path: root/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Gaussian.cpp
diff options
authorDejan Jovanović <>2012-03-29 03:08:05 +0000
committerDejan Jovanović <>2012-03-29 03:08:05 +0000
commit6ba22cdd0e38f9811daefd2aee8218b8b8cf9e0e (patch)
tree435b1c90d00fd4f6cd05e29ebbdf8e735d8aa68e /src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Gaussian.cpp
parent6e5f551507a2a9af33e7b56107471a096a495862 (diff)
bringing cryptominisat into the main branch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Gaussian.cpp')
1 files changed, 1147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Gaussian.cpp b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Gaussian.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e186d5849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Gaussian.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+CryptoMiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2009 Mate Soos
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "Gaussian.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "Clause.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "ClauseCleaner.h"
+#include "VarReplacer.h"
+#include "DataSync.h"
+//#define VERBOSE_DEBUG
+//#define DEBUG_GAUSS
+#include <iterator>
+using namespace CMSat;
+using std::ostream;
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+static const uint16_t unassigned_col = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
+static const Var unassigned_var = std::numeric_limits<Var>::max();
+Gaussian::Gaussian(Solver& _solver, const GaussConf& _config, const uint32_t _matrix_no, const vector<XorClause*>& _xorclauses) :
+ solver(_solver)
+ , config(_config)
+ , matrix_no(_matrix_no)
+ , xorclauses(_xorclauses)
+ , messed_matrix_vars_since_reversal(true)
+ , gauss_last_level(0)
+ , disabled(false)
+ , useful_prop(0)
+ , useful_confl(0)
+ , called(0)
+ , unit_truths(0)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < clauses_toclear.size(); i++)
+ solver.clauseAllocator.clauseFree(clauses_toclear[i].first);
+inline void Gaussian::set_matrixset_to_cur()
+ uint32_t level = solver.decisionLevel() / config.only_nth_gauss_save;
+ assert(level <= matrix_sets.size());
+ if (level == matrix_sets.size())
+ matrix_sets.push_back(cur_matrixset);
+ else
+ matrix_sets[level] = cur_matrixset;
+bool Gaussian::full_init()
+ assert(solver.ok);
+ assert(solver.decisionLevel() == 0);
+ if (!should_init()) return true;
+ reset_stats();
+ uint32_t last_trail_size = solver.trail.size();
+ bool do_again_gauss = true;
+ while (do_again_gauss) {
+ do_again_gauss = false;
+ solver.clauseCleaner->cleanClauses(solver.xorclauses, ClauseCleaner::xorclauses);
+ if (!solver.ok) return false;
+ init();
+ PropBy confl;
+ gaussian_ret g = gaussian(confl);
+ switch (g) {
+ case unit_conflict:
+ case conflict:
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")conflict at level 0" << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ solver.ok = false;
+ return false;
+ case unit_propagation:
+ case propagation:
+ unit_truths += last_trail_size - solver.trail.size();
+ do_again_gauss = true;
+ solver.ok = (solver.propagate<true>().isNULL());
+ if (!solver.ok) return false;
+ break;
+ case nothing:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void Gaussian::init()
+ assert(solver.decisionLevel() == 0);
+ fill_matrix(cur_matrixset);
+ if (!cur_matrixset.num_rows || !cur_matrixset.num_cols) {
+ disabled = true;
+ badlevel = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ matrix_sets.clear();
+ matrix_sets.push_back(cur_matrixset);
+ gauss_last_level = solver.trail.size();
+ messed_matrix_vars_since_reversal = false;
+ badlevel = UINT_MAX;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Gaussian init finished." << endl;
+ #endif
+uint32_t Gaussian::select_columnorder(vector<uint16_t>& var_to_col, matrixset& origMat)
+ var_to_col.resize(solver.nVars(), unassigned_col);
+ uint32_t num_xorclauses = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i != xorclauses.size(); i++) {
+ XorClause& c = *xorclauses[i];
+ if (c.getRemoved()) continue;
+ num_xorclauses++;
+ for (uint32_t i2 = 0; i2 < c.size(); i2++) {
+ assert(solver.assigns[c[i2].var()].isUndef());
+ var_to_col[c[i2].var()] = unassigned_col - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t largest_used_var = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < var_to_col.size(); i++)
+ if (var_to_col[i] != unassigned_col)
+ largest_used_var = i;
+ var_to_col.resize(largest_used_var + 1);
+ var_is_in.resize(var_to_col.size(), 0);
+ origMat.var_is_set.resize(var_to_col.size(), 0);
+ origMat.col_to_var.clear();
+ vector<Var> vars(solver.nVars());
+ if (!config.orderCols) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < solver.nVars(); i++) {
+ vars.push_back(i);
+ }
+ std::random_shuffle(vars.begin(), vars.end());
+ }
+ Heap<Solver::VarOrderLt> order_heap(solver.order_heap);
+ uint32_t iterReduceIt = 0;
+ while ((config.orderCols && !order_heap.empty()) || (!config.orderCols && iterReduceIt < vars.size()))
+ {
+ Var v;
+ if (config.orderCols) v = order_heap.removeMin();
+ else v = vars[iterReduceIt++];
+ if (var_to_col[v] == 1) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ vector<uint32_t>::iterator it =
+ std::find(origMat.col_to_var.begin(), origMat.col_to_var.end(), v);
+ assert(it == origMat.col_to_var.end());
+ #endif
+ origMat.col_to_var.push_back(v);
+ var_to_col[v] = origMat.col_to_var.size()-1;
+ var_is_in.setBit(v);
+ }
+ }
+ //for the ones that were not in the order_heap, but are marked in var_to_col
+ for (uint32_t v = 0; v != var_to_col.size(); v++) {
+ if (var_to_col[v] == unassigned_col - 1) {
+ origMat.col_to_var.push_back(v);
+ var_to_col[v] = origMat.col_to_var.size() -1;
+ var_is_in.setBit(v);
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")col_to_var:";
+ std::copy(origMat.col_to_var.begin(), origMat.col_to_var.end(), std::ostream_iterator<uint32_t>(cout, ","));
+ cout << endl;
+ #endif
+ return num_xorclauses;
+void Gaussian::fill_matrix(matrixset& origMat)
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Filling matrix" << endl;
+ #endif
+ vector<uint16_t> var_to_col;
+ origMat.num_rows = select_columnorder(var_to_col, origMat);
+ origMat.num_cols = origMat.col_to_var.size();
+ col_to_var_original = origMat.col_to_var;
+ changed_rows.resize(origMat.num_rows);
+ memset(&changed_rows[0], 0, sizeof(unsigned char)*changed_rows.size());
+ origMat.last_one_in_col.resize(origMat.num_cols);
+ std::fill(origMat.last_one_in_col.begin(), origMat.last_one_in_col.end(), origMat.num_rows);
+ origMat.first_one_in_row.resize(origMat.num_rows);
+ origMat.removeable_cols = 0;
+ origMat.least_column_changed = -1;
+ origMat.matrix.resize(origMat.num_rows, origMat.num_cols);
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")matrix size:" << origMat.num_rows << "," << origMat.num_cols << endl;
+ #endif
+ uint32_t matrix_row = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i != xorclauses.size(); i++) {
+ const XorClause& c = *xorclauses[i];
+ if (c.getRemoved()) continue;
+ origMat.matrix.getVarsetAt(matrix_row).set(c, var_to_col, origMat.num_cols);
+ origMat.matrix.getMatrixAt(matrix_row).set(c, var_to_col, origMat.num_cols);
+ matrix_row++;
+ }
+ assert(origMat.num_rows == matrix_row);
+void Gaussian::update_matrix_col(matrixset& m, const Var var, const uint32_t col)
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Updating matrix var " << var+1 << " (col " << col << ", m.last_one_in_col[col]: " << m.last_one_in_col[col] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << "m.num_rows:" << m.num_rows << endl;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(col < m.num_cols);
+ #endif
+ m.least_column_changed = std::min(m.least_column_changed, (int)col);
+ PackedMatrix::iterator this_row = m.matrix.beginMatrix();
+ uint32_t row_num = 0;
+ if (solver.assigns[var].getBool()) {
+ for (uint32_t end = m.last_one_in_col[col]; row_num != end; ++this_row, row_num++) {
+ if ((*this_row)[col]) {
+ changed_rows[row_num] = true;
+ (*this_row).invert_is_true();
+ (*this_row).clearBit(col);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (uint32_t end = m.last_one_in_col[col]; row_num != end; ++this_row, row_num++) {
+ if ((*this_row)[col]) {
+ changed_rows[row_num] = true;
+ (*this_row).clearBit(col);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ bool c = false;
+ for(PackedMatrix::iterator r = m.matrix.beginMatrix(), end = r + m.matrix.getSize(); r != end; ++r)
+ c |= (*r)[col];
+ assert(!c);
+ #endif
+ m.removeable_cols++;
+ m.col_to_var[col] = unassigned_var;
+ m.var_is_set.setBit(var);
+void Gaussian::update_matrix_by_col_all(matrixset& m)
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Updating matrix." << endl;
+ print_matrix(m);
+ #endif
+ uint32_t num_updated = 0;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(nothing_to_propagate(cur_matrixset));
+ assert(solver.decisionLevel() == 0 || check_last_one_in_cols(m));
+ #endif
+ memset(&changed_rows[0], 0, sizeof(unsigned char)*changed_rows.size());
+ uint32_t last = 0;
+ uint32_t col = 0;
+ for (const Var *it = &m.col_to_var[0], *end = it + m.num_cols; it != end; col++, it++) {
+ if (*it != unassigned_var && solver.assigns[*it].isDef()) {
+ update_matrix_col(m, *it, col);
+ last++;
+ num_updated++;
+ #endif
+ } else
+ last = 0;
+ }
+ m.num_cols -= last;
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ check_matrix_against_varset(m.matrix, m);
+ #endif
+ cout << "Matrix update finished, updated " << num_updated << " cols" << endl;
+ print_matrix(m);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*cout << "num_rows:" << m.num_rows;
+ cout << " num_rows diff:" << origMat.num_rows - m.num_rows << endl;
+ cout << "num_cols:" << col_to_var_original.size();
+ cout << " num_cols diff:" << col_to_var_original.size() - m.col_to_var.size() << endl;
+ cout << "removeable cols:" << m.removeable_cols << endl;*/
+inline void Gaussian::update_last_one_in_col(matrixset& m)
+ for (uint16_t* i = &m.last_one_in_col[0]+m.last_one_in_col.size()-1, *end = &m.last_one_in_col[0]-1; i != end && *i >= m.num_rows; i--)
+ *i = m.num_rows;
+Gaussian::gaussian_ret Gaussian::gaussian(PropBy& confl)
+ if (solver.decisionLevel() >= badlevel)
+ return nothing;
+ if (messed_matrix_vars_since_reversal) {
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")matrix needs copy before update" << endl;
+ #endif
+ const uint32_t level = solver.decisionLevel() / config.only_nth_gauss_save;
+ assert(level < matrix_sets.size());
+ cur_matrixset = matrix_sets[level];
+ }
+ update_last_one_in_col(cur_matrixset);
+ update_matrix_by_col_all(cur_matrixset);
+ messed_matrix_vars_since_reversal = false;
+ gauss_last_level = solver.trail.size();
+ badlevel = UINT_MAX;
+ propagatable_rows.clear();
+ uint32_t last_row = eliminate(cur_matrixset);
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ check_matrix_against_varset(cur_matrixset.matrix, cur_matrixset);
+ #endif
+ gaussian_ret ret;
+ //There is no early abort, so this is unneeded
+ /*if (conflict_row != UINT_MAX) {
+ uint32_t maxlevel = UINT_MAX;
+ uint32_t size = UINT_MAX;
+ uint32_t best_row = UINT_MAX;
+ analyse_confl(cur_matrixset, conflict_row, maxlevel, size, best_row);
+ ret = handle_matrix_confl(confl, cur_matrixset, size, maxlevel, best_row);
+ } else {*/
+ ret = handle_matrix_prop_and_confl(cur_matrixset, last_row, confl);
+ //}
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(ret == conflict || ret == unit_conflict || nothing_to_propagate(cur_matrixset));
+ #endif
+ if (!cur_matrixset.num_cols || !cur_matrixset.num_rows) {
+ badlevel = solver.decisionLevel();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (ret == nothing &&
+ solver.decisionLevel() % config.only_nth_gauss_save == 0)
+ set_matrixset_to_cur();
+ if (ret == nothing)
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Useless. ";
+ else
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Useful. ";
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Useful prop in " << ((double)useful_prop/(double)called)*100.0 << "%" << endl;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Useful confl in " << ((double)useful_confl/(double)called)*100.0 << "%" << endl;
+ #endif
+ return ret;
+uint32_t Gaussian::eliminate(matrixset& m)
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")";
+ cout << "Starting elimination" << endl;
+ cout << "m.least_column_changed:" << m.least_column_changed << endl;
+ print_last_one_in_cols(m);
+ #endif
+ uint32_t number_of_row_additions = 0;
+ uint32_t no_exchanged = 0;
+ #endif
+ if (m.least_column_changed == INT_MAX) {
+ cout << "Nothing to eliminate" << endl;
+ #endif
+ return m.num_rows;
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(solver.decisionLevel() == 0 || check_last_one_in_cols(m));
+ #endif
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ uint32_t j = (config.iterativeReduce) ? m.least_column_changed + 1 : 0;
+ PackedMatrix::iterator beginIt = m.matrix.beginMatrix();
+ PackedMatrix::iterator rowIt = m.matrix.beginMatrix();
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ check_first_one_in_row(m, j);
+ #endif
+ if (j) {
+ uint16_t until = std::min(m.last_one_in_col[m.least_column_changed] - 1, (int)m.num_rows);
+ if (j-1 > m.first_one_in_row[m.num_rows-1])
+ until = m.num_rows;
+ for (;i != until; i++, ++rowIt) if (changed_rows[i] && (*rowIt).popcnt_is_one(m.first_one_in_row[i]))
+ propagatable_rows.push(i);
+ }
+ cout << "At while() start: i,j = " << i << ", " << j << endl;
+ cout << "num_rows:" << m.num_rows << " num_cols:" << m.num_cols << endl;
+ #endif
+ if (j > m.num_cols) {
+ cout << "Going straight to finish" << endl;
+ #endif
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(i <= m.num_rows && j <= m.num_cols);
+ #endif
+ while (i != m.num_rows && j != m.num_cols) {
+ //Find pivot in column j, starting in row i:
+ if (m.col_to_var[j] == unassigned_var) {
+ j++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ PackedMatrix::iterator this_matrix_row = rowIt;
+ PackedMatrix::iterator end = beginIt + m.last_one_in_col[j];
+ for (; this_matrix_row != end; ++this_matrix_row) {
+ if ((*this_matrix_row)[j])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (this_matrix_row != end) {
+ //swap rows i and maxi, but do not change the value of i;
+ if (this_matrix_row != rowIt) {
+ no_exchanged++;
+ #endif
+ //Would early abort, but would not find the best conflict (and would be expensive)
+ //if (matrix_row_i.is_true() && matrix_row_i.isZero()) {
+ // conflict_row = i;
+ // return 0;
+ //}
+ (*rowIt).swapBoth(*this_matrix_row);
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i).popcnt(j) == m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i).popcnt());
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i)[j]);
+ #endif
+ if ((*rowIt).popcnt_is_one(j))
+ propagatable_rows.push(i);
+ //Now A[i,j] will contain the old value of A[maxi,j];
+ ++this_matrix_row;
+ for (; this_matrix_row != end; ++this_matrix_row) if ((*this_matrix_row)[j]) {
+ //subtract row i from row u;
+ //Now A[u,j] will be 0, since A[u,j] - A[i,j] = A[u,j] -1 = 0.
+ number_of_row_additions++;
+ #endif
+ (*this_matrix_row).xorBoth(*rowIt);
+ //Would early abort, but would not find the best conflict (and would be expensive)
+ //if (it->is_true() &&it->isZero()) {
+ // conflict_row = i2;
+ // return 0;
+ //}
+ }
+ m.first_one_in_row[i] = j;
+ i++;
+ ++rowIt;
+ m.last_one_in_col[j] = i;
+ } else {
+ m.first_one_in_row[i] = j;
+ m.last_one_in_col[j] = i + 1;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ finish:
+ m.least_column_changed = INT_MAX;
+ cout << "Finished elimination" << endl;
+ cout << "Returning with i,j:" << i << ", " << j << "(" << m.num_rows << ", " << m.num_cols << ")" << endl;
+ print_matrix(m);
+ print_last_one_in_cols(m);
+ #endif
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Exchanged:" << no_exchanged << " row additions:" << number_of_row_additions << endl;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(check_last_one_in_cols(m));
+ uint32_t row = 0;
+ uint32_t col = 0;
+ for (; col < m.num_cols && row < m.num_rows && row < i ; col++) {
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row).popcnt() == m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row).popcnt(col));
+ assert(!(m.col_to_var[col] == unassigned_var && m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row)[col]));
+ if (m.col_to_var[col] == unassigned_var || !m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row)[col]) {
+ cout << "row:" << row << " col:" << col << " m.last_one_in_col[col]-1: " << m.last_one_in_col[col]-1 << endl;
+ #endif
+ assert(m.col_to_var[col] == unassigned_var || std::min((uint16_t)(m.last_one_in_col[col]-1), m.num_rows) == row);
+ continue;
+ }
+ row++;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return i;
+Gaussian::gaussian_ret Gaussian::handle_matrix_confl(PropBy& confl, const matrixset& m, const uint32_t maxlevel, const uint32_t best_row)
+ assert(best_row != UINT_MAX);
+ const bool xorEqualFalse = !m.matrix.getVarsetAt(best_row).is_true();
+ const bool wasUndef = m.matrix.getVarsetAt(best_row).fill(tmp_clause, solver.assigns, col_to_var_original);
+ release_assert(!wasUndef);
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")matrix confl clause:"
+ << tmp_clause << " , "
+ << "xorEqualFalse:" << xorEqualFalse << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ if (tmp_clause.size() <= 1) {
+ if (!tmp_clause.empty()) {
+ confl = PropBy(tmp_clause[0]);
+ } else {
+ confl = PropBy();
+ solver.ok = false;
+ }
+ return unit_conflict;
+ }
+ if (maxlevel != solver.decisionLevel()) {
+ solver.cancelUntil(maxlevel);
+ }
+ const uint32_t curr_dec_level = solver.decisionLevel();
+ assert(maxlevel == curr_dec_level);
+ uint32_t maxsublevel = 0;
+ if (tmp_clause.size() == 2) {
+ Lit lit1 = tmp_clause[0];
+ Lit lit2 = tmp_clause[1];
+[(~lit1).toInt()].push(Watched(lit2, true));
+[(~lit2).toInt()].push(Watched(lit1, true));
+ solver.numBins++;
+ solver.learnts_literals += 2;
+ solver.dataSync->signalNewBinClause(lit1, lit2);
+ lit1 = ~lit1;
+ lit2 = ~lit2;
+[(~lit2).toInt()].push(Watched(lit1, true));
+[(~lit1).toInt()].push(Watched(lit2, true));
+ solver.numBins++;
+ solver.learnts_literals += 2;
+ solver.dataSync->signalNewBinClause(lit1, lit2);
+ lit1 = ~lit1;
+ lit2 = ~lit2;
+ uint32_t sublevel1 = find_sublevel(lit1.var());
+ uint32_t sublevel2 = find_sublevel(lit2.var());
+ if (sublevel1 > sublevel2) {
+ maxsublevel = sublevel1;
+ std::swap(lit1, lit2);
+ } else {
+ maxsublevel = sublevel2;
+ }
+ confl = PropBy(lit1);
+ solver.failBinLit = lit2;
+ } else {
+ Clause* conflPtr = (Clause*)solver.clauseAllocator.XorClause_new(tmp_clause, xorEqualFalse);
+ confl = solver.clauseAllocator.getOffset(conflPtr);
+ Clause& cla = *conflPtr;
+ uint32_t maxsublevel_at = UINT_MAX;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0, size = cla.size(); i != size; i++) if (solver.level[cla[i].var()] == (int32_t)curr_dec_level) {
+ uint32_t tmp = find_sublevel(cla[i].var());
+ if (tmp >= maxsublevel) {
+ maxsublevel = tmp;
+ maxsublevel_at = i;
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ") || Sublevel of confl: " << maxsublevel << " (due to var:" << cla[maxsublevel_at].var()-1 << ")" << endl;
+ #endif
+ Lit tmp(cla[maxsublevel_at]);
+ cla[maxsublevel_at] = cla[1];
+ cla[1] = tmp;
+ }
+ cancel_until_sublevel(maxsublevel+1);
+ messed_matrix_vars_since_reversal = true;
+ return conflict;
+Gaussian::gaussian_ret Gaussian::handle_matrix_prop_and_confl(matrixset& m, uint32_t last_row, PropBy& confl)
+ int32_t maxlevel = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
+ uint32_t size = UINT_MAX;
+ uint32_t best_row = UINT_MAX;
+ for (uint32_t row = last_row; row != m.num_rows; row++) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row).isZero());
+ #endif
+ if (m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row).is_true())
+ analyse_confl(m, row, maxlevel, size, best_row);
+ }
+ if (maxlevel != std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())
+ return handle_matrix_confl(confl, m, maxlevel, best_row);
+ #ifdef DEBUG_GAUSS
+ assert(check_no_conflict(m));
+ assert(last_row == 0 || !m.matrix.getMatrixAt(last_row-1).isZero());
+ #endif
+ cout << "Resizing matrix to num_rows = " << last_row << endl;
+ #endif
+ m.num_rows = last_row;
+ m.matrix.resizeNumRows(m.num_rows);
+ gaussian_ret ret = nothing;
+ uint32_t num_props = 0;
+ for (const uint32_t* prop_row = propagatable_rows.getData(), *end = prop_row + propagatable_rows.size(); prop_row != end; prop_row++ ) {
+ //this is a "000..1..0000000X" row. I.e. it indicates a propagation
+ ret = handle_matrix_prop(m, *prop_row);
+ num_props++;
+ if (ret == unit_propagation) {
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Unit prop! Breaking from prop examination" << endl;
+ #endif
+ return unit_propagation;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_props > 0) cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Number of props during gauss:" << num_props << endl;
+ #endif
+ return ret;
+uint32_t Gaussian::find_sublevel(const Var v) const
+ for (int i = solver.trail.size()-1; i >= 0; i --)
+ if (solver.trail[i].var() == v) return i;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Oooops! Var " << v+1 << " does not have a sublevel!! (so it must be undefined)" << endl;
+ #endif
+ assert(false);
+ return 0;
+void Gaussian::cancel_until_sublevel(const uint32_t until_sublevel)
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Canceling until sublevel " << until_sublevel << endl;
+ #endif
+ for (vector<Gaussian*>::iterator gauss = solver.gauss_matrixes.begin(), end= solver.gauss_matrixes.end(); gauss != end; gauss++)
+ if (*gauss != this) (*gauss)->canceling(until_sublevel);
+ for (int sublevel = solver.trail.size()-1; sublevel >= (int)until_sublevel; sublevel--) {
+ Var var = solver.trail[sublevel].var();
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Canceling var " << var+1 << endl;
+ #endif
+ solver.assigns[var] = l_Undef;
+ solver.insertVarOrder(var);
+ }
+ solver.trail.shrink(solver.trail.size() - until_sublevel);
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Canceling sublevel finished." << endl;
+ #endif
+void Gaussian::analyse_confl(const matrixset& m, const uint32_t row, int32_t& maxlevel, uint32_t& size, uint32_t& best_row) const
+ assert(row < m.num_rows);
+ //this is a "000...00000001" row. I.e. it indicates we are on the wrong branch
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")matrix conflict found!" << endl;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")conflict clause's vars: ";
+ print_matrix_row_with_assigns(m.matrix.getVarsetAt(row));
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")corresponding matrix's row (should be empty): ";
+ print_matrix_row(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row));
+ cout << endl;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ int32_t this_maxlevel = 0;
+ unsigned long int var = 0;
+ uint32_t this_size = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ var = m.matrix.getVarsetAt(row).scan(var);
+ if (var == ULONG_MAX) break;
+ const Var real_var = col_to_var_original[var];
+ assert(real_var < solver.nVars());
+ if (solver.level[real_var] > this_maxlevel)
+ this_maxlevel = solver.level[real_var];
+ var++;
+ this_size++;
+ }
+ //the maximum of all lit's level must be lower than the max. level of the current best clause (or this clause must be either empty or unit clause)
+ if (!(
+ (this_maxlevel < maxlevel)
+ || (this_maxlevel == maxlevel && this_size < size)
+ || (this_size <= 1)
+ )) {
+ assert(maxlevel != std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Other found conflict just as good or better.";
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ") || Old maxlevel:" << maxlevel << " new maxlevel:" << this_maxlevel;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ") || Old size:" << size << " new size:" << this_size << endl;
+ //assert(!(maxlevel != UINT_MAX && maxlevel != this_maxlevel)); //NOTE: only holds if gauss is executed at each level
+ #endif
+ return;
+ }
+ if (maxlevel != std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Better conflict found.";
+ else
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")Found a possible conflict.";
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ") || Old maxlevel:" << maxlevel << " new maxlevel:" << this_maxlevel;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ") || Old size:" << size << " new size:" << this_size << endl;
+ #endif
+ maxlevel = this_maxlevel;
+ size = this_size;
+ best_row = row;
+Gaussian::gaussian_ret Gaussian::handle_matrix_prop(matrixset& m, const uint32_t row)
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")matrix prop" << endl;
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")matrix row:" << m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row) << endl;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ bool xorEqualFalse = !m.matrix.getVarsetAt(row).is_true();
+ m.matrix.getVarsetAt(row).fill(tmp_clause, solver.assigns, col_to_var_original);
+ cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")matrix prop clause: " << tmp_clause << std::endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ #endif
+ switch(tmp_clause.size()) {
+ case 0:
+ //This would mean nothing, empty = true, always true in xors
+ assert(false);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ solver.cancelUntil(0);
+ solver.uncheckedEnqueue(tmp_clause[0]);
+ return unit_propagation;
+ case 2: {
+ solver.cancelUntil(0);
+ tmp_clause[0] = tmp_clause[0].unsign();
+ tmp_clause[1] = tmp_clause[1].unsign();
+ XorClause* cl = solver.addXorClauseInt(tmp_clause, xorEqualFalse);
+ release_assert(cl == NULL);
+ release_assert(solver.ok);
+ return unit_propagation;
+ }
+ default:
+ if (solver.decisionLevel() == 0) {
+ solver.uncheckedEnqueue(tmp_clause[0]);
+ return unit_propagation;
+ }
+ Clause& cla = *(Clause*)solver.clauseAllocator.XorClause_new(tmp_clause, xorEqualFalse);
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(row).is_true() == !cla[0].sign());
+ assert(solver.assigns[cla[0].var()].isUndef());
+ clauses_toclear.push_back(std::make_pair(&cla, solver.trail.size()-1));
+ solver.uncheckedEnqueue(cla[0], solver.clauseAllocator.getOffset(&cla));
+ return propagation;
+ }
+ return propagation;
+void Gaussian::disable_if_necessary()
+ if (//nof_conflicts >= 0
+ //&& conflictC >= nof_conflicts/8
+ !config.dontDisable
+ && called > 50
+ && useful_confl*2+useful_prop < (uint32_t)((double)called*0.05) )
+ disabled = true;
+llbool Gaussian::find_truths(vec<Lit>& learnt_clause, uint64_t& conflictC)
+ PropBy confl;
+ disable_if_necessary();
+ if (should_check_gauss(solver.decisionLevel())) {
+ called++;
+ gaussian_ret g = gaussian(confl);
+ switch (g) {
+ case conflict: {
+ useful_confl++;
+ llbool ret = solver.handle_conflict(learnt_clause, confl, conflictC, true);
+ if (confl.isClause())
+ solver.clauseAllocator.clauseFree(solver.clauseAllocator.getPointer(confl.getClause()));
+ if (ret != l_Nothing) return ret;
+ return l_Continue;
+ }
+ case unit_propagation:
+ unit_truths++;
+ case propagation:
+ useful_prop++;
+ return l_Continue;
+ case unit_conflict: {
+ unit_truths++;
+ useful_confl++;
+ if (confl.isNULL()) {
+ std::cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")zero-length conflict. UNSAT" << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ solver.ok = false;
+ return l_False;
+ }
+ Lit lit = confl.getOtherLit();
+ solver.cancelUntil(0);
+ std::cout << "(" << matrix_no << ")one-length conflict" << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ if (solver.value(lit) != l_Undef) {
+ assert(solver.value(lit) == l_False);
+ std::cout << "(" << matrix_no << ") -> UNSAT" << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ solver.ok = false;
+ return l_False;
+ }
+ std::cout << "(" << matrix_no << ") -> setting to correct value" << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ solver.uncheckedEnqueue(lit);
+ return l_Continue;
+ }
+ case nothing:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_Nothing;
+template<class T>
+void Gaussian::print_matrix_row(const T& row) const
+ unsigned long int var = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ var = row.scan(var);
+ if (var == ULONG_MAX) break;
+ else cout << col_to_var_original[var]+1 << ", ";
+ var++;
+ }
+ cout << "final:" << row.is_true() << endl;;
+template<class T>
+void Gaussian::print_matrix_row_with_assigns(const T& row) const
+ unsigned long int col = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ col = row.scan(col);
+ if (col == ULONG_MAX) break;
+ else {
+ Var var = col_to_var_original[col];
+ cout << var+1 << "(" << lbool_to_string(solver.assigns[var]) << ")";
+ cout << ", ";
+ }
+ col++;
+ }
+ if (!row.is_true()) cout << "xorEqualFalse";
+string Gaussian::lbool_to_string(const lbool toprint)
+ if (toprint == l_True)
+ return "true";
+ if (toprint == l_False)
+ return "false";
+ if (toprint == l_Undef)
+ return "undef";
+ assert(false);
+ return "";
+void Gaussian::print_stats() const
+ if (called > 0) {
+ cout.setf(std::ios::fixed);
+ std::cout << " Gauss(" << matrix_no << ") useful";
+ cout << " prop: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(5) << ((double)useful_prop/(double)called)*100.0 << "% ";
+ cout << " confl: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(5) << ((double)useful_confl/(double)called)*100.0 << "% ";
+ if (disabled) std::cout << "disabled";
+ } else
+ std::cout << " Gauss(" << matrix_no << ") not called.";
+void Gaussian::print_matrix_stats() const
+ cout << "matrix size: " << cur_matrixset.num_rows << " x " << cur_matrixset.num_cols << endl;
+void Gaussian::reset_stats()
+ useful_prop = 0;
+ useful_confl = 0;
+ called = 0;
+ disabled = false;
+bool Gaussian::check_no_conflict(matrixset& m) const
+ uint32_t row = 0;
+ for(PackedMatrix::iterator r = m.matrix.beginMatrix(), end = m.matrix.endMatrix(); r != end; ++r, ++row) {
+ if ((*r).is_true() && (*r).isZero()) {
+ cout << "Conflict at row " << row << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void Gaussian::print_matrix(matrixset& m) const
+ uint32_t row = 0;
+ for (PackedMatrix::iterator it = m.matrix.beginMatrix(); it != m.matrix.endMatrix(); ++it, row++) {
+ cout << *it << " -- row:" << row;
+ if (row >= m.num_rows)
+ cout << " (considered past the end)";
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+void Gaussian::print_last_one_in_cols(matrixset& m) const
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m.num_cols; i++) {
+ cout << "last_one_in_col[" << i << "]-1 = " << m.last_one_in_col[i]-1 << endl;
+ }
+bool Gaussian::nothing_to_propagate(matrixset& m) const
+ for(PackedMatrix::iterator r = m.matrix.beginMatrix(), end = m.matrix.endMatrix(); r != end; ++r) {
+ if ((*r).popcnt_is_one()
+ && solver.assigns[m.col_to_var[(*r).scan(0)]].isUndef()) {
+ std::cout << "row " << (*r) << " is a propagation, but we didn't catch it" << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ for(PackedMatrix::iterator r = m.matrix.beginMatrix(), end = m.matrix.endMatrix(); r != end; ++r) {
+ if ((*r).isZero() && (*r).is_true()) {
+ std::cout << "row " << (*r) << " is a conflict, but we didn't catch it" << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Gaussian::check_last_one_in_cols(matrixset& m) const
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < m.num_cols; i++) {
+ const uint32_t last = std::min(m.last_one_in_col[i] - 1, (int)m.num_rows);
+ uint32_t real_last = 0;
+ uint32_t i2 = 0;
+ for (PackedMatrix::iterator it = m.matrix.beginMatrix(); it != m.matrix.endMatrix(); ++it, i2++) {
+ if ((*it)[i])
+ real_last = i2;
+ }
+ if (real_last > last)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void Gaussian::check_matrix_against_varset(PackedMatrix& matrix, const matrixset& m) const
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < matrix.getSize(); i++) {
+ const PackedRow mat_row = matrix.getMatrixAt(i);
+ const PackedRow var_row = matrix.getVarsetAt(i);
+ unsigned long int col = 0;
+ bool final = false;
+ while (true) {
+ col = var_row.scan(col);
+ if (col == ULONG_MAX) break;
+ const Var var = col_to_var_original[col];
+ assert(var < solver.nVars());
+ if (solver.assigns[var] == l_True) {
+ assert(!mat_row[col]);
+ assert(m.col_to_var[col] == unassigned_var);
+ assert(m.var_is_set[var]);
+ final = !final;
+ } else if (solver.assigns[var] == l_False) {
+ assert(!mat_row[col]);
+ assert(m.col_to_var[col] == unassigned_var);
+ assert(m.var_is_set[var]);
+ } else if (solver.assigns[var] == l_Undef) {
+ assert(m.col_to_var[col] != unassigned_var);
+ assert(!m.var_is_set[var]);
+ assert(mat_row[col]);
+ } else assert(false);
+ col++;
+ }
+ if ((final^!mat_row.is_true()) != !var_row.is_true()) {
+ cout << "problem with row:"; print_matrix_row_with_assigns(var_row); cout << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+void Gaussian::check_first_one_in_row(matrixset& m, const uint32_t j)
+ if (j) {
+ uint16_t until2 = std::min(m.last_one_in_col[m.least_column_changed] - 1, (int)m.num_rows);
+ if (j-1 > m.first_one_in_row[m.num_rows-1]) {
+ until2 = m.num_rows;
+ cout << "j-1 > m.first_one_in_row[m.num_rows-1]" << "j:" << j << " m.first_one_in_row[m.num_rows-1]:" << m.first_one_in_row[m.num_rows-1] << endl;
+ #endif
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i2 = 0; i2 != until2; i2++) {
+ cout << endl << "row " << i2 << " (num rows:" << m.num_rows << ")" << endl;
+ cout << m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2) << endl;
+ cout << " m.first_one_in_row[m.num_rows-1]:" << m.first_one_in_row[m.num_rows-1] << endl;
+ cout << "first_one_in_row:" << m.first_one_in_row[i2] << endl;
+ cout << "num_cols:" << m.num_cols << endl;
+ cout << "popcnt:" << m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2).popcnt() << endl;
+ cout << "popcnt_is_one():" << m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2).popcnt_is_one() << endl;
+ cout << "popcnt_is_one("<< m.first_one_in_row[i2] <<"): " << m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2).popcnt_is_one(m.first_one_in_row[i2]) << endl;
+ #endif
+ for (uint32_t i3 = 0; i3 < m.first_one_in_row[i2]; i3++) {
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2)[i3] == 0);
+ }
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2)[m.first_one_in_row[i2]]);
+ assert(m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2).popcnt_is_one() ==
+ m.matrix.getMatrixAt(i2).popcnt_is_one(m.first_one_in_row[i2]));
+ }
+ }
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contact with questions or feedback