path: root/src/parser/tptp
diff options
authorFrançois Bobot <>2012-06-22 15:11:37 +0000
committerFrançois Bobot <>2012-06-22 15:11:37 +0000
commit84c4269f3b9edb8de4134fe464dfc70679da2bb1 (patch)
treeb0c8f33e04d925064ffa9d85f1caeb6a3ff745b2 /src/parser/tptp
parenteda7d4df5481030d4e9cb6ef4a33d52afc8f7e0a (diff)
TPTP: add parser for cnf and fof
- include directive works - no keyword : 'fof', 'cnf', ... can be used for symbols name - real -> unsorted -> real (for the one that appear, so no bijection bitween real and unsorted) - same thing for string But: - string not distinct by projection to real, not sure if the current state of string theory make them distinct - filtering in include is not done - the result is not printed in the TPTP way (currently SMT2 way)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/parser/tptp')
7 files changed, 1295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/parser/tptp/Makefile b/src/parser/tptp/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45cde5821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/tptp/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+topdir = ../../..
+srcdir = src/parser/tptp
+include $(topdir)/Makefile.subdir
diff --git a/src/parser/tptp/ b/src/parser/tptp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ec1717e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/tptp/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ -I@srcdir@/../../include -I@srcdir@/../.. -I@builddir@/../.. $(ANTLR_INCLUDES)
+AM_CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas $(FLAG_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-variable
+# Compile generated C files using C++ compiler
+# hide this included makefile from automake
+@mk_include@ @srcdir@/../Makefile.antlr_tracing
+ @srcdir@/generated/Tptp.tokens
+ @srcdir@/generated/TptpLexer.h \
+ @srcdir@/generated/TptpLexer.c \
+ @srcdir@/generated/TptpParser.h \
+ @srcdir@/generated/TptpParser.c
+libparsertptp_la_SOURCES = \
+ Tptp.g \
+ tptp.h \
+ tptp.cpp \
+ tptp_input.h \
+ tptp_input.cpp \
+BUILT_SOURCES = $(ANTLR_STUFF) @srcdir@/stamp-generated
+EXTRA_DIST = @srcdir@/stamp-generated
+ -$(AM_V_at)rmdir @srcdir@/generated
+ -$(AM_V_at)rm -f @srcdir@/stamp-generated
+ $(AM_V_at)mkdir -p @srcdir@/generated
+ $(AM_V_at)touch @srcdir@/stamp-generated
+# antlr doesn't overwrite output files, it just leaves them. So we have to delete them first.
+@srcdir@/generated/TptpLexer.h: Tptp.g @srcdir@/stamp-generated
+ -$(AM_V_at)rm -f $(ANTLR_STUFF)
+ @if test -z "$(ANTLR)"; then echo "ERROR: antlr parser generator cannot be found, cannot generate the parser" >&2; exit 1; fi
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(ANTLR) $(ANTLR_OPTS) -fo "@srcdir@/generated" "@srcdir@/Tptp.g"
+# These don't actually depend on TptpLexer.h, but if we're doing parallel
+# make and the lexer needs to be rebuilt, we have to keep the rules
+# from running in parallel (since the token files will be deleted &
+# recreated)
+@srcdir@/generated/TptpLexer.c @srcdir@/generated/TptpParser.h @srcdir@/generated/TptpParser.c $(ANTLR_TOKEN_STUFF): @srcdir@/generated/TptpLexer.h
diff --git a/src/parser/tptp/Tptp.g b/src/parser/tptp/Tptp.g
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63774a087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/tptp/Tptp.g
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+/* ******************* */
+/*! \file Tptp.g
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Original author: bobot
+ ** Major contributors: cconway mdeters
+ ** Minor contributors (to current version): taking
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
+ ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
+ ** New York University
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Parser for TPTP input language.
+ **
+ ** Parser for TPTP input language.
+ ** cf.
+ **/
+grammar Tptp;
+options {
+ // C output for antlr
+ language = 'C';
+ // Skip the default error handling, just break with exceptions
+ // defaultErrorHandler = false;
+ // Only lookahead of <= k requested (disable for LL* parsing)
+ // Note that CVC4's BoundedTokenBuffer requires a fixed k !
+ // If you change this k, change it also in tptp_input.cpp !
+ k = 1;
+}/* options */
+@header {
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
+ ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
+ ** New York University
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.
+ **/
+}/* @header */
+@lexer::includes {
+/** This suppresses warnings about the redefinition of token symbols between
+ * different parsers. The redefinitions should be harmless as long as no
+ * client: (a) #include's the lexer headers for two grammars AND (b) uses the
+ * token symbol definitions.
+ */
+#pragma GCC system_header
+/* This improves performance by ~10 percent on big inputs.
+ * This option is only valid if we know the input is ASCII (or some 8-bit encoding).
+ * If we know the input is UTF-16, we can use ANTLR3_INLINE_INPUT_UTF16.
+ * Otherwise, we have to let the lexer detect the encoding at runtime.
+ */
+#include "parser/antlr_tracing.h"
+}/* @lexer::includes */
+@lexer::postinclude {
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
+#include "parser/antlr_input.h"
+using namespace CVC4;
+using namespace CVC4::parser;
+/* These need to be macros so they can refer to the PARSER macro, which will be defined
+ * by ANTLR *after* this section. (If they were functions, PARSER would be undefined.) */
+#define PARSER_STATE ((Tptp*)LEXER->super)
+#define EXPR_MANAGER PARSER_STATE->getExprManager()
+#undef MK_EXPR
+#define MK_EXPR EXPR_MANAGER->mkExpr
+#undef MK_CONST
+#define MK_CONST EXPR_MANAGER->mkConst
+#define UNSUPPORTED PARSER_STATE->unimplementedFeature
+}/* @lexer::postinclude */
+@parser::includes {
+#include "expr/command.h"
+#include "parser/parser.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
+#include "parser/antlr_tracing.h"
+}/* @parser::includes */
+@parser::postinclude {
+#include "expr/expr.h"
+#include "expr/kind.h"
+#include "expr/type.h"
+#include "parser/antlr_input.h"
+#include "parser/parser.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
+#include "util/integer.h"
+#include "util/output.h"
+#include "util/rational.h"
+#include <vector>
+using namespace CVC4;
+using namespace CVC4::parser;
+/* These need to be macros so they can refer to the PARSER macro, which will be defined
+ * by ANTLR *after* this section. (If they were functions, PARSER would be undefined.) */
+#define PARSER_STATE ((Tptp*)PARSER->super)
+#define EXPR_MANAGER PARSER_STATE->getExprManager()
+#undef MK_EXPR
+#define MK_EXPR EXPR_MANAGER->mkExpr
+#undef MK_CONST
+#define MK_CONST EXPR_MANAGER->mkConst
+#define UNSUPPORTED PARSER_STATE->unimplementedFeature
+}/* parser::postinclude */
+ * Parses an expression.
+ * @return the parsed expression, or the Null Expr if we've reached the end of the input
+ */
+parseExpr returns [CVC4::parser::tptp::myExpr expr]
+ : cnfFormula[expr]
+ | EOF
+ ;
+ * Parses a command
+ * @return the parsed command, or NULL if we've reached the end of the input
+ */
+parseCommand returns [CVC4::Command* cmd = NULL]
+@declarations {
+ Expr expr;
+ Tptp::FormulaRole fr;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string incl_args;
+// : LPAREN_TOK c = command RPAREN_TOK { $cmd = c; }
+ : CNF_TOK LPAREN_TOK nameN[name] COMMA_TOK formulaRole[fr] COMMA_TOK
+ { PARSER_STATE->cnf=true; PARSER_STATE->pushScope(); }
+ cnfFormula[expr]
+ { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
+ std::vector<Expr> bvl = PARSER_STATE->getFreeVar();
+ if(!bvl.empty()){
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::FORALL,MK_EXPR(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST,bvl),expr);
+ };
+ }
+ {
+ cmd = PARSER_STATE->makeCommand(fr,expr);
+ }
+ | FOF_TOK LPAREN_TOK nameN[name] COMMA_TOK formulaRole[fr] COMMA_TOK
+ { PARSER_STATE->cnf=false; }
+ fofFormula[expr] (COMMA_TOK anything*)? RPAREN_TOK DOT_TOK
+ {
+ cmd = PARSER_STATE->makeCommand(fr,expr);
+ }
+ | INCLUDE_TOK LPAREN_TOK unquotedFileName[name]
+ ( COMMA_TOK LBRACK_TOK nameN[incl_args] ( COMMA_TOK nameN[incl_args] )* RBRACK_TOK )?
+ {
+ PARSER_STATE->includeFile(name);
+ // The command of the included file will be produce at the new parseCommand call
+ cmd = new EmptyCommand("include::" + name);
+ }
+ | EOF
+ {
+ PARSER_STATE->preemptCommand(new CheckSatCommand(MK_CONST(bool(true))));
+ cmd = NULL;
+ }
+ ;
+/* Parse a formula Role */
+formulaRole[CVC4::parser::Tptp::FormulaRole & role]
+ {
+ std::string r = AntlrInput::tokenText($LOWER_WORD);
+ if (r == "axiom") role = Tptp::FR_AXIOM;
+ else if (r == "hypothesis") role = Tptp::FR_HYPOTHESIS;
+ else if (r == "definition") role = Tptp::FR_DEFINITION;
+ else if (r == "assumption") role = Tptp::FR_ASSUMPTION;
+ else if (r == "lemma") role = Tptp::FR_LEMMA;
+ else if (r == "theorem") role = Tptp::FR_THEOREM;
+ else if (r == "negated_conjecture") role = Tptp::FR_NEGATED_CONJECTURE;
+ else if (r == "conjecture") role = Tptp::FR_CONJECTURE;
+ else if (r == "unknown") role = Tptp::FR_UNKNOWN;
+ else if (r == "plain") role = Tptp::FR_PLAIN;
+ else if (r == "fi_domain") role = Tptp::FR_FI_DOMAIN;
+ else if (r == "fi_functor") role = Tptp::FR_FI_FUNCTORS;
+ else if (r == "fi_predicate") role = Tptp::FR_FI_PREDICATES;
+ else if (r == "type") role = Tptp::FR_TYPE;
+ else PARSER_STATE->parseError("Invalid formula role: " + r);
+ }
+ ;
+/* CNF */
+/* It can parse a little more than the cnf grammar: false and true can appear.
+ Normally only false can appear and only at top level
+cnfFormula[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+ :
+ LPAREN_TOK disjunction[expr] RPAREN_TOK
+| disjunction[expr]
+//| FALSE_TOK { expr = MK_CONST(bool(false)); }
+disjunction[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+@declarations {
+ std::vector<Expr> args;
+ :
+ literal[expr] {args.push_back(expr); } ( OR_TOK literal[expr] {args.push_back(expr); } )*
+ {
+ if(args.size() > 1){
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::OR,args);
+ } // else its already in the expr
+ }
+literal[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+ : atomicFormula[expr]
+ | NOT_TOK atomicFormula[expr] { expr = MK_EXPR(kind::NOT,expr); }
+// | folInfixUnary[expr]
+ ;
+atomicFormula[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+@declarations {
+ Expr expr2;
+ std::string name;
+ std::vector<CVC4::Expr> args;
+ bool equal;
+ : atomicWord[name] (LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK)?
+ ( ( equalOp[equal] //equality/disequality between terms
+ {
+ PARSER_STATE->makeApplication(expr,name,args,true);
+ }
+ term[expr2]
+ {
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::EQUAL, expr, expr2);
+ if(!equal) expr = MK_EXPR(kind::NOT,expr);
+ }
+ )
+ | //predicate
+ {
+ PARSER_STATE->makeApplication(expr,name,args,false);
+ }
+ )
+ | simpleTerm[expr] equalOp[equal] term[expr2]
+ {
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::EQUAL, expr, expr2);
+ if(!equal) expr = MK_EXPR(kind::NOT,expr);
+ }
+ | definedProp[expr]
+//%----Using <plain_term> removes a reduce/reduce ambiguity in lex/yacc.
+//%----Note: "defined" means a word starting with one $ and "system" means $$.
+definedProp[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+ : TRUE_TOK { expr = MK_CONST(bool(true)); }
+ | FALSE_TOK { expr = MK_CONST(bool(false)); }
+ ;
+//%----Pure CNF should not use $true or $false in problems, and use $false only
+//%----at the roots of a refutation.
+equalOp[bool & equal]
+ : EQUAL_TOK {equal = true;}
+ | DISEQUAL_TOK {equal = false;}
+ ;
+term[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+ : functionTerm[expr]
+ | simpleTerm[expr]
+// | conditionalTerm
+// | let_term
+ ;
+/* Not an application */
+simpleTerm[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+ : variable[expr]
+ | NUMBER { expr = PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr; }
+ | DISTINCT_OBJECT { expr = PARSER_STATE->convertStrToUnsorted(
+ MK_CONST(AntlrInput::tokenText($DISTINCT_OBJECT))); }
+functionTerm[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+ : plainTerm[expr] // | <defined_term> | <system_term>
+ ;
+plainTerm[CVC4::Expr& expr]
+ std::string name;
+ std::vector<Expr> args;
+ : atomicWord[name] (LPAREN_TOK arguments[args] RPAREN_TOK)?
+ {
+ PARSER_STATE->makeApplication(expr,name,args,true);
+ }
+ ;
+arguments[std::vector<CVC4::Expr> & args]
+ Expr expr;
+ :
+ term[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } ( COMMA_TOK term[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )*
+ ;
+variable[CVC4::Expr & expr]
+ {
+ std::string name = AntlrInput::tokenText($UPPER_WORD);
+ if(!PARSER_STATE->cnf || PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name)){
+ expr = PARSER_STATE->getVariable(name);
+ } else {
+ expr = PARSER_STATE->mkVar(name, PARSER_STATE->d_unsorted);
+ if(PARSER_STATE->cnf) PARSER_STATE->addFreeVar(expr);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+/* FOF */
+fofFormula[CVC4::Expr & expr] : fofLogicFormula[expr] ;
+fofLogicFormula[CVC4::Expr & expr]
+ tptp::NonAssoc na;
+ std::vector< Expr > args;
+ Expr expr2;
+ : fofUnitaryFormula[expr]
+ ( //Non Assoc <=> <~> ~& ~|
+ ( fofBinaryNonAssoc[na] fofUnitaryFormula[expr2]
+ { switch(na){
+ case tptp::NA_IFF:
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::IFF,expr,expr2);
+ break;
+ case tptp::NA_REVIFF:
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::XOR,expr,expr2);
+ break;
+ case tptp::NA_IMPLIES:
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::IMPLIES,expr,expr2);
+ break;
+ case tptp::NA_REVIMPLIES:
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::IMPLIES,expr2,expr);
+ break;
+ case tptp::NA_REVOR:
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::NOT,MK_EXPR(kind::OR,expr,expr2));
+ break;
+ case tptp::NA_REVAND:
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind::NOT,MK_EXPR(kind::AND,expr,expr2));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ | //And &
+ ( { args.push_back(expr); }
+ ( AND_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )+
+ { expr = MK_EXPR(kind::AND,args); }
+ )
+ | //Or |
+ ( { args.push_back(expr); }
+ ( OR_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr] { args.push_back(expr); } )+
+ { expr = MK_EXPR(kind::OR,args); }
+ )
+ )?
+ ;
+fofUnitaryFormula[CVC4::Expr & expr]
+ Kind kind;
+ std::vector< Expr > bv;
+ : atomicFormula[expr]
+ | LPAREN_TOK fofLogicFormula[expr] RPAREN_TOK
+ | NOT_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr] { expr = MK_EXPR(kind::NOT,expr); }
+ | // Quantified
+ folQuantifier[kind] LBRACK_TOK {PARSER_STATE->pushScope();}
+ ( bindvariable[expr] { bv.push_back(expr); }
+ ( COMMA_TOK bindvariable[expr] { bv.push_back(expr); } )* ) RBRACK_TOK
+ COLON_TOK fofUnitaryFormula[expr]
+ { PARSER_STATE->popScope();
+ expr = MK_EXPR(kind, MK_EXPR(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, bv), expr);
+ } ;
+bindvariable[CVC4::Expr & expr]
+ {
+ std::string name = AntlrInput::tokenText($UPPER_WORD);
+ expr = PARSER_STATE->mkVar(name, PARSER_STATE->d_unsorted);
+ }
+ ;
+fofBinaryNonAssoc[CVC4::parser::tptp::NonAssoc & na]
+ : IFF_TOK { na = tptp::NA_IFF; }
+ | REVIFF_TOK { na = tptp::NA_REVIFF; }
+ | REVOR_TOK { na = tptp::NA_REVOR; }
+ | REVAND_TOK { na = tptp::NA_REVAND; }
+ | IMPLIES_TOK { na = tptp::NA_IMPLIES; }
+ ;
+folQuantifier[CVC4::Kind & kind]
+ : BANG_TOK { kind = kind::FORALL; }
+ | MARK_TOK { kind = kind::EXISTS; }
+ ;
+/* Anything well parenthesis */
+ | OR_TOK
+ ;
+COMMA_TOK : ',';
+DOT_TOK : '.';
+LPAREN_TOK : '(';
+RPAREN_TOK : ')';
+LBRACK_TOK : '[';
+RBRACK_TOK : ']';
+COLON_TOK : ':';
+OR_TOK : '|';
+NOT_TOK : '~';
+BANG_TOK : '!';
+MARK_TOK : '?';
+AND_TOK : '&';
+IFF_TOK : '<=>';
+IMPLIES_TOK : '=>';
+REVIFF_TOK : '<~>';
+REVOR_TOK : '~|';
+REVAND_TOK : '~&';
+TIMES_TOK : '*';
+PLUS_TOK : '+';
+MINUS_TOK : '-';
+TRUE_TOK : '$true';
+FALSE_TOK : '$false';
+EQUAL_TOK : '=';
+CNF_TOK : 'cnf';
+FOF_TOK : 'fof';
+THF_TOK : 'thf';
+TFF_TOK : 'tff';
+INCLUDE_TOK : 'include';
+//Other defined symbols, must be defined after all the other
+/* Token */
+ * Matches and skips whitespace in the input.
+ */
+ : (' ' | '\t' | '\f' | '\r' | '\n')+ { SKIP(); }
+ ;
+ * Matches a double or single quoted string literal. Escaping is supported, and
+ * escape character '\' has to be escaped.
+ */
+fragment DO_CHAR : ' '..'!'| '#'..'[' | ']'..'~' | '\\"' | '\\\\';
+//The order of this two rules is important
+SINGLE_QUOTED : '\'' (SQ_CHAR)* '\'' ;
+fragment SQ_CHAR : ' '..'&' | '('..'[' | ']'..'~' | '\\\'' | '\\\\';
+/* Define upper (variable) and lower (everything else) word */
+fragment NUMERIC : '0'..'9';
+fragment LOWER_ALPHA : 'a'..'z';
+fragment UPPER_ALPHA : 'A'..'Z';
+/* filename */
+unquotedFileName[std::string & name] /* Beware fileName identifier is used by the backend ... */
+ { name = AntlrInput::tokenText($s);
+ name = name.substr(1, name.size() - 2 );
+ };
+/* axiom name */
+nameN[std::string & name]
+ : atomicWord[name]
+ | NUMBER { name = AntlrInput::tokenText($NUMBER); }
+ ;
+/* atomic word everything (fof, cnf, thf, tff, include must not be keyword at this position ) */
+atomicWord[std::string & name]
+ : FOF_TOK { name = "fof"; }
+ | CNF_TOK { name = "cnf"; }
+ | THF_TOK { name = "thf"; }
+ | TFF_TOK { name = "tff"; }
+ | INCLUDE_TOK { name = "include"; }
+ | LOWER_WORD { name = AntlrInput::tokenText($LOWER_WORD); }
+ | LOWER_WORD_SINGLE_QUOTED //the lower word single quoted are considered without quote
+ {
+ /* strip off the quotes */
+ name = AntlrInput::tokenTextSubstr($LOWER_WORD_SINGLE_QUOTED,1,
+ }
+ | SINGLE_QUOTED {name = AntlrInput::tokenText($SINGLE_QUOTED); }; //for the others the quote remains
+/** I don't understand how is made the difference between rational and real in SyntaxBNF. So I put all in rational */
+/* Rational */
+fragment DOT : '.';
+fragment EXPONENT : 'E'|'e';
+fragment SLASH : '/';
+fragment DECIMAL : NUMERIC+;
+/* Currently we put all in the rationnal type */
+fragment SIGN[bool & pos] : PLUS_TOK | MINUS_TOK { pos = false; } ;
+ bool pos = true;
+ bool posE = true;
+ :
+ ( SIGN[pos]? num=DECIMAL
+ {
+ Integer i (AntlrInput::tokenText($num));
+ Rational r = ( pos ? i : -i );
+ PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = MK_CONST(r);
+ }
+ {
+ std::string snum = AntlrInput::tokenText($num);
+ std::string sden = AntlrInput::tokenText($den);
+ /* compute the numerator */
+ Integer inum( snum + sden );
+ // The sign
+ inum = pos ? inum : - inum;
+ // The exponent
+ size_t exp = ($e == NULL ? 0 : AntlrInput::tokenToUnsigned($e));
+ // Decimal part
+ size_t dec = sden.size();
+ /* multiply it by 10 raised to the exponent reduced by the
+ * number of decimal place in den (dec) */
+ Rational r;
+ if( !posE ) r = Rational(inum, Integer(10).pow(exp + dec));
+ else if( exp == dec ) r = Rational(inum);
+ else if( exp > dec ) r = Rational(inum * Integer(10).pow(exp - dec));
+ else r = Rational(inum, Integer(10).pow(dec - exp));
+ PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = MK_CONST( r );
+ }
+ {
+ Integer inum(AntlrInput::tokenText($num));
+ Integer iden(AntlrInput::tokenText($den));
+ PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = MK_CONST(
+ Rational(pos ? inum : -inum, iden));
+ }
+ ) {
+ //Put a convertion around it
+ PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr = PARSER_STATE->convertRatToUnsorted( PARSER_STATE->d_tmp_expr );
+ }
+ ;
+ * Matches the comments and ignores them
+ */
+ : '%' (~('\n' | '\r'))* { SKIP(); } //comment line
+ | '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' { SKIP(); } //comment block
+ ;
diff --git a/src/parser/tptp/tptp.cpp b/src/parser/tptp/tptp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..065c62824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/tptp/tptp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+/********************* */
+/*! \file tptp.cpp
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Original author: cconway
+ ** Major contributors: mdeters
+ ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
+ ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
+ ** New York University
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Definitions of TPTP constants.
+ **
+ ** Definitions of TPTP constants.
+ **/
+#include "expr/type.h"
+#include "parser/parser.h"
+#include "parser/smt/smt.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
+#include "parser/antlr_input.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace parser {
+Tptp::Tptp(ExprManager* exprManager, Input* input, bool strictMode, bool parseOnly) :
+ Parser(exprManager,input,strictMode,parseOnly) {
+ addTheory(Tptp::THEORY_CORE);
+ /* Try to find TPTP dir */
+ // From tptp4x FileUtilities
+ //----Try the TPTP directory, and TPTP variations
+ char* home = getenv("TPTP");
+ if (home == NULL) {
+ home = getenv("TPTP_HOME");
+// //----If no TPTP_HOME, try the tptp user (aaargh)
+// if (home == NULL && (PasswdEntry = getpwnam("tptp")) != NULL) {
+// home = PasswdEntry->pw_dir;
+// }
+//----Now look in the TPTP directory from there
+ if (home != NULL) {
+ d_tptpDir = home;
+ d_tptpDir.append("/TPTP/");
+ }
+ } else {
+ d_tptpDir = home;
+ //add trailing "/"
+ if( d_tptpDir[d_tptpDir.size() - 1] != '/'){
+ d_tptpDir.append("/");
+ }
+ }
+void Tptp::addTheory(Theory theory) {
+ ExprManager * em = getExprManager();
+ switch(theory) {
+ //TPTP (CNF and FOF) is unsorted so we define this common type
+ {
+ std::string d_unsorted_name = "$$unsorted";
+ d_unsorted = em->mkSort(d_unsorted_name);
+ preemptCommand( new DeclareTypeCommand(d_unsorted_name, 0, d_unsorted) );
+ }
+ // propositionnal
+ defineType("Bool", em->booleanType());
+ defineVar("$true", em->mkConst(true));
+ defineVar("$false", em->mkConst(false));
+ addOperator(kind::AND);
+ addOperator(kind::EQUAL);
+ addOperator(kind::IFF);
+ addOperator(kind::IMPLIES);
+ //addOperator(kind::ITE); //only for tff thf
+ addOperator(kind::NOT);
+ addOperator(kind::OR);
+ addOperator(kind::XOR);
+ addOperator(kind::APPLY_UF);
+ //Add quantifiers?
+ break;
+ default:
+ Unhandled(theory);
+ }
+/* The include are managed in the lexer but called in the parser */
+// Inspired by
+bool newInputStream(std::string fileName, pANTLR3_LEXER lexer){
+ Debug("parser") << "Including " << fileName << std::endl;
+ // Create a new input stream and take advantage of built in stream stacking
+ // in C target runtime.
+ //
+ in = antlr3AsciiFileStreamNew((pANTLR3_UINT8) fileName.c_str());
+ in = antlr3FileStreamNew((pANTLR3_UINT8) fileName.c_str(), ANTLR3_ENC_8BIT);
+ if( in == NULL ) {
+ Debug("parser") << "Can't open " << fileName << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Samething than the predefined PUSHSTREAM(in);
+ lexer->pushCharStream(lexer,in);
+ // restart it
+ //lexer->rec->state->tokenStartCharIndex = -10;
+ //lexer->emit(lexer);
+ // Note that the input stream is not closed when it EOFs, I don't bother
+ // to do it here, but it is up to you to track streams created like this
+ // and destroy them when the whole parse session is complete. Remember that you
+ // don't want to do this until all tokens have been manipulated all the way through
+ // your tree parsers etc as the token does not store the text it just refers
+ // back to the input stream and trying to get the text for it will abort if you
+ // close the input stream too early.
+ //
+ //TODO what said before
+ return true;
+void Tptp::includeFile(std::string fileName){
+ // Get the lexer
+ AntlrInput * ai = static_cast<AntlrInput *>(getInput());
+ pANTLR3_LEXER lexer = ai->getAntlr3Lexer();
+ // get the name of the current stream "Does it work inside an include?"
+ const std::string inputName = ai->getInputStreamName();
+ // Test in the directory of the actual parsed file
+ std::string currentDirFileName;
+ if( inputName != "<stdin>"){
+ // TODO: Use dirname ot Boost::filesystem?
+ size_t pos = inputName.rfind('/');
+ if( pos != std::string::npos){
+ currentDirFileName = std::string(inputName, 0, pos + 1);
+ }
+ currentDirFileName.append(fileName);
+ if( newInputStream(currentDirFileName,lexer) ){
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ currentDirFileName = "<unknown current directory for stdin>";
+ }
+ if( d_tptpDir.empty() ){
+ parseError("Couldn't open included file: " + fileName
+ + " at " + currentDirFileName + " and the TPTP directory is not specified (environnement variable TPTP)");
+ };
+ std::string tptpDirFileName = d_tptpDir + fileName;
+ if( !newInputStream(tptpDirFileName,lexer) ){
+ parseError("Couldn't open included file: " + fileName
+ + " at " + currentDirFileName + " or " + tptpDirFileName);
+ }
+}/* CVC4::parser namespace */
+}/* CVC4 namespace */
diff --git a/src/parser/tptp/tptp.h b/src/parser/tptp/tptp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6231920d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/tptp/tptp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+/********************* */
+/*! \file tptp.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Original author: cconway
+ ** Major contributors: mdeters
+ ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
+ ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
+ ** New York University
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Definitions of TPTP constants.
+ **
+ ** Definitions of TPTP constants.
+ **/
+#include "cvc4parser_private.h"
+#ifndef __CVC4__PARSER__TPTP_H
+#define __CVC4__PARSER__TPTP_H
+#include "parser/parser.h"
+#include "parser/smt/smt.h"
+#include "expr/command.h"
+#include <ext/hash_set>
+namespace CVC4 {
+class SExpr;
+namespace parser {
+class Tptp : public Parser {
+ friend class ParserBuilder;
+ // In CNF variable are implicitly binded
+ // d_freevar collect them
+ std::vector< Expr > d_freeVar;
+ Expr d_rtu_op;
+ Expr d_stu_op;
+ Expr d_utr_op;
+ Expr d_uts_op;
+ // The set of expression that already have a bridge
+ std::hash_set<Expr, ExprHashFunction> d_r_converted;
+ std::hash_set<Expr, ExprHashFunction> d_s_converted;
+ //TPTP directory where to find includes
+ // empty if none could be determined
+ std::string d_tptpDir;
+ bool cnf; //in a cnf formula
+ void addFreeVar(Expr var){Assert(cnf); d_freeVar.push_back(var); };
+ std::vector< Expr > getFreeVar(){
+ Assert(cnf);
+ std::vector< Expr > r;
+ r.swap(d_freeVar);
+ return r;
+ }
+ inline Expr convertRatToUnsorted(Expr expr){
+ ExprManager * em = getExprManager();
+ // Create the conversion function If they doesn't exists
+ if(d_rtu_op.isNull()){
+ Type t;
+ //Conversion from rational to unsorted
+ t = em->mkFunctionType(em->realType(), d_unsorted);
+ d_rtu_op = em->mkVar("$$rtu",t);
+ preemptCommand(new DeclareFunctionCommand("$$rtu", t));
+ //Conversion from unsorted to rational
+ t = em->mkFunctionType(d_unsorted, em->realType());
+ d_utr_op = em->mkVar("$$utr",t);
+ preemptCommand(new DeclareFunctionCommand("$$utur", t));
+ }
+ // Add the inverse in order to show that over the elements that
+ // appear in the problem there is a bijection between unsorted and
+ // rational
+ Expr ret = em->mkExpr(kind::APPLY_UF,d_rtu_op,expr);
+ if ( d_r_converted.find(expr) == d_r_converted.end() ){
+ d_r_converted.insert(expr);
+ Expr eq = em->mkExpr(kind::EQUAL,expr,
+ em->mkExpr(kind::APPLY_UF,d_utr_op,ret));
+ preemptCommand(new AssertCommand(eq));
+ };
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline Expr convertStrToUnsorted(Expr expr){
+ ExprManager * em = getExprManager();
+ // Create the conversion function If they doesn't exists
+ if(d_stu_op.isNull()){
+ Type t;
+ //Conversion from string to unsorted
+ t = em->mkFunctionType(em->stringType(), d_unsorted);
+ d_stu_op = em->mkVar("$$stu",t);
+ preemptCommand(new DeclareFunctionCommand("$$stu", t));
+ //Conversion from unsorted to string
+ t = em->mkFunctionType(d_unsorted, em->stringType());
+ d_uts_op = em->mkVar("$$uts",t);
+ preemptCommand(new DeclareFunctionCommand("$$uts", t));
+ }
+ // Add the inverse in order to show that over the elements that
+ // appear in the problem there is a bijection between unsorted and
+ // rational
+ Expr ret = em->mkExpr(kind::APPLY_UF,d_stu_op,expr);
+ if ( d_s_converted.find(expr) == d_s_converted.end() ){
+ d_s_converted.insert(expr);
+ Expr eq = em->mkExpr(kind::EQUAL,expr,
+ em->mkExpr(kind::APPLY_UF,d_uts_op,ret));
+ preemptCommand(new AssertCommand(eq));
+ };
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //TPTP (CNF and FOF) is unsorted so we define this common type
+ Type d_unsorted;
+ enum Theory {
+ };
+ enum FormulaRole {
+ };
+ Tptp(ExprManager* exprManager, Input* input, bool strictMode = false, bool parseOnly = false);
+ /**
+ * Add theory symbols to the parser state.
+ *
+ * @param theory the theory to open (e.g., Core, Ints)
+ */
+ void addTheory(Theory theory);
+ inline void makeApplication(Expr & expr, std::string & name,
+ std::vector<Expr> & args, bool term);
+ inline Command* makeCommand(FormulaRole fr, Expr & expr);
+ /** Ugly hack because I don't know how to return an expression from a
+ token */
+ Expr d_tmp_expr;
+ /** Push a new stream in the lexer. When EOF is reached the previous stream
+ is reused */
+ void includeFile(std::string fileName);
+ void addArithmeticOperators();
+};/* class Tptp */
+inline void Tptp::makeApplication(Expr & expr, std::string & name,
+ std::vector<Expr> & args, bool term){
+ // We distinguish the symbols according to their arities
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << name << "_" << args.size();
+ name = ss.str();
+ if(args.empty()){ // Its a constant
+ if(isDeclared(name)){ //already appeared
+ expr = getVariable(name);
+ } else {
+ Type t = term ? d_unsorted : getExprManager()->booleanType();
+ expr = mkVar(name,t,true); //levelZero
+ preemptCommand(new DeclareFunctionCommand(name, t));
+ }
+ } else { // Its an application
+ if(isDeclared(name)){ //already appeared
+ expr = getVariable(name);
+ } else {
+ std::vector<Type> sorts(args.size(), d_unsorted);
+ Type t = term ? d_unsorted : getExprManager()->booleanType();
+ t = getExprManager()->mkFunctionType(sorts, t);
+ expr = mkVar(name,t,true); //levelZero
+ preemptCommand(new DeclareFunctionCommand(name, t));
+ }
+ expr = getExprManager()->mkExpr(kind::APPLY_UF, expr, args);
+ }
+inline Command* Tptp::makeCommand(FormulaRole fr, Expr & expr){
+ switch(fr){
+ case FR_AXIOM:
+ case FR_LEMMA:
+ case FR_THEOREM:
+ case FR_PLAIN:
+ // it's a usual assert
+ return new AssertCommand(expr);
+ break;
+ // something to prove
+ return new AssertCommand(getExprManager()->mkExpr(kind::NOT,expr));
+ break;
+ case FR_UNKNOWN:
+ case FR_FI_DOMAIN:
+ case FR_TYPE:
+ return new EmptyCommand("Untreated role");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Unreachable("fr",fr);
+ };
+namespace tptp {
+ * Just exists to provide the uintptr_t constructor that ANTLR
+ * requires.
+ */
+struct myExpr : public CVC4::Expr {
+ myExpr() : CVC4::Expr() {}
+ myExpr(void*) : CVC4::Expr() {}
+ myExpr(const Expr& e) : CVC4::Expr(e) {}
+ myExpr(const myExpr& e) : CVC4::Expr(e) {}
+};/* struct myExpr */
+enum NonAssoc {
+}/* CVC4::parser::tptp namespace */
+}/* CVC4::parser namespace */
+}/* CVC4 namespace */
+#endif /* __CVC4__PARSER__TPTP_INPUT_H */
diff --git a/src/parser/tptp/tptp_input.cpp b/src/parser/tptp/tptp_input.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..689f13a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/tptp/tptp_input.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/********************* */
+/*! \file tptp_input.cpp
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Original author: cconway
+ ** Major contributors: mdeters
+ ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
+ ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
+ ** New York University
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief [[ Add file-specific comments here ]].
+ **
+ ** [[ Add file-specific comments here ]]
+ **/
+#include <antlr3.h>
+#include "parser/tptp/tptp_input.h"
+#include "expr/expr_manager.h"
+#include "parser/input.h"
+#include "parser/parser.h"
+#include "parser/parser_exception.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/tptp.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/generated/TptpLexer.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/generated/TptpParser.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace parser {
+/* Use lookahead=1 */
+TptpInput::TptpInput(AntlrInputStream& inputStream) :
+ AntlrInput(inputStream, 1) {
+ pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM input = inputStream.getAntlr3InputStream();
+ AlwaysAssert( input != NULL );
+ d_pTptpLexer = TptpLexerNew(input);
+ if( d_pTptpLexer == NULL ) {
+ throw ParserException("Failed to create TPTP lexer.");
+ }
+ setAntlr3Lexer( d_pTptpLexer->pLexer );
+ pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM tokenStream = getTokenStream();
+ AlwaysAssert( tokenStream != NULL );
+ d_pTptpParser = TptpParserNew(tokenStream);
+ if( d_pTptpParser == NULL ) {
+ throw ParserException("Failed to create TPTP parser.");
+ }
+ setAntlr3Parser(d_pTptpParser->pParser);
+TptpInput::~TptpInput() {
+ d_pTptpLexer->free(d_pTptpLexer);
+ d_pTptpParser->free(d_pTptpParser);
+Command* TptpInput::parseCommand()
+ throw (ParserException, TypeCheckingException, AssertionException) {
+ return d_pTptpParser->parseCommand(d_pTptpParser);
+Expr TptpInput::parseExpr()
+ throw (ParserException, TypeCheckingException, AssertionException) {
+ return d_pTptpParser->parseExpr(d_pTptpParser);
+}/* CVC4::parser namespace */
+}/* CVC4 namespace */
diff --git a/src/parser/tptp/tptp_input.h b/src/parser/tptp/tptp_input.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7977117d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/tptp/tptp_input.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/********************* */
+/*! \file tptp_input.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Original author: cconway
+ ** Major contributors: mdeters
+ ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
+ ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
+ ** New York University
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief [[ Add file-specific comments here ]].
+ **
+ ** [[ Add file-specific comments here ]]
+ **/
+#include "cvc4parser_private.h"
+#include "parser/antlr_input.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/generated/TptpLexer.h"
+#include "parser/tptp/generated/TptpParser.h"
+// extern void TptpParserSetAntlrParser(CVC4::parser::AntlrParser* newAntlrParser);
+namespace CVC4 {
+class Command;
+class Expr;
+class ExprManager;
+namespace parser {
+class Tptp;
+class TptpInput : public AntlrInput {
+ typedef AntlrInput super;
+ /** The ANTLR3 TPTP lexer for the input. */
+ pTptpLexer d_pTptpLexer;
+ /** The ANTLR3 CVC parser for the input. */
+ pTptpParser d_pTptpParser;
+ /**
+ * Initialize the class. Called from the constructors once the input
+ * stream is initialized.
+ */
+ void init();
+ /**
+ * Create an input.
+ *
+ * @param inputStream the input stream to use
+ */
+ TptpInput(AntlrInputStream& inputStream);
+ /** Destructor. Frees the lexer and the parser. */
+ virtual ~TptpInput();
+ /** Get the language that this Input is reading. */
+ InputLanguage getLanguage() const throw() {
+ return language::input::LANG_SMTLIB_V2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse a command from the input. Returns <code>NULL</code> if
+ * there is no command there to parse.
+ *
+ * @throws ParserException if an error is encountered during parsing.
+ */
+ Command* parseCommand()
+ throw(ParserException, TypeCheckingException, AssertionException);
+ /**
+ * Parse an expression from the input. Returns a null
+ * <code>Expr</code> if there is no expression there to parse.
+ *
+ * @throws ParserException if an error is encountered during parsing.
+ */
+ Expr parseExpr()
+ throw(ParserException, TypeCheckingException, AssertionException);
+};/* class TptpInput */
+}/* CVC4::parser namespace */
+}/* CVC4 namespace */
+#endif /* __CVC4__PARSER__TPTP_INPUT_H */
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