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2 files changed, 522 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.cpp b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.cpp
index de5effd23..b2778298a 100644
--- a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.cpp
+++ b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.cpp
@@ -3673,52 +3673,501 @@ bool TheoryStringsRewriter::checkEntailArith(Node a, Node b, bool strict)
+struct StrCheckEntailArithTag
+struct StrCheckEntailArithComputedTag
+/** Attribute true for expressions for which checkEntailArith returned true */
+typedef expr::Attribute<StrCheckEntailArithTag, bool> StrCheckEntailArithAttr;
+typedef expr::Attribute<StrCheckEntailArithComputedTag, bool>
+ StrCheckEntailArithComputedAttr;
bool TheoryStringsRewriter::checkEntailArith(Node a, bool strict)
if (a.isConst())
return a.getConst<Rational>().sgn() >= (strict ? 1 : 0);
- else
+ Node ar =
+ strict
+ ? NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(
+ kind::MINUS, a, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(Rational(1)))
+ : a;
+ ar = Rewriter::rewrite(ar);
+ if (ar.getAttribute(StrCheckEntailArithComputedAttr()))
- Node ar = strict
- ? NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(
- kind::MINUS,
- a,
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(Rational(1)))
- : a;
- ar = Rewriter::rewrite(ar);
- if (checkEntailArithInternal(ar))
+ return ar.getAttribute(StrCheckEntailArithAttr());
+ }
+ bool ret = checkEntailArithInternal(ar);
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ // try with approximations
+ ret = checkEntailArithApprox(ar);
+ }
+ // cache the result
+ ar.setAttribute(StrCheckEntailArithAttr(), ret);
+ ar.setAttribute(StrCheckEntailArithComputedAttr(), true);
+ return ret;
+bool TheoryStringsRewriter::checkEntailArithApprox(Node ar)
+ Assert(Rewriter::rewrite(ar) == ar);
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ std::map<Node, Node> msum;
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "Setup arithmetic approximations for " << ar << std::endl;
+ if (!ArithMSum::getMonomialSum(ar, msum))
+ {
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "...failed to get monomial sum!" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // for each monomial v*c, mApprox[v] a list of
+ // possibilities for how the term can be soundly approximated, that is,
+ // if mApprox[v] contains av, then v*c > av*c. Notice that if c
+ // is positive, then v > av, otherwise if c is negative, then v < av.
+ // In other words, av is an under-approximation if c is positive, and an
+ // over-approximation if c is negative.
+ bool changed = false;
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > mApprox;
+ // map from approximations to their monomial sums
+ std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node> > approxMsums;
+ // aarSum stores each monomial that does not have multiple approximations
+ std::vector<Node> aarSum;
+ for (std::pair<const Node, Node>& m : msum)
+ {
+ Node v = m.first;
+ Node c = m.second;
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "Get approximations " << v << "..." << std::endl;
+ if (v.isNull())
+ {
+ Node mn = c.isNull() ? nm->mkConst(Rational(1)) : c;
+ aarSum.push_back(mn);
+ }
+ else
- return true;
+ // c.isNull() means c = 1
+ bool isOverApprox = !c.isNull() && c.getConst<Rational>().sgn() == -1;
+ std::vector<Node>& approx = mApprox[v];
+ std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> visited;
+ std::vector<Node> toProcess;
+ toProcess.push_back(v);
+ do
+ {
+ Node curr = toProcess.back();
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug") << " process " << curr << std::endl;
+ curr = Rewriter::rewrite(curr);
+ toProcess.pop_back();
+ if (visited.find(curr) == visited.end())
+ {
+ visited.insert(curr);
+ std::vector<Node> currApprox;
+ getArithApproximations(curr, currApprox, isOverApprox);
+ if (currApprox.empty())
+ {
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "...approximation: " << curr << std::endl;
+ // no approximations, thus curr is a possibility
+ approx.push_back(curr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ toProcess.insert(
+ toProcess.end(), currApprox.begin(), currApprox.end());
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!toProcess.empty());
+ Assert(!approx.empty());
+ // if we have only one approximation, move it to final
+ if (approx.size() == 1)
+ {
+ changed = v != approx[0];
+ Node mn = ArithMSum::mkCoeffTerm(c, approx[0]);
+ aarSum.push_back(mn);
+ mApprox.erase(v);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // compute monomial sum form for each approximation, used below
+ for (const Node& aa : approx)
+ {
+ if (approxMsums.find(aa) == approxMsums.end())
+ {
+ CVC4_UNUSED bool ret =
+ ArithMSum::getMonomialSum(aa, approxMsums[aa]);
+ Assert(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ changed = true;
+ }
- // TODO (#1180) : abstract interpretation goes here
- // over approximation O/U
- // O( x + y ) -> O( x ) + O( y )
- // O( c * x ) -> O( x ) if c > 0, U( x ) if c < 0
- // O( len( x ) ) -> len( x )
- // O( len( x ) ) ) -> len( x ) )
- // O( len( str.substr( x, n1, n2 ) ) ) -> O( n2 ) | O( len( x ) )
- // O( len( str.replace( x, y, z ) ) ) ->
- // O( len( x ) ) + O( len( z ) ) - U( len( y ) )
- // O( indexof( x, y, n ) ) -> O( len( x ) ) - U( len( y ) )
- // O( x ) ) -> x )
- // U( x + y ) -> U( x ) + U( y )
- // U( c * x ) -> U( x ) if c > 0, O( x ) if c < 0
- // U( len( x ) ) -> len( x )
- // U( len( x ) ) ) -> 1
- // U( len( str.substr( x, n1, n2 ) ) ) ->
- // min( U( len( x ) ) - O( n1 ), U( n2 ) )
- // U( len( str.replace( x, y, z ) ) ) ->
- // U( len( x ) ) + U( len( z ) ) - O( len( y ) ) | 0
- // U( indexof( x, y, n ) ) -> -1 ?
- // U( x ) ) -> -1
+ }
+ if (!changed)
+ {
+ // approximations had no effect, return
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug") << " approximations" << std::endl;
return false;
+ // get the current "fixed" sum for the abstraction of ar
+ Node aar = aarSum.empty()
+ ? nm->mkConst(Rational(0))
+ : (aarSum.size() == 1 ? aarSum[0] : nm->mkNode(PLUS, aarSum));
+ aar = Rewriter::rewrite(aar);
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "...processed fixed sum " << aar << " with " << mApprox.size()
+ << " approximated monomials." << std::endl;
+ // if we have a choice of how to approximate
+ if (!mApprox.empty())
+ {
+ // convert aar back to monomial sum
+ std::map<Node, Node> msumAar;
+ if (!ArithMSum::getMonomialSum(aar, msumAar))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Trace.isOn("strings-ent-approx"))
+ {
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx")
+ << "---- Check arithmetic entailment by under-approximation " << ar
+ << " >= 0" << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx") << "FIXED:" << std::endl;
+ ArithMSum::debugPrintMonomialSum(msumAar, "strings-ent-approx");
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx") << "APPROX:" << std::endl;
+ for (std::pair<const Node, std::vector<Node> >& a : mApprox)
+ {
+ Node c = msum[a.first];
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx") << " ";
+ if (!c.isNull())
+ {
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx") << c << " * ";
+ }
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx")
+ << a.second << " ...from " << a.first << std::endl;
+ }
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx") << std::endl;
+ }
+ Rational one(1);
+ // incorporate monomials one at a time that have a choice of approximations
+ while (!mApprox.empty())
+ {
+ Node v;
+ Node vapprox;
+ int maxScore = -1;
+ // Look at each approximation, take the one with the best score.
+ // Notice that we are in the process of trying to prove
+ // ( c1*t1 + .. + cn*tn ) + ( approx_1 | ... | approx_m ) >= 0,
+ // where c1*t1 + .. + cn*tn is the "fixed" component of our sum (aar)
+ // and approx_1 ... approx_m are possible approximations. The
+ // intution here is that we want coefficients to be positive.
+ // This is because arithmetic string terms (which may be
+ // applications of len, indexof, are never entailed to be
+ // negative. Hence, we add the approx_i that contributes the "most"
+ // towards making all constants positive and cancelling negative
+ // monomials in approx_i itself.
+ for (std::pair<const Node, std::vector<Node> >& nam : mApprox)
+ {
+ for (const Node& aa : nam.second)
+ {
+ unsigned helpsCancelCount = 0;
+ unsigned addsObligationCount = 0;
+ std::map<Node, Node>::iterator it;
+ for (std::pair<const Node, Node>& aam : approxMsums[aa])
+ {
+ // Say aar is of the form t + c1*v, and aam is the monomial c2*v
+ // where c2 != 0. We say aam:
+ // (1) helps cancel if c1 != 0 and c1>0 != c2>0
+ // (2) adds obligation if c1>=0 and c1+c2<0
+ Node v = aam.first;
+ Node c2 = aam.second;
+ int c2Sgn = c2.isNull() ? 1 : c2.getConst<Rational>().sgn();
+ it = msumAar.find(v);
+ if (it != msumAar.end())
+ {
+ Node c1 = it->second;
+ int c1Sgn = c1.isNull() ? 1 : c1.getConst<Rational>().sgn();
+ if (c1Sgn == 0)
+ {
+ addsObligationCount += (c2Sgn == -1 ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ else if (c1Sgn != c2Sgn)
+ {
+ helpsCancelCount++;
+ Rational r1 = c1.isNull() ? one : c1.getConst<Rational>();
+ Rational r2 = c2.isNull() ? one : c2.getConst<Rational>();
+ Rational r12 = r1 + r2;
+ if (r12.sgn() == -1)
+ {
+ addsObligationCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addsObligationCount += (c2Sgn == -1 ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "counts=" << helpsCancelCount << "," << addsObligationCount
+ << " for " << aa << " into " << aar << std::endl;
+ int score = (addsObligationCount > 0 ? 0 : 2)
+ + (helpsCancelCount > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ // if its the best, update v and vapprox
+ if (v.isNull() || score > maxScore)
+ {
+ v = nam.first;
+ vapprox = aa;
+ maxScore = score;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!v.isNull())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx")
+ << "- Decide " << v << " = " << vapprox << std::endl;
+ // we incorporate v approximated by vapprox into the overall approximation
+ // for ar
+ Assert(!v.isNull() && !vapprox.isNull());
+ Assert(msum.find(v) != msum.end());
+ Node mn = ArithMSum::mkCoeffTerm(msum[v], vapprox);
+ aar = nm->mkNode(PLUS, aar, mn);
+ // update the msumAar map
+ aar = Rewriter::rewrite(aar);
+ msumAar.clear();
+ if (!ArithMSum::getMonomialSum(aar, msumAar))
+ {
+ Assert(false);
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx")
+ << "...failed to get monomial sum!" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // we have processed the approximation for v
+ mApprox.erase(v);
+ }
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx") << "-----------------" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (aar == ar)
+ {
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "...approximation had no effect" << std::endl;
+ // this should never happen, but we avoid the infinite loop for sanity here
+ Assert(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check entailment on the approximation of ar.
+ // Notice that this may trigger further reasoning by approximation. For
+ // example, len( replace( x ++ y, substr( x, 0, n ), z ) ) may be
+ // under-approximated as len( x ) + len( y ) - len( substr( x, 0, n ) ) on
+ // this call, where in the recursive call we may over-approximate
+ // len( substr( x, 0, n ) ) as len( x ). In this example, we can infer
+ // that len( replace( x ++ y, substr( x, 0, n ), z ) ) >= len( y ) in two
+ // steps.
+ if (checkEntailArith(aar))
+ {
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx")
+ << "*** StrArithApprox: showed " << ar
+ << " >= 0 using under-approximation!" << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx")
+ << "*** StrArithApprox: under-approximation was " << aar << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void TheoryStringsRewriter::getArithApproximations(Node a,
+ std::vector<Node>& approx,
+ bool isOverApprox)
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ // We do not handle PLUS here since this leads to exponential behavior.
+ // Instead, this is managed, e.g. during checkEntailArithApprox, where
+ // PLUS terms are expanded "on-demand" during the reasoning.
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug")
+ << "Get arith approximations " << a << std::endl;
+ Kind ak = a.getKind();
+ if (ak == MULT)
+ {
+ Node c;
+ Node v;
+ if (ArithMSum::getMonomial(a, c, v))
+ {
+ bool isNeg = c.getConst<Rational>().sgn() == -1;
+ getArithApproximations(v, approx, isNeg ? !isOverApprox : isOverApprox);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, size = approx.size(); i < size; i++)
+ {
+ approx[i] = nm->mkNode(MULT, c, approx[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ak == STRING_LENGTH)
+ {
+ Kind aak = a[0].getKind();
+ if (aak == STRING_SUBSTR)
+ {
+ // over,under-approximations for len( substr( x, n, m ) )
+ Node lenx = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a[0][0]);
+ if (isOverApprox)
+ {
+ // m >= 0 implies
+ // m >= len( substr( x, n, m ) )
+ if (checkEntailArith(a[0][2]))
+ {
+ approx.push_back(a[0][2]);
+ }
+ if (checkEntailArith(lenx, a[0][1]))
+ {
+ // n <= len( x ) implies
+ // len( x ) - n >= len( substr( x, n, m ) )
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkNode(MINUS, lenx, a[0][1]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // len( x ) >= len( substr( x, n, m ) )
+ approx.push_back(lenx);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 0 <= n and n+m <= len( x ) implies
+ // m <= len( substr( x, n, m ) )
+ Node npm = nm->mkNode(PLUS, a[0][1], a[0][2]);
+ if (checkEntailArith(a[0][1]) && checkEntailArith(lenx, npm))
+ {
+ approx.push_back(a[0][2]);
+ }
+ // 0 <= n and n+m >= len( x ) implies
+ // len(x)-n <= len( substr( x, n, m ) )
+ if (checkEntailArith(a[0][1]) && checkEntailArith(npm, lenx))
+ {
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkNode(MINUS, lenx, a[0][1]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aak == STRING_STRREPL)
+ {
+ // over,under-approximations for len( replace( x, y, z ) )
+ // notice this is either len( x ) or ( len( x ) + len( z ) - len( y ) )
+ Node lenx = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a[0][0]);
+ Node leny = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a[0][1]);
+ Node lenz = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a[0][2]);
+ if (isOverApprox)
+ {
+ if (checkEntailArith(leny, lenz))
+ {
+ // len( y ) >= len( z ) implies
+ // len( x ) >= len( replace( x, y, z ) )
+ approx.push_back(lenx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // len( x ) + len( z ) >= len( replace( x, y, z ) )
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkNode(PLUS, lenx, lenz));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (checkEntailArith(lenz, leny) || checkEntailArith(lenz, lenx))
+ {
+ // len( y ) <= len( z ) or len( x ) <= len( z ) implies
+ // len( x ) <= len( replace( x, y, z ) )
+ approx.push_back(lenx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // len( x ) - len( y ) <= len( replace( x, y, z ) )
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkNode(MINUS, lenx, leny));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aak == STRING_ITOS)
+ {
+ // over,under-approximations for len( x ) )
+ if (isOverApprox)
+ {
+ if (checkEntailArith(a[0][0], false))
+ {
+ if (checkEntailArith(a[0][0], true))
+ {
+ // x > 0 implies
+ // x >= len( x ) )
+ approx.push_back(a[0][0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // x >= 0 implies
+ // x+1 >= len( x ) )
+ approx.push_back(
+ nm->mkNode(PLUS, nm->mkConst(Rational(1)), a[0][0]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (checkEntailArith(a[0][0]))
+ {
+ // x >= 0 implies
+ // len( x ) ) >= 1
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkConst(Rational(1)));
+ }
+ // other crazy things are possible here, e.g.
+ // len( len( y ) + 10 ) ) >= 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ak == STRING_STRIDOF)
+ {
+ // over,under-approximations for indexof( x, y, n )
+ if (isOverApprox)
+ {
+ Node lenx = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a[0]);
+ Node leny = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a[1]);
+ if (checkEntailArith(lenx, leny))
+ {
+ // len( x ) >= len( y ) implies
+ // len( x ) - len( y ) >= indexof( x, y, n )
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkNode(MINUS, lenx, leny));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // len( x ) >= indexof( x, y, n )
+ approx.push_back(lenx);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO?:
+ // contains( substr( x, n, len( x ) ), y ) implies
+ // n <= indexof( x, y, n )
+ // ...hard to test, runs risk of non-termination
+ // -1 <= indexof( x, y, n )
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkConst(Rational(-1)));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ak == STRING_STOI)
+ {
+ // over,under-approximations for x )
+ if (isOverApprox)
+ {
+ // TODO?:
+ // y >= 0 implies
+ // y >= y ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // -1 <= x )
+ approx.push_back(nm->mkConst(Rational(-1)));
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("strings-ent-approx-debug") << "Return " << approx.size() << std::endl;
bool TheoryStringsRewriter::checkEntailArithWithEqAssumption(Node assumption,
@@ -3940,12 +4389,11 @@ Node TheoryStringsRewriter::getConstantArithBound(Node a, bool isLower)
<< "Constant " << (isLower ? "lower" : "upper") << " bound for " << a
<< " is " << ret << std::endl;
Assert(ret.isNull() || ret.isConst());
- Assert(!isLower
- || (ret.isNull() || ret.getConst<Rational>().sgn() < 0)
- != checkEntailArith(a, false));
- Assert(!isLower
- || (ret.isNull() || ret.getConst<Rational>().sgn() <= 0)
- != checkEntailArith(a, true));
+ // entailment check should be at least as powerful as computing a lower bound
+ Assert(!isLower || ret.isNull() || ret.getConst<Rational>().sgn() < 0
+ || checkEntailArith(a, false));
+ Assert(!isLower || ret.isNull() || ret.getConst<Rational>().sgn() <= 0
+ || checkEntailArith(a, true));
return ret;
diff --git a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.h b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.h
index 91d87769c..ed42ce762 100644
--- a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.h
+++ b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.h
@@ -465,6 +465,39 @@ class TheoryStringsRewriter {
* Returns true if it is always the case that a >= 0.
static bool checkEntailArith(Node a, bool strict = false);
+ /** check arithmetic entailment with approximations
+ *
+ * Returns true if it is always the case that a >= 0. We expect that a is in
+ * rewritten form.
+ *
+ * This function uses "approximation" techniques that under-approximate
+ * the value of a for the purposes of showing the entailment holds. For
+ * example, given:
+ * len( x ) - len( substr( y, 0, len( x ) ) )
+ * Since we know that len( substr( y, 0, len( x ) ) ) <= len( x ), the above
+ * term can be under-approximated as len( x ) - len( x ) = 0, which is >= 0,
+ * and thus the entailment len( x ) - len( substr( y, 0, len( x ) ) ) >= 0
+ * holds.
+ */
+ static bool checkEntailArithApprox(Node a);
+ /** Get arithmetic approximations
+ *
+ * This gets the (set of) arithmetic approximations for term a and stores
+ * them in approx. If isOverApprox is true, these are over-approximations
+ * for the value of a, otherwise, they are underapproximations. For example,
+ * an over-approximation for len( substr( y, n, m ) ) is m; an
+ * under-approximation for indexof( x, y, n ) is -1.
+ *
+ * Notice that this function is not generally recursive (although it may make
+ * a small bounded of recursive calls). Instead, it returns the shape
+ * of the approximations for a. For example, an under-approximation
+ * for the term len( replace( substr( x, 0, n ), y, z ) ) returned by this
+ * function might be len( substr( x, 0, n ) ) - len( y ), where we don't
+ * consider (recursively) the approximations for len( substr( x, 0, n ) ).
+ */
+ static void getArithApproximations(Node a,
+ std::vector<Node>& approx,
+ bool isOverApprox = false);
* Checks whether assumption |= a >= 0 (if strict is false) or
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