path: root/src/theory/arith/dio_solver.h
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authorTim King <>2012-02-15 21:52:16 +0000
committerTim King <>2012-02-15 21:52:16 +0000
commit9a0a59d5c85c4a1d2469f43e9d2b433e156810ba (patch)
treeba66b1c5cdeec062ce4144a463ec0b61a83e3cc6 /src/theory/arith/dio_solver.h
parent093fa1757392e7bfc18493f2daa87ff540aeea86 (diff)
This commit merges into trunk the branch branches/arithmetic/integers2 from r2650 to r2779.
- This excludes revision 2777. This revision had some strange performance implications and was delaying the merge. - This includes the new DioSolver. The DioSolver can discover conflicts, produce substitutions, and produce cuts. - The DioSolver can be disabled at command line using --disable-dio-solver. - This includes a number of changes to the arithmetic normal form. - The Integer class features a number of new number theoretic function. - This commit includes a few rather loud warning. I will do my best to take care of them today.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/theory/arith/dio_solver.h')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/theory/arith/dio_solver.h b/src/theory/arith/dio_solver.h
index c91ddd994..da41d94cd 100644
--- a/src/theory/arith/dio_solver.h
+++ b/src/theory/arith/dio_solver.h
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
#include "theory/arith/arith_utilities.h"
#include "util/rational.h"
+#include "util/stats.h"
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
@@ -36,33 +38,384 @@ namespace theory {
namespace arith {
class DioSolver {
- context::Context* d_context;
- const Tableau& d_tableau;
- ArithPartialModel& d_partialModel;
+ typedef size_t TrailIndex;
+ typedef size_t InputConstraintIndex;
+ typedef size_t SubIndex;
+ std::vector<Variable> d_variablePool;
+ context::CDO<size_t> d_lastUsedVariable;
+ /**
+ * The set of input constraints is stored in a CDList.
+ * Each constraint point to an element of the trail.
+ */
+ struct InputConstraint {
+ Node d_reason;
+ TrailIndex d_trailPos;
+ InputConstraint(Node reason, TrailIndex pos) : d_reason(reason), d_trailPos(pos) {}
+ };
+ context::CDList<InputConstraint> d_inputConstraints;
+ /**
+ * This is the next input constraint to handle.
+ */
+ context::CDO<size_t> d_nextInputConstraintToEnqueue;
+ /**
+ * We maintain a map from the variables associated with proofs to an input constraint.
+ * These variables can then be used in polynomial manipulations.
+ */
+ typedef std::hash_map<Node, InputConstraintIndex, NodeHashFunction> NodeToInputConstraintIndexMap;
+ NodeToInputConstraintIndexMap d_varToInputConstraintMap;
+ Node proofVariableToReason(const Variable& v) const{
+ Assert(d_varToInputConstraintMap.find(v.getNode()) != d_varToInputConstraintMap.end());
+ InputConstraintIndex pos = (*(d_varToInputConstraintMap.find(v.getNode()))).second;
+ Assert(pos < d_inputConstraints.size());
+ return d_inputConstraints[pos].d_reason;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main work horse of the algorithm, the trail of constraints.
+ * Each constraint is a SumPair that implicitly represents an equality against 0.
+ * d_trail[i].d_eq = (+ c (+ [(* coeff var)])) representing (+ [(* coeff var)]) = -c
+ * Each constraint has a proof in terms of a linear combination of the input constraints.
+ * d_trail[i].d_proof
+ *
+ * Each Constraint also a monomial in d_eq.getPolynomial()
+ * of minimal absolute value by the coefficients.
+ * d_trail[i].d_minimalMonomial
+ *
+ * See Alberto's paper for how linear proofs are maintained for the abstract
+ * state machine in rules (7), (8) and (9).
+ */
+ struct Constraint {
+ SumPair d_eq;
+ Polynomial d_proof;
+ Monomial d_minimalMonomial;
+ Constraint(const SumPair& eq, const Polynomial& p) :
+ d_eq(eq), d_proof(p), d_minimalMonomial(d_eq.getPolynomial().selectAbsMinimum())
+ {}
+ };
+ context::CDList<Constraint> d_trail;
+ /** Compare by d_minimal. */
+ struct TrailMinimalCoefficientOrder {
+ const context::CDList<Constraint>& d_trail;
+ TrailMinimalCoefficientOrder(const context::CDList<Constraint>& trail):
+ d_trail(trail)
+ {}
+ bool operator()(TrailIndex i, TrailIndex j){
+ return d_trail[i].d_minimalMonomial.absLessThan(d_trail[j].d_minimalMonomial);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * A substitution is stored as a constraint in the trail together with
+ * the variable to be eliminated, and a fresh variable if one was introduced.
+ * The variable d_subs[i].d_eliminated is substituted using the implicit equality in
+ * d_trail[d_subs[i].d_constraint]
+ * - d_subs[i].d_eliminated is normalized to have coefficient -1 in
+ * d_trail[d_subs[i].d_constraint].
+ * - d_subs[i].d_fresh is either Node::null() or it is variable it is normalized
+ * to have coefficient 1 in d_trail[d_subs[i].d_constraint].
+ */
+ struct Substitution {
+ Node d_fresh;
+ Variable d_eliminated;
+ TrailIndex d_constraint;
+ Substitution(Node f, const Variable& e, TrailIndex c) :
+ d_fresh(f), d_eliminated(e), d_constraint(c)
+ {}
+ };
+ context::CDList<Substitution> d_subs;
+ /**
+ * This is the queue of constraints to be processed in the current context level.
+ * This is to be empty upon entering solver and cleared upon leaving the solver.
+ *
+ * All elements in currentF:
+ * - are fully substituted according to d_subs.
+ * - !isConstant().
+ * - If the element is (+ constant (+ [(* coeff var)] )), then the gcd(coeff) = 1
+ */
+ std::deque<TrailIndex> d_currentF;
+ context::CDList<TrailIndex> d_savedQueue;
+ context::CDO<size_t> d_savedQueueIndex;
+ context::CDO<bool> d_conflictHasBeenRaised;
+ TrailIndex d_conflictIndex;
+ /**
+ * Drop derived constraints with a coefficient length larger than
+ * the maximum input constraints length than 2**MAX_GROWTH_RATE.
+ */
+ context::CDO<uint32_t> d_maxInputCoefficientLength;
+ static const uint32_t MAX_GROWTH_RATE = 3;
+ /** Returns true if the element on the trail should be dropped.*/
+ bool anyCoefficientExceedsMaximum(TrailIndex j) const;
+ /**
+ * Is true if decomposeIndex has been used in this context.
+ */
+ context::CDO<bool> d_usedDecomposeIndex;
+ context::CDO<SubIndex> d_lastPureSubstitution;
+ context::CDO<SubIndex> d_pureSubstitionIter;
/** Construct a Diophantine equation solver with the given context. */
- DioSolver(context::Context* ctxt, const Tableau& tab, ArithPartialModel& pmod) :
- d_context(ctxt),
- d_tableau(tab),
- d_partialModel(pmod) {
+ DioSolver(context::Context* ctxt);
+ /** Returns true if the substitutions use no new variables. */
+ bool hasMorePureSubstitutions() const{
+ return d_pureSubstitionIter < d_lastPureSubstitution;
+ }
+ Node nextPureSubstitution();
+ /**
+ * Adds an equality to the queue of the DioSolver.
+ * orig is blamed in a conflict.
+ * orig can either be of the form (= p c) or (and ub lb).
+ * where ub is either (leq p c) or (not (> p [- c 1])), and
+ * where lb is either (geq p c) or (not (< p [+ c 1]))
+ */
+ void pushInputConstraint(const Comparison& eq, Node reason);
+ /**
+ * Processes the queue looking for any conflict.
+ * If a conflict is found, this returns conflict.
+ * Otherwise, it returns null.
+ * The conflict is guarenteed to be over literals given in addEquality.
+ */
+ Node processEquationsForConflict();
+ /**
+ * Processes the queue looking for an integer unsatisfiable cutting plane.
+ * If such a plane is found this returns an entailed plane using no
+ * fresh variables.
+ */
+ SumPair processEquationsForCut();
+ /** Returns true if the TrailIndex refers to a element in the trail. */
+ bool inRange(TrailIndex i) const{
+ return i < d_trail.size();
+ }
+ Node columnGcdIsOne() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the context dependent flag for conflicts
+ * has been raised.
+ */
+ bool inConflict() const{
+ return d_conflictHasBeenRaised;
+ }
+ /** Raises a conflict at the index ti. */
+ void raiseConflict(TrailIndex ti){
+ Assert(!inConflict());
+ d_conflictHasBeenRaised = true;
+ d_conflictIndex = ti;
+ }
+ /** Returns the conflict index. */
+ TrailIndex getConflictIndex() const{
+ Assert(inConflict());
+ return d_conflictIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allocates a "unique" variables from the pool of integer variables.
+ * This variable is fresh with respect to the context.
+ * Returns index of the variable in d_variablePool;
+ */
+ size_t allocateVariableInPool();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the node can be accepted as a reason according to the
+ * kinds.
+ */
+ bool acceptableOriginalNodes(Node n);
+ /** Empties the unproccessed input constraints into the queue. */
+ void enqueueInputConstraints();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if an input equality is in the map.
+ * This is expensive and is only for debug assertions.
+ */
+ bool debugEqualityInInputEquations(Node eq);
+ /** Applies the substitution at subIndex to currentF. */
+ void subAndReduceCurrentFByIndex(SubIndex d_subIndex);
+ /**
+ * Takes as input a TrailIndex i and an integer that divides d_trail[i].d_eq, and
+ * returns a TrailIndex j s.t.
+ * d_trail[j].d_eq = (1/g) d_trail[i].d_eq
+ * and
+ * d_trail[j].d_proof = (1/g) d_trail[i].d_proof.
+ *
+ * g must be non-zero.
+ *
+ * This corresponds to an application of Alberto's rule (7).
+ */
+ TrailIndex scaleEqAtIndex(TrailIndex i, const Integer& g);
+ /**
+ * Takes as input TrailIndex's i and j and Integer's q and r and a TrailIndex k s.t.
+ * d_trail[k].d_eq == d_trail[i].d_eq * q + d_trail[j].d_eq * r
+ * and
+ * d_trail[k].d_proof == d_trail[i].d_proof * q + d_trail[j].d_proof * r
+ *
+ * This corresponds to an application of Alberto's rule (8).
+ */
+ TrailIndex combineEqAtIndexes(TrailIndex i, const Integer& q, TrailIndex j, const Integer& r);
+ /**
+ * Decomposes the equation at index ti of trail by the variable
+ * with the lowest coefficient.
+ * This corresponds to an application of Alberto's rule (9).
+ *
+ * Returns a pair of a SubIndex and a TrailIndex.
+ * The SubIndex is the index of a newly introduced substition.
+ */
+ std::pair<SubIndex, TrailIndex> decomposeIndex(TrailIndex ti);
+ /** Solves the index at ti for the value in minimumMonomial. */
+ std::pair<SubIndex, TrailIndex> solveIndex(TrailIndex ti);
+ /** Prints the queue for debugging purposes to Debug("arith::dio"). */
+ void printQueue();
+ /**
+ * Exhaustively applies all substitutions discovered to an element of the trail.
+ * Returns a TrailIndex corresponding to the substitutions being applied.
+ */
+ TrailIndex applyAllSubstitutionsToIndex(TrailIndex i);
+ /**
+ * Applies a substitution to an element in the trail.
+ */
+ TrailIndex applySubstitution(SubIndex s, TrailIndex i);
+ /**
+ * Reduces the trail node at i by the gcd of the variables.
+ * Returns the new trail element.
+ *
+ * This raises the conflict flag if unsat is detected.
+ */
+ TrailIndex reduceByGCD(TrailIndex i);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if i'th element in the trail is trivially true.
+ * (0 = 0)
+ */
+ bool triviallySat(TrailIndex t);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if i'th element in the trail is trivially unsatisfiable.
+ * (1 = 0)
+ */
+ bool triviallyUnsat(TrailIndex t);
+ /** Returns true if the gcd of the i'th element of the trail is 1.*/
+ bool gcdIsOne(TrailIndex t);
+ bool debugAnySubstitionApplies(TrailIndex t);
+ bool debugSubstitutionApplies(SubIndex si, TrailIndex ti);
+ /** Returns true if the queue of nodes to process is empty. */
+ bool queueEmpty() const;
+ bool queueConditions(TrailIndex t){
+ /* debugPrintTrail(t); */
+ /* std::cout << !inConflict() << std::endl; */
+ /* std::cout << gcdIsOne(t) << std::endl; */
+ /* std::cout << !debugAnySubstitionApplies(t) << std::endl; */
+ /* std::cout << !triviallySat(t) << std::endl; */
+ /* std::cout << !triviallyUnsat(t) << std::endl; */
+ return
+ !inConflict() &&
+ gcdIsOne(t) &&
+ !debugAnySubstitionApplies(t) &&
+ !triviallySat(t) &&
+ !triviallyUnsat(t);
+ }
+ void pushToQueueBack(TrailIndex t){
+ Assert(queueConditions(t));
+ d_currentF.push_back(t);
+ }
+ void pushToQueueFront(TrailIndex t){
+ Assert(queueConditions(t));
+ d_currentF.push_front(t);
- * Solve the set of Diophantine equations in the tableau.
+ * Moves the minimum Constraint by absolute value of the minimum coefficient to
+ * the front of the queue.
+ */
+ void moveMinimumByAbsToQueueFront();
+ void saveQueue();
+ TrailIndex impliedGcdOfOne();
+ /**
+ * Processing the current set of equations.
- * @return true if the set of equations was solved; false if no
- * solution
+ * decomposeIndex() rule is only applied if allowDecomposition is true.
- bool solve();
+ bool processEquations(bool allowDecomposition);
- * Get the parameterized solution to this set of Diophantine
- * equations. Must be preceded by a call to solve() that returned
- * true. */
- void getSolution();
+ * Constructs a proof from any d_trail[i] in terms of input literals.
+ */
+ Node proveIndex(TrailIndex i);
+ /**
+ * Returns the SumPair in d_trail[i].d_eq with all of the fresh variables purified out.
+ */
+ SumPair purifyIndex(TrailIndex i);
+ void debugPrintTrail(TrailIndex i) const;
+ /** These fields are designed to be accessable to TheoryArith methods. */
+ class Statistics {
+ public:
+ IntStat d_conflictCalls;
+ IntStat d_cutCalls;
+ IntStat d_cuts;
+ IntStat d_conflicts;
+ TimerStat d_conflictTimer;
+ TimerStat d_cutTimer;
+ Statistics();
+ ~Statistics();
+ };
+ Statistics d_statistics;
};/* class DioSolver */
}/* CVC4::theory::arith namespace */
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