path: root/test
diff options
authorTim King <>2010-06-29 20:53:47 +0000
committerTim King <>2010-06-29 20:53:47 +0000
commite792bb8628ea7010fa9c452bf1aa7ba1b60291a3 (patch)
treeddc12f92092627b7aee2a63dca8dd66279b2970e /test
parente7e9c10006b5b243a73832ed97c5dec79df6c90a (diff)
Merging the unate-propagator branch into the trunk. This is a big update so expect a little turbulence. This commit will not compile. There will be a second commit that fixes this in a moment. I am delaying a change to avoid svn whining about a conflict.
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
3 files changed, 315 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/ b/test/unit/
index 9f8379d54..ddab915bf 100644
--- a/test/unit/
+++ b/test/unit/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ UNIT_TESTS = \
context/cdmap_white \
theory/theory_black \
theory/theory_uf_white \
+ theory/theory_arith_white \
util/assert_white \
util/bitvector_black \
util/configuration_black \
diff --git a/test/unit/theory/theory_arith_white.h b/test/unit/theory/theory_arith_white.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe9cbb388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/theory/theory_arith_white.h
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
+#include "theory/theory.h"
+#include "theory/arith/theory_arith.h"
+#include "expr/node.h"
+#include "expr/node_manager.h"
+#include "context/context.h"
+#include "util/rational.h"
+#include "theory/theory_test_utils.h"
+#include <vector>
+using namespace CVC4;
+using namespace CVC4::theory;
+using namespace CVC4::theory::arith;
+using namespace CVC4::expr;
+using namespace CVC4::context;
+using namespace CVC4::kind;
+using namespace std;
+class TheoryArithWhite : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
+ Context* d_ctxt;
+ NodeManager* d_nm;
+ NodeManagerScope* d_scope;
+ TestOutputChannel d_outputChannel;
+ Theory::Effort d_level;
+ TheoryArith* d_arith;
+ TypeNode* d_booleanType;
+ TypeNode* d_realType;
+ const Rational d_zero;
+ const Rational d_one;
+ std::set<Node>* preregistered;
+ bool debug;
+ TheoryArithWhite() : d_level(Theory::FULL_EFFORT), d_zero(0), d_one(1), debug(false) {}
+ void setUp() {
+ d_ctxt = new Context;
+ d_nm = new NodeManager(d_ctxt);
+ d_scope = new NodeManagerScope(d_nm);
+ d_outputChannel.clear();
+ d_arith = new TheoryArith(d_ctxt, d_outputChannel);
+ preregistered = new std::set<Node>();
+ d_booleanType = new TypeNode(d_nm->booleanType());
+ d_realType = new TypeNode(d_nm->realType());
+ }
+ void tearDown() {
+ delete d_realType;
+ delete d_booleanType;
+ delete preregistered;
+ delete d_arith;
+ d_outputChannel.clear();
+ delete d_scope;
+ delete d_nm;
+ delete d_ctxt;
+ }
+ Node fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(TNode inp){
+ Node rewrite = d_arith->rewrite(inp);
+ if(debug) cout << rewrite << inp << endl;
+ std::list<Node> toPreregister;
+ toPreregister.push_back(rewrite);
+ for(std::list<Node>::iterator i = toPreregister.begin(); i != toPreregister.end(); ++i){
+ Node n = *i;
+ preregistered->insert(n);
+ for(Node::iterator citer = n.begin(); citer != n.end(); ++citer){
+ Node c = *citer;
+ if(preregistered->find(c) == preregistered->end()){
+ toPreregister.push_back(c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(std::list<Node>::reverse_iterator i = toPreregister.rbegin(); i != toPreregister.rend(); ++i){
+ Node n = *i;
+ if(debug) cout << n.getId() << " "<< n << endl;
+ d_arith->preRegisterTerm(n);
+ }
+ return rewrite;
+ }
+ void testAssert() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node leq = d_nm->mkNode(LEQ, x, c);
+ Node rLeq = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(leq);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rLeq);
+ d_arith->check(d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getNumCalls(), 0u);
+ }
+ Node simulateSplit(TNode l, TNode r){
+ Node eq = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, l, r);
+ Node lt = d_nm->mkNode(LT, l, r);
+ Node gt = d_nm->mkNode(GT, l, r);
+ Node dis = d_nm->mkNode(OR, eq, lt, gt);
+ return dis;
+ }
+ void testAssertEqualityEagerSplit() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node eq = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, x, c);
+ Node expectedDisjunct = simulateSplit(x,c);
+ Node rEq = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(eq);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rEq);
+ d_arith->check(d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getNumCalls(), 1u);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(0), expectedDisjunct);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(0), AUG_LEMMA);
+ }
+ void testLtRewrite() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node lt = d_nm->mkNode(LT, x, c);
+ Node geq = d_nm->mkNode(GEQ, x, c);
+ Node expectedRewrite = d_nm->mkNode(NOT, geq);
+ Node rewrite = d_arith->rewrite(lt);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedRewrite, rewrite);
+ }
+ void testBasicConflict() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node eq = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, x, c);
+ Node lt = d_nm->mkNode(LT, x, c);
+ Node expectedDisjunct = simulateSplit(x,c);
+ Node rEq = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(eq);
+ Node rLt = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(lt);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rEq);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rLt);
+ d_arith->check(d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getNumCalls(), 2u);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(0), expectedDisjunct);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(0), AUG_LEMMA);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(1), CONFLICT);
+ Node expectedClonflict = d_nm->mkNode(AND, rEq, rLt);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(1), expectedClonflict);
+ }
+ void testBasicPropagate() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node eq = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, x, c);
+ Node lt = d_nm->mkNode(LT, x, c);
+ Node expectedDisjunct = simulateSplit(x,c);
+ Node rEq = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(eq);
+ Node rLt = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(lt);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rEq);
+ d_arith->check(d_level);
+ d_arith->propagate(d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getNumCalls(), 2u);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(0), AUG_LEMMA);
+ Node expectedProp = d_nm->mkNode(GEQ, x, c);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(1), PROPOGATE);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(1), expectedProp);
+ }
+ void testTPLt1() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c0 = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node c1 = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_one);
+ Node leq0 = d_nm->mkNode(LEQ, x, c0);
+ Node leq1 = d_nm->mkNode(LEQ, x, c1);
+ Node lt1 = d_nm->mkNode(LT, x, c1);
+ Node rLeq0 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(leq0);
+ Node rLt1 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(lt1);
+ Node rLeq1 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(leq1);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rLt1);
+ d_arith->check(d_level);
+ d_arith->propagate(d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_THROWS( d_arith->explain(rLeq0, d_level), AssertionException );
+ TS_ASSERT_THROWS( d_arith->explain(rLt1, d_level), AssertionException );
+ d_arith->explain(rLeq1, d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getNumCalls(), 2u);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(0), PROPOGATE);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(1), EXPLANATION);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(0), leq1);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(1), rLt1);
+ }
+ void testTPLeq0() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c0 = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node c1 = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_one);
+ Node leq0 = d_nm->mkNode(LEQ, x, c0);
+ Node leq1 = d_nm->mkNode(LEQ, x, c1);
+ Node lt1 = d_nm->mkNode(LT, x, c1);
+ Node rLeq0 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(leq0);
+ Node rLt1 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(lt1);
+ Node rLeq1 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(leq1);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rLeq0);
+ d_arith->check(d_level);
+ d_arith->propagate(d_level);
+ d_arith->explain(rLt1, d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_THROWS( d_arith->explain(rLeq0, d_level), AssertionException );
+ d_arith->explain(rLeq1, d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getNumCalls(), 4u);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(0), PROPOGATE);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(1), PROPOGATE);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(2), EXPLANATION);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthCallType(3), EXPLANATION);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(1), rLt1);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(0), rLeq1);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(2), rLeq0);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getIthNode(3), rLeq0);
+ }
+ void testTPLeq1() {
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar(*d_realType);
+ Node c0 = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_zero);
+ Node c1 = d_nm->mkConst<Rational>(d_one);
+ Node leq0 = d_nm->mkNode(LEQ, x, c0);
+ Node leq1 = d_nm->mkNode(LEQ, x, c1);
+ Node lt1 = d_nm->mkNode(LT, x, c1);
+ Node rLeq0 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(leq0);
+ Node rLt1 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(lt1);
+ Node rLeq1 = fakeTheoryEnginePreprocess(leq1);
+ d_arith->assertFact(rLeq1);
+ d_arith->check(d_level);
+ d_arith->propagate(d_level);
+ TS_ASSERT_THROWS( d_arith->explain(rLeq0, d_level), AssertionException );
+ TS_ASSERT_THROWS( d_arith->explain(rLeq1, d_level), AssertionException );
+ TS_ASSERT_THROWS( d_arith->explain(rLt1, d_level), AssertionException );
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d_outputChannel.getNumCalls(), 0u);
+ }
diff --git a/test/unit/theory/theory_uf_white.h b/test/unit/theory/theory_uf_white.h
index 50c201606..203d669b7 100644
--- a/test/unit/theory/theory_uf_white.h
+++ b/test/unit/theory/theory_uf_white.h
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include "expr/node_manager.h"
#include "context/context.h"
+#include "theory/theory_test_utils.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace CVC4;
@@ -34,60 +36,6 @@ using namespace CVC4::context;
using namespace std;
- * Very basic OutputChannel for testing simple Theory Behaviour.
- * Stores a call sequence for the output channel
- */
-class TestOutputChannel : public OutputChannel {
- void push(OutputChannelCallType call, TNode n) {
- d_callHistory.push_back(make_pair(call,n));
- }
- vector< pair<OutputChannelCallType, Node> > d_callHistory;
- TestOutputChannel() {}
- ~TestOutputChannel() {}
- void safePoint() throw(Interrupted, AssertionException) {}
- void conflict(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted, AssertionException) {
- push(CONFLICT, n);
- }
- void propagate(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted, AssertionException) {
- push(PROPOGATE, n);
- }
- void lemma(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted, AssertionException) {
- push(LEMMA, n);
- }
- void augmentingLemma(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted, AssertionException){
- Unreachable();
- }
- void explanation(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted, AssertionException) {
- push(EXPLANATION, n);
- }
- void clear() {
- d_callHistory.clear();
- }
- Node getIthNode(int i) {
- Node tmp = (d_callHistory[i]).second;
- return tmp;
- }
- OutputChannelCallType getIthCallType(int i) {
- return (d_callHistory[i]).first;
- }
- unsigned getNumCalls() {
- return d_callHistory.size();
- }
class TheoryUFWhite : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
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