ dest="divisor", type=float, default=1500.0,
+ help="Time difference is divided by this much and subtracted")
+ dest="ignore_threshold", type=float, default=4000.0,
+ help="If all solved above this score, ignore")
+ dest="maxscore", type=int, default=5000.0,
+ help="Scores go down from here")
+parser.add_option("--ignore", "-i",
+ dest="ignore", type=str,
+ help="Ignore these reconfs")
+parser.add_option("--verbose", "-r", dest="verbose", default=False,
+ action="store_true", help="More verbose")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+# print("files to parse are:", args)
+ignore = {}
+if options.ignore:
+ for r in options.ignore.split(","):
+ r = r.strip()
+ r = int(r)
+ ignore[r] = True
+feat_order = ["numClauses", "binary", "horn", "horn_mean", "horn_std", "horn_min", "horn_max", "horn_spread", "vcg_var_mean", "vcg_var_std", "vcg_var_min", "vcg_var_max", "vcg_var_spread", "vcg_cls_mean", "vcg_cls_std", "vcg_cls_min", "vcg_cls_max", "vcg_cls_spread", "pnr_var_mean", "pnr_var_std", "pnr_var_min", "pnr_var_max", "pnr_var_spread", "pnr_cls_mean", "pnr_cls_std", "pnr_cls_min", "pnr_cls_max", "pnr_cls_spread", "avg_confl_size", "confl_size_min", "confl_size_max", "avg_confl_glue", "confl_glue_min", "confl_glue_max", "avg_num_resolutions", "num_resolutions_min", "num_resolutions_max", "learnt_bins_per_confl", "avg_branch_depth", "branch_depth_min", "branch_depth_max", "avg_trail_depth_delta", "trail_depth_delta_min", "trail_depth_delta_max", "avg_branch_depth_delta", "props_per_confl", "confl_per_restart", "decisions_per_conflict", "irred_cl_distrib.glue_distr_mean", "irred_cl_distrib.glue_distr_var", "irred_cl_distrib.size_distr_mean", "irred_cl_distrib.size_distr_var", "irred_cl_distrib.uip_use_distr_mean", "irred_cl_distrib.uip_use_distr_var", "irred_cl_distrib.activity_distr_mean", "irred_cl_distrib.activity_distr_var", "red_cl_distrib.glue_distr_mean", "red_cl_distrib.glue_distr_var", "red_cl_distrib.size_distr_mean", "red_cl_distrib.size_distr_var", "red_cl_distrib.uip_use_distr_mean", "red_cl_distrib.uip_use_distr_var", "red_cl_distrib.activity_distr_mean", "red_cl_distrib.activity_distr_var"]
+f = open("outs/reconf.names", "w")
+f.write("reconf. | the target attribute\n\n")
+f.write("name: label.\n")
+for o in feat_order:
+ f.write("%s: continuous.\n" % o)
+f.write("\nreconf: +,-.\n")
+if options.num is None:
+ print("ERROR: You must give the number of reconfs")
+ exit(-1)
+def parse_features_line(line):
+ line = re.sub("c.*features. ", "", line)
+ line = line.strip().split(" ")
+ dat = {}
+ name = ""
+ for elem, i in zip(line, range(1000)):
+ elem = elem.strip(":").strip(",")
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ name = elem
+ continue
+ dat[name] = elem
+ name = ""
+ return dat
+def nobody_could_solve_it(reconf_score):
+ for r_s_elem in reconf_score:
+ if r_s_elem[1] != 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+def all_above_fixed_score(reconf_score):
+ for x in reconf_score:
+ if x[0] in ignore:
+ continue
+ if x[1] < options.ignore_threshold:
+ print("-> not ignoring, reconf %d is below ignore threshold" % x[0])
+ return False
+ return True
+def print_features_and_scores(fname, features, reconfs_scores):
+ r_s = sorted(reconfs_scores, key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1]
+ best_reconf = r_s[0][0]
+ best_reconf_score = r_s[0][1]
+ print("r_s: ", r_s)
+ if nobody_could_solve_it(r_s):
+ print("Nobody could solve: %s" % fname)
+ return -1, False
+ if all_above_fixed_score(r_s):
+ print("All above score: %s" % (fname))
+ return -2, False
+ print("Calculating +/- for %s" % fname)
+ # calculate final array
+ final_array = [0.0]*options.num
+ val = 1.0
+ best_score = r_s[0][1]
+ for conf_score, i in zip(r_s, range(100)):
+ diff = abs(conf_score[1]-best_score)
+ best_score = conf_score[1]
+ val -= float(diff)/options.divisor
+ if diff > 0:
+ val -= options.dropdown
+ if val < 0.0 or conf_score[1] == 0:
+ val = 0.0
+ if conf_score[1] > 0:
+ final_array[conf_score[0]] = val
+ # assemble final string
+ string = ""
+ string += "%s," % fname
+ for name in feat_order:
+ string += "%s," % features[name]
+ # print to console
+ if True:
+ string2 = str(string)
+ string2 += "||"
+ for a in final_array:
+ string2 += "%.1f " % a
+ print(string2)
+ # print to files
+ origstring = str(string)
+ for i in range(options.num):
+ # skip files we don't need to write to
+ if i in ignore:
+ continue
+ string = str(origstring)
+ if final_array[i] >= options.cutoff:
+ string += "+"
+ else:
+ string += "-"
+ outf[i].write(string + "\n")
+ only_this_could_solve_it = r_s[1][1] == 0
+ return best_reconf, only_this_could_solve_it
+def parse_file(fname):
+ f = open(fname, 'r')
+ # print("fname orig:", fname)
+ fname_clean = re.sub("cnf.gz-.*", "cnf.gz", fname)
+ fname_clean = ntpath.split(fname_clean)[1]
+ reconf = 0
+ satisfiable = None
+ features = None
+ score = 0
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ #print("parsing line:", line)
+ if features is None and "features" in line and "numClauses" in line:
+ features = parse_features_line(line)
+ if "Total time" in line:
+ time_used = line.strip().split(":")[1].strip()
+ score = int(round(float(time_used)))
+ score = options.maxscore-score
+ if "reconfigured" in line:
+ reconf = line.split("to config")[1].strip()
+ reconf = int(reconf)
+ if "s SATIS" in line:
+ satisfiable = True
+ if "s UNSATIS" in line:
+ satisfiable = False
+ #if satisfiable == True:
+ # score = 0
+ if reconf in ignore:
+ score = 0
+ # print("features:", features)
+ return fname_clean, reconf, features, score
+all_files = set()
+all_files_scores = {}
+all_files_features = {}
+max_num_features = 0
+for x in args:
+ print("# parsing infile:", x)
+ fname, reconf, features, score = parse_file(x)
+ if fname in all_files:
+ if all_files_features[fname] != features:
+ print("different features extracted for fname", fname)
+ print("orig:", all_files_features[fname])
+ print("new: ", features)
+ print("Keeping the longer one!")
+ if all_files_features[fname] is None:
+ num_features = 0
+ else:
+ num_features = len(all_files_features[fname])
+ if features is not None and num_features < len(features):
+ all_files_features[fname] = features
+ else:
+ all_files.add(fname)
+ all_files_features[fname] = features
+ all_files_scores[fname] = []
+ #print("fname:", fname)
+ all_files_scores[fname].append([reconf, score])
+ sys.stdout.write(".")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+print("all files:", all_files)
+outf = []
+outfnames = []
+for i in range(options.num):
+ fname = options.outfname + str(i) + ".data"
+ outfnames.append(fname)
+ try:
+ os.unlink(fname)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if i not in ignore:
+ outf.append(open(fname, "w"))
+ else:
+ outf.append(None)
+best_reconf = {'all_above_fixed_score': 0, 'nobody_could_solve_it': 0}
+for x in range(options.num):
+ best_reconf[x] = 0
+only_this = dict(best_reconf)
+for fname in all_files:
+ print("")
+ print("calculating final DATs for CNF ", fname)
+ if all_files_features[fname] is None:
+ print("-> solved too early, no features, skipping")
+ continue
+ if options.verbose:
+ print("-> all_files_features[fname]:", all_files_features[fname])
+ if "avg_confl_size" not in all_files_features[fname]:
+ print("-> WARNING This is weird, probably not solved by one (different features than everything else), skipping")
+ continue
+ if all_files_features[fname] is None:
+ print("-> features for file is None: %s" % fname)
+ if all_files_features[fname] is not None:
+ best, only_this_could_solve_it = print_features_and_scores(fname, all_files_features[fname], all_files_scores[fname])
+ if best == -2:
+ best = "all_above_fixed_score"
+ if best == -1:
+ best = "nobody_could_solve_it"
+ print("-> best here:", best)
+ best_reconf[best] = best_reconf[best] + 1
+ if only_this_could_solve_it:
+ only_this[best] = only_this[best] + 1
+print("Wrote data files: %s\n" % outfnames)
+print("best reconfs: ")
+for a, b in best_reconf.items():
+ if a not in ignore:
+ print("%-20s : %-3d" % (a, b))
+print("uniquely solved by: ")
+for a, b in only_this.items():
+ if a not in ignore:
+ print("%-20s : %-3d" % (a, b))
+for i in range(options.num):
+ if outf[i] is not None:
+ outf[i].close()
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback