path: root/test/regress/regress1/arith/bug716.0.smt2
diff options
authorAndrew Reynolds <>2018-02-15 15:31:48 -0600
committerAina Niemetz <>2018-02-15 13:31:48 -0800
commit55037e0bcef45c795f28ff3fcf6c1055af465c70 (patch)
tree397d89bd10e541e1206c5dafdb8cf731feb34730 /test/regress/regress1/arith/bug716.0.smt2
parent52a39aca19b7238d08c3cebcfa46436a73194008 (diff)
Refactor regressions (#1581)
Diffstat (limited to 'test/regress/regress1/arith/bug716.0.smt2')
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/arith/bug716.0.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/arith/bug716.0.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2046f4911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/arith/bug716.0.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --lang=smt2.5
+; SCRUBBER: sed -e 's/The fact in question: .*$/The fact in question: TERM/' -e 's/in a linear logic: .*$/in a linear logic: TERM/'
+; EXPECT: (error "A non-linear fact was asserted to arithmetic in a linear logic.
+; EXPECT: The fact in question: TERM
+; EXPECT: ")
+; EXIT: 1
+(set-logic AUFBVDTLIRA)
+;; produced by cvc4_15.drv ;;
+(set-info :source |VC generated by SPARK 2014|)
+(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.0)
+(set-info :category industrial)
+(set-info :status unknown)
+;;; generated by SMT-LIB2 driver
+;;; SMT-LIB2 driver: bit-vectors, common part
+(set-option :produce-models true)
+;;; SMT-LIB2: integer arithmetic
+;;; SMT-LIB2: real arithmetic
+(declare-datatypes () ((tuple0 (Tuple0))))
+(declare-sort us_private 0)
+(declare-fun us_null_ext__ () us_private)
+(declare-sort us_type_of_heap 0)
+(declare-datatypes ()
+ (mk___type_of_heap__ref (us_type_of_heap__content us_type_of_heap)))))
+(declare-sort us_image 0)
+(declare-datatypes () ((int__ref (mk_int__ref (int__content Int)))))
+(declare-datatypes () ((bool__ref (mk_bool__ref (bool__content Bool)))))
+(declare-datatypes () ((real__ref (mk_real__ref (real__content Real)))))
+(declare-datatypes ()
+((us_private__ref (mk___private__ref (us_private__content us_private)))))
+(define-fun int__ref___projection ((a int__ref)) Int (int__content a))
+(define-fun bool__ref___projection ((a bool__ref)) Bool (bool__content a))
+(define-fun real__ref___projection ((a real__ref)) Real (real__content a))
+(define-fun us_private__ref___projection ((a us_private__ref)) us_private
+ (us_private__content a))
+(declare-fun us_compatible_tags (Int Int) Bool)
+;; __compatible_tags_refl
+ (assert (forall ((tag Int)) (us_compatible_tags tag tag)))
+(define-fun to_int1 ((b Bool)) Int (ite (= b true) 1 0))
+(define-fun of_int ((i Int)) Bool (ite (= i 0) false true))
+(define-fun in_range ((x Int)) Bool (or (= x 0) (= x 1)))
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE (Bool) us_image)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE__pre_check (us_image) Bool)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE (us_image) Bool)
+(declare-fun power (Real Int) Real)
+;; Power_0
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (power x 0) 1.0)))
+;; Power_s
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (n Int))
+ (=> (<= 0 n) (= (power x (+ n 1)) (* x (power x n))))))
+;; Power_s_alt
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (n Int))
+ (=> (< 0 n) (= (power x n) (* x (power x (- n 1)))))))
+;; Power_1
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (power x 1) x)))
+;; Power_sum
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (n Int) (m Int))
+ (=> (<= 0 n)
+ (=> (<= 0 m) (= (power x (+ n m)) (* (power x n) (power x m)))))))
+;; Power_mult
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (n Int) (m Int))
+ (=> (<= 0 n) (=> (<= 0 m) (= (power x (* n m)) (power (power x n) m))))))
+;; Power_mult2
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (n Int))
+ (=> (<= 0 n) (= (power (* x y) n) (* (power x n) (power y n))))))
+;; Pow_ge_one
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (n Int))
+ (=> (and (<= 0 n) (<= 1.0 x)) (<= 1.0 (power x n)))))
+(declare-datatypes ()
+((mode (NearestTiesToEven) (ToZero) (Up) (Down) (NearestTiesToAway))))
+(declare-sort single 0)
+(declare-fun round (mode Real) Real)
+(declare-fun value (single) Real)
+(declare-fun exact (single) Real)
+(declare-fun model (single) Real)
+(define-fun round_error ((x single)) Real (ite (>= (- (value x) (exact x)) 0.0) (-
+ (value x) (exact x)) (- (- (value x) (exact x)))))
+(define-fun total_error ((x single)) Real (ite (>= (- (value x) (model x)) 0.0) (-
+ (value x) (model x)) (- (- (value x) (model x)))))
+(define-fun no_overflow ((m mode)
+ (x Real)) Bool (<= (ite (>= (round m x) 0.0) (round m x) (- (round m x))) 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0))
+;; Bounded_real_no_overflow
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (x Real))
+ (=> (<= (ite (>= x 0.0) x (- x)) 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0)
+ (no_overflow m x))))
+;; Round_monotonic
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (x Real) (y Real))
+ (=> (<= x y) (<= (round m x) (round m y)))))
+;; Round_idempotent
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m1 mode) (m2 mode) (x Real))
+ (= (round m1 (round m2 x)) (round m2 x))))
+;; Round_value
+ (assert (forall ((m mode) (x single)) (= (round m (value x)) (value x))))
+;; Bounded_value
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x single))
+ (<= (ite (>= (value x) 0.0) (value x) (- (value x))) 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0)))
+;; Exact_rounding_for_integers
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (i Int))
+ (=> (and (<= (- 16777216) i) (<= i 16777216))
+ (= (round m (to_real i)) (to_real i)))))
+;; Round_down_le
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (<= (round Down x) x)))
+;; Round_up_ge
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (<= x (round Up x))))
+;; Round_down_neg
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (round Down (- x)) (- (round Up x)))))
+;; Round_up_neg
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (round Up (- x)) (- (round Down x)))))
+(declare-fun round_logic (mode Real) single)
+;; Round_logic_def
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (x Real))
+ (=> (no_overflow m x) (= (value (round_logic m x)) (round m x)))))
+(define-fun of_real_post ((m mode) (x Real)
+ (res single)) Bool (and (= (value res) (round m x))
+ (and (= (exact res) x) (= (model res) x))))
+(define-fun add_post ((m mode) (x single) (y single)
+ (res single)) Bool (and (= (value res) (round m (+ (value x) (value y))))
+ (and (= (exact res) (+ (exact x) (exact y)))
+ (= (model res) (+ (model x) (model y))))))
+(define-fun sub_post ((m mode) (x single) (y single)
+ (res single)) Bool (and (= (value res) (round m (- (value x) (value y))))
+ (and (= (exact res) (- (exact x) (exact y)))
+ (= (model res) (- (model x) (model y))))))
+(define-fun mul_post ((m mode) (x single) (y single)
+ (res single)) Bool (and (= (value res) (round m (* (value x) (value y))))
+ (and (= (exact res) (* (exact x) (exact y)))
+ (= (model res) (* (model x) (model y))))))
+(define-fun div_post ((m mode) (x single) (y single)
+ (res single)) Bool (and (= (value res) (round m (/ (value x) (value y))))
+ (and (= (exact res) (/ (exact x) (exact y)))
+ (= (model res) (/ (model x) (model y))))))
+(define-fun neg_post ((x single)
+ (res single)) Bool (and (= (value res) (- (value x)))
+ (and (= (exact res) (- (exact x)))
+ (= (model res) (- (model x))))))
+(define-fun lt ((x single) (y single)) Bool (< (value x) (value y)))
+(define-fun gt ((x single) (y single)) Bool (< (value y) (value x)))
+(declare-sort double 0)
+(declare-fun round1 (mode Real) Real)
+(declare-fun value1 (double) Real)
+(declare-fun exact1 (double) Real)
+(declare-fun model1 (double) Real)
+(define-fun round_error1 ((x double)) Real (ite (>= (- (value1 x) (exact1 x)) 0.0) (-
+ (value1 x) (exact1 x)) (- (- (value1 x) (exact1 x)))))
+(define-fun total_error1 ((x double)) Real (ite (>= (- (value1 x) (model1 x)) 0.0) (-
+ (value1 x) (model1 x)) (- (- (value1 x) (model1 x)))))
+(define-fun no_overflow1 ((m mode)
+ (x Real)) Bool (<= (ite (>= (round1 m x) 0.0) (round1 m x) (- (round1 m x))) 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0))
+;; Bounded_real_no_overflow
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (x Real))
+ (=>
+ (<= (ite (>= x 0.0) x (- x)) 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0)
+ (no_overflow1 m x))))
+;; Round_monotonic
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (x Real) (y Real))
+ (=> (<= x y) (<= (round1 m x) (round1 m y)))))
+;; Round_idempotent
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m1 mode) (m2 mode) (x Real))
+ (= (round1 m1 (round1 m2 x)) (round1 m2 x))))
+;; Round_value
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (x double)) (= (round1 m (value1 x)) (value1 x))))
+;; Bounded_value
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x double))
+ (<= (ite (>= (value1 x) 0.0) (value1 x) (- (value1 x))) 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0)))
+;; Exact_rounding_for_integers
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (i Int))
+ (=> (and (<= (- 9007199254740992) i) (<= i 9007199254740992))
+ (= (round1 m (to_real i)) (to_real i)))))
+;; Round_down_le
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (<= (round1 Down x) x)))
+;; Round_up_ge
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (<= x (round1 Up x))))
+;; Round_down_neg
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (round1 Down (- x)) (- (round1 Up x)))))
+;; Round_up_neg
+ (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (round1 Up (- x)) (- (round1 Down x)))))
+(declare-fun round_logic1 (mode Real) double)
+;; Round_logic_def
+ (assert
+ (forall ((m mode) (x Real))
+ (=> (no_overflow1 m x) (= (value1 (round_logic1 m x)) (round1 m x)))))
+(define-fun of_real_post1 ((m mode) (x Real)
+ (res double)) Bool (and (= (value1 res) (round1 m x))
+ (and (= (exact1 res) x) (= (model1 res) x))))
+(define-fun add_post1 ((m mode) (x double) (y double)
+ (res double)) Bool (and
+ (= (value1 res) (round1 m (+ (value1 x) (value1 y))))
+ (and (= (exact1 res) (+ (exact1 x) (exact1 y)))
+ (= (model1 res) (+ (model1 x) (model1 y))))))
+(define-fun sub_post1 ((m mode) (x double) (y double)
+ (res double)) Bool (and
+ (= (value1 res) (round1 m (- (value1 x) (value1 y))))
+ (and (= (exact1 res) (- (exact1 x) (exact1 y)))
+ (= (model1 res) (- (model1 x) (model1 y))))))
+(define-fun mul_post1 ((m mode) (x double) (y double)
+ (res double)) Bool (and
+ (= (value1 res) (round1 m (* (value1 x) (value1 y))))
+ (and (= (exact1 res) (* (exact1 x) (exact1 y)))
+ (= (model1 res) (* (model1 x) (model1 y))))))
+(define-fun div_post1 ((m mode) (x double) (y double)
+ (res double)) Bool (and
+ (= (value1 res) (round1 m (/ (value1 x) (value1 y))))
+ (and (= (exact1 res) (/ (exact1 x) (exact1 y)))
+ (= (model1 res) (/ (model1 x) (model1 y))))))
+(define-fun neg_post1 ((x double)
+ (res double)) Bool (and (= (value1 res) (- (value1 x)))
+ (and (= (exact1 res) (- (exact1 x)))
+ (= (model1 res) (- (model1 x))))))
+(define-fun lt1 ((x double) (y double)) Bool (< (value1 x) (value1 y)))
+(define-fun gt1 ((x double) (y double)) Bool (< (value1 y) (value1 x)))
+;; round_single_bound
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (! (and
+ (<= (- (- x (* (/ 1.0 16777216.0) (ite (>= x 0.0) x (- x)))) (/ 1.0 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624.0))
+ (round NearestTiesToEven x))
+ (<= (round NearestTiesToEven x) (+ (+ x (* (/ 1.0 16777216.0) (ite (>= x 0.0) x (- x)))) (/ 1.0 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624.0)))) :pattern (
+ (round NearestTiesToEven x)) )))
+;; round_double_bound
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (! (and
+ (<= (- (- x (* (/ 1.0 9007199254740992.0) (ite (>= x 0.0) x (- x)))) (/ 1.0 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568.0))
+ (round1 NearestTiesToEven x))
+ (<= (round1 NearestTiesToEven x) (+ (+ x (* (/ 1.0 9007199254740992.0) (ite (>= x 0.0) x (- x)))) (/ 1.0 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568.0)))) :pattern (
+ (round1 NearestTiesToEven x)) )))
+;; round_double_single
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (! (= (round1 NearestTiesToEven (round NearestTiesToEven x)) (round
+ NearestTiesToEven
+ x)) :pattern (
+ (round NearestTiesToEven x)) )))
+(declare-fun round2 (Real) Int)
+;; Round_down
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (=> (< (- x (to_real (to_int x))) (/ 5.0 10.0)) (= (round2 x) (to_int x)))))
+;; Round_up
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (=> (< (- (to_real (- 1 (to_int (- 1.0 x)))) x) (/ 5.0 10.0))
+ (= (round2 x) (- 1 (to_int (- 1.0 x)))))))
+;; Round_neg_tie
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (=> (and (= (- x (to_real (to_int x))) (/ 5.0 10.0)) (< x 0.0))
+ (= (round2 x) (to_int x)))))
+;; Round_pos_tie
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (=>
+ (and (= (- (to_real (- 1 (to_int (- 1.0 x)))) x) (/ 5.0 10.0)) (< 0.0 x))
+ (= (round2 x) (- 1 (to_int (- 1.0 x)))))))
+;; Round_int
+ (assert
+ (forall ((i Int))
+ (! (= (round2 (to_real i)) i) :pattern ((round2 (to_real i))) )))
+;; Round_near_int
+ (assert
+ (forall ((i Int))
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (=> (and (< (- (/ 5.0 10.0)) x) (< x (/ 5.0 10.0)))
+ (= (round2 (+ (to_real i) x)) i)))))
+;; Round_monotonic
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (y Real)) (=> (<= x y) (<= (round2 x) (round2 y)))))
+;; Round_monotonic_int1
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (i Int)) (=> (<= x (to_real i)) (<= (round2 x) i))))
+;; Round_monotonic_int2
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real) (i Int)) (=> (<= (to_real i) x) (<= i (round2 x)))))
+;; Round_bound
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (and (<= (- x (/ 5.0 10.0)) (to_real (round2 x)))
+ (<= (to_real (round2 x)) (+ x (/ 5.0 10.0))))))
+(declare-fun remainder (Real Real) Real)
+(declare-sort float 0)
+(define-fun in_range1 ((x Real)) Bool (and
+ (<= (- 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0) x)
+ (<= x 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0)))
+(declare-fun to_real1 (float) Real)
+(declare-fun of_real (Real) float)
+(declare-fun user_eq (float float) Bool)
+(declare-fun next_representable (Real) Real)
+(declare-fun prev_representable (Real) Real)
+;; next_representable_def
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (! (< x (next_representable x)) :pattern ((next_representable x)) )))
+;; prev_representable_def
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Real))
+ (! (< (prev_representable x) x) :pattern ((prev_representable x)) )))
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE1 (Real) us_image)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE__pre_check1 (us_image) Bool)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE1 (us_image) Real)
+(declare-fun dummy () float)
+;; inversion_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x float))
+ (! (= (of_real (to_real1 x)) x) :pattern ((to_real1 x)) )))
+;; representable_first
+ (assert
+ (= (round NearestTiesToEven (- 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0)) (- 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0)))
+;; representable_last
+ (assert
+ (= (round NearestTiesToEven 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0) 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0))
+;; range_axiom
+ (assert (forall ((x float)) (in_range1 (to_real1 x))))
+(declare-datatypes () ((float__ref (mk_float__ref (float__content float)))))
+(define-fun float__ref___projection ((a float__ref)) float (float__content a))
+(declare-sort weapon_kind 0)
+(define-fun in_range2 ((x Int)) Bool (and (<= 0 x) (<= x 2)))
+(define-fun bool_eq ((x Int) (y Int)) Bool (ite (= x y) true false))
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE2 (Int) us_image)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE__pre_check2 (us_image) Bool)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE2 (us_image) Int)
+(declare-fun to_rep (weapon_kind) Int)
+(declare-fun of_rep (Int) weapon_kind)
+(declare-fun user_eq1 (weapon_kind weapon_kind) Bool)
+(declare-fun dummy1 () weapon_kind)
+;; inversion_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x weapon_kind))
+ (! (= (of_rep (to_rep x)) x) :pattern ((to_rep x)) )))
+;; range_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x weapon_kind)) (! (in_range2
+ (to_rep x)) :pattern ((to_rep x)) )))
+;; coerce_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range2 x) (= (to_rep (of_rep x)) x)) :pattern ((to_rep
+ (of_rep x))) )))
+(declare-datatypes ()
+((weapon_kind__ref (mk_weapon_kind__ref (weapon_kind__content weapon_kind)))))
+(define-fun weapon_kind__ref___projection ((a weapon_kind__ref)) weapon_kind
+ (weapon_kind__content a))
+(declare-fun dps (Int) float)
+(declare-fun damage (Int) Int)
+(declare-fun bullet (Int) Int)
+(declare-fun cooldown (Int) Int)
+;; dps__post_axiom
+ (assert true)
+;; dps__def_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((self Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range2 self)
+ (= (to_real1 (dps self)) (round NearestTiesToEven
+ (/ (round NearestTiesToEven
+ (to_real (damage (bullet self)))) (round
+ NearestTiesToEven
+ (to_real
+ (cooldown
+ self))))))) :pattern (
+ (dps self)) )))
+(declare-sort integer 0)
+(define-fun in_range3 ((x Int)) Bool (and (<= (- 2147483648) x)
+ (<= x 2147483647)))
+(define-fun bool_eq1 ((x Int) (y Int)) Bool (ite (= x y) true false))
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE3 (Int) us_image)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE__pre_check3 (us_image) Bool)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE3 (us_image) Int)
+(declare-fun to_rep1 (integer) Int)
+(declare-fun of_rep1 (Int) integer)
+(declare-fun user_eq2 (integer integer) Bool)
+(declare-fun dummy2 () integer)
+;; inversion_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x integer))
+ (! (= (of_rep1 (to_rep1 x)) x) :pattern ((to_rep1 x)) )))
+;; range_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x integer)) (! (in_range3 (to_rep1 x)) :pattern ((to_rep1 x)) )))
+;; coerce_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range3 x) (= (to_rep1 (of_rep1 x)) x)) :pattern ((to_rep1
+ (of_rep1 x))) )))
+(declare-datatypes ()
+((integer__ref (mk_integer__ref (integer__content integer)))))
+(define-fun integer__ref___projection ((a integer__ref)) integer (integer__content
+ a))
+(define-fun dynamic_invariant ((temp___expr_15 Int) (temp___is_init_12 Bool)
+ (temp___do_constant_13 Bool)
+ (temp___do_toplevel_14 Bool)) Bool (=>
+ (or (= temp___is_init_12 true)
+ (<= (- 2147483648) 2147483647))
+ (in_range3 temp___expr_15)))
+(declare-sort bullet_kind 0)
+(define-fun in_range4 ((x Int)) Bool (and (<= 0 x) (<= x 4)))
+(define-fun bool_eq2 ((x Int) (y Int)) Bool (ite (= x y) true false))
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE4 (Int) us_image)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE__pre_check4 (us_image) Bool)
+(declare-fun attr__ATTRIBUTE_VALUE4 (us_image) Int)
+(declare-fun to_rep2 (bullet_kind) Int)
+(declare-fun of_rep2 (Int) bullet_kind)
+(declare-fun user_eq3 (bullet_kind bullet_kind) Bool)
+(declare-fun dummy3 () bullet_kind)
+;; inversion_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x bullet_kind))
+ (! (= (of_rep2 (to_rep2 x)) x) :pattern ((to_rep2 x)) )))
+;; range_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x bullet_kind)) (! (in_range4
+ (to_rep2 x)) :pattern ((to_rep2 x)) )))
+;; coerce_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((x Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range4 x) (= (to_rep2 (of_rep2 x)) x)) :pattern ((to_rep2
+ (of_rep2 x))) )))
+(declare-datatypes ()
+((bullet_kind__ref (mk_bullet_kind__ref (bullet_kind__content bullet_kind)))))
+(define-fun bullet_kind__ref___projection ((a bullet_kind__ref)) bullet_kind
+ (bullet_kind__content a))
+(define-fun dynamic_invariant1 ((temp___expr_180 Int)
+ (temp___is_init_177 Bool) (temp___do_constant_178 Bool)
+ (temp___do_toplevel_179 Bool)) Bool (=>
+ (or (= temp___is_init_177 true)
+ (<= 0 4)) (in_range4 temp___expr_180)))
+;; damage__post_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((self Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range4 self) (dynamic_invariant (damage self) true false true)) :pattern (
+ (damage self)) )))
+;; damage__def_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((self Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range4 self)
+ (= (damage self) (ite (= self 0) 0
+ (ite (= self 1) 1
+ (ite (= self 2) 8 (ite (= self 3) 10 1)))))) :pattern (
+ (damage self)) )))
+(define-fun dynamic_invariant2 ((temp___expr_186 Int)
+ (temp___is_init_183 Bool) (temp___do_constant_184 Bool)
+ (temp___do_toplevel_185 Bool)) Bool (=>
+ (or (= temp___is_init_183 true)
+ (<= 0 2)) (in_range2 temp___expr_186)))
+;; bullet__post_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((self Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range2 self) (dynamic_invariant1 (bullet self) true false true)) :pattern (
+ (bullet self)) )))
+;; bullet__def_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((self Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range2 self)
+ (= (bullet self) (ite (= self 0) 1 (ite (= self 1) 1 2)))) :pattern (
+ (bullet self)) )))
+;; cooldown__post_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((self Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range2 self) (dynamic_invariant (cooldown self) true false
+ true)) :pattern ((cooldown self)) )))
+;; cooldown__def_axiom
+ (assert
+ (forall ((self Int))
+ (! (=> (in_range2 self)
+ (= (cooldown self) (ite (= self 0) 4 (ite (= self 1) 1 8)))) :pattern (
+ (cooldown self)) )))
+;; WP_parameter_def
+ ;; File "", line 34, characters 0-0
+ (not
+ (forall ((w Int))
+ (=> (and (<= 0 w) (<= w 2))
+ (or (= w 2) (<= (to_real1 (dps w)) (to_real1 (dps (+ w 1)))))))))
+(get-info :reason-unknown)
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