path: root/src/theory/arith/arith_rewriter.cpp
diff options
authorTim King <>2010-04-28 20:14:17 +0000
committerTim King <>2010-04-28 20:14:17 +0000
commitc59fe5b21c218d3d6048cc5c34a7e27b3643ae78 (patch)
treebfd3c1d1eb975989b0ef4afa4e88da4eae84ba62 /src/theory/arith/arith_rewriter.cpp
parent2482b19ea90183d5040390b87877b7593021032c (diff)
Merging the arithmetic theory draft (lra-init) back into the main trunk. This should not affect other parts of the system. This code is untested, and is volatile. It is going to be improved in the future so don't pick on it too much. I am merging this code in its current state back into the main trunk because it was getting unruly to keep merging the updated trunk back into the branch.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/theory/arith/arith_rewriter.cpp')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/theory/arith/arith_rewriter.cpp b/src/theory/arith/arith_rewriter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3d3061d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theory/arith/arith_rewriter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+#include "theory/arith/arith_rewriter.h"
+#include "theory/arith/arith_utilities.h"
+#include "theory/arith/normal.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+using namespace CVC4;
+using namespace CVC4::theory;
+using namespace CVC4::theory::arith;
+Kind multKind(Kind k, int sgn);
+Node coerceToRationalNode(TNode constant);
+Node multPnfByNonZero(TNode pnf, Rational& q);
+ * Performs a quick check to see if it is easy to rewrite to
+ * this normal form
+ * v |><| b
+ * Also writes relations with constants on both sides to TRUE or FALSE.
+ * If it can, it returns true and sets res to this value.
+ *
+ * This is for optimizing rewriteAtom() to avoid the more compuationally
+ * expensive general rewriting procedure.
+ *
+ * If simplification is not done, it returns Node::null()
+ */
+Node almostVarOrConstEqn(TNode atom, Kind k, TNode left, TNode right){
+ Assert(atom.getKind() == k);
+ Assert(isRelationOperator(k));
+ Assert(atom[0] == left);
+ Assert(atom[1] == right);
+ bool leftIsConst = left.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT;
+ bool rightIsConst = right.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT;
+ bool leftIsVar = left.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE;
+ bool rightIsVar = right.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE;
+ if(leftIsConst && rightIsConst){
+ Rational lc = coerceToRational(left);
+ Rational rc = coerceToRational(right);
+ bool res = evaluateConstantPredicate(k,lc, rc);
+ return mkBoolNode(res);
+ }else if(leftIsVar && rightIsConst){
+ return atom;
+ }else if(leftIsConst && rightIsVar){
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(multKind(k,-1),right,left);
+ }
+ return Node::null();
+Node ArithRewriter::rewriteAtom(TNode atom){
+ Kind k = atom.getKind();
+ Assert(isRelationOperator(k));
+ // left |><| right
+ TNode left = atom[0];
+ TNode right = atom[1];
+ Node nf = almostVarOrConstEqn(atom, k,left,right);
+ if(nf != Node::null() ){
+ return nf;
+ }
+ //Transform this to: (left- right) |><| 0
+ Node diff = makeSubtractionNode(left, right);
+ Node rewritten = rewrite(diff);
+ // rewritten =_{Reals} left - right => rewritten |><| 0
+ if(rewritten.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT){
+ // Case 1 rewritten : c
+ Rational c = rewritten.getConst<Rational>();
+ bool res = evaluateConstantPredicate(k, c, d_constants->d_ZERO);
+ nf = mkBoolNode(res);
+ }else if(rewritten.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE){
+ // Case 2 rewritten : v
+ nf = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(k, rewritten, d_constants->d_ZERO_NODE);
+ }else{
+ // Case 3 rewritten : (+ c p_1 p_2 ... p_N) | not(N=1 and c=0 and p_1.d=1)
+ Rational c = rewritten[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ c = -c;
+ TNode p_1 = rewritten[1];
+ Rational d = p_1[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ d = d.inverse();
+ c = c * d;
+ Node newRight = mkRationalNode(c);
+ Kind newKind = multKind(k, d.sgn());
+ int N = rewritten.getNumChildren() - 1;
+ if(N==1){
+ int M = p_1.getNumChildren()-1;
+ if(M == 1){ // v |><| b
+ TNode v = p_1[1];
+ nf = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(newKind, v, newRight);
+ }else{ // p |><| b
+ Node newLeft = multPnfByNonZero(p_1, d);
+ nf = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(newKind, newLeft, newRight);
+ }
+ }else{ //(+ p_1 .. p_N) |><| b
+ NodeBuilder<> plus;
+ for(int i=1; i<=N; ++i){
+ TNode p_i = rewritten[i];
+ plus << multPnfByNonZero(p_i, d);
+ }
+ Node newLeft = plus;
+ nf = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(newKind, newLeft, newRight);
+ }
+ }
+ return nf;
+/* cmp( (* d v_1 v_2 ... v_M), (* d' v'_1 v'_2 ... v'_M'):
+ * if(M == M'):
+ * then tupleCompare(v_i, v'_i)
+ * else M -M'
+ */
+struct pnfLessThan {
+ bool operator()(Node p0, Node p1) {
+ int p0_M = p0.getNumChildren() -1;
+ int p1_M = p1.getNumChildren() -1;
+ if(p0_M == p1_M){
+ for(int i=1; i<= p0_M; ++i){
+ if(p0[i] != p1[i]){
+ return p0[i] < p1[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return false; //p0 == p1 in this order
+ }else{
+ return p0_M < p1_M;
+ }
+ }
+Node addPnfs(TNode p0, TNode p1){
+ //TODO asserts
+ Rational c0 = p0[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ Rational c1 = p1[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ int M = p0.getNumChildren();
+ Rational addedC = c0 + c1;
+ Node newC = mkRationalNode(addedC);
+ NodeBuilder<> nb(kind::PLUS);
+ nb << newC;
+ for(int i=1; i <= M; ++i){
+ nb << p0[i];
+ }
+ Node newPnf = nb;
+ return newPnf;
+void sortAndCombineCoefficients(std::vector<Node>& pnfs){
+ using namespace std;
+ /* combined contains exactly 1 representative per for each pnf.
+ * This is maintained by combining the coefficients for pnfs.
+ * that is equal according to pnfLessThan.
+ */
+ typedef set<Node, pnfLessThan> PnfSet;
+ PnfSet combined;
+ for(vector<Node>::iterator i=pnfs.begin(); i != pnfs.end(); ++i){
+ Node pnf = *i;
+ PnfSet::iterator pos = combined.find(pnf);
+ if(pos == combined.end()){
+ combined.insert(pnf);
+ }else{
+ Node current = *pos;
+ Node sum = addPnfs(pnf, current);
+ combined.erase(pos);
+ combined.insert(sum);
+ }
+ }
+ pnfs.clear();
+ for(PnfSet::iterator i=combined.begin(); i != combined.end(); ++i){
+ Node pnf = *i;
+ pnfs.push_back(pnf);
+ }
+Node ArithRewriter::var2pnf(TNode variable){
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::MULT,d_constants->d_ONE_NODE,variable);
+Node ArithRewriter::rewritePlus(TNode t){
+ using namespace std;
+ Rational accumulator;
+ vector<Node> pnfs;
+ for(TNode::iterator i = t.begin(); i!= t.end(); ++i){
+ TNode child = *i;
+ Node rewrittenChild = rewrite(child);
+ if(rewrittenChild.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT){//c
+ Rational c = rewrittenChild.getConst<Rational>();
+ accumulator = accumulator + c;
+ }else if(rewrittenChild.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE){ //v
+ Node pnf = var2pnf(rewrittenChild);
+ pnfs.push_back(pnf);
+ }else{ //(+ c p_1 p_2 ... p_N)
+ Rational c = rewrittenChild[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ accumulator = accumulator + c;
+ int N = rewrittenChild.getNumChildren() - 1;
+ for(int i=1; i<=N; ++i){
+ TNode pnf = rewrittenChild[i];
+ pnfs.push_back(pnf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sortAndCombineCoefficients(pnfs);
+ if(pnfs.size() == 0){
+ return mkRationalNode(accumulator);
+ }
+ // pnfs.size() >= 1
+ //Enforce not(N=1 and c=0 and p_1.d=1)
+ if(pnfs.size() == 1){
+ Node p_1 = *(pnfs.begin());
+ if(p_1[0].getConst<Rational>() == d_constants->d_ONE){
+ if(accumulator == 0){ // 0 + (* 1 var) |-> var
+ Node var = p_1[1];
+ return var;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //We must be in this case
+ //(+ c p_1 p_2 ... p_N) | not(N=1 and c=0 and p_1.d=1)
+ NodeBuilder<> nb(kind::PLUS);
+ nb << mkRationalNode(accumulator);
+ for(vector<Node>::iterator i = pnfs.begin(); i != pnfs.end(); ++i){
+ nb << *i;
+ }
+ Node normalForm = nb;
+ return normalForm;
+//Does not enforce
+//5) v_i are of metakind VARIABLE,
+//6) v_i are in increasing (not strict) nodeOrder,
+Node toPnf(Rational& c, std::set<Node>& variables){
+ NodeBuilder<> nb(kind::MULT);
+ nb << mkRationalNode(c);
+ for(std::set<Node>::iterator i = variables.begin(); i != variables.end(); ++i){
+ nb << *i;
+ }
+ Node pnf = nb;
+ return pnf;
+Node distribute(TNode n, TNode sum){
+ NodeBuilder<> nb(kind::PLUS);
+ for(TNode::iterator i=sum.begin(); i!=sum.end(); ++i){
+ Node prod = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::MULT, n, *i);
+ nb << prod;
+ }
+ return nb;
+Node distributeSum(TNode sum, TNode distribSum){
+ NodeBuilder<> nb(kind::PLUS);
+ for(TNode::iterator i=sum.begin(); i!=sum.end(); ++i){
+ Node dist = distribute(*i, distribSum);
+ for(Node::iterator j=dist.begin(); j!=dist.end(); ++j){
+ nb << *j;
+ }
+ }
+ return nb;
+Node ArithRewriter::rewriteMult(TNode t){
+ using namespace std;
+ Rational accumulator(1,1);
+ set<Node> variables;
+ vector<Node> sums;
+ stack<pair<TNode, TNode::iterator> > mult_iterators;
+ mult_iterators.push(make_pair(t, t.begin()));
+ while(!mult_iterators.empty()){
+ pair<TNode, TNode::iterator> p =;
+ mult_iterators.pop();
+ TNode mult = p.first;
+ TNode::iterator i = p.second;
+ for(; i!= mult.end(); ++i){
+ TNode child = *i;
+ if(child.getKind() == kind::MULT){ //TODO add not rewritten already checks
+ ++i;
+ mult_iterators.push(make_pair(mult,i));
+ mult_iterators.push(make_pair(child,child.begin()));
+ break;
+ }
+ Node rewrittenChild = rewrite(child);
+ if(rewrittenChild.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT){//c
+ Rational c = rewrittenChild.getConst<Rational>();
+ accumulator = accumulator * c;
+ if(accumulator == 0){
+ return d_constants->d_ZERO_NODE;
+ }
+ }else if(rewrittenChild.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE){ //v
+ variables.insert(rewrittenChild);
+ }else{ //(+ c p_1 p_2 ... p_N)
+ sums.push_back(rewrittenChild);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // accumulator * (\prod var_i) *(\prod sum_j)
+ if(sums.size() == 0){ //accumulator * (\prod var_i)
+ if(variables.size() == 0){ //accumulator
+ return mkRationalNode(accumulator);
+ }else if(variables.size() == 1 && accumulator == d_constants->d_ONE){ // var_1
+ Node var = *(variables.begin());
+ return var;
+ }else{
+ //We need to return (+ c p_1 p_2 ... p_N)
+ //To accomplish this:
+ // let pnf = pnf(accumulator * (\prod var_i)) in (+ 0 pnf)
+ Node pnf = toPnf(accumulator, variables);
+ Node normalForm = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::PLUS, d_constants->d_ZERO_NODE, pnf);
+ return normalForm;
+ }
+ }else{
+ vector<Node>::iterator sum_iter = sums.begin();
+ // \sum t
+ // t \in Q \cup A
+ // where A = lfp {\prod s | s \in Q \cup Variables \cup A}
+ Node distributed = *sum_iter;
+ ++sum_iter;
+ while(sum_iter != sums.end()){
+ Node curr = *sum_iter;
+ distributed = distributeSum(curr, distributed);
+ ++sum_iter;
+ }
+ if(variables.size() >= 1){
+ Node pnf = toPnf(accumulator, variables);
+ distributed = distribute(pnf, distributed);
+ }else{
+ Node constant = mkRationalNode(accumulator);
+ distributed = distribute(constant, distributed);
+ }
+ Node nf_distributed = rewrite(distributed);
+ return nf_distributed;
+ }
+Node ArithRewriter::rewriteTerm(TNode t){
+ if(t.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT){
+ return coerceToRationalNode(t);
+ }else if(t.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE){
+ return t;
+ }else if(t.getKind() == kind::MULT){
+ return rewriteMult(t);
+ }else if(t.getKind() == kind::PLUS){
+ return rewritePlus(t);
+ }else{
+ Unreachable();
+ return Node::null();
+ }
+ * Given a node in PNF pnf = (* d p_1 p_2 .. p_M) and a rational q != 0
+ * constuct a node equal to q * pnf that is in pnf.
+ *
+ * The claim is that this is always okay:
+ * If d' = q*d, p' = (* d' p_1 p_2 .. p_M) =_{Reals} q * pnf.
+ */
+Node multPnfByNonZero(TNode pnf, Rational& q){
+ Assert(q != 0);
+ //TODO Assert(isPNF(pnf) );
+ int M = pnf.getNumChildren()-1;
+ Rational d = pnf[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ Rational new_d = d*q;
+ NodeBuilder<> mult;
+ mult << mkRationalNode(new_d);
+ for(int i=1; i<=M; ++i){
+ mult << pnf[i];
+ }
+ Node result = mult;
+ return result;
+Node ArithRewriter::makeSubtractionNode(TNode l, TNode r){
+ using namespace CVC4::kind;
+ NodeManager* currentNM = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ Node negR = currentNM->mkNode(MULT, d_constants->d_NEGATIVE_ONE_NODE, r);
+ Node diff = currentNM->mkNode(PLUS, l, negR);
+ return diff;
+Kind multKind(Kind k, int sgn){
+ using namespace kind;
+ if(sgn < 0){
+ switch(k){
+ case LT: return GT;
+ case LEQ: return GEQ;
+ case EQUAL: return EQUAL;
+ case GEQ: return LEQ;
+ case GT: return LT;
+ default:
+ Unhandled();
+ }
+ return NULL_EXPR;
+ }else{
+ return k;
+ }
+Node ArithRewriter::rewrite(TNode n){
+ using namespace std;
+ cout << "Trace rewrite:" << n << endl;
+ if(n.getAttribute(IsNormal())){
+ return n;
+ }
+ Node res;
+ if(n.isAtomic()){
+ res = rewriteAtom(n);
+ }else{
+ res = rewriteTerm(n);
+ }
+ if(n == res){
+ n.setAttribute(NormalForm(), Node::null());
+ }else{
+ n.setAttribute(NormalForm(), res);
+ }
+ return res;
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