diff options
9 files changed, 468 insertions, 369 deletions
diff --git a/src/options/CMakeLists.txt b/src/options/CMakeLists.txt
index 26ced1a24..cc7b621a8 100644
--- a/src/options/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/options/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
- base_handlers.h
diff --git a/src/options/README b/src/options/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 868690b85..000000000
--- a/src/options/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- Each options module starts with the following required attributes:
- id ... (string) ID of the module (e.g., "ARITH")
- name ... (string) name of the module (e.g., "Arithmetic Theory")
- header ... (string) name of the options header to generated (e.g., "options/arith_options.h")
- A module defines 0 or more options.
- In general, each attribute/value pair is required to be in one line.
- Comments start with # and are not allowed in attribute/value lines.
- Options can be defined with the [[option]] tag, the required attributes for
- an option are:
- category ... (string) common | expert | regular | undocumented
- type ... (string) C++ type of the option value
- Optional attributes are:
- name ... (string) option name that is used to access via
- options::<name>()
- smt_name ... (string) alternative name to access option via
- set-option/get-option commands
- short ... (string) short option name consisting of one character
- (no '-' prefix required)
- long ... (string) long option name (required if short is specified,
- no '--' prefix required).
- long option names may have a suffix '=XXX' where
- 'XXX' can be used to indicate the type of the
- option value, e.g., '=MODE', '=LANG', '=N', ...
- default ... (string) default value of type 'type'
- handler ... (string) handler for parsing option values before setting
- option
- predicates ... (list) functions that check whether given option value is
- valid
- includes ... (list) header files required by handler/predicates
- alternate ... (bool) true (default): add --no-<long> alternative option
- false: omit --no-<long> alternative option
- help ... (string) documentation (required if category is not
- undocumented)
- Note that if an option defines a long option name with type 'bool',
- automatically generates a --no-<long> option to set the option
- to false.
- This behaviour can be explicitely disabled for options with attribute
- alternate = false.
- More information on how to use handler and predicates can be found
- at the end of the README.
- Example:
- [[option]]
- name = "outputLanguage"
- smt_name = "output-language"
- category = "common"
- short = ""
- long = "output-lang=LANG"
- type = "OutputLanguage"
- default = "language::output::LANG_AUTO"
- handler = "stringToOutputLanguage"
- predicates = []
- includes = ["options/language.h"]
- help = "force output language (default is \"auto\"; see --output-lang help)"
-Further information (the old option package)
- The options/ package supports a wide range of operations for responding to
- an option being set. Roughly the three major concepts are:
- - handler to parse an option before setting its value.
- - predicates to reject bad values for the option.
- More details on each class of custom handlers.
- - handler = ""
- Handlers provide support for parsing custom option types.
- The signature for a handler call is:
- T custom-option-handler(std::string option, std::string optarg,
- OptionsHandler* handler);
- where T is the type of the option. The suggested implementation is to
- implement custom-handler as a dispatch into a function on handler with the
- signature:
- T OptionsHandler::custom-option-handler(std::string option,
- std::string optarg);
- The handlers are run before predicates.
- Having multiple handlers is considered bad practice and is unsupported.
- Handlers may have arbitrary side effects, but should call no code
- inaccessible to liboptions. For side effects that are not required in order
- to parse the option, using :predicate is recommended. Memory
- management done by a handler needs to either be encapsulated by the type
- and the destructor for the type or should *always* be owned by handler.
- More elaborate memory management schemes are not currently supported.
- - predicates = [...]
- Predicates provide support for checking whether or not the value of an
- option is acceptable. Predicates are run after handlers.
- The signature for a predicate call is:
- void custom-predicate(std::string option, T value,
- OptionsHandler* handler);
- where T is the type of the option. The suggested implementation is to
- implement custom-predicate as a dispatch into a function on handler with
- the signature:
- void OptionsHandler::custom-predicate(std::string option, T value);
- The predicates are run after handlers. Multiple
- predicates may be defined for the same option, but the order they are run
- is not guaranteed. Predicates may have arbitrary side effects, but should
- call no code inaccessible to liboptions.
diff --git a/src/options/ b/src/options/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df5686abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/options/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+Specifying Modules
+Every options module, that is a group of options that belong together in some
+way, is declared in its own file in `options/{module name}_options.toml`. Each
+options module starts with the following required attributes:
+* `id` (string): ID of the module (e.g., `"arith"`)
+* `name` (string): name of the module (e.g., `"Arithmetic Theory"`)
+Additional, a module can optionally be defined to be public. A public module
+includes `cvc5_public.h` instead of `cvc5_private.h` can thus be included from
+"external" code like the parser or the main driver.
+* `public` (bool): make option module public
+A module defines 0 or more options.
+In general, each attribute/value pair is required to be in one line. Comments
+start with # and are not allowed in attribute/value lines.
+After parsing, a module is extended to have the following attributes:
+* `id`: lower-case version of the parsed `id`
+* `id_cap`: upper-case version of `id` (used for the `Holder{id_cap}` class)
+* `filename`: base filename for generated files (`"{id}_options"`)
+* `header`: generated header name (`"options/{filename}.h"`)
+Specifying Options
+Options can be defined within a module file with the `[[option]]` tag, the
+required attributes for an option are:
+* `category` (string): one of `common`, `expert`, `regular`, or `undocumented`
+* `type` (string): the C++ type of the option value
+Optional attributes are:
+* `name` (string): the option name used to access the option internally
+ (`d_option.{}.{name}`)
+* `long` (string): long option name (without `--` prefix). Long option names may
+ have a suffix `=XXX` where `XXX` can be used to indicate the type of the
+ option value, e.g., `=MODE`, `=LANG`, `=N`, ...
+* `short` (string): short option name consisting of one character (no `-` prefix
+ required), can be given if `long` is specified
+* `alias` (list): alternative names that can be used instead of `long`
+* `default` (string): default value, needs to be a valid C++ expression of type
+ `type`
+* `alternate` (bool, default `true`): if `true`, adds `--no-{long}` alternative
+ option
+* `mode` (list): used to define options whose type shall be an auto-generated
+ enum, more details below
+* `handler` (string): alternate parsing routine for option types not covered by
+ the default parsers, more details below
+* `predicates` (list): custom validation function to check whether an option
+ value is valid, more details below
+* `includes` (list): additional header files required by handler or predicate
+ functions
+* `help` (string): documentation string (required, unless the `category` is
+ `undocumented`)
+* `help_mode` (string): documentation for the mode enum (required if `mode` is
+ given)
+Handler functions
+Custom handler functions are used to turn the option value from a `std::string`
+into the type specified by `type`. Standard handler functions are provided for
+basic types (`std::string`, `bool`, integer types and floating point types) as
+well as enums specified by `mode`. A custom handler function needs to be member
+function of `options::OptionsHandler` with signature `{type} {handler}(const
+std::string& option, const std::string& flag, const std::string& optionvalue)`,
+or alternatively `void {handler}(const std::string& option, const std::string&
+flag)` if the `type` is `void`. The two parameters `option` and `flag` hold the
+canonical and the actually used option names, respectively, and they may differ
+if an alternative name (from `alias`) was used. While `option` should be used to
+identify an option (e.g. by comparing against `*__name`), `flag` should be
+usually used in user messages.
+Predicate functions
+Predicate functions are used to check whether an option value is valid after it
+has been parsed by a (standard or custom) handler function. Like a handler
+function, a predicate function needs to be a member function of
+`options::OptionsHandler` with signature `void {predicate}(const std::string&
+option, const std::string& flag, {type} value)`. If the check fails, the
+predicate should raise an `OptionException`.
+Mode options
+An option can be defined to hold one of a given set of values we call modes.
+Doing so automatically defines an `enum class` for the set of modes and makes
+the option accept one of the values from the enum. The enum class will be called
+`{type}` and methods `operator<<` and `stringTo{enum}` are automatically
+generated. A mode is defined by specifying `[[option.mode.{NAME}]]` after the
+main `[[option]]` section with the following attributes:
+* `name` (string): the string value that corresponds to the enum value
+* `help` (string): documentation about this mode
+ [[option]]
+ name = "bitblastMode"
+ category = "regular"
+ long = "bitblast=MODE"
+ type = "BitblastMode"
+ default = "LAZY"
+ help = "choose bitblasting mode, see --bitblast=help"
+ help_mode = "Bit-blasting modes."
+ [[option.mode.LAZY]]
+ name = "lazy"
+ help = "Separate boolean structure and term reasoning between the core SAT solver and the bit-vector SAT solver."
+ [[option.mode.EAGER]]
+ name = "eager"
+ help = "Bitblast eagerly to bit-vector SAT solver."
+The option can now be set with `--bitblast=lazy`, `(set-option :bitblast
+eager)`, or `options::set("bitblast", "eager")`.
+Generated code
+The entire options setup heavily relies on generating a lot of code from the
+information retrieved from the `*_options.toml` files. After code generation,
+files related to options live either in `src/options/` (if not changed) or in
+`build/src/options/` (if automatically generated). After all code has been
+generated, the entire options setup consists of the following components:
+* `options.h`: core `Options` class
+* `options_api.h`: utility methods used by the API (`parse()`, `set()`, `get()`,
+ ...)
+* `options_public.h`: utility methods used to access options from outside of
+ libcvc5
+* `{module}_options.h`: specifics for one single options module
+`Options` class
+The `Options` class is the central entry point for regular usage of options. It
+holds a `std::unique_ptr` to an "option holder" for every option module, that
+can be accessed using references `{module}` (either as `const&` or `&`). These
+holders hold the actual option data for the specific module.
+The holder types are forward declared and can thus only be accessed if one also
+includes the appropriate `{module}_options.h`, which contains the proper
+declaration for the holder class.
+Option modules
+Every option module declares an "option holder" class, which is a simple struct
+that has two members for every option (that is not declared as `type = void`):
+the actual option value as `{option.type} {}` and a Boolean flag
+`bool {}__setByUser` that indicates whether the option value was
+explicitly set by the user. If any of the options of a module is a mode option,
+the option module also defines an enum class that corresponds to the mode,
+including `operator<<()` and `stringTo{mode type}`.
+For convenience, the option modules also provide methods `void
+{}::setDefault{}(Options& opts, {option.type} value)`. Each
+such method sets the option value to the given value, if the option was not yet
+set by the user, i.e., the `__setByUser` flag is false. Additionally, every
+option module exports the `long` option name as `static constexpr const char*
+Full Example
+ [[option]]
+ category = "regular"
+ name = "decisionMode"
+ long = "decision=MODE"
+ alias = ["decision-mode"]
+ type = "DecisionMode"
+ default = "INTERNAL"
+ predicates = ["setDecisionModeStopOnly"]
+ help = "choose decision mode, see --decision=help"
+ help_mode = "Decision modes."
+ [[option.mode.INTERNAL]]
+ name = "internal"
+ help = "Use the internal decision heuristics of the SAT solver."
+ [[option.mode.JUSTIFICATION]]
+ name = "justification"
+ help = "An ATGP-inspired justification heuristic."
+ [[option.mode.RELEVANCY]]
+ name = "justification-stoponly"
+ help = "Use the justification heuristic only to stop early, not for decisions."
+This defines a new option that is accessible via
+`d_options.{}.decisionMode` and stores an automatically generated mode
+`DecisionMode`, an enum class with the values `INTERNAL`, `JUSTIFICATION` and
+`RELEVANCY`. From the outside, it can be set by `--decision=internal`, but also
+with `--decision-mode=justification`, and similarly from an SMT-LIB input with
+`(set-option :decision internal)` and `(set-option :decision-mode
+justification)`. The command-line help for this option looks as follows:
+ --output-lang=LANG | --output-language=LANG
+ force output language (default is "auto"; see
+ --output-lang help)
diff --git a/src/options/base_handlers.h b/src/options/base_handlers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86112a907..000000000
--- a/src/options/base_handlers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Top contributors (to current version):
- * Morgan Deters, Tim King, Mathias Preiner
- *
- * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
- * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
- * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
- * directory for licensing information.
- * ****************************************************************************
- *
- * [[ Add one-line brief description here ]]
- *
- * [[ Add lengthier description here ]]
- * \todo document this file
- */
-#include "cvc5_private.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "options/option_exception.h"
-namespace cvc5 {
-namespace options {
-template <template <class U> class Cmp>
-class comparator {
- long d_lbound;
- double d_dbound;
- bool d_hasLbound;
- public:
- comparator(int i) : d_lbound(i), d_dbound(0.0), d_hasLbound(true) {}
- comparator(long l) : d_lbound(l), d_dbound(0.0), d_hasLbound(true) {}
- comparator(double d) : d_lbound(0), d_dbound(d), d_hasLbound(false) {}
- template <class T>
- void operator()(std::string option, const T& value) {
- if((d_hasLbound && !(Cmp<T>()(value, T(d_lbound)))) ||
- (!d_hasLbound && !(Cmp<T>()(value, T(d_dbound))))) {
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << option << ": " << value << " is not a legal setting";
- throw OptionException(ss.str());
- }
- }
-};/* class comparator */
-struct greater : public comparator<std::greater> {
- greater(int i) : comparator<std::greater>(i) {}
- greater(long l) : comparator<std::greater>(l) {}
- greater(double d) : comparator<std::greater>(d) {}
-};/* struct greater */
-struct greater_equal : public comparator<std::greater_equal> {
- greater_equal(int i) : comparator<std::greater_equal>(i) {}
- greater_equal(long l) : comparator<std::greater_equal>(l) {}
- greater_equal(double d) : comparator<std::greater_equal>(d) {}
-};/* struct greater_equal */
-struct less : public comparator<std::less> {
- less(int i) : comparator<std::less>(i) {}
- less(long l) : comparator<std::less>(l) {}
- less(double d) : comparator<std::less>(d) {}
-};/* struct less */
-struct less_equal : public comparator<std::less_equal> {
- less_equal(int i) : comparator<std::less_equal>(i) {}
- less_equal(long l) : comparator<std::less_equal>(l) {}
- less_equal(double d) : comparator<std::less_equal>(d) {}
-};/* struct less_equal */
-struct not_equal : public comparator<std::not_equal_to> {
- not_equal(int i) : comparator<std::not_equal_to>(i) {}
- not_equal(long l) : comparator<std::not_equal_to>(l) {}
- not_equal(double d) : comparator<std::not_equal_to>(d) {}
-};/* struct not_equal_to */
-} // namespace options
-} // namespace cvc5
-#endif /* CVC5__BASE_HANDLERS_H */
diff --git a/src/options/ b/src/options/
index 7e1cf68e4..e2fbd4cf1 100644
--- a/src/options/
+++ b/src/options/
@@ -210,6 +210,30 @@ def get_holder_ref_decls(modules):
return concat_format(' options::Holder{id_cap}& {id};', modules)
+def get_handler(option):
+ """Render handler call for assignment functions"""
+ optname = option.long_name if option.long else ""
+ if option.handler:
+ if option.type == 'void':
+ return 'opts.handler().{}("{}", option)'.format(option.handler, optname)
+ else:
+ return 'opts.handler().{}("{}", option, optionarg)'.format(option.handler, optname)
+ elif option.mode:
+ return 'stringTo{}(optionarg)'.format(option.type)
+ elif option.type != 'bool':
+ return 'handleOption<{}>("{}", option, optionarg)'.format(option.type, optname)
+ return None
+def get_predicates(option):
+ """Render predicate calls for assignment functions"""
+ if not option.predicates:
+ return []
+ optname = option.long_name if option.long else ""
+ assert option.type != 'void'
+ return ['opts.handler().{}("{}", option, value);'.format(x, optname)
+ for x in option.predicates]
class Module(object):
"""Options module.
@@ -713,31 +737,10 @@ def codegen_all_modules(modules, build_dir, dst_dir, tpl_options_h, tpl_options_
sphinxgen.add(module, option)
# Generate handler call
- handler = None
- if option.handler:
- if option.type == 'void':
- handler = 'opts.handler().{}(option)'.format(option.handler)
- else:
- handler = \
- 'opts.handler().{}(option, optionarg)'.format(option.handler)
- elif option.mode:
- handler = 'stringTo{}(optionarg)'.format(option.type)
- elif option.type != 'bool':
- handler = \
- 'handleOption<{}>(option, optionarg)'.format(option.type)
+ handler = get_handler(option)
# Generate predicate calls
- predicates = []
- if option.predicates:
- if option.type == 'bool':
- predicates = \
- ['opts.handler().{}(option, value);'.format(x) \
- for x in option.predicates]
- else:
- assert option.type != 'void'
- predicates = \
- ['opts.handler().{}(option, value);'.format(x) \
- for x in option.predicates]
+ predicates = get_predicates(option)
# Generate options_handler and getopt_long
cases = []
@@ -813,7 +816,7 @@ def codegen_all_modules(modules, build_dir, dst_dir, tpl_options_h, tpl_options_,
elif option.handler:
- h = 'handler->{handler}("{smtname}"'
+ h = 'handler->{handler}("{smtname}", key'
if argument_req:
h += ', optionarg'
h += ');'
diff --git a/src/options/options_handler.cpp b/src/options/options_handler.cpp
index 1ac5ec56d..e109ab44c 100644
--- a/src/options/options_handler.cpp
+++ b/src/options/options_handler.cpp
@@ -67,10 +67,11 @@ void throwLazyBBUnsupported(options::SatSolverMode m)
OptionsHandler::OptionsHandler(Options* options) : d_options(options) { }
-unsigned long OptionsHandler::limitHandler(std::string option,
- std::string optarg)
+uint64_t OptionsHandler::limitHandler(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg)
- unsigned long ms;
+ uint64_t ms;
std::istringstream convert(optarg);
if (!(convert >> ms))
@@ -80,14 +81,18 @@ unsigned long OptionsHandler::limitHandler(std::string option,
return ms;
-void OptionsHandler::setResourceWeight(std::string option, std::string optarg)
+void OptionsHandler::setResourceWeight(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg)
// theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h
-void OptionsHandler::checkInstWhenMode(std::string option, InstWhenMode mode)
+void OptionsHandler::checkInstWhenMode(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ InstWhenMode mode)
if (mode == InstWhenMode::PRE_FULL)
@@ -97,7 +102,9 @@ void OptionsHandler::checkInstWhenMode(std::string option, InstWhenMode mode)
// theory/bv/options_handlers.h
-void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, bool value)
+void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ bool value)
#ifndef CVC5_USE_ABC
if(value) {
@@ -110,7 +117,9 @@ void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, bool value)
#endif /* CVC5_USE_ABC */
-void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, std::string value)
+void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& value)
#ifndef CVC5_USE_ABC
if(!value.empty()) {
@@ -123,7 +132,9 @@ void OptionsHandler::abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, std::string value)
#endif /* CVC5_USE_ABC */
-void OptionsHandler::checkBvSatSolver(std::string option, SatSolverMode m)
+void OptionsHandler::checkBvSatSolver(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ SatSolverMode m)
if (m == SatSolverMode::CRYPTOMINISAT
&& !Configuration::isBuiltWithCryptominisat())
@@ -166,7 +177,9 @@ void OptionsHandler::checkBvSatSolver(std::string option, SatSolverMode m)
-void OptionsHandler::checkBitblastMode(std::string option, BitblastMode m)
+void OptionsHandler::checkBitblastMode(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ BitblastMode m)
if (m == options::BitblastMode::LAZY)
@@ -185,7 +198,9 @@ void OptionsHandler::checkBitblastMode(std::string option, BitblastMode m)
-void OptionsHandler::setBitblastAig(std::string option, bool arg)
+void OptionsHandler::setBitblastAig(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ bool arg)
if(arg) {
if (d_options->bv.bitblastModeWasSetByUser) {
@@ -211,8 +226,9 @@ szs\n\
+ Print instantiations as SZS compliant proof.\n\
-InstFormatMode OptionsHandler::stringToInstFormatMode(std::string option,
- std::string optarg)
+InstFormatMode OptionsHandler::stringToInstFormatMode(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg)
if(optarg == "default") {
return InstFormatMode::DEFAULT;
@@ -228,24 +244,30 @@ InstFormatMode OptionsHandler::stringToInstFormatMode(std::string option,
// decision/options_handlers.h
-void OptionsHandler::setDecisionModeStopOnly(std::string option, DecisionMode m)
+void OptionsHandler::setDecisionModeStopOnly(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ DecisionMode m)
d_options->decision.decisionStopOnly = (m == DecisionMode::RELEVANCY);
-void OptionsHandler::setProduceAssertions(std::string option, bool value)
+void OptionsHandler::setProduceAssertions(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ bool value)
d_options->smt.produceAssertions = value;
d_options->smt.interactiveMode = value;
-void OptionsHandler::setStats(const std::string& option, bool value)
+void OptionsHandler::setStats(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ bool value)
if (value)
std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "option `" << option
+ ss << "option `" << flag
<< "' requires a statistics-enabled build of cvc5; this binary was not "
"built with statistics support";
throw OptionException(ss.str());
@@ -282,18 +304,25 @@ void OptionsHandler::setStats(const std::string& option, bool value)
-void OptionsHandler::threadN(std::string option) {
- throw OptionException(option + " is not a real option by itself. Use e.g. --thread0=\"--random-seed=10 --random-freq=0.02\" --thread1=\"--random-seed=20 --random-freq=0.05\"");
+void OptionsHandler::threadN(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag)
+ throw OptionException(flag + " is not a real option by itself. Use e.g. --thread0=\"--random-seed=10 --random-freq=0.02\" --thread1=\"--random-seed=20 --random-freq=0.05\"");
// expr/options_handlers.h
-void OptionsHandler::setDefaultExprDepthPredicate(std::string option, int depth) {
+void OptionsHandler::setDefaultExprDepthPredicate(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ int depth)
if(depth < -1) {
throw OptionException("--expr-depth requires a positive argument, or -1.");
-void OptionsHandler::setDefaultDagThreshPredicate(std::string option, int dag) {
+void OptionsHandler::setDefaultDagThreshPredicate(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ int dag)
if(dag < 0) {
throw OptionException("--dag-thresh requires a nonnegative argument.");
@@ -312,12 +341,16 @@ static void print_config_cond (const char * str, bool cond = false) {
print_config(str, cond ? "yes" : "no");
-void OptionsHandler::copyright(std::string option) {
+void OptionsHandler::copyright(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag)
std::cout << Configuration::copyright() << std::endl;
-void OptionsHandler::showConfiguration(std::string option) {
+void OptionsHandler::showConfiguration(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag)
std::cout << Configuration::about() << std::endl;
print_config ("version", Configuration::getVersionString());
@@ -385,7 +418,8 @@ static void printTags(unsigned ntags, char const* const* tags)
std::cout << std::endl;
-void OptionsHandler::showDebugTags(std::string option)
+void OptionsHandler::showDebugTags(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag)
if (!Configuration::isDebugBuild())
@@ -399,7 +433,8 @@ void OptionsHandler::showDebugTags(std::string option)
-void OptionsHandler::showTraceTags(std::string option)
+void OptionsHandler::showTraceTags(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag)
if (!Configuration::isTracingBuild())
@@ -431,7 +466,9 @@ static std::string suggestTags(char const* const* validTags,
return didYouMean.getMatchAsString(inputTag);
-void OptionsHandler::enableTraceTag(std::string option, std::string optarg)
+void OptionsHandler::enableTraceTag(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg)
@@ -453,7 +490,9 @@ void OptionsHandler::enableTraceTag(std::string option, std::string optarg)
-void OptionsHandler::enableDebugTag(std::string option, std::string optarg)
+void OptionsHandler::enableDebugTag(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg)
if (!Configuration::isDebugBuild())
@@ -484,8 +523,9 @@ void OptionsHandler::enableDebugTag(std::string option, std::string optarg)
-OutputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToOutputLanguage(std::string option,
- std::string optarg)
+OutputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToOutputLanguage(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg)
if(optarg == "help") {
d_options->base.languageHelp = true;
@@ -502,8 +542,9 @@ OutputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToOutputLanguage(std::string option,
-InputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToInputLanguage(std::string option,
- std::string optarg)
+InputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToInputLanguage(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg)
if(optarg == "help") {
d_options->base.languageHelp = true;
@@ -520,7 +561,9 @@ InputLanguage OptionsHandler::stringToInputLanguage(std::string option,
/* options/base_options_handlers.h */
-void OptionsHandler::setVerbosity(std::string option, int value)
+void OptionsHandler::setVerbosity(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ int value)
if(Configuration::isMuzzledBuild()) {
@@ -550,14 +593,18 @@ void OptionsHandler::setVerbosity(std::string option, int value)
-void OptionsHandler::increaseVerbosity(std::string option) {
+void OptionsHandler::increaseVerbosity(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag)
d_options->base.verbosity += 1;
- setVerbosity(option, options::verbosity());
+ setVerbosity(option, flag, d_options->base.verbosity);
-void OptionsHandler::decreaseVerbosity(std::string option) {
+void OptionsHandler::decreaseVerbosity(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag)
d_options->base.verbosity -= 1;
- setVerbosity(option, options::verbosity());
+ setVerbosity(option, flag, d_options->base.verbosity);
} // namespace options
diff --git a/src/options/options_handler.h b/src/options/options_handler.h
index 4b9b1c0ae..9aee1df22 100644
--- a/src/options/options_handler.h
+++ b/src/options/options_handler.h
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
#include <ostream>
+#include <sstream>
#include <string>
-#include "options/base_handlers.h"
#include "options/bv_options.h"
#include "options/decision_options.h"
#include "options/language.h"
@@ -44,72 +44,122 @@ class OptionsHandler {
OptionsHandler(Options* options);
- void unsignedGreater0(const std::string& option, unsigned value) {
- options::greater(0)(option, value);
+ template <typename T>
+ void geqZero(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ T value) const
+ {
+ if (value < 0)
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << flag << ": " << value << " is not a legal setting, should be "
+ << value << " >= 0.";
+ throw OptionException(ss.str());
+ }
- void unsignedLessEqual2(const std::string& option, unsigned value) {
- options::less_equal(2)(option, value);
- }
- void doubleGreaterOrEqual0(const std::string& option, double value) {
- options::greater_equal(0.0)(option, value);
- }
- void doubleLessOrEqual1(const std::string& option, double value) {
- options::less_equal(1.0)(option, value);
+ template <typename T>
+ void betweenZeroAndOne(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ T value) const
+ {
+ if (value < 0 || value > 1)
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << flag << ": " << value
+ << " is not a legal setting, should be 0 <= " << flag << " <= 1.";
+ throw OptionException(ss.str());
+ }
// theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h
- void checkInstWhenMode(std::string option, InstWhenMode mode);
+ void checkInstWhenMode(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ InstWhenMode mode);
// theory/bv/options_handlers.h
- void abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, bool value);
- void abcEnabledBuild(std::string option, std::string value);
- template<class T> void checkSatSolverEnabled(std::string option, T m);
- void checkBvSatSolver(std::string option, SatSolverMode m);
- void checkBitblastMode(std::string option, BitblastMode m);
- void setBitblastAig(std::string option, bool arg);
+ void abcEnabledBuild(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ bool value);
+ void abcEnabledBuild(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& value);
+ template <class T>
+ void checkSatSolverEnabled(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ T m);
+ void checkBvSatSolver(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ SatSolverMode m);
+ void checkBitblastMode(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ BitblastMode m);
+ void setBitblastAig(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ bool arg);
// printer/options_handlers.h
- InstFormatMode stringToInstFormatMode(std::string option, std::string optarg);
+ InstFormatMode stringToInstFormatMode(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg);
// decision/options_handlers.h
- void setDecisionModeStopOnly(std::string option, DecisionMode m);
+ void setDecisionModeStopOnly(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ DecisionMode m);
* Throws a ModalException if this option is being set after final
* initialization.
- void setProduceAssertions(std::string option, bool value);
+ void setProduceAssertions(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ bool value);
- void setStats(const std::string& option, bool value);
+ void setStats(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag, bool value);
- unsigned long limitHandler(std::string option, std::string optarg);
- void setResourceWeight(std::string option, std::string optarg);
+ uint64_t limitHandler(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg);
+ void setResourceWeight(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg);
/* expr/options_handlers.h */
- void setDefaultExprDepthPredicate(std::string option, int depth);
- void setDefaultDagThreshPredicate(std::string option, int dag);
+ void setDefaultExprDepthPredicate(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ int depth);
+ void setDefaultDagThreshPredicate(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ int dag);
/* main/options_handlers.h */
- void copyright(std::string option);
- void showConfiguration(std::string option);
- void showDebugTags(std::string option);
- void showTraceTags(std::string option);
- void threadN(std::string option);
+ void copyright(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag);
+ void showConfiguration(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag);
+ void showDebugTags(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag);
+ void showTraceTags(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag);
+ void threadN(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag);
/* options/base_options_handlers.h */
- void setVerbosity(std::string option, int value);
- void increaseVerbosity(std::string option);
- void decreaseVerbosity(std::string option);
- OutputLanguage stringToOutputLanguage(std::string option, std::string optarg);
- InputLanguage stringToInputLanguage(std::string option, std::string optarg);
- void enableTraceTag(std::string option, std::string optarg);
- void enableDebugTag(std::string option, std::string optarg);
+ void setVerbosity(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ int value);
+ void increaseVerbosity(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag);
+ void decreaseVerbosity(const std::string& option, const std::string& flag);
+ OutputLanguage stringToOutputLanguage(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg);
+ InputLanguage stringToInputLanguage(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg);
+ void enableTraceTag(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg);
+ void enableDebugTag(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optarg);
@@ -121,8 +171,10 @@ public:
}; /* class OptionHandler */
-template<class T>
-void OptionsHandler::checkSatSolverEnabled(std::string option, T m)
+template <class T>
+void OptionsHandler::checkSatSolverEnabled(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ T m)
#if !defined(CVC5_USE_CRYPTOMINISAT) && !defined(CVC5_USE_CADICAL) \
&& !defined(CVC5_USE_KISSAT)
diff --git a/src/options/options_template.cpp b/src/options/options_template.cpp
index e909a5f0a..2c22065c2 100644
--- a/src/options/options_template.cpp
+++ b/src/options/options_template.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ extern int optreset;
#include "base/cvc5config.h"
-#include "options/base_handlers.h"
@@ -82,7 +81,9 @@ thread_local Options* Options::s_current = NULL;
template <class T, bool is_numeric, bool is_integer>
struct OptionHandler {
- static T handle(std::string option, std::string optionarg);
+ static T handle(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optionarg);
};/* struct OptionHandler<> */
/** Variant for integral C++ types */
@@ -99,32 +100,35 @@ struct OptionHandler<T, true, true> {
return str.find('-') != std::string::npos;
- static T handle(const std::string& option, const std::string& optionarg) {
+ static T handle(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optionarg)
+ {
try {
T i;
bool success = stringToInt(i, optionarg);
- throw OptionException(option + ": failed to parse "+ optionarg +
- " as an integer of the appropriate type.");
+ throw OptionException(flag + ": failed to parse " + optionarg
+ + " as an integer of the appropriate type.");
// Depending in the platform unsigned numbers with '-' signs may parse.
// Reject these by looking for any minus if it is not signed.
if( (! std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) && containsMinus(optionarg) ) {
// unsigned type but user gave negative argument
- throw OptionException(option + " requires a nonnegative argument");
+ throw OptionException(flag + " requires a nonnegative argument");
} else if(i < std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) {
// negative overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
- ss << option << " requires an argument >= "
- << std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
+ ss << flag
+ << " requires an argument >= " << std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
} else if(i > std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
// positive overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
- ss << option << " requires an argument <= "
- << std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ ss << flag
+ << " requires an argument <= " << std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ struct OptionHandler<T, true, true> {
// }
} catch(std::invalid_argument&) {
// user gave something other than an integer
- throw OptionException(option + " requires an integer argument");
+ throw OptionException(flag + " requires an integer argument");
};/* struct OptionHandler<T, true, true> */
@@ -145,29 +149,33 @@ struct OptionHandler<T, true, true> {
/** Variant for numeric but non-integral C++ types */
template <class T>
struct OptionHandler<T, true, false> {
- static T handle(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
- std::stringstream in(optionarg);
+ static T handle(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optionarg)
+ {
+ std::stringstream inss(optionarg);
long double r;
- in >> r;
- if(! in.eof()) {
+ inss >> r;
+ if (!inss.eof())
+ {
// we didn't consume the whole string (junk at end)
- throw OptionException(option + " requires a numeric argument");
+ throw OptionException(flag + " requires a numeric argument");
if(! std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed && r < 0.0) {
// unsigned type but user gave negative value
- throw OptionException(option + " requires a nonnegative argument");
+ throw OptionException(flag + " requires a nonnegative argument");
} else if(r < -std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
// negative overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
- ss << option << " requires an argument >= "
- << -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ ss << flag
+ << " requires an argument >= " << -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
} else if(r > std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
// positive overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
- ss << option << " requires an argument <= "
- << std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ ss << flag
+ << " requires an argument <= " << std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
@@ -178,7 +186,10 @@ struct OptionHandler<T, true, false> {
/** Variant for non-numeric C++ types */
template <class T>
struct OptionHandler<T, false, false> {
- static T handle(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
+ static T handle(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optionarg)
+ {
// The above line causes a compiler error if this version of the template
// is ever instantiated (meaning that a specialization is missing). So
@@ -191,36 +202,26 @@ struct OptionHandler<T, false, false> {
/** Handle an option of type T in the default way. */
template <class T>
-T handleOption(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
- return OptionHandler<T, std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized, std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer>::handle(option, optionarg);
+T handleOption(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optionarg)
+ return OptionHandler<T,
+ std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized,
+ std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer>::handle(option,
+ flag,
+ optionarg);
/** Handle an option of type std::string in the default way. */
template <>
-std::string handleOption<std::string>(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
+std::string handleOption<std::string>(const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& flag,
+ const std::string& optionarg)
return optionarg;
- * Run handler, and any user-given predicates, for option T.
- * If a user specifies a :handler or :predicates, it overrides this.
- */
-template <class T>
-typename T::type runHandlerAndPredicates(T, std::string option, std::string optionarg, options::OptionsHandler* handler) {
- // By default, parse the option argument in a way appropriate for its type.
- // E.g., for "unsigned int" options, ensure that the provided argument is
- // a nonnegative integer that fits in the unsigned int type.
- return handleOption<typename T::type>(option, optionarg);
-template <class T>
-void runBoolPredicates(T, std::string option, bool b, options::OptionsHandler* handler) {
- // By default, nothing to do for bool. Users add things with
- // :predicate in options files to provide custom checking routines
- // that can throw exceptions.
Options::Options(OptionsListener* ol)
: d_handler(new options::OptionsHandler(this)),
// clang-format off
diff --git a/src/options/prop_options.toml b/src/options/prop_options.toml
index 26d7a451b..eda5ea963 100644
--- a/src/options/prop_options.toml
+++ b/src/options/prop_options.toml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ name = "SAT Layer"
long = "random-freq=P"
type = "double"
default = "0.0"
- predicates = ["doubleGreaterOrEqual0", "doubleLessOrEqual1"]
+ predicates = ["betweenZeroAndOne"]
help = "sets the frequency of random decisions in the sat solver (P=0.0 by default)"
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ name = "SAT Layer"
category = "regular"
type = "double"
default = "0.95"
- predicates = ["doubleGreaterOrEqual0", "doubleLessOrEqual1"]
+ predicates = ["betweenZeroAndOne"]
help = "variable activity decay factor for Minisat"
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ name = "SAT Layer"
category = "regular"
type = "double"
default = "0.999"
- predicates = ["doubleGreaterOrEqual0", "doubleLessOrEqual1"]
+ predicates = ["betweenZeroAndOne"]
help = "clause activity decay factor for Minisat"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ name = "SAT Layer"
long = "restart-int-inc=F"
type = "double"
default = "3.0"
- predicates = ["doubleGreaterOrEqual0"]
+ predicates = ["geqZero"]
help = "sets the restart interval increase factor for the sat solver (F=3.0 by default)"
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback