path: root/src/options/quantifiers_options.toml
diff options
authorMathias Preiner <>2019-12-17 13:43:44 -0800
committerGitHub <>2019-12-17 13:43:44 -0800
commite9499c41f405df8b42fd9ae10004b1b91a869106 (patch)
treefa1475f43a3e61b8f6ffdcb903b65919eba28661 /src/options/quantifiers_options.toml
parent9b2914ed9f7b14ecf535ffe9e1328d0fa042e072 (diff)
Generate code for options with modes. (#3561)
This commit adds support for code generation of options with modes (enums). From now on option enums can be specified in the corresponding *.toml files without the need of extra code. All option enums are now in the options namespace.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/options/quantifiers_options.toml')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/options/quantifiers_options.toml b/src/options/quantifiers_options.toml
index d37c9db83..95ec636ca 100644
--- a/src/options/quantifiers_options.toml
+++ b/src/options/quantifiers_options.toml
@@ -36,11 +36,22 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "prenexQuant"
category = "regular"
long = "prenex-quant=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::PrenexQuantMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::PRENEX_QUANT_SIMPLE"
- handler = "stringToPrenexQuantMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "PrenexQuantMode"
+ default = "SIMPLE"
help = "prenex mode for quantified formulas"
+ help_mode = "Prenex quantifiers modes."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do no prenex nested quantifiers."
+ name = "simple"
+ help = "Do simple prenexing of same sign quantifiers."
+ name = "dnorm"
+ help = "Prenex to disjunctive prenex normal form."
+ name = "norm"
+ help = "Prenex to prenex normal form."
name = "prenexQuantUser"
@@ -84,11 +95,19 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "iteLiftQuant"
category = "regular"
long = "ite-lift-quant=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::IteLiftQuantMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::ITE_LIFT_QUANT_MODE_SIMPLE"
- handler = "stringToIteLiftQuantMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "IteLiftQuantMode"
+ default = "SIMPLE"
help = "ite lifting mode for quantified formulas"
+ help_mode = "ITE lifting modes for quantified formulas."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not lift if-then-else in quantified formulas."
+ name = "simple"
+ help = "Lift if-then-else in quantified formulas if results in smaller term size."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Lift if-then-else in quantified formulas."
name = "condVarSplitQuant"
@@ -200,11 +219,16 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "termDbMode"
category = "regular"
long = "term-db-mode=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TermDbMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TERM_DB_ALL"
- handler = "stringToTermDbMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "TermDbMode"
+ default = "ALL"
help = "which ground terms to consider for instantiation"
+ help_mode = "Modes for terms included in the quantifiers term database."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Quantifiers module considers all ground terms."
+ name = "relevant"
+ help = "Quantifiers module considers only ground terms connected to current assertions."
name = "registerQuantBodyTerms"
@@ -310,35 +334,105 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
read_only = true
help = "implementation of multi triggers where maximum number of instantiations is linear wrt number of ground terms"
+# Trigger selection mode.
+# These modes are used for determining which terms to select
+# as triggers for quantified formulas, when necessary, during E-matching.
+# In the following, note the following terminology. A trigger is a set of terms,
+# where a single trigger is a singleton set and a multi-trigger is a set of more
+# than one term.
+# MIN selects single triggers of minimal term size.
+# MAX selects single triggers of maximal term size.
+# For example, consider the quantified formula :
+# forall xy. P( f( g( x, y ) ) ) V Q( f( x ), y )
+# MIN will select g( x, y ) and Q( f( x ), y ).
+# MAX will select P( f( g( x ) ) ) and Q( f( x ), y ).
+# The remaining three trigger selections make a difference for multi-triggers
+# only. For quantified formulas that require multi-triggers, we build a set of
+# partial triggers that don't contain all variables, call this set S. Then,
+# multi-triggers are built by taking a random subset of S that collectively
+# contains all variables.
+# Consider the quantified formula :
+# forall xyz. P( h( x ), y ) V Q( y, z )
+# S = { h( x ), P( h( x ), y ), Q( y, z ) }.
+# S = { P( h( x ), y ), Q( y, z ) }.
+# Furthermore, MIN_SINGLE_ALL and MIN_SINGLE_MAX, when
+# selecting single triggers, only select terms of minimal size.
name = "triggerSelMode"
category = "regular"
long = "trigger-sel=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TriggerSelMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TRIGGER_SEL_MIN"
- handler = "stringToTriggerSelMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "TriggerSelMode"
+ default = "MIN"
help = "selection mode for triggers"
+ help_mode = "Trigger selection modes."
+ name = "min"
+ help = "Consider only minimal subterms that meet criteria for triggers."
+ name = "max"
+ help = "Consider only maximal subterms that meet criteria for triggers."
+ name = "min-s-max"
+ help = "Consider only minimal subterms that meet criteria for single triggers, maximal otherwise."
+ name = "min-s-all"
+ help = "Consider only minimal subterms that meet criteria for single triggers, all otherwise."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Consider all subterms that meet criteria for triggers."
name = "triggerActiveSelMode"
category = "regular"
long = "trigger-active-sel=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TriggerActiveSelMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TRIGGER_ACTIVE_SEL_ALL"
- handler = "stringToTriggerActiveSelMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "TriggerActiveSelMode"
+ default = "ALL"
help = "selection mode to activate triggers"
+ help_mode = "Trigger active selection modes."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Make all triggers active."
+ name = "min"
+ help = "Activate triggers with minimal ground terms."
+ name = "max"
+ help = "Activate triggers with maximal ground terms."
name = "userPatternsQuant"
category = "regular"
long = "user-pat=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::UserPatMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::USER_PAT_MODE_TRUST"
- handler = "stringToUserPatMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "UserPatMode"
+ default = "TRUST"
help = "policy for handling user-provided patterns for quantifier instantiation"
+ help_mode = "These modes determine how user provided patterns (triggers) are used during E-matching. The modes vary on when instantiation based on user-provided triggers is combined with instantiation based on automatically selected triggers."
+ name = "use"
+ help = "Use both user-provided and auto-generated patterns when patterns are provided for a quantified formula."
+ name = "trust"
+ help = "When provided, use only user-provided patterns for a quantified formula."
+ name = "resort"
+ help = "Use user-provided patterns only after auto-generated patterns saturate."
+ name = "ignore"
+ help = "Ignore user-provided patterns."
+ name = "interleave"
+ help = "Alternate between use/resort."
name = "incrementTriggers"
@@ -353,12 +447,29 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "instWhenMode"
category = "regular"
long = "inst-when=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::InstWhenMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::INST_WHEN_FULL_LAST_CALL"
- handler = "stringToInstWhenMode"
+ type = "InstWhenMode"
+ default = "FULL_LAST_CALL"
predicates = ["checkInstWhenMode"]
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
help = "when to apply instantiation"
+ help_mode = "Instantiation modes."
+ name = "pre-full"
+ help = "Run instantiation round before full effort (possibly at standard effort)."
+ name = "full"
+ help = "Run instantiation round at full effort, before theory combination."
+ name = "full-delay"
+ help = "Run instantiation round at full effort, before theory combination, after all other theories have finished."
+ name = "full-last-call"
+ help = "Alternate running instantiation rounds at full effort and last call. In other words, interleave instantiation and theory combination."
+ name = "full-delay-last-call"
+ help = "Alternate running instantiation rounds at full effort after all other theories have finished, and last call."
+ name = "last-call"
+ help = "Run instantiation at last call effort, after theory combination and and theories report sat."
name = "instWhenStrictInterleave"
@@ -414,11 +525,19 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "quantRepMode"
category = "regular"
long = "quant-rep-mode=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QuantRepMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QUANT_REP_MODE_FIRST"
- handler = "stringToQuantRepMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "QuantRepMode"
+ default = "FIRST"
help = "selection mode for representatives in quantifiers engine"
+ help_mode = "Modes for quantifiers representative selection."
+ name = "ee"
+ help = "Let equality engine choose representatives."
+ name = "first"
+ help = "Choose terms that appear first."
+ name = "depth"
+ help = "Choose terms that are of minimal depth."
name = "fullSaturateQuant"
@@ -459,13 +578,23 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "literalMatchMode"
category = "regular"
long = "literal-matching=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::LiteralMatchMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::LITERAL_MATCH_USE"
- handler = "stringToLiteralMatchMode"
- predicates = ["checkLiteralMatchMode"]
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "LiteralMatchMode"
+ default = "USE"
read_only = true
help = "choose literal matching mode"
+ help_mode = "Literal match modes."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not use literal matching."
+ name = "use"
+ help = "Consider phase requirements of triggers conservatively. For example, the trigger P( x ) in forall( x ). ( P( x ) V ~Q( x ) ) will not be matched with terms in the equivalence class of true, and likewise Q( x ) will not be matched terms in the equivalence class of false. Extends to equality."
+ name = "agg-predicate"
+ help = "Consider phase requirements aggressively for predicates. In the above example, only match P( x ) with terms that are in the equivalence class of false."
+ name = "agg"
+ help = "Consider the phase requirements aggressively for all triggers."
### Finite model finding options
@@ -516,12 +645,19 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "mbqiMode"
category = "regular"
long = "mbqi=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MbqiMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MBQI_FMC"
- handler = "stringToMbqiMode"
- predicates = ["checkMbqiMode"]
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "MbqiMode"
+ default = "FMC"
help = "choose mode for model-based quantifier instantiation"
+ help_mode = "Model-based quantifier instantiation modes."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Disable model-based quantifier instantiation."
+ name = "fmc"
+ help = "Use algorithm from Section 5.4.2 of thesis Finite Model Finding in Satisfiability Modulo Theories."
+ name = "trust"
+ help = "Do not instantiate quantified formulas (incomplete technique)."
name = "fmfOneInstPerRound"
@@ -638,23 +774,42 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "qcfMode"
category = "regular"
long = "quant-cf-mode=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QcfMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QCF_PROP_EQ"
- handler = "stringToQcfMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "QcfMode"
+ default = "PROP_EQ"
read_only = true
help = "what effort to apply conflict find mechanism"
+ help_mode = "Quantifier conflict find modes."
+ name = "conflict"
+ help = "Apply QCF algorithm to find conflicts only."
+ name = "prop-eq"
+ help = "Apply QCF algorithm to propagate equalities as well as conflicts."
+ name = "partial"
+ help = "Use QCF for conflicts, propagations and heuristic instantiations."
name = "qcfWhenMode"
category = "regular"
long = "quant-cf-when=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QcfWhenMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QCF_WHEN_MODE_DEFAULT"
- handler = "stringToQcfWhenMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "QcfWhenMode"
+ default = "DEFAULT"
read_only = true
help = "when to invoke conflict find mechanism for quantifiers"
+ help_mode = "Quantifier conflict find modes."
+ name = "default"
+ help = "Default, apply conflict finding at full effort."
+ name = "last-call"
+ help = "Apply conflict finding at last call, after theory combination and and all theories report sat."
+ name = "std"
+ help = "Apply conflict finding at standard effort."
+ name = "std-h"
+ help = "Apply conflict finding at standard effort when heuristic says to."
name = "qcfTConstraint"
@@ -888,11 +1043,19 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "cegqiSingleInvMode"
category = "regular"
long = "cegqi-si=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CegqiSingleInvMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CEGQI_SI_MODE_NONE"
- handler = "stringToCegqiSingleInvMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "CegqiSingleInvMode"
+ default = "NONE"
help = "mode for processing single invocation synthesis conjectures"
+ help_mode = "Modes for single invocation techniques."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not use single invocation techniques."
+ name = "use"
+ help = "Use single invocation techniques only if grammar is not restrictive."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Always use single invocation techniques."
name = "cegqiSingleInvPartial"
@@ -903,15 +1066,32 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
read_only = true
help = "combined techniques for synthesis conjectures that are partially single invocation"
+# Solution reconstruction modes for single invocation conjectures
+# These modes indicate the policy when CVC4 solves a synthesis conjecture using
+# single invocation techniques for a sygus problem with a user-specified
+# grammar.
name = "cegqiSingleInvReconstruct"
category = "regular"
long = "cegqi-si-rcons=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CegqiSingleInvRconsMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CEGQI_SI_RCONS_MODE_ALL_LIMIT"
- handler = "stringToCegqiSingleInvRconsMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "CegqiSingleInvRconsMode"
+ default = "ALL_LIMIT"
help = "policy for reconstructing solutions for single invocation conjectures"
+ help_mode = "Modes for reconstruction solutions while using single invocation techniques."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not try to reconstruct solutions in the original (user-provided) grammar when using single invocation techniques. In this mode, solutions produced by CVC4 may violate grammar restrictions."
+ name = "try"
+ help = "Try to reconstruct solutions in the original grammar when using single invocation techniques in an incomplete (fail-fast) manner."
+ name = "all-limit"
+ help = "Try to reconstruct solutions in the original grammar, but termintate if a maximum number of rounds for reconstruction is exceeded."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Try to reconstruct solutions in the original grammar. In this mode, we do not terminate until a solution is successfully reconstructed."
name = "cegqiSingleInvReconstructLimit"
@@ -949,16 +1129,30 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
read_only = true
help = "abort if constant repair techniques are not applicable"
+# Modes for piecewise-independent unification for synthesis (see Barbosa et al
+# FMCAD 2019).
name = "sygusUnifPi"
category = "regular"
long = "sygus-unif-pi=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SygusUnifPiMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SYGUS_UNIF_PI_NONE"
- handler = "stringToSygusUnifPiMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "SygusUnifPiMode"
+ default = "NONE"
read_only = true
help = "mode for synthesis via piecewise-indepedent unification"
+ help_mode = "Modes for piecewise-independent unification."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not use piecewise-independent unification."
+ name = "complete"
+ help = "Use complete approach for piecewise-independent unification (see Section 3 of Barbosa et al FMCAD 2019)"
+ name = "cond-enum"
+ help = "Use unconstrained condition enumeration for piecewise-independent unification (see Section 4 of Barbosa et al FMCAD 2019)."
+ name = "cond-enum-igain"
+ help = "Same as cond-enum, but additionally uses an information gain heuristic when doing decision tree learning."
name = "sygusUnifShuffleCond"
@@ -1020,12 +1214,26 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "sygusActiveGenMode"
category = "regular"
long = "sygus-active-gen=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SygusActiveGenMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SYGUS_ACTIVE_GEN_AUTO"
- handler = "stringToSygusActiveGenMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "SygusActiveGenMode"
+ default = "AUTO"
read_only = true
help = "mode for actively-generated sygus enumerators"
+ help_mode = "Modes for actively-generated sygus enumerators."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not use actively-generated sygus enumerators."
+ name = "basic"
+ help = "Use basic type enumerator for actively-generated sygus enumerators."
+ name = "enum"
+ help = "Use optimized enumerator for actively-generated sygus enumerators."
+ name = "var-agnostic"
+ help = "Use sygus solver to enumerate terms that are agnostic to variables."
+ name = "auto"
+ help = "Internally decide the best policy for each enumerator."
name = "sygusActiveGenEnumConsts"
@@ -1075,21 +1283,40 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "sygusGrammarConsMode"
category = "regular"
long = "sygus-grammar-cons=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SygusGrammarConsMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SYGUS_GCONS_SIMPLE"
- handler = "stringToSygusGrammarConsMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "SygusGrammarConsMode"
+ default = "SIMPLE"
help = "mode for SyGuS grammar construction"
+ help_mode = "Modes for default SyGuS grammars."
+ name = "simple"
+ help = "Use simple grammar construction (no symbolic terms or constants)."
+ name = "any-const"
+ help = "Use symoblic constant constructors."
+ name = "any-term"
+ help = "When applicable, use constructors corresponding to any symbolic term. This option enables a sum-of-monomials grammar for arithmetic. For all other types, it enables symbolic constant constructors."
+ name = "any-term-concise"
+ help = "When applicable, use constructors corresponding to any symbolic term, favoring conciseness over generality. This option is equivalent to any-term but enables a polynomial grammar for arithmetic when not in a combined theory."
name = "sygusInvTemplMode"
category = "regular"
long = "sygus-inv-templ=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SygusInvTemplMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SYGUS_INV_TEMPL_MODE_POST"
- handler = "stringToSygusInvTemplMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "SygusInvTemplMode"
+ default = "POST"
help = "template mode for sygus invariant synthesis (weaken pre-condition, strengthen post-condition, or none)"
+ help_mode = "Template modes for sygus invariant synthesis."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Synthesize invariant directly."
+ name = "pre"
+ help = "Synthesize invariant based on weakening of precondition."
+ name = "post"
+ help = "Synthesize invariant based on strengthening of postcondition."
name = "sygusInvTemplWhenSyntax"
@@ -1188,11 +1415,19 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "cegisSample"
category = "regular"
long = "cegis-sample=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CegisSampleMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CEGIS_SAMPLE_NONE"
- handler = "stringToCegisSampleMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "CegisSampleMode"
+ default = "NONE"
help = "mode for using samples in the counterexample-guided inductive synthesis loop"
+ help_mode = "Modes for sampling with counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS)."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not use sampling with CEGIS."
+ name = "use"
+ help = "Use sampling to accelerate CEGIS. This will rule out solutions for a conjecture when they are not satisfied by a sample point."
+ name = "trust"
+ help = "Trust that when a solution for a conjecture is always true under sampling, then it is indeed a solution. Note this option may print out spurious solutions for synthesis conjectures."
name = "minSynthSol"
@@ -1409,21 +1644,37 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "sygusQueryGenDumpFiles"
category = "regular"
long = "sygus-query-gen-dump-files=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SygusQueryDumpFilesMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SYGUS_QUERY_DUMP_NONE"
- handler = "stringToSygusQueryDumpFilesMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "SygusQueryDumpFilesMode"
+ default = "NONE"
help = "mode for dumping external files corresponding to interesting satisfiability queries with sygus-query-gen"
+ help_mode = "Query file options."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not dump query files when using --sygus-query-gen."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Dump all query files."
+ name = "unsolved"
+ help = "Dump query files that the subsolver did not solve."
name = "sygusFilterSolMode"
category = "regular"
long = "sygus-filter-sol=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SygusFilterSolMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SYGUS_FILTER_SOL_NONE"
- handler = "stringToSygusFilterSolMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "SygusFilterSolMode"
+ default = "NONE"
help = "mode for filtering sygus solutions"
+ help_mode = "Modes for filtering sygus solutions."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Do not filter sygus solutions."
+ name = "strong"
+ help = "Filter solutions that are logically stronger than others."
+ name = "weak"
+ help = "Filter solutions that are logically weaker than others."
name = "sygusFilterSolRevSubsume"
@@ -1627,11 +1878,19 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "cbqiBvIneqMode"
category = "regular"
long = "cbqi-bv-ineq=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CbqiBvIneqMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CBQI_BV_INEQ_EQ_BOUNDARY"
- handler = "stringToCbqiBvIneqMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "CbqiBvIneqMode"
+ default = "EQ_BOUNDARY"
help = "choose mode for handling bit-vector inequalities with counterexample-guided instantiation"
+ help_mode = "Modes for handling bit-vector inequalities in counterexample-guided instantiation."
+ name = "eq-slack"
+ help = "Solve for the inequality using the slack value in the model, e.g., t > s becomes t = s + ( t-s )^M."
+ name = "eq-boundary"
+ help = "Solve for the boundary point of the inequality, e.g., t > s becomes t = s+1."
+ name = "keep"
+ help = "Solve for the inequality directly using side conditions for invertibility."
name = "cbqiBvRmExtract"
@@ -1717,22 +1976,38 @@ header = "options/quantifiers_options.h"
name = "macrosQuantMode"
category = "regular"
long = "macros-quant-mode=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MacrosQuantMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MACROS_QUANT_MODE_GROUND_UF"
- handler = "stringToMacrosQuantMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "MacrosQuantMode"
+ default = "GROUND_UF"
read_only = true
help = "mode for quantifiers macro expansion"
+ help_mode = "Modes for quantifiers macro expansion."
+ name = "all"
+ help = "Infer definitions for functions, including those containing quantified formulas."
+ name = "ground"
+ help = "Only infer ground definitions for functions."
+ name = "ground-uf"
+ help = "Only infer ground definitions for functions that result in triggers for all free variables."
name = "quantDynamicSplit"
category = "regular"
long = "quant-dsplit-mode=MODE"
- type = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QuantDSplitMode"
- default = "CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QUANT_DSPLIT_MODE_DEFAULT"
- handler = "stringToQuantDSplitMode"
- includes = ["options/quantifiers_modes.h"]
+ type = "QuantDSplitMode"
+ default = "DEFAULT"
help = "mode for dynamic quantifiers splitting"
+ help_mode = "Modes for quantifiers splitting."
+ name = "none"
+ help = "Never split quantified formulas."
+ name = "default"
+ help = "Split quantified formulas over some finite datatypes when finite model finding is enabled."
+ name = "agg"
+ help = "Aggressively split quantified formulas."
name = "quantAntiSkolem"
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contact with questions or feedback