path: root/proofs
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authorHaniel Barbosa <>2021-03-25 01:26:17 -0300
committerGitHub <>2021-03-25 04:26:17 +0000
commitb3c6975af6354eb027aa52d6a23386b5dd0ef1cd (patch)
tree73fca909b5225240d4092d259835fee712ae4684 /proofs
parent77b75a69e51b742e1448d754b6886c10ef76e79f (diff)
Deleting old LFSC signatures (#6194)
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 3439 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/CMakeLists.txt b/proofs/signatures/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 698fa37fe..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# These CORE_PLFs are combined to give a "master signature" against which
-# proofs are checked internally when using --check-proofs. To add support for
-# more theories, just list them here in the same order you would to the LFSC
-# proof-checker binary.
- sat.plf
- er.plf
- smt.plf
- th_base.plf
- lrat.plf
- drat.plf
- th_arrays.plf
- th_bv.plf
- th_bv_bitblast.plf
- th_bv_rewrites.plf
- th_real.plf
- th_int.plf
- th_lira.plf
-foreach(f ${core_signature_files})
- file(READ ${f} tmp)
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/signatures.cpp)
-libcvc4_add_sources(GENERATED signatures.cpp)
-install(FILES ${core_signature_files} DESTINATION share/cvc4)
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/drat.plf b/proofs/signatures/drat.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index 20795901f..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/drat.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-; Deps: lrat.plf
-; Implementation of DRAT checking.
-; Unfortunately, there are **two** different notions of DRAT floating around in
-; the world:
-; * Specified DRAT : This is a reasonable proof format
-; * Operational DRAT : This is a variant of specified DRAT warped by the
-; details of common SAT solver architectures.
-; Both are detailed in this paper, along with their differences:
-; This signature contains implementations for a checker for each.
-; **Specified DRAT** is first.
-; A DRAT proof itself: a list of addition or deletion instructions.
-(declare DRATProof type)
-(declare DRATProofn DRATProof)
-(declare DRATProofa (! c clause (! p DRATProof DRATProof)))
-(declare DRATProofd (! c clause (! p DRATProof DRATProof)))
-; ==================== ;
-; Functional Programs ;
-; ==================== ;
-; Are two clauses equal (i.e., if interpretted as sets of literals, are those
-; sets equal?)
-; Assumes that marks 1,2,3,4 are clear for the constituent variables, and
-; leaves them clear afterwards.
-; Since clauses are sets, it is insufficient to do list equality.
-; We could sort them, but that would require defining an order on our variables,
-; and incurring the cost of sorting.
-; Instead, we do the following:
-; 1. Sweep the first clause, marking variables with flags 1,3 (pos) and 2,4 (neg)
-; 2. Sweep the second clause, erasing marks 1,2. Returning FALSE if no mark 3,4.
-; 3. Unsweep the first clause, returning FALSE on marks 1,2.
-; Also unmarking 3,4, and 1,2 if needed
-; So the mark 1 means (seen as + in c1, but not yet in c2)
-; the mark 3 means (seen as + in c1)
-; the mark 2 means (seen as - in c1, but not yet in c2)
-; the mark 4 means (seen as - in c1)
-; This implementation **does not**:
-; 1. assume that clauses do not have duplicates
-; (so the clause [x v x v ~y] is an accceptable input)
-; 2. assume that clauses are non-tautological
-; (so the clause [x v ~x] is an acceptable input)
-; TODO(aozdemir) This implementation could be further optimized b/c once c1 is
-; drained, we need not continue to pattern match on it.
-(program clause_eq ((c1 clause) (c2 clause)) bool
- (match
- c1
- (cln (match
- c2
- (cln tt)
- ((clc c2h c2t) (match
- c2h
- ((pos v)
- (ifmarked1
- v
- (do (markvar1 v)
- (clause_eq c1 c2t))
- (ifmarked3
- v
- (clause_eq c1 c2t)
- ff)))
- ((neg v)
- (ifmarked2
- v
- (do (markvar2 v)
- (clause_eq c1 c2t))
- (ifmarked4
- v
- (clause_eq c1 c2t)
- ff)))))))
- ((clc c1h c1t) (match
- c1h
- ((pos v)
- (ifmarked3
- v
- (clause_eq c1t c2)
- (do (markvar3 v)
- (do (markvar1 v)
- (let res (clause_eq c1t c2)
- (do (markvar3 v)
- (ifmarked1
- v
- (do (markvar1 v) ff)
- res)))))))
- ((neg v)
- (ifmarked4
- v
- (clause_eq c1t c2)
- (do (markvar4 v)
- (do (markvar2 v)
- (let res (clause_eq c1t c2)
- (do (markvar4 v)
- (ifmarked2
- v
- (do (markvar2 v) ff)
- res)))))))))))
-; Does this formula contain bottom as one of its clauses?
-(program cnf_has_bottom ((cs cnf)) bool
- (match cs
- (cnfn ff)
- ((cnfc c rest) (match c
- (cln tt)
- ((clc l c') (cnf_has_bottom rest))))))
-; Return a new cnf with one copy of this clause removed.
-; If the clause is absent, returns the original cnf.
-(program cnf_remove_clause ((c clause) (cs cnf)) cnf
- (match cs
- (cnfn cnfn)
- ((cnfc c' cs')
- (match (clause_eq c c')
- (tt cs')
- (ff (cnfc c' (cnf_remove_clause c cs')))))))
-; return (c1 union (c2 \ ~l))
-; Significant for how a RAT is defined.
-(program clause_pseudo_resolvent ((c1 clause) (c2 clause)) clause
- (clause_dedup (clause_append c1
- (clause_remove_all
- (lit_flip (clause_head c1)) c2))))
-; Given a formula, `cs` and a clause `c`, return all pseudo resolvents, i.e. all
-; (c union (c' \ ~head(c)))
-; for c' in cs, where c' contains ~head(c)
-(program collect_pseudo_resolvents ((cs cnf) (c clause)) cnf
- (match cs
- (cnfn cnfn)
- ((cnfc c' cs')
- (let rest_of_resolvents (collect_pseudo_resolvents cs' c)
- (match (clause_contains_lit c' (lit_flip (clause_head c)))
- (tt (cnfc (clause_pseudo_resolvent
- c
- c')
- rest_of_resolvents))
- (ff rest_of_resolvents))))))
-; =============================================================== ;
-; Unit Propegation implementation (manipulates global assignment) ;
-; =============================================================== ;
-; See the lrat file for a description of the global assignment.
-; The result of search for a unit clause in
-(declare UnitSearchResult type)
-; There was a unit, and
-; this is the (previously floating) literal that is now satisfied.
-; this is a version of the input cnf with satisfied clauses removed.
-(declare USRUnit (! l lit (! f cnf UnitSearchResult)))
-; There was an unsat clause
-(declare USRBottom UnitSearchResult)
-; There was no unit.
-(declare USRNoUnit UnitSearchResult)
-; If a UnitSearchResult is a Unit, containing a cnf, adds this clause to that
-; cnf. Otherwise, returns the UnitSearchResult unmodified.
-(program USR_add_clause ((c clause) (usr UnitSearchResult)) UnitSearchResult
- (match usr
- ((USRUnit l f) (USRUnit l (cnfc c f)))
- (USRBottom USRBottom)
- (USRNoUnit USRNoUnit)))
-; Searches through the clauses, looking for a unit clause.
-; Reads the global assignment. Possibly assigns one variable.
-; Returns
-; USRBottom if there is an unsat clause
-; (USRUnit l f) if there is a unit, with lit l, and
-; f is the cnf with some SAT clauses removed.
-; USRNoUnit if there is no unit
-(program unit_search ((f cnf)) UnitSearchResult
- (match f
- (cnfn USRNoUnit)
- ((cnfc c f')
- (match (clause_check_unit_and_maybe_mark c)
- (MRSat (unit_search f'))
- ((MRUnit l) (USRUnit l f'))
- (MRUnsat USRBottom)
- (MRNotUnit (USR_add_clause c (unit_search f')))))))
-; Given the current global assignment, does the formula `f` imply bottom via
-; unit propegation? Leaves the global assignment in the same state that it was
-; initially.
-(program unit_propegates_to_bottom ((f cnf)) bool
- (match (unit_search f)
- (USRBottom tt)
- ((USRUnit l f') (let result (unit_propegates_to_bottom f')
- (do (lit_un_mk_sat l)
- result)))
- (USRNoUnit ff)))
-; ================================== ;
-; High-Level DRAT checking functions ;
-; ================================== ;
-; Is this clause an AT?
-(program is_at ((cs cnf) (c clause)) bool
- (match (is_t c)
- (tt tt)
- (ff (do (clause_mk_all_unsat c)
- (let r (unit_propegates_to_bottom cs)
- (do (clause_un_mk_all_unsat c)
- r))))))
-; Are all of these clauses ATs?
-(program are_all_at ((cs cnf) (clauses cnf)) bool
- (match clauses
- (cnfn tt)
- ((cnfc c clauses')
- (match (is_at cs c)
- (tt (are_all_at cs clauses'))
- (ff ff)))))
-; Is the clause `c` a RAT for the formula `cs`?
-(program is_rat ((cs cnf) (c clause)) bool
- (match (is_t c)
- (tt tt)
- (ff (match (is_at cs c)
- (tt tt)
- (ff (match c
- (cln ff)
- ((clc a b) (are_all_at ; dedent
- cs
- (collect_pseudo_resolvents cs c)))))))))
-; Is this proof a valid DRAT proof of bottom?
-(program is_specified_drat_proof ((f cnf) (proof DRATProof)) bool
- (match proof
- (DRATProofn (cnf_has_bottom f))
- ((DRATProofa c p) (match
- (is_rat f c)
- (tt (is_specified_drat_proof (cnfc c f) p))
- (ff ff)))
- ((DRATProofd c p)
- (is_specified_drat_proof (cnf_remove_clause c f) p))))
-; =============================== ;
-; Operational DRAT implementation ;
-; =============================== ;
-; Operation DRAT is defined in the paper "Two Flavors of DRAT".
-; Below is an extension of the DRAT signature to handle it.
-; Notes on types.
-; For operational DRAT it is useful to manifest partial assignments in values
-; (although we still use the global assignment in some places). To this end,
-; literals are used to represent single-variable assignments ((pos v) denotes
-; {v maps to true}) and clauses are partial assignments by way of being
-; literal lists.
-; Copy the partial assignment represented by a clause into the global
-; assignment. Fails if that clause represents an inconsistent partial
-; assignment (e.g. v is both true and false)
-(program clause_into_global ((a clause)) Unit
- (match a
- (cln unit)
- ((clc l rest)
- (do (lit_mk_sat l) (clause_into_global rest)))))
-; Remove the partial assignment represented by c from the global assignment
-(program clause_undo_into_global ((a clause)) Unit
- (match a
- (cln unit)
- ((clc l rest)
- (do (lit_un_mk_sat l) (clause_undo_into_global rest)))))
-; Does this clause have no floating literals w.r.t. the global assignment?
-(program clause_no_floating ((c clause)) bool
- (match c
- (cln tt)
- ((clc l rest) (match (lit_is_floating l)
- (tt ff)
- (ff (clause_no_floating rest))))))
-; Does this clause have no sat literals w.r.t. the global assignment?
-(program clause_no_sat ((c clause)) bool
- (match c
- (cln tt)
- ((clc l rest) (match (lit_is_sat l)
- (tt ff)
- (ff (clause_no_sat rest))))))
-; Does this clause have one sat literal w.r.t. the global assignment?
-(program clause_one_sat ((c clause)) bool
- (match c
- (cln ff)
- ((clc l rest) (match (lit_is_sat l)
- (tt (clause_no_sat rest))
- (ff (clause_one_sat rest))))))
-; Is this clause a unit clause w.r.t. the global assignment?
-; This notion is defined as:
-; * A clause where no literals are floating, and exactly one is sat.
-(program clause_is_unit_wrt_up_model ((c clause) (up_model clause)) bool
- (let c' (clause_dedup c)
- (do (clause_into_global up_model)
- (let result (match (clause_no_floating c')
- (tt (clause_one_sat c'))
- (ff ff))
- (do (clause_undo_into_global up_model)
- result)))))
-; Result from constructing a UP model (defined in "Two Flavors of DRAT")
-; Technically, we're constructing the shared UP model -- the intersection of all
-; UP models.
-; Informally, this is just the partial assignment implied by UP.
-; This type is necessary, because constructing a UP model can reveal an
-; inconsistent UP model -- one which assigns some variable to true and false.
-; This would break our machinery, so we special case it.
-(declare UPConstructionResult type)
-; An actual model
-(declare UPCRModel (! up_model clause UPConstructionResult))
-; Bottom is implied!
-(declare UPCRBottom UPConstructionResult)
-; Do unit propagation on `f`, constructing a UP model for it.
-(program build_up_model ((f cnf)) UPConstructionResult
- (match (unit_search f)
- (USRBottom UPCRBottom)
- (USRNoUnit (UPCRModel cln))
- ((USRUnit l f')
- (let result (build_up_model f')
- (do (lit_un_mk_sat l)
- (match result
- (UPCRBottom UPCRBottom)
- ((UPCRModel model) (UPCRModel (clc l model)))))))))
-; Given some starting assignment (`up_model`), continue UP to construct a larger
-; model.
-(program extend_up_model ((f cnf) (up_model clause)) UPConstructionResult
- (do (clause_into_global up_model)
- (let result (build_up_model f)
- (do (clause_undo_into_global up_model)
- (match result
- (UPCRBottom UPCRBottom)
- ((UPCRModel up_model')
- (UPCRModel (clause_append up_model up_model'))))))))
-; Helper for `is_operational_drat_proof` which takes a UP model for the working
-; formula. The UP model is important for determining which clause deletions
-; actually are executed in operational DRAT. Passing the UP model along
-; prevents it from being fully recomputed every time.
-(program is_operational_drat_proof_h ((f cnf) (up_model clause) (pf DRATProof)) bool
- (match pf
- (DRATProofn (cnf_has_bottom f))
- ((DRATProofd c pf')
- (match (clause_is_unit_wrt_up_model c up_model)
- (tt (is_operational_drat_proof_h f up_model pf'))
- (ff (is_operational_drat_proof_h
- (cnf_remove_clause c f) up_model pf'))))
- ((DRATProofa c pf')
- (let f' (cnfc c f)
- (match (is_rat f c)
- (tt (match (extend_up_model f' up_model)
- (UPCRBottom tt)
- ((UPCRModel up_model')
- (is_operational_drat_proof_h f' up_model' pf'))))
- (ff ff))))))
-; Is this an operational DRAT proof of bottom for this formula?
-(program is_operational_drat_proof ((f cnf) (pf DRATProof)) bool
- (match (build_up_model f)
- (UPCRBottom tt)
- ((UPCRModel model) (is_operational_drat_proof_h f model pf))))
-; Is this a specified or operational DRAT proof of bottom for this formula?
-(program is_drat_proof ((f cnf) (pf DRATProof)) bool
- (match (is_specified_drat_proof f pf)
- (tt tt)
- (ff (is_operational_drat_proof f pf))))
-(declare drat_proof_of_bottom
- (! f cnf
- (! proof_of_formula (cnf_holds f)
- (! proof DRATProof
- (! sc (^ (is_drat_proof f proof) tt)
- bottom)))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/er.plf b/proofs/signatures/er.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a8a059a2..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/er.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-; Deps: sat.plf
-; This file exists to support the **definition introduction** (or **extension**)
-; rule in the paper:
-; "Extended Resolution Simulates DRAT"
-; which can be found at
-; The core idea of extended resolution is that given **any** formula f
-; involving the variables from some SAT problem, one can introduce the
-; constraint
-; new <=> f
-; without changing satisfiability, where "new" is a fresh variable.
-; This signature does not provide axioms for facilitating full use of this
-; idea. Instead, this signature facilitates use of one specific kind of
-; extension, that of the form:
-; new <=> old v (~l_1 ^ ~l_2 ^ ... ^ ~l_n)
-; which translates into the clauses:
-; new v l_1 v l_2 v ... v l_n
-; new v ~old
-; for each i <= n: l_i v ~new v old
-; This kind of extension is (a) sufficient to simulate DRAT proofs and (b) easy
-; to convert to clauses, which is why we use it.
-; A definition witness value for:
-; new <=> old v (~others_1 ^ ~others_2 ^ ... ^ ~others_n)
-; It witnesses the fact that new was fresh when it was defined by the above.
-; Thus it witnesses that the above, when added to the formula consisting of the
-; conjunction all the already-proven clauses, produces an equisatisfiable
-; formula.
-(declare definition (! new var (! old lit (! others clause type))))
-; Given `old` and `others`, this takes a continuation which expects
-; 1. a fresh variable `new`
-; 2. a definition witness value for:
-; new <=> old v (~others_1 ^ ~others_2 ^ ... ^ ~others_n)
-; Aside:
-; In programming a **continuation** of some computation is a function that
-; takes the results of that computation as arguments to produce a final
-; result.
-; In proof-construction a **continuation** of some reasoning is a function
-; that takes the results of that reasoning as arguments to proof a final
-; result.
-; That definition witness value can be clausified using the rule below.
-; There need to be two different rules because the side-condition for
-; clausification needs access to the new variable, which doesn't exist except
-; inside the continuation, which is out-of-scope for any side-condition
-; associated with this rule.
-(declare decl_definition
- (! old lit
- (! others clause ; List of vars
- (! pf_continuation (! new var (! def (definition new old others)
- (holds cln)))
- (holds cln)))))
-; Represents multiple conjoined clauses.
-; There is a list, `heads` of literals, each of which is suffixed by the
-; same `tail`.
-(declare common_tail_cnf_t type)
-(declare common_tail_cnf
- (! heads clause
- (! tail clause common_tail_cnf_t)))
-; A member of this type is a proof of a common_tail_cnf.
-(declare common_tail_cnf_holds
- (! cnf common_tail_cnf_t type))
-; This translates a definition witness value for the def:
-; new <=> old v (~l_1 ^ ~l_2 ^ ... ^ ~l_n)
-; into the clauses:
-; new v l_1 v l_2 v ... v l_n
-; new v ~old
-; for each i <= n: l_i v ~new v old (encoded as (cnf_holds ...))
-(declare clausify_definition
- (! new var
- (! old lit
- (! others clause
- ; Given a definition { new <-> old v (~l_1 ^ ~l_2 ^ ... ^ ~l_n) }
- (! def (definition new old others)
- (! negOld lit
- (! mkNegOld (^ (lit_flip old) negOld)
- ; If you can prove bottom from its clausal representation
- (! pf_continuation
- ; new v l_1 v l_2 v ... v l_n
- (! pf_c1 (holds (clc (pos new) others))
- ; new v ~old
- (! pf_c2 (holds (clc (pos new) (clc negOld cln)))
- ; for each i <= n: l_i v ~new v old
- (! pf_cs (common_tail_cnf_holds
- (common_tail_cnf
- others
- (clc (neg new) (clc old cln))))
- (holds cln))))
- ; Then you've proven bottom
- (holds cln)))))))))
-; These axioms are useful for converting a proof of some CNF formula represented
-; using the `common_tail_cnf` type (a value of type `common_tail_cnf_holds`),
-; into proofs of its constituent clauses (many values of type `holds`).
-; Given
-; 1. a proof of some `common_tail_cnf`
-; Then
-; 1. the first axiom gives you a proof of the first `clause` therein and
-; 2. the second gives you a proof of the rest of the `common_tail_cnf`.
-(declare common_tail_cnf_prove_head
- (! first lit
- (! rest clause
- (! tail clause
- (! pf (common_tail_cnf_holds (common_tail_cnf (clc first rest) tail))
- (holds (clc first tail)))))))
-(declare common_tail_cnf_prove_tail
- (! first lit
- (! rest clause
- (! tail clause
- (! pf (common_tail_cnf_holds (common_tail_cnf (clc first rest) tail))
- (common_tail_cnf_holds (common_tail_cnf rest tail)))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/lrat.plf b/proofs/signatures/lrat.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index c10f8d6c8..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/lrat.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-; LRAT Proof signature
-; LRAT format detailed in "Efficient Certified RAT Verification"
-; Link:
-; Author: aozdemir
-; Deps: sat.plf smt.plf
-; A general note about the design of the side conditions:
-; Some side-conditions make use of a _global assignment_ encoded in
-; 0 (true) / 1 (false) marks on variables.
-; Unit (
-; For functions that don't return anything
-(declare Unit type) ; The type with only one value (like `void` in C)
-(declare unit Unit) ; That value
-; Boolean operator (not short-circuiting)
-(program bool_or ((l bool) (r bool)) bool (match l (ff r) (tt tt)))
-(program bool_and ((l bool) (r bool)) bool (match l (tt r) (ff ff)))
-(program bool_not ((b bool)) bool (match b (tt ff) (ff tt)))
-(program bool_eq ((l bool) (r bool)) bool
- (match l
- (tt (match r
- (tt tt)
- (ff ff)))
- (ff (match r
- (tt ff)
- (ff tt)))))
-; =================== ;
-; Working CNF formula ;
-; =================== ;
-; Represents a CNF formula as a map from clause indices to clauses
-; Should be sorted ascending, always!
-; Here, and for all collections, the suffix "n" denotes the empty collection and
-; the suffix "c" denotes the constructor for the collection in the style of lisp's
-; "cons cells"
-(declare CMap type)
-(declare CMapn CMap)
-(declare CMapc (! i mpz (! c clause (! r CMap CMap))))
-; ================= ;
-; LRAT Proof Format ;
-; ================= ;
-; CI lists are lists of clause indices.
-; They represent clauses to delete.
-; They must be sorted.
-(declare CIList type)
-(declare CIListn CIList)
-(declare CIListc (! z mpz (! zs CIList CIList)))
-; Traces are a list of clause indices into the working CNF formula
-; They represent the clauses that will be unit in a unit propegation to bottom
-; Thus their elements are *not* in value order.
-(declare Trace type)
-(declare Tracen Trace)
-(declare Tracec (! z mpz (! zs Trace Trace)))
-; RAT Hint list
-; Each hint is
-; * An index indicating a clause in the working CNF formula to resolve with
-; * A trace indicating how UP should be done after that resolution
-(declare RATHints type)
-(declare RATHintsn RATHints)
-(declare RATHintsc
- (! target mpz
- (! trace Trace
- (! rest RATHints
- RATHints))))
-; LRAT proof
-(declare LRATProof type)
-(declare LRATProofn LRATProof)
-; Deletion (includes a list of clause indices to delete)
-(declare LRATProofd (! cis CIList (! rest LRATProof LRATProof)))
-; Addition: a clause index, a clause, RUP trace for that clause, and hints for
-; what resolutions should happen then, and how those resolutions imply bottom
-; via UP.
-; If the list of hints is empty, then bottom is already implied.
-(declare LRATProofa
- (! ci mpz
- (! c clause
- (! t Trace
- (! h RATHints
- (! rest LRATProof
- LRATProof))))))
-; ========================================== ;
-; Functional programs for manipulating types ;
-; ========================================== ;
-; Are two literal equal?
-(program lit_eq ((l1 lit) (l2 lit)) bool
- (match l1
- ((pos v1) (match l2
- ((pos v2) (ifequal v1 v2 tt ff))
- ((neg v2) ff)))
- ((neg v1) (match l2
- ((pos v2) ff)
- ((neg v2) (ifequal v1 v2 tt ff))))))
-; Remove **all** occurrences of a literal from clause
-(program clause_remove_all ((l lit) (c clause)) clause
- (match c
- (cln cln)
- ((clc l' c')
- (let rest_res (clause_remove_all l c')
- (match (lit_eq l l')
- (tt rest_res)
- (ff (clc l' rest_res)))))))
-; Return the clause's first literal
-; fails on an empty clause
-(program clause_head ((c clause)) lit
- (match c
- (cln (fail lit))
- ((clc l c') l)))
-; Does a clause contain some literal?
-(program clause_contains_lit ((c clause) (l lit)) bool
- (match c
- ((clc l' c') (match (lit_eq l l')
- (tt tt)
- (ff (clause_contains_lit c' l))))
- (cln ff)))
-; Append two traces
-(program Trace_concat ((t1 Trace) (t2 Trace)) Trace
- (match t1
- (Tracen t2)
- ((Tracec h1 r1) (Tracec h1 (Trace_concat r1 t2)))))
-; Return whether a list of RAT hits is empty
-(program RATHints_is_empty ((h RATHints)) bool
- (match h
- (RATHintsn tt)
- ((RATHintsc a b c) ff)))
-; Insert into a CMap, preserving order
-(program CMap_insert ((i mpz) (c clause) (cs CMap)) CMap
- (match cs
- (CMapn (CMapc i c CMapn))
- ((CMapc i' c' r)
- (mp_ifneg (mpz_sub i i')
- (CMapc i c cs)
- (CMapc i' c' (CMap_insert i c r))))))
-; Get from a CMap
-(program CMap_get ((i mpz) (cs CMap)) clause
- (match cs
- (CMapn (fail clause))
- ((CMapc i' c r)
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub i i')
- c
- (CMap_get i r)))))
-; Remove from CMap. Only removes one element.
-(program CMap_remove ((i mpz) (cs CMap)) CMap
- (match cs
- (CMapn CMapn)
- ((CMapc i' c r)
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub i i')
- r
- (CMapc i' c (CMap_remove i r))))))
-; Remove many indices from a CMap. Asuumes the input list is sorted.
-(program CMap_remove_many ((is CIList) (cs CMap)) CMap
- (match
- is
- (CIListn cs)
- ((CIListc i is')
- (match
- cs
- (CMapn (fail CMap)) ; All deletion indices must be valid!
- ((CMapc ci c cs')
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub i ci)
- (CMap_remove_many is' cs')
- (CMapc ci c (CMap_remove_many is cs'))))))))
-; Given a map of clauses and a literal, return all indices in the map
-; corresponding to clauses that could resolve against that literal. i.e. for x,
-; return the indices of all clauses containing x.
-(program collect_resolution_targets_w_lit ((cs CMap) (l lit)) CIList
- (match cs
- (CMapn CIListn)
- ((CMapc i c cs')
- (let rest_solution (collect_resolution_targets_w_lit cs' l)
- (match (clause_contains_lit c l)
- (tt (CIListc i rest_solution))
- (ff rest_solution))))))
-; Given a clause and a maps of clauses, return all indices in the map
-; corresponding to clauses which could resolve with this one on its first
-; literal
-(program collect_resolution_targets ((cs CMap) (c clause)) CIList
- (collect_resolution_targets_w_lit cs (lit_flip (clause_head c))))
-; Is this clause a tautology?
-; Internally uses mark 5 to flag variables that occur (+)
-; and mark 6 to flag variables that occur (-)
-(program is_t ((c clause)) bool
- (match
- c
- (cln ff)
- ((clc l c') (match
- l
- ((pos v)
- (ifmarked5
- v
- (is_t c')
- (ifmarked6
- v
- tt
- (do
- (markvar5 v)
- (let r (is_t c') (do (markvar5 v) r))))))
- ((neg v)
- (ifmarked6
- v
- (is_t c')
- (ifmarked5
- v
- tt
- (do
- (markvar6 v)
- (let r (is_t c') (do (markvar6 v) r))))))))))
-; ===================================================================== ;
-; Programs for manipulating and querying the global variable assignment ;
-; ===================================================================== ;
-; This assignment marks values of type `var`.
-; It marks a variable with 1 if that variable is true
-; It marks a variable with 2 if that variable is false
-; A variable should not be marked with both!
-; A variable may be marked with neither, indicating that variable is presently
-; unassigned, which we call "floating".
-; Mark the variable within to satisfy this literal.
-; fails if the literal is already UNSAT
-(program lit_mk_sat ((l lit)) Unit
- (match l
- ((pos v) (ifmarked2 v
- (fail Unit)
- (ifmarked1 v unit (do (markvar1 v) unit))))
- ((neg v) (ifmarked1 v
- (fail Unit)
- (ifmarked2 v unit (do (markvar2 v) unit))))))
-; Mark the variable within to falsify this literal.
-; fails is the literal is already SAT
-(program lit_mk_unsat ((l lit)) Unit
- (match l
- ((neg v) (ifmarked2 v
- (fail Unit)
- (ifmarked1 v unit (do (markvar1 v) unit))))
- ((pos v) (ifmarked1 v
- (fail Unit)
- (ifmarked2 v unit (do (markvar2 v) unit))))))
-; Unmarks the variable within a satisfied literal to render it neither satisfied nor falsified
-; fails if the literal is not already satisfied
-(program lit_un_mk_sat ((l lit)) Unit
- (match l
- ((pos v) (ifmarked1 v (do (markvar1 v) unit) (fail Unit)))
- ((neg v) (ifmarked2 v (do (markvar2 v) unit) (fail Unit)))))
-; Unmarks the variable within a falsified literal to render it neither satisfied nor falsified
-; fails if the literal is not already falsified
-(program lit_un_mk_unsat ((l lit)) Unit
- (match l
- ((pos v) (ifmarked2 v (do (markvar2 v) unit) (fail Unit)))
- ((neg v) (ifmarked1 v (do (markvar1 v) unit) (fail Unit)))))
-; Is a literal presently satisfied?
-(program lit_is_sat ((l lit)) bool
- (match l
- ((pos v) (ifmarked1 v tt ff))
- ((neg v) (ifmarked2 v tt ff))))
-; Is a literal presently falsified?
-(program lit_is_unsat ((l lit)) bool
- (match l
- ((pos v) (ifmarked2 v tt ff))
- ((neg v) (ifmarked1 v tt ff))))
-; Is a literal presently neither satisfied nor falsified?
-(program lit_is_floating ((l lit)) bool
- (bool_not (bool_or (lit_is_sat l) (lit_is_unsat l))))
-; Does this clause contain a floating literal?
-(program clause_has_floating ((c clause)) bool
- (match c
- (cln ff)
- ((clc l c') (match (lit_is_floating l)
- (tt tt)
- (ff (clause_has_floating c'))))))
-; Is this clause falsified? i.e. are all its clauses falsified?
-(program clause_is_unsat ((c clause)) bool
- (match c
- (cln tt)
- ((clc l c') (match (lit_is_unsat l)
- (tt (clause_is_unsat c'))
- (ff ff)))))
-; Is this clause presently satisfied?
-(program clause_is_sat ((c clause)) bool
- (match c
- (cln ff)
- ((clc l c') (match (lit_is_sat l)
- (tt tt)
- (ff (clause_is_sat c'))))))
-; Falsify **all** contained literals.
-; Fails on a tautological clause
-(program clause_mk_all_unsat ((c clause)) Unit
- (match c
- (cln unit)
- ((clc l c') (do
- (lit_mk_unsat l)
- (clause_mk_all_unsat c')))))
-; Unfalsifies **all** contained literals
-; Fails on a clause with duplicate literals
-(program clause_un_mk_all_unsat ((c clause)) Unit
- (match c
- (cln unit)
- ((clc l c') (do
- (lit_un_mk_unsat l)
- (clause_un_mk_all_unsat c')))))
-; Get the first floating literal out of this clause.
-; fails if there are no floating literals
-(program clause_first_floating ((c clause)) lit
- (match c
- (cln (fail lit))
- ((clc l c') (match (lit_is_floating l)
- (tt l)
- (ff (clause_first_floating c'))))))
-; ===================================== ;
-; High-Level Programs for LRAT Checking ;
-; ===================================== ;
-; The return type for verifying that a clause is unit and modifying the global
-; assignment to satisfy it
-(declare MarkResult type)
-; The clause is unit, and this is the (previoiusly floating) literal that is now satisfied.
-(declare MRUnit (! l lit MarkResult))
-; The clause was unsat!
-(declare MRUnsat MarkResult)
-; The clauss was already satisfied.
-(declare MRSat MarkResult)
-; The clause had multiple floating literals.
-(declare MRNotUnit MarkResult)
-; Determine whether this clause is sat, unsat, unit, or not unit, and if it is
-; unit, it modifies the global assignment to satisfy the clause, and returns
-; the literal that was made SAT by the new mark.
-; If `c` is a tautology, reports `MRSat`, since it is (trivially) satisfied.
-(program clause_check_unit_and_maybe_mark ((c clause)) MarkResult
- (match (clause_is_sat c)
- (tt MRSat)
- (ff (match (clause_is_unsat c)
- (tt MRUnsat)
- (ff (match (is_t c)
- (tt MRSat)
- (ff ; Dedent
- (match (clause_has_floating c)
- (tt (let first (clause_first_floating c)
- (do (lit_mk_sat first)
- (match (clause_has_floating c)
- (tt (do (lit_un_mk_sat first) MRNotUnit))
- (ff (MRUnit first))))))
- ; Unreachable. If clause is not floating it must have been SAT or UNSAT.
- (ff (fail MarkResult))
- ))))))))
-; The return type for the process of Trace-guided unit propegation
-(declare UPResult type)
-; The trace guided unit propegation correctly, but that unit propegation did not end in an empty clause
-(declare UPR_Ok UPResult)
-; The trace guided unit propegation correctly to an empty clause
-(declare UPR_Bottom UPResult)
-; The trace was malformed,
-;; i.e. at some point indicates that a non-unit, non-empty clause should be examined
-(declare UPR_Broken UPResult)
-; Execute the unit propegation indicated by the trace. Report whether that
-; unit propegation succeeds and produces bottom, fails, or succeeds but does
-; not produce bottom.
-; If the trace tries to propegate through a TAUT clause, fails.
-(program do_up ((cs CMap) (t Trace)) UPResult
- (match
- t
- (Tracen UPR_Ok)
- ((Tracec i r) (match (clause_check_unit_and_maybe_mark (CMap_get i cs))
- ((MRUnit l)
- (let res (do_up cs r)
- (do (lit_un_mk_sat l) res)))
- (MRUnsat UPR_Bottom)
- (MRSat UPR_Broken)
- (MRNotUnit UPR_Broken)))))
-; Determine whether a list of indices agrees with the list of indices latent in
-; a list of hints. Both lists should be sorted.
-(program resolution_targets_match (
- (computed CIList)
- (given RATHints)) bool
- (match given
- (RATHintsn
- (match computed
- (CIListn tt)
- ((CIListc a b) ff)))
- ((RATHintsc hint_idx t given')
- (match computed
- ((CIListc comp_idx computed')
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub hint_idx comp_idx)
- (resolution_targets_match computed' given')
- (ff)))
- (CIListn ff)))))
-; Determines whether `t` is a witness that `c` is an Assymetric Tautology in `cs`.
-; Does unit propegation in the formula `cs`, beginning by falsifying
-; all literals in `c`, and then looking at the clauses indicated by `t`.
-; Assumes no marks, and cleans up marks afterwards.
-; Fails if `c` has duplicates
-(program is_at_trace ((cs CMap) (c clause) (t Trace)) UPResult
- (match (is_t c)
- (ff
- (do
- (clause_mk_all_unsat c)
- (let result (do_up cs t)
- (do (clause_un_mk_all_unsat c) result))))
- (tt
- UPR_Bottom)))
-; List of (clause, trace) pairs
-(declare CTPairs type)
-(declare CTPn CTPairs)
-(declare CTPc (! c clause (! t Trace (! rest CTPairs CTPairs))))
-; For each RAT hint, construct the pseudo-resolvant for that hint, and the net
-; trace for that hint. Return a list of these.
-; Pseudo resolvant: if l v C is the clause, and D is another clause containing
-; ~l, then l v C v (D \ ~l) is the pseudo-resolvant, which is the actual
-; resolant, plut l, which would be implied by UP.
-; The net trace is the global trace (`t`), plut the trace for that specific
-; resolvant.
-(program construct_ct_pairs (
- (cs CMap)
- (c clause)
- (t Trace)
- (hints RATHints)
- ) CTPairs
- (match hints
- (RATHintsn CTPn)
- ((RATHintsc i ht hints')
- (CTPc
- (clause_dedup (clause_append c
- (clause_remove_all (lit_flip (clause_head c))
- (CMap_get i cs))))
- (Trace_concat t ht)
- (construct_ct_pairs cs c t hints')))))
-; Goes through a list of clause, trace pairs and verifies that each clause is
-; an AT via that trace.
-; Fails if any putative AT is a TAUT or contains duplicates
-(program are_all_at_trace (
- (cs CMap)
- (l CTPairs)
- ) UPResult
- (match l
- (CTPn UPR_Bottom)
- ((CTPc c t l')
- (match (is_at_trace cs c t)
- (UPR_Ok UPR_Ok)
- (UPR_Broken UPR_Broken)
- (UPR_Bottom (are_all_at_trace cs l'))))))
-; Is this trace, and list of hints, proof that `c` is an Resolution Assymeytic
-; Tautology?
-; Fails is the hints are empty (which means `c` should be AT) and `c` contains
-; duplicates)
-(program is_rat_trace ((cs CMap) (c clause) (t Trace) (hints RATHints)) UPResult
- (match
- (RATHints_is_empty hints)
- (tt ; Empty RAT hints -- the clause must be AT
- (is_at_trace cs c t))
- (ff ; Ew -- we must verify this is a RAT
- (match (resolution_targets_match
- (collect_resolution_targets cs c)
- hints)
- (ff ; Resolution targets disagree with hints.
- UPR_Broken)
- (tt
- (are_all_at_trace cs (construct_ct_pairs cs c t hints)))))))
-; Is this proof an LRAT proof of bottom?
-; Fails if any added AT is a TAUT or contains duplicates OR if any added RAT
-; produces pseudo-resolvants which are TAUT or contain duplicates
-(program is_lrat_proof_of_bottom ((f CMap) (proof LRATProof)) bool
- (match proof
- ((LRATProofd indices rest)
- (is_lrat_proof_of_bottom
- (CMap_remove_many indices f)
- rest))
- ((LRATProofa idx c trace hints rest)
- (match (is_rat_trace f c trace hints)
- (UPR_Bottom
- (match
- c
- (cln tt)
- ((clc a b)
- (is_lrat_proof_of_bottom (CMap_insert idx c f) rest))))
- (UPR_Ok ff)
- (UPR_Broken ff)))
- (LRATProofn ff))
- )
-; Proof of a CMap from clause proofs.
-; The idx is unelidable b/c it is unspecified.
-; Robust against clauses with duplicat literals, but not against tautological
-; clauses.
-(declare CMap_holds (! c CMap type))
-(declare CMapn_proof (CMap_holds CMapn))
-(declare CMapc_proof
- (! idx mpz ; Not elidable!
- (! c clause
- (! deduped_c clause
- (! rest CMap
- (! proof_c (holds c)
- (! proof_rest (CMap_holds rest)
- (! sc (^ (clause_dedup c) deduped_c)
- (CMap_holds (CMapc idx deduped_c rest))))))))))
-(define bottom (holds cln))
-(declare lrat_proof_of_bottom
- (! cm CMap
- (! proof_cm (CMap_holds cm)
- (! proof LRATProof
- (! sc (^ (is_lrat_proof_of_bottom cm proof) tt)
- bottom)))))
-; TODO(aozdemir) Reducing the amount of checking that resides in side-conditions.
-; Steps
-; 1. Unroll the traversal of is_lrat_proof_of_bottom into a serialized
-; sequence of axiom applications.
-; The axioms would likely correspond to DELETE, IS T, IS AT, IS RAT.
-; They would manipulate a CMap by way of side-conditions.
-; 2. Unroll AT checks by manifesting the assignment in data rather than marks,
-; and having axioms like IS_UNSAT, IS_UNIT_ON_LITERAL.
-; 3. Unroll RAT checks in a similar fashion, although more painfully.
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/sat.plf b/proofs/signatures/sat.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index 574191493..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/sat.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-(declare bool type)
-(declare tt bool)
-(declare ff bool)
-(declare var type)
-(declare lit type)
-(declare pos (! x var lit))
-(declare neg (! x var lit))
-; Flip the polarity of the literal
-(program lit_flip ((l lit)) lit
- (match l
- ((pos v) (neg v))
- ((neg v) (pos v))))
-(declare clause type)
-(declare cln clause)
-(declare clc (! x lit (! c clause clause)))
-; A list of clauses, CNF if interpretted as a formula,
-; but also sometimes just a list
-(declare cnf type)
-(declare cnfn cnf)
-(declare cnfc (! h clause (! t cnf cnf)))
-; constructs for general clauses for R, Q, satlem
-(declare concat_cl (! c1 clause (! c2 clause clause)))
-(declare clr (! l lit (! c clause clause)))
-; code to check resolutions
-(program clause_append ((c1 clause) (c2 clause)) clause
- (match c1 (cln c2) ((clc l c1') (clc l (clause_append c1' c2)))))
-; we use marks as follows:
-; -- mark 1 to record if we are supposed to remove a positive occurrence of the variable.
-; -- mark 2 to record if we are supposed to remove a negative occurrence of the variable.
-; -- mark 3 if we did indeed remove the variable positively
-; -- mark 4 if we did indeed remove the variable negatively
-(program simplify_clause ((c clause)) clause
- (match c
- (cln cln)
- ((clc l c1)
- (match l
- ; Set mark 1 on v if it is not set, to indicate we should remove it.
- ; After processing the rest of the clause, set mark 3 if we were already
- ; supposed to remove v (so if mark 1 was set when we began). Clear mark3
- ; if we were not supposed to be removing v when we began this call.
- ((pos v)
- (let m (ifmarked v tt (do (markvar v) ff))
- (let c' (simplify_clause c1)
- (match m
- (tt (do (ifmarked3 v v (markvar3 v)) c'))
- (ff (do (ifmarked3 v (markvar3 v) v) (markvar v) (clc l c')))))))
- ; the same as the code for tt, but using different marks.
- ((neg v)
- (let m (ifmarked2 v tt (do (markvar2 v) ff))
- (let c' (simplify_clause c1)
- (match m
- (tt (do (ifmarked4 v v (markvar4 v)) c'))
- (ff (do (ifmarked4 v (markvar4 v) v) (markvar2 v) (clc l c')))))))))
- ((concat_cl c1 c2) (clause_append (simplify_clause c1) (simplify_clause c2)))
- ((clr l c1)
- (match l
- ; set mark 1 to indicate we should remove v, and fail if
- ; mark 3 is not set after processing the rest of the clause
- ; (we will set mark 3 if we remove a positive occurrence of v).
- ((pos v)
- (let m (ifmarked v tt (do (markvar v) ff))
- (let m3 (ifmarked3 v (do (markvar3 v) tt) ff)
- (let c' (simplify_clause c1)
- (ifmarked3 v (do (match m3 (tt v) (ff (markvar3 v)))
- (match m (tt v) (ff (markvar v))) c')
- (fail clause))))))
- ; same as the tt case, but with different marks.
- ((neg v)
- (let m2 (ifmarked2 v tt (do (markvar2 v) ff))
- (let m4 (ifmarked4 v (do (markvar4 v) tt) ff)
- (let c' (simplify_clause c1)
- (ifmarked4 v (do (match m4 (tt v) (ff (markvar4 v)))
- (match m2 (tt v) (ff (markvar2 v))) c')
- (fail clause))))))
- ))))
-; resolution proofs
-(declare holds (! c clause type))
-(declare R (! c1 clause (! c2 clause
- (! u1 (holds c1)
- (! u2 (holds c2)
- (! n var
- (holds (concat_cl (clr (pos n) c1)
- (clr (neg n) c2)))))))))
-(declare Q (! c1 clause (! c2 clause
- (! u1 (holds c1)
- (! u2 (holds c2)
- (! n var
- (holds (concat_cl (clr (neg n) c1)
- (clr (pos n) c2)))))))))
-(declare satlem_simplify
- (! c1 clause
- (! c2 clause
- (! c3 clause
- (! u1 (holds c1)
- (! r (^ (simplify_clause c1) c2)
- (! u2 (! x (holds c2) (holds c3))
- (holds c3))))))))
-(declare satlem
- (! c clause
- (! c2 clause
- (! u (holds c)
- (! u2 (! v (holds c) (holds c2))
- (holds c2))))))
-; Returns a copy of `c` with any duplicate literals removed.
-; Never fails.
-; Uses marks 3 & 4. Expects them to be clear before hand, and leaves them clear
-; afterwards.
-(program clause_dedup ((c clause)) clause
- (match c
- (cln cln)
- ((clc l rest)
- (match l
- ((pos v) (ifmarked3
- v
- (clause_dedup rest)
- (do (markvar3 v)
- (let result (clc (pos v) (clause_dedup rest))
- (do (markvar3 v) result)))))
- ((neg v) (ifmarked4
- v
- (clause_dedup rest)
- (do (markvar4 v)
- (let result (clc (neg v) (clause_dedup rest))
- (do (markvar4 v) result)))))))))
-(declare cnf_holds (! c cnf type))
-(declare cnfn_proof (cnf_holds cnfn))
-(declare cnfc_proof
- (! c clause
- (! deduped_c clause
- (! rest cnf
- (! proof_c (holds c)
- (! proof_rest (cnf_holds rest)
- (! sc (^ (clause_dedup c) deduped_c)
- (cnf_holds (cnfc c rest)))))))))
-; A little example to demonstrate simplify_clause.
-; It can handle nested clr's of both polarities,
-; and correctly cleans up marks when it leaves a
-; clr or clc scope. Uncomment and run with
-; --show-runs to see it in action.
-; (check
-; (% v1 var
-; (% u1 (holds (concat_cl (clr (neg v1) (clr (pos v1) (clc (pos v1) (clr (pos v1) (clc (pos v1) (clc (neg v1) cln))))))
-; (clc (pos v1) (clc (pos v1) cln))))
-; (satlem _ _ _ u1 (\ x x))))))
-; (% v1 var
-; (% u1 (holds (clr (neg v1) (concat_cl (clc (neg v1) cln)
-; (clr (neg v1) (clc (neg v1) cln)))))
-; (satlem _ _ _ u1 (\ x x))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/ b/proofs/signatures/
deleted file mode 100644
index 37c152b2f..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-namespace CVC4 {
-namespace proof {
-extern const char *const plf_signatures;
-const char *const plf_signatures = "\
-} // namespace proof
-} // namespace CVC4
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/smt.plf b/proofs/signatures/smt.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f6e71986..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/smt.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-; SMT syntax and semantics (not theory-specific)
-; Deps: sat.plf
-(declare formula type)
-(declare th_holds (! f formula type))
-; standard logic definitions
-(declare true formula)
-(declare false formula)
-(define formula_op1
- (! f formula
- formula))
-(define formula_op2
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- formula)))
-(define formula_op3
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! f3 formula
- formula))))
-(declare not formula_op1)
-(declare and formula_op2)
-(declare or formula_op2)
-(declare impl formula_op2)
-(declare iff formula_op2)
-(declare xor formula_op2)
-(declare ifte formula_op3)
-; terms
-(declare sort type)
-(declare term (! t sort type)) ; declared terms in formula
-; standard definitions for =, ite, let and flet
-(declare = (! s sort
- (! x (term s)
- (! y (term s)
- formula))))
-(declare ite (! s sort
- (! f formula
- (! t1 (term s)
- (! t2 (term s)
- (term s))))))
-(declare let (! s sort
- (! t (term s)
- (! f (! v (term s) formula)
- formula))))
-(declare flet (! f1 formula
- (! f2 (! v formula formula)
- formula)))
-; We view applications of predicates as terms of sort "Bool".
-; Such terms can be injected as atomic formulas using "p_app".
-(declare Bool sort) ; the special sort for predicates
-(declare p_app (! x (term Bool) formula)) ; propositional application of term
-; boolean terms
-(declare t_true (term Bool))
-(declare t_false (term Bool))
-(declare t_t_neq_f
- (th_holds (not (= Bool t_true t_false))))
-(declare pred_eq_t
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (p_app x))
- (th_holds (= Bool x t_true)))))
-(declare pred_eq_f
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (not (p_app x)))
- (th_holds (= Bool x t_false)))))
-(declare f_to_b
- (! f formula
- (term Bool)))
-(declare true_preds_equal
- (! x1 (term Bool)
- (! x2 (term Bool)
- (! u1 (th_holds (p_app x1))
- (! u2 (th_holds (p_app x2))
- (th_holds (= Bool x1 x2)))))))
-(declare false_preds_equal
- (! x1 (term Bool)
- (! x2 (term Bool)
- (! u1 (th_holds (not (p_app x1)))
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (p_app x2)))
- (th_holds (= Bool x1 x2)))))))
-(declare pred_refl_pos
- (! x1 (term Bool)
- (! u1 (th_holds (p_app x1))
- (th_holds (= Bool x1 x1)))))
-(declare pred_refl_neg
- (! x1 (term Bool)
- (! u1 (th_holds (not (p_app x1)))
- (th_holds (= Bool x1 x1)))))
-(declare pred_not_iff_f
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (not (iff false (p_app x))))
- (th_holds (= Bool t_true x)))))
-(declare pred_not_iff_f_2
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (not (iff (p_app x) false)))
- (th_holds (= Bool x t_true)))))
-(declare pred_not_iff_t
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (not (iff true (p_app x))))
- (th_holds (= Bool t_false x)))))
-(declare pred_not_iff_t_2
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (not (iff (p_app x) true)))
- (th_holds (= Bool x t_false)))))
-(declare pred_iff_f
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (iff false (p_app x)))
- (th_holds (= Bool t_false x)))))
-(declare pred_iff_f_2
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (iff (p_app x) false))
- (th_holds (= Bool x t_false)))))
-(declare pred_iff_t
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (iff true (p_app x)))
- (th_holds (= Bool t_true x)))))
-(declare pred_iff_t_2
- (! x (term Bool)
- (! u (th_holds (iff (p_app x) true))
- (th_holds (= Bool x t_true)))))
-; CNF Clausification
-; binding between an LF var and an (atomic) formula
-(declare atom (! v var (! p formula type)))
-; binding between two LF vars
-(declare bvatom (! sat_v var (! bv_v var type)))
-(declare decl_atom
- (! f formula
- (! u (! v var
- (! a (atom v f)
- (holds cln)))
- (holds cln))))
-;; declare atom enhanced with mapping
-;; between SAT prop variable and BVSAT prop variable
-(declare decl_bvatom
- (! f formula
- (! u (! v var
- (! bv_v var
- (! a (atom v f)
- (! bva (atom bv_v f)
- (! vbv (bvatom v bv_v)
- (holds cln))))))
- (holds cln))))
-; clausify a formula directly
-(declare clausify_form
- (! f formula
- (! v var
- (! a (atom v f)
- (! u (th_holds f)
- (holds (clc (pos v) cln)))))))
-(declare clausify_form_not
- (! f formula
- (! v var
- (! a (atom v f)
- (! u (th_holds (not f))
- (holds (clc (neg v) cln)))))))
-(declare clausify_false
- (! u (th_holds false)
- (holds cln)))
-(declare th_let_pf
- (! f formula
- (! u (th_holds f)
- (! u2 (! v (th_holds f) (holds cln))
- (holds cln)))))
-; Natural deduction rules : used for CNF
-;; for eager bit-blasting
-(declare iff_symm
- (! f formula
- (th_holds (iff f f))))
-;; contradiction
-(declare contra
- (! f formula
- (! r1 (th_holds f)
- (! r2 (th_holds (not f))
- (th_holds false)))))
-; truth
-(declare truth (th_holds true))
-;; not not
-(declare not_not_intro
- (! f formula
- (! u (th_holds f)
- (th_holds (not (not f))))))
-(declare not_not_elim
- (! f formula
- (! u (th_holds (not (not f)))
- (th_holds f))))
-;; or elimination
-(declare or_elim_1
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u1 (th_holds (not f1))
- (! u2 (th_holds (or f1 f2))
- (th_holds f2))))))
-(declare or_elim_2
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u1 (th_holds (not f2))
- (! u2 (th_holds (or f1 f2))
- (th_holds f1))))))
-(declare not_or_elim
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (or f1 f2)))
- (th_holds (and (not f1) (not f2)))))))
-;; and elimination
-(declare and_elim_1
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u (th_holds (and f1 f2))
- (th_holds f1)))))
-(declare and_elim_2
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u (th_holds (and f1 f2))
- (th_holds f2)))))
-(declare not_and_elim
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (and f1 f2)))
- (th_holds (or (not f1) (not f2)))))))
-;; impl elimination
-(declare impl_intro (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! i1 (! u (th_holds f1)
- (th_holds f2))
- (th_holds (impl f1 f2))))))
-(declare impl_elim
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (impl f1 f2))
- (th_holds (or (not f1) f2))))))
-(declare not_impl_elim
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u (th_holds (not (impl f1 f2)))
- (th_holds (and f1 (not f2)))))))
-;; iff elimination
-(declare iff_elim_1
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u1 (th_holds (iff f1 f2))
- (th_holds (or (not f1) f2))))))
-(declare iff_elim_2
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u1 (th_holds (iff f1 f2))
- (th_holds (or f1 (not f2)))))))
-(declare not_iff_elim
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (iff f1 f2)))
- (th_holds (iff f1 (not f2)))))))
-; xor elimination
-(declare xor_elim_1
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u1 (th_holds (xor f1 f2))
- (th_holds (or (not f1) (not f2)))))))
-(declare xor_elim_2
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u1 (th_holds (xor f1 f2))
- (th_holds (or f1 f2))))))
-(declare not_xor_elim
- (! f1 formula
- (! f2 formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (xor f1 f2)))
- (th_holds (iff f1 f2))))))
-;; ite elimination
-(declare ite_elim_1
- (! a formula
- (! b formula
- (! c formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c))
- (th_holds (or (not a) b)))))))
-(declare ite_elim_2
- (! a formula
- (! b formula
- (! c formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c))
- (th_holds (or a c)))))))
-(declare ite_elim_3
- (! a formula
- (! b formula
- (! c formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c))
- (th_holds (or b c)))))))
-(declare not_ite_elim_1
- (! a formula
- (! b formula
- (! c formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c)))
- (th_holds (or (not a) (not b))))))))
-(declare not_ite_elim_2
- (! a formula
- (! b formula
- (! c formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c)))
- (th_holds (or a (not c))))))))
-(declare not_ite_elim_3
- (! a formula
- (! b formula
- (! c formula
- (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c)))
- (th_holds (or (not b) (not c))))))))
-; For theory lemmas
-; - make a series of assumptions and then derive a contradiction (or false)
-; - then the assumptions yield a formula like "v1 -> v2 -> ... -> vn -> false"
-; - In CNF, it becomes a clause: "~v1, ~v2, ..., ~vn"
-(declare ast
- (! v var
- (! f formula
- (! C clause
- (! r (atom v f) ;this is specified
- (! u (! o (th_holds f)
- (holds C))
- (holds (clc (neg v) C))))))))
-(declare asf
- (! v var
- (! f formula
- (! C clause
- (! r (atom v f)
- (! u (! o (th_holds (not f))
- (holds C))
- (holds (clc (pos v) C))))))))
-;; Bitvector lemma constructors to assume
-;; the unit clause containing the assumptions
-;; it also requires the mapping between bv_v and v
-;; The resolution proof proving false will use bv_v as the definition clauses use bv_v
-;; but the Problem clauses in the main SAT solver will use v so the learned clause is in terms of v
-(declare bv_asf
- (! v var
- (! bv_v var
- (! f formula
- (! C clause
- (! r (atom v f) ;; passed in
- (! x (bvatom v bv_v) ; establishes the equivalence of v to bv_
- (! u (! o (holds (clc (neg bv_v) cln)) ;; l binding to be used in proof
- (holds C))
- (holds (clc (pos v) C))))))))))
-(declare bv_ast
- (! v var
- (! bv_v var
- (! f formula
- (! C clause
- (! r (atom v f) ; this is specified
- (! x (bvatom v bv_v) ; establishes the equivalence of v to bv_v
- (! u (! o (holds (clc (pos bv_v) cln))
- (holds C))
- (holds (clc (neg v) C))))))))))
-;; Numeric primitives
-(program mpz_sub ((x mpz) (y mpz)) mpz
- (mp_add x (mp_mul (~1) y)))
-(program mp_ispos ((x mpz)) formula
- (mp_ifneg x false true))
-(program mpz_eq ((x mpz) (y mpz)) formula
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub x y) true false))
-(program mpz_lt ((x mpz) (y mpz)) formula
- (mp_ifneg (mpz_sub x y) true false))
-(program mpz_lte ((x mpz) (y mpz)) formula
- (mp_ifneg (mpz_sub x y) true (mpz_eq x y)))
-;; Example:
-;; Given theory literals (F1....Fn), and an input formula A of the form (th_holds (or F1 (or F2 .... (or F{n-1} Fn))))).
-;; We introduce atoms (a1,...,an) to map boolean literals (v1,...,vn) top literals (F1,...,Fn).
-;; Do this at the beginning of the proof:
-;; (decl_atom F1 (\ v1 (\ a1
-;; (decl_atom F2 (\ v2 (\ a2
-;; ....
-;; (decl_atom Fn (\ vn (\ an
-;; A is then clausified by the following proof:
-;;(satlem _ _
-;;(asf _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
-;;(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
-;;(asf _ _ _ an (\ ln
-;; (contra _
-;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l{n-1}
-;; ...
-;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l2
-;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l1 A))))) ln)
-;;))))))) (\ C
-;; We now have the free variable C, which should be the clause (v1 V ... V vn).
-;; Polarity of literals should be considered, say we have A of the form (th_holds (or (not F1) (or F2 (not F3)))).
-;; Where necessary, we use "ast" instead of "asf", introduce negations by "not_not_intro" for pattern matching, and flip
-;; the arguments of contra:
-;;(satlem _ _
-;;(ast _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
-;;(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
-;;(ast _ _ _ a3 (\ l3
-;; (contra _ l3
-;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l2
-;; (or_elim_1 _ _ (not_not_intro l1) A))))
-;;))))))) (\ C
-;; C should be the clause (~v1 V v2 V ~v3 )
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_arrays.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_arrays.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5517d9a4f..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_arrays.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-; Theory of Arrays
-; Deps: th_base.plf
-; sorts
-(declare Array (! s1 sort (! s2 sort sort))) ; s1 is index, s2 is element
-; functions
-(declare write (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (term (arrow (Array s1 s2)
- (arrow s1
- (arrow s2 (Array s1 s2))))))))
-(declare read (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (term (arrow (Array s1 s2)
- (arrow s1 s2))))))
-; inference rules
-; read( a[i] = b, i ) == b
-(declare row1 (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (! t1 (term (Array s1 s2))
- (! t2 (term s1)
- (! t3 (term s2)
- (th_holds (= _
- (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (read s1 s2) (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (write s1 s2) t1) t2) t3)) t2) t3))))))))
-; read( a[i] = b, j ) == read( a, j ) if i != j
-(declare row (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (! t2 (term s1)
- (! t3 (term s1)
- (! t1 (term (Array s1 s2))
- (! t4 (term s2)
- (! u (th_holds (not (= _ t2 t3)))
- (th_holds (= _ (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (read s1 s2) (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (write s1 s2) t1) t2) t4)) t3)
- (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (read s1 s2) t1) t3)))))))))))
-; i == j if read( a, j ) != read( a[i] = b, j )
-(declare negativerow (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (! t2 (term s1)
- (! t3 (term s1)
- (! t1 (term (Array s1 s2))
- (! t4 (term s2)
- (! u (th_holds (not (= _
- (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (read s1 s2) (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (write s1 s2) t1) t2) t4)) t3)
- (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (read s1 s2) t1) t3))))
- (th_holds (= _ t2 t3))))))))))
-(declare ext (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (! t1 (term (Array s1 s2))
- (! t2 (term (Array s1 s2))
- (! u1 (! k (term s1)
- (! u2 (th_holds (or (= _ t1 t2) (not (= _ (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (read s1 s2) t1) k) (apply _ _ (apply _ _ (read s1 s2) t2) k)))))
- (holds cln)))
- (holds cln)))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_base.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_base.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index d5182007e..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_base.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-; Theory of Equality and Congruence Closure
-; Deps: smt.plf
-; sorts :
-(declare arrow (! s1 sort (! s2 sort sort))) ; function constructor
-; functions :
-(declare apply (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (! t1 (term (arrow s1 s2))
- (! t2 (term s1)
- (term s2))))))
-; inference rules :
-(declare trust (th_holds false)) ; temporary
-(declare trust_f (! f formula (th_holds f))) ; temporary
-(declare refl
- (! s sort
- (! t (term s)
- (th_holds (= s t t)))))
-(declare symm (! s sort
- (! x (term s)
- (! y (term s)
- (! u (th_holds (= _ x y))
- (th_holds (= _ y x)))))))
-(declare trans (! s sort
- (! x (term s)
- (! y (term s)
- (! z (term s)
- (! u (th_holds (= _ x y))
- (! u (th_holds (= _ y z))
- (th_holds (= _ x z)))))))))
-(declare negsymm (! s sort
- (! x (term s)
- (! y (term s)
- (! u (th_holds (not (= _ x y)))
- (th_holds (not (= _ y x))))))))
-(declare negtrans1 (! s sort
- (! x (term s)
- (! y (term s)
- (! z (term s)
- (! u (th_holds (not (= _ x y)))
- (! u (th_holds (= _ y z))
- (th_holds (not (= _ x z))))))))))
-(declare negtrans2 (! s sort
- (! x (term s)
- (! y (term s)
- (! z (term s)
- (! u (th_holds (= _ x y))
- (! u (th_holds (not (= _ y z)))
- (th_holds (not (= _ x z))))))))))
-(declare cong (! s1 sort
- (! s2 sort
- (! a1 (term (arrow s1 s2))
- (! b1 (term (arrow s1 s2))
- (! a2 (term s1)
- (! b2 (term s1)
- (! u1 (th_holds (= _ a1 b1))
- (! u2 (th_holds (= _ a2 b2))
- (th_holds (= _ (apply _ _ a1 a2) (apply _ _ b1 b2))))))))))))
-; Examples
-; an example of "(p1 or p2(0)) and t1=t2(1)"
-;(! p1 (term Bool)
-;(! p2 (term (arrow Int Bool))
-;(! t1 (term Int)
-;(! t2 (term (arrow Int Int))
-;(! F (th_holds (and (or (p_app p1) (p_app (apply _ _ p2 0)))
-; (= _ t1 (apply _ _ t2 1))))
-; ...
-; another example of "p3(a,b)"
-;(! a (term Int)
-;(! b (term Int)
-;(! p3 (term (arrow Int (arrow Int Bool))) ; arrow is right assoc.
-;(! F (th_holds (p_app (apply _ _ (apply _ _ p3 a) b))) ; apply is left assoc.
-; ...
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_bv.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_bv.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index f0ced51c7..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_bv.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-(declare trust-bad (th_holds false))
-; helper stuff
-(program mpz_ ((x mpz) (y mpz)) formula
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub x y) true false))
-; "bitvec" is a term of type "sort"
-; (declare BitVec sort)
-(declare BitVec (!n mpz sort))
-; bit type
-(declare bit type)
-(declare b0 bit)
-(declare b1 bit)
-; bit vector type used for constants
-(declare bv type)
-(declare bvn bv)
-(declare bvc (! b bit (! v bv bv)))
-; calculate the length of a bitvector
-;; (program bv_len ((v bv)) mpz
-;; (match v
-;; (bvn 0)
-;; ((bvc b v') (mp_add (bv_len v') 1))))
-; a bv constant term
-(declare a_bv
- (! n mpz
- (! v bv
- (term (BitVec n)))))
-(program bv_constants_are_disequal ((x bv) (y bv)) formula
- (match x
- (bvn (fail formula))
- ((bvc bx x')
- (match y
- (bvn (fail formula))
- ((bvc by y') (match bx
- (b0 (match by (b0 (bv_constants_are_disequal x' y')) (b1 (true))))
- (b1 (match by (b0 (true)) (b1 (bv_constants_are_disequal x' y'))))
- ))
- ))
-(declare bv_disequal_constants
- (! n mpz
- (! x bv
- (! y bv
- (! c (^ (bv_constants_are_disequal x y) true)
- (th_holds (not (= (BitVec n) (a_bv n x) (a_bv n y)))))))))
-; a bv variable
-(declare var_bv type)
-; a bv variable term
-(declare a_var_bv
- (! n mpz
- (! v var_bv
- (term (BitVec n)))))
-; bit vector binary operators
-(define bvop2
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (term (BitVec n))))))
-(declare bvand bvop2)
-(declare bvor bvop2)
-(declare bvxor bvop2)
-(declare bvnand bvop2)
-(declare bvnor bvop2)
-(declare bvxnor bvop2)
-(declare bvmul bvop2)
-(declare bvadd bvop2)
-(declare bvsub bvop2)
-(declare bvudiv bvop2)
-(declare bvurem bvop2)
-(declare bvsdiv bvop2)
-(declare bvsrem bvop2)
-(declare bvsmod bvop2)
-(declare bvshl bvop2)
-(declare bvlshr bvop2)
-(declare bvashr bvop2)
-; bit vector unary operators
-(define bvop1
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (term (BitVec n)))))
-(declare bvneg bvop1)
-(declare bvnot bvop1)
-(declare rotate_left bvop1)
-(declare rotate_right bvop1)
-(declare bvcomp
- (! n mpz
- (! t1 (term (BitVec n))
- (! t2 (term (BitVec n))
- (term (BitVec 1))))))
-(declare concat
- (! n mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! m' mpz
- (! t1 (term (BitVec m))
- (! t2 (term (BitVec m'))
- (term (BitVec n))))))))
-;; side-condition fails in signature only??
-;; (! s (^ (mp_add m m') n)
-;; (declare repeat bvopp)
-(declare extract
- (! n mpz
- (! i mpz
- (! j mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! t2 (term (BitVec m))
- (term (BitVec n))))))))
-(declare zero_extend
- (! n mpz
- (! i mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! t2 (term (BitVec m))
- (term (BitVec n)))))))
-(declare sign_extend
- (! n mpz
- (! i mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! t2 (term (BitVec m))
- (term (BitVec n)))))))
-(declare repeat
- (! n mpz
- (! i mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! t2 (term (BitVec m))
- (term (BitVec n)))))))
-;; TODO: add checks for valid typing for these operators
-;; (! c1 (^ (mpz_lte i j)
-;; (! c2 (^ (mpz_lt i n) true)
-;; (! c3 (^ (mp_ifneg i false true) true)
-;; (! c4 (^ (mp_ifneg j false true) true)
-;; (! s (^ (mp_add (mpz_sub i j) 1) m)
-; bit vector predicates
-(define bvpred
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- formula))))
-(declare bvult bvpred)
-(declare bvule bvpred)
-(declare bvugt bvpred)
-(declare bvuge bvpred)
-(declare bvslt bvpred)
-(declare bvsle bvpred)
-(declare bvsgt bvpred)
-(declare bvsge bvpred)
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_bv_bitblast.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_bv_bitblast.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index f01b388ed..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_bv_bitblast.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-; bit blasted terms as list of formulas
-(declare bblt type)
-(declare bbltn bblt)
-(declare bbltc (! f formula (! v bblt bblt)))
-; calculate the length of a bit-blasted term
-(program bblt_len ((v bblt)) mpz
- (match v
- (bbltn 0)
- ((bbltc b v') (mp_add (bblt_len v') 1))))
-; (bblast_term x y) means term y corresponds to bit level interpretation x
-(declare bblast_term
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y bblt
- type))))
-; FIXME: for unsupported bit-blast terms
-(declare trust_bblast_term
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y bblt
- (bblast_term n x y)))))
-; Binds a symbol to the bblast_term to be used later on.
-(declare decl_bblast
- (! n mpz
- (! b bblt
- (! t (term (BitVec n))
- (! bb (bblast_term n t b)
- (! s (^ (bblt_len b) n)
- (! u (! v (bblast_term n t b) (holds cln))
- (holds cln))))))))
-(declare decl_bblast_with_alias
- (! n mpz
- (! b bblt
- (! t (term (BitVec n))
- (! a (term (BitVec n))
- (! bb (bblast_term n t b)
- (! e (th_holds (= _ t a))
- (! s (^ (bblt_len b) n)
- (! u (! v (bblast_term n a b) (holds cln))
- (holds cln))))))))))
-; a predicate to represent the n^th bit of a bitvector term
-(declare bitof
- (! x var_bv
- (! n mpz formula)))
-(program bblast_const ((v bv) (n mpz)) bblt
- (mp_ifneg n (match v (bvn bbltn)
- (default (fail bblt)))
- (match v ((bvc b v') (bbltc (match b (b0 false) (b1 true)) (bblast_const v' (mp_add n (~ 1)))))
- (default (fail bblt)))))
-(declare bv_bbl_const (! n mpz
- (! f bblt
- (! v bv
- (! c (^ (bblast_const v (mp_add n (~ 1))) f)
- (bblast_term n (a_bv n v) f))))))
-(program bblast_var ((x var_bv) (n mpz)) bblt
- (mp_ifneg n bbltn
- (bbltc (bitof x n) (bblast_var x (mp_add n (~ 1))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_var (! n mpz
- (! x var_bv
- (! f bblt
- (! c (^ (bblast_var x (mp_add n (~ 1))) f)
- (bblast_term n (a_var_bv n x) f))))))
-(program bblast_concat ((x bblt) (y bblt)) bblt
- (match x
- (bbltn (match y ((bbltc by y') (bbltc by (bblast_concat x y')))
- (bbltn bbltn)))
- ((bbltc bx x') (bbltc bx (bblast_concat x' y)))))
-(declare bv_bbl_concat (! n mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! m1 mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec m))
- (! y (term (BitVec m1))
- (! xb bblt
- (! yb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term m x xb)
- (! ybb (bblast_term m1 y yb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_concat xb yb ) rb)
- (bblast_term n (concat n m m1 x y) rb)))))))))))))
-(program bblast_extract_rec ((x bblt) (i mpz) (j mpz) (n mpz)) bblt
- (match x
- ((bbltc bx x') (mp_ifneg (mpz_sub (mpz_sub j n) 1)
- (mp_ifneg (mpz_sub (mpz_sub n i) 1)
- (bbltc bx (bblast_extract_rec x' i j (mpz_sub n 1)))
- (bblast_extract_rec x' i j (mpz_sub n 1)))
- bbltn))
- (bbltn bbltn)))
-(program bblast_extract ((x bblt) (i mpz) (j mpz) (n mpz)) bblt
- (bblast_extract_rec x i j (mpz_sub n 1)))
-(declare bv_bbl_extract (! n mpz
- (! i mpz
- (! j mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec m))
- (! xb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term m x xb)
- (! c ( ^ (bblast_extract xb i j m) rb)
- (bblast_term n (extract n i j m x) rb)))))))))))
-(program extend_rec ((x bblt) (i mpz) (b formula)) bblt
- (mp_ifneg i x
- (bbltc b (extend_rec x (mpz_sub i 1) b)))))
-(program bblast_zextend ((x bblt) (i mpz)) bblt
- (extend_rec x (mpz_sub i 1) false))
-(declare bv_bbl_zero_extend (! n mpz
- (! k mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec m))
- (! xb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term m x xb)
- (! c ( ^ (bblast_zextend xb k m) rb)
- (bblast_term n (zero_extend n k m x) rb))))))))))
-(program bblast_sextend ((x bblt) (i mpz)) bblt
- (match x (bbltn (fail bblt))
- ((bbltc xb x') (extend_rec x (mpz_sub i 1) xb))))
-(declare bv_bbl_sign_extend (! n mpz
- (! k mpz
- (! m mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec m))
- (! xb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term m x xb)
- (! c ( ^ (bblast_sextend xb k) rb)
- (bblast_term n (sign_extend n k m x) rb))))))))))
-(program bblast_bvand ((x bblt) (y bblt)) bblt
- (match x
- (bbltn (match y (bbltn bbltn) (default (fail bblt))))
- ((bbltc bx x') (match y
- (bbltn (fail bblt))
- ((bbltc by y') (bbltc (and bx by) (bblast_bvand x' y')))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvand (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! yb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! ybb (bblast_term n y yb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvand xb yb ) rb)
- (bblast_term n (bvand n x y) rb)))))))))))
-(program bblast_bvnot ((x bblt)) bblt
- (match x
- (bbltn bbltn)
- ((bbltc bx x') (bbltc (not bx) (bblast_bvnot x')))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvnot (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvnot xb ) rb)
- (bblast_term n (bvnot n x) rb))))))))
-(program bblast_bvor ((x bblt) (y bblt)) bblt
- (match x
- (bbltn (match y (bbltn bbltn) (default (fail bblt))))
- ((bbltc bx x') (match y
- (bbltn (fail bblt))
- ((bbltc by y') (bbltc (or bx by) (bblast_bvor x' y')))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvor (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! yb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! ybb (bblast_term n y yb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvor xb yb ) rb)
- (bblast_term n (bvor n x y) rb)))))))))))
-(program bblast_bvxor ((x bblt) (y bblt)) bblt
- (match x
- (bbltn (match y (bbltn bbltn) (default (fail bblt))))
- ((bbltc bx x') (match y
- (bbltn (fail bblt))
- ((bbltc by y') (bbltc (xor bx by) (bblast_bvxor x' y')))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvxor (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! yb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! ybb (bblast_term n y yb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvxor xb yb ) rb)
- (bblast_term n (bvxor n x y) rb)))))))))))
-;; return the carry bit after adding x y
-;; FIXME: not the most efficient thing in the world
-(program bblast_bvadd_carry ((a bblt) (b bblt) (carry formula)) formula
-(match a
- ( bbltn (match b (bbltn carry) (default (fail formula))))
- ((bbltc ai a') (match b
- (bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc bi b') (or (and ai bi) (and (xor ai bi) (bblast_bvadd_carry a' b' carry))))))))
-;; ripple carry adder where carry is the initial carry bit
-(program bblast_bvadd ((a bblt) (b bblt) (carry formula)) bblt
-(match a
- ( bbltn (match b (bbltn bbltn) (default (fail bblt))))
- ((bbltc ai a') (match b
- (bbltn (fail bblt))
- ((bbltc bi b') (bbltc (xor (xor ai bi) (bblast_bvadd_carry a' b' carry))
- (bblast_bvadd a' b' carry)))))))
-(program reverse_help ((x bblt) (acc bblt)) bblt
-(match x
- (bbltn acc)
- ((bbltc xi x') (reverse_help x' (bbltc xi acc)))))
-(program reverseb ((x bblt)) bblt
- (reverse_help x bbltn))
-; AJR: use this version?
-;(program bblast_bvadd_2h ((a bblt) (b bblt) (carry formula)) bblt
-;(match a
-; ( bbltn (match b (bbltn bbltn) (default (fail bblt))))
-; ((bbltc ai a') (match b
-; (bbltn (fail bblt))
-; ((bbltc bi b')
-; (let carry' (or (and ai bi) (and (xor ai bi) carry))
-; (bbltc (xor (xor ai bi) carry)
-; (bblast_bvadd_2h a' b' carry'))))))))
-;(program bblast_bvadd_2 ((a bblt) (b bblt) (carry formula)) bblt
-;(let ar (reverseb a) ;; reverse a and b so that we can build the circuit
-;(let br (reverseb b) ;; from the least significant bit up
-;(let ret (bblast_bvadd_2h ar br carry)
-; (reverseb ret)))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvadd (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! yb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! ybb (bblast_term n y yb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvadd xb yb false) rb)
- (bblast_term n (bvadd n x y) rb)))))))))))
-(program bblast_zero ((n mpz)) bblt
-(mp_ifzero n bbltn
- (bbltc false (bblast_zero (mp_add n (~1))))))
-(program bblast_bvneg ((x bblt) (n mpz)) bblt
- (bblast_bvadd (bblast_bvnot x) (bblast_zero n) true))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvneg (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvneg xb n) rb)
- (bblast_term n (bvneg n x) rb))))))))
-;; shift add multiplier
-;; (program concat ((a bblt) (b bblt)) bblt
-;; (match a (bbltn b)
-;; ((bbltc ai a') (bbltc ai (concat a' b)))))
-(program top_k_bits ((a bblt) (k mpz)) bblt
- (mp_ifzero k bbltn
- (match a (bbltn (fail bblt))
- ((bbltc ai a') (bbltc ai (top_k_bits a' (mpz_sub k 1)))))))
-(program bottom_k_bits ((a bblt) (k mpz)) bblt
- (reverseb (top_k_bits (reverseb a) k)))
-;; assumes the least signigicant bit is at the beginning of the list
-(program k_bit ((a bblt) (k mpz)) formula
-(mp_ifneg k (fail formula)
-(match a (bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc ai a') (mp_ifzero k ai (k_bit a' (mpz_sub k 1)))))))
-(program and_with_bit ((a bblt) (bt formula)) bblt
-(match a (bbltn bbltn)
- ((bbltc ai a') (bbltc (and bt ai) (and_with_bit a' bt)))))
-;; a is going to be the current result
-;; carry is going to be false initially
-;; b is the and of a and b[k]
-;; res is going to be bbltn initially
-(program mult_step_k_h ((a bblt) (b bblt) (res bblt) (carry formula) (k mpz)) bblt
-(match a
- (bbltn (match b (bbltn res) (default (fail bblt))))
- ((bbltc ai a')
- (match b (bbltn (fail bblt))
- ((bbltc bi b')
- (mp_ifneg (mpz_sub k 1)
- (let carry_out (or (and ai bi) (and (xor ai bi) carry))
- (let curr (xor (xor ai bi) carry)
- (mult_step_k_h a' b' (bbltc curr res) carry_out (mpz_sub k 1))))
- (mult_step_k_h a' b (bbltc ai res) carry (mpz_sub k 1))
-;; assumes that a, b and res have already been reversed
-(program mult_step ((a bblt) (b bblt) (res bblt) (n mpz) (k mpz)) bblt
-(let k' (mpz_sub n k )
-(let ak (top_k_bits a k')
-(let b' (and_with_bit ak (k_bit b k))
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub k' 1)
- (mult_step_k_h res b' bbltn false k)
- (let res' (mult_step_k_h res b' bbltn false k)
- (mult_step a b (reverseb res') n (mp_add k 1))))))))
-(program bblast_bvmul ((a bblt) (b bblt) (n mpz)) bblt
-(let ar (reverseb a) ;; reverse a and b so that we can build the circuit
-(let br (reverseb b) ;; from the least significant bit up
-(let res (and_with_bit ar (k_bit br 0))
- (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub n 1) ;; if multiplying 1 bit numbers no need to call mult_step
- res
- (mult_step ar br res n 1))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvmul (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! yb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! ybb (bblast_term n y yb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvmul xb yb n) rb)
- (bblast_term n (bvmul n x y) rb)))))))))))
-; bit blast x = y
-; for x,y of size n, it will return a conjunction (x.0 = y.0 ^ ( ... ^ (x.{n-1} = y.{n-1})))
-; f is the accumulator formula that builds the equality in the right order
-(program bblast_eq_rec ((x bblt) (y bblt) (f formula)) formula
- (match x
- (bbltn (match y (bbltn f) (default (fail formula))))
- ((bbltc fx x') (match y
- (bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc fy y') (bblast_eq_rec x' y' (and (iff fx fy) f)))))
- (default (fail formula))))
-(program bblast_eq ((x bblt) (y bblt)) formula
- (match x
- ((bbltc bx x') (match y ((bbltc by y') (bblast_eq_rec x' y' (iff bx by)))
- (default (fail formula))))
- (default (fail formula))))
-;; TODO: a temporary bypass for rewrites that we don't support yet. As soon
-;; as we do, remove this rule.
-(declare bv_bbl_=_false
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! bx bblt
- (! by bblt
- (! f formula
- (! bbx (bblast_term n x bx)
- (! bby (bblast_term n y by)
- (! c (^ (bblast_eq bx by) f)
- (th_holds (iff (= (BitVec n) x y) false))))))))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_=
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! bx bblt
- (! by bblt
- (! f formula
- (! bbx (bblast_term n x bx)
- (! bby (bblast_term n y by)
- (! c (^ (bblast_eq bx by) f)
- (th_holds (iff (= (BitVec n) x y) f))))))))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_=_swap
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! bx bblt
- (! by bblt
- (! f formula
- (! bbx (bblast_term n x bx)
- (! bby (bblast_term n y by)
- (! c (^ (bblast_eq by bx) f)
- (th_holds (iff (= (BitVec n) x y) f))))))))))))
-(program bblast_bvult ((x bblt) (y bblt) (n mpz)) formula
-(match x
- ( bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc xi x') (match y
- (bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc yi y') (mp_ifzero n
- (and (not xi) yi)
- (or (and (iff xi yi) (bblast_bvult x' y' (mp_add n (~1)))) (and (not xi) yi))))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvult
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! bx bblt
- (! by bblt
- (! f formula
- (! bbx (bblast_term n x bx)
- (! bby (bblast_term n y by)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvult bx by (mp_add n (~1))) f)
- (th_holds (iff (bvult n x y) f))))))))))))
-(program bblast_bvslt ((x bblt) (y bblt) (n mpz)) formula
-(match x
- ( bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc xi x') (match y
- (bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc yi y') (mp_ifzero (mpz_sub n 1)
- (and xi (not yi))
- (or (and (iff xi yi)
- (bblast_bvult x' y' (mpz_sub n 2)))
- (and xi (not yi)))))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvslt
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! bx bblt
- (! by bblt
- (! f formula
- (! bbx (bblast_term n x bx)
- (! bby (bblast_term n y by)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvslt bx by n) f)
- (th_holds (iff (bvslt n x y) f))))))))))))
-(program bblast_bvcomp ((x bblt) (y bblt) (n mpz)) bblt
- (match x ((bbltc bx x') (match y ((bbltc by y')
- (bbltc (bblast_eq_rec x' y' (iff bx by)) bbltn))
- (default (fail bblt))))
- (default (fail bblt))
- ))
-(declare bv_bbl_bvcomp (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (! xb bblt
- (! yb bblt
- (! rb bblt
- (! xbb (bblast_term n x xb)
- (! ybb (bblast_term n y yb)
- (! c (^ (bblast_bvcomp xb yb n) rb)
- (bblast_term 1 (bvcomp n x y) rb)))))))))))
-; bit-blasting connections
-(declare intro_assump_t
- (! f formula
- (! v var
- (! C clause
- (! h (th_holds f)
- (! a (atom v f)
- (! u (! unit (holds (clc (pos v) cln))
- (holds C))
- (holds C))))))))
-(declare intro_assump_f
- (! f formula
- (! v var
- (! C clause
- (! h (th_holds (not f))
- (! a (atom v f)
- (! u (! unit (holds (clc (neg v) cln))
- (holds C))
- (holds C))))))))
-; rewrite rule :
-; x + y = y + x
-(declare bvadd_symm
- (! n mpz
- (! x (term (BitVec n))
- (! y (term (BitVec n))
- (th_holds (= (BitVec n) (bvadd _ x y) (bvadd _ y x)))))))
-;; (declare bvcrazy_rewrite
-;; (! n mpz
-;; (! x (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! y (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! xn bv_poly
-;; (! yn bv_poly
-;; (! hxn (bv_normalizes x xn)
-;; (! hyn (bv_normalizes y yn)
-;; (! s (^ (rewrite_scc xn yn) true)
-;; (! u (! x (term (BitVec n)) (holds cln))
-;; (holds cln)))))))))))
-;; (th_holds (= (BitVec n) (bvadd x y) (bvadd y x)))))))
-; necessary?
-;; (program calc_bvand ((a bv) (b bv)) bv
-;; (match a
-;; (bvn (match b (bvn bvn) (default (fail bv))))
-;; ((bvc ba a') (match b
-;; ((bvc bb b') (bvc (match ba (b0 b0) (b1 bb)) (calc_bvand a' b')))
-;; (default (fail bv))))))
-;; ; rewrite rule (w constants) :
-;; ; a & b = c
-;; (declare bvand_const (! c bv
-;; (! a bv
-;; (! b bv
-;; (! u (^ (calc_bvand a b) c)
-;; (th_holds (= BitVec (bvand (a_bv a) (a_bv b)) (a_bv c))))))))
-;; making constant bit-vectors
-(program mk_ones ((n mpz)) bv
- (mp_ifzero n bvn (bvc b1 (mk_ones (mpz_sub n 1)))))
-(program mk_zero ((n mpz)) bv
- (mp_ifzero n bvn (bvc b0 (mk_ones (mpz_sub n 1)))))
-;; (bvxnor a b) => (bvnot (bvxor a b))
-;; (declare bvxnor_elim
-;; (! n mpz
-;; (! a (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! b (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! a' (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! b' (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! rwa (rw_term _ a a')
-;; (! rwb (rw_term _ b b')
-;; (rw_term n (bvxnor _ a b)
-;; (bvnot _ (bvxor _ a' b')))))))))))
-;; ;; (bvxor a 0) => a
-;; (declare bvxor_zero
-;; (! n mpz
-;; (! zero_bits bv
-;; (! sc (^ (mk_zero n) zero_bits)
-;; (! a (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! b (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! a' (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! rwa (rw_term _ a a')
-;; (! rwb (rw_term _ b (a_bv _ zero_bits))
-;; (rw_term _ (bvxor _ a b)
-;; a'))))))))))
-;; ;; (bvxor a 11) => (bvnot a)
-;; (declare bvxor_one
-;; (! n mpz
-;; (! one_bits bv
-;; (! sc (^ (mk_ones n) one_bits)
-;; (! a (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! b (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! a' (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! rwa (rw_term _ a a')
-;; (! rwb (rw_term _ b (a_bv _ one_bits))
-;; (rw_term _ (bvxor _ a b)
-;; (bvnot _ a')))))))))))
-;; ;; (bvnot (bvnot a)) => a
-;; (declare bvnot_idemp
-;; (! n mpz
-;; (! a (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! a' (term (BitVec n))
-;; (! rwa (rw_term _ a a')
-;; (rw_term _ (bvnot _ (bvnot _ a))
-;; a'))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_bv_rewrites.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_bv_rewrites.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5dea9e9..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_bv_rewrites.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-; Equality swap
-(declare rr_bv_eq
- (! n mpz
- (! t1 (term (BitVec n))
- (! t2 (term (BitVec n))
- (th_holds (iff (= (BitVec n) t2 t1) (= (BitVec n) t1 t2)))))))
-; Additional rules...
-; Default, if nothing else applied
-(declare rr_bv_default
- (! t1 formula
- (! t2 formula
- (th_holds (iff t1 t2))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_int.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_int.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0a2d63c..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_int.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-(declare Int sort)
-(define arithpred_Int (! x (term Int)
- (! y (term Int)
- formula)))
-(declare >_Int arithpred_Int)
-(declare >=_Int arithpred_Int)
-(declare <_Int arithpred_Int)
-(declare <=_Int arithpred_Int)
-(define arithterm_Int (! x (term Int)
- (! y (term Int)
- (term Int))))
-(declare +_Int arithterm_Int)
-(declare -_Int arithterm_Int)
-(declare *_Int arithterm_Int) ; is * ok to use?
-(declare /_Int arithterm_Int) ; is / ok to use?
-; a constant term
-(declare a_int (! x mpz (term Int)))
-; unary negation
-(declare u-_Int (! t (term Int) (term Int)))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_lira.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_lira.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f6df112..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_lira.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-; Deps: th_real.plf th_int.plf smt.plf sat.plf
-; Some axiom arguments are marked "; Omit", because they can be deduced from
-; other arguments and should be replaced with a "_" when invoking the axiom.
-;; ====================================== ;;
-;; Arith Terms, Predicates, & Conversions ;;
-;; ====================================== ;;
-; Types for arithmetic variables
-; Specifically a real
-(declare real_var type)
-; Specifically an integer
-(declare int_var type)
-; Functions to map them to terms
-(declare term_real_var (! v real_var (term Real)))
-(declare term_int_var (! v int_var (term Int)))
-; A function to cast an integer term to real.
-(declare term_int_to_real (! i (term Int) (term Real)))
-; The recursive functions `reify_int_term` and `reify_real_term` work
-; together to reify or "make real" an integer term. That is, to convert it to
-; a real term. More precisely, they take an integer term and return a real
-; term in which any integer variables are immediately converted to real terms,
-; and all non-leaves in the term are real-sorted.
-; They explicitly do not work on integer division, because such a conversion
-; would not be correct when integer division is involved.
-; This function recursively converts an integer term to a real term.
-(program reify_int_term ((t (term Int))) (term Real)
- (match t
- ((term_int_var v) (term_int_to_real (term_int_var v)))
- ((a_int i) (a_real (mpz_to_mpq i)))
- ((+_Int x y) (+_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_int_term y)))
- ((-_Int x y) (-_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_int_term y)))
- ((u-_Int x) (u-_Real (reify_int_term x)))
- ((*_Int x y) (*_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_int_term y)))
- ; Reifying integer division is an error, since it changes the value!
- ((/_Int x y) (fail (term Real)))
- ))
-; This function recursively converts a real term to a real term.
-; It will never change the top-level node in the term (since that node is
-; real), but it may change subterms...
-(program reify_real_term ((t (term Real))) (term Real)
- (match t
- ((term_real_var v) (term_real_var v))
- ((a_real v) (a_real v))
- ; We've found an integer term -- reify it!
- ((term_int_to_real t') (reify_int_term t'))
- ((+_Real x y) (+_Real (reify_real_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
- ((-_Real x y) (-_Real (reify_real_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
- ((u-_Real x) (u-_Real (reify_real_term x)))
- ((*_Real x y) (*_Real (reify_real_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
- ((/_Real x y) (/_Real (reify_real_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
- ))
-; Predicates of the form (term Integer) (comparison) (term Real)
-(define arithpred_IntReal (! x (term Int)
- (! y (term Real)
- formula)))
-(declare >_IntReal arithpred_IntReal)
-(declare >=_IntReal arithpred_IntReal)
-(declare <_IntReal arithpred_IntReal)
-(declare <=_IntReal arithpred_IntReal)
-; From an arith predicate, compute the equivalent real predicate
-; All arith predicates are (possibly negated) >='s with a real on the right.
-; Technically it's a real literal on the right, but we don't assume that here.
-(program reify_arith_pred ((p formula)) formula
- (match p
- ((not p') (not (reify_arith_pred p')))
- ((>=_Real x y) (>=_Real (reify_real_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
- ((>=_Int x y) (>=_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_int_term y)))
- ((>=_IntReal x y) (>=_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
- (default (fail formula))
- ))
-; From an arith predicate, prove the equivalent real predicate
-(declare pf_reified_arith_pred
- (! p formula
- (! p' formula
- (! pf (th_holds p)
- (! reify_sc (^ (reify_arith_pred p) p')
- (th_holds p'))))))
-;; ========================== ;;
-;; Int Bound Tightening Rules ;;
-;; ========================== ;;
-; Returns whether `ceil` is the ceiling of `q`.
-(program is_ceil ((q mpq) (ceil mpz)) bool
- (let diff (mp_add (mpz_to_mpq ceil) (mp_neg q))
- (mp_ifneg diff
- ff
- (mp_ifneg (mp_add diff (~ 1/1))
- tt
- ff))))
-; Returns whether `n` is the greatest integer less than `q`.
-(program is_greatest_integer_below ((n mpz) (q mpq)) bool
- (is_ceil q (mp_add n 1)))
-; Negates terms of the form:
-; (a) k OR
-; (b) x OR
-; (c) k * x
-; where k is a constant and x is a variable.
-; Otherwise fails.
-; This aligns closely with the LFSCArithProof::printLinearMonomialNormalizer
-; function.
-(program negate_linear_monomial_int_term ((t (term Int))) (term Int)
- (match t
- ((term_int_var v) (*_Int (a_int (~ 1)) (term_int_var v)))
- ((a_int k) (a_int (mp_neg k)))
- ((*_Int x y)
- (match x
- ((a_int k)
- (match y
- ((term_int_var v) (*_Int (a_int (mp_neg k)) y))
- (default (fail (term Int)))))
- (default (fail (term Int)))))
- (default (fail (term Int)))
- ))
-; This function negates linear integer terms---sums of terms of the form
-; recognized by `negate_linear_monomial_int_term`.
-(program negate_linear_int_term ((t (term Int))) (term Int)
- (match t
- ((term_int_var v) (negate_linear_monomial_int_term t))
- ((a_int i) (negate_linear_monomial_int_term t))
- ((+_Int x y) (+_Int (negate_linear_int_term x) (negate_linear_int_term y)))
- ((*_Int x y) (negate_linear_monomial_int_term t))
- (default (fail (term Int)))
- ))
-; Statement that z is the greatest integer less than z'.
-(declare holds_neg_of_greatest_integer_below_int
- (! z mpz
- (! z' mpz
- type)))
-; For proving statements of the above form.
-(declare check_neg_of_greatest_integer_below_int
- (! z mpz
- (! z' mpz
- (! sc_check (^ (is_greatest_integer_below (mp_neg z) (mpz_to_mpq z')) tt)
- (holds_neg_of_greatest_integer_below_int z z')))))
-; Axiom for tightening [Int] < i into -[Int] >= -(i - 1).
-; Note that [Int] < i is actually not([Int] >= i)
-(declare tighten_not_>=_IntInt
- (! t (term Int) ; Omit
- (! neg_t (term Int) ; Omit
- (! old_bound mpz ; Omit
- (! neg_int_bound mpz ; Omit
- (! pf_step (holds_neg_of_greatest_integer_below_int neg_int_bound old_bound)
- ; Note that even when the RHS is an integer, we convert it to real and use >_IntReal
- (! pf_real_bound (th_holds (not (>=_IntReal t (term_int_to_real (a_int old_bound)))))
- (! sc_neg (^ (negate_linear_int_term t) neg_t)
- (th_holds (>=_IntReal neg_t (term_int_to_real (a_int neg_int_bound))))))))))))
-;; ======================================== ;;
-;; Linear Combinations and Affine functions ;;
-;; ======================================== ;;
-; Unifying type for both kinds of arithmetic variables
-(declare arith_var type)
-(declare av_from_int (! v int_var arith_var))
-(declare av_from_real (! v real_var arith_var))
-; Total order type -- return value for the comparison of two things
-(declare ord type)
-(declare ord_lt ord)
-(declare ord_eq ord)
-(declare ord_gt ord)
-; Compare two arith vars. Integers come before reals, and otherwise we use the
-; LFSC ordering
-(program arith_var_cmp ((v1 arith_var) (v2 arith_var)) ord
- (match v1
- ((av_from_int i1)
- (match v2
- ((av_from_int i2)
- (ifequal i1 i2
- ord_eq
- (compare i1 i2 ord_lt ord_gt)))
- ((av_from_real r2) ord_lt)))
- ((av_from_real r1)
- (match v2
- ((av_from_int i2) ord_gt)
- ((av_from_real r2)
- (ifequal r1 r2
- ord_eq
- (compare r1 r2 ord_lt ord_gt)))))))
-; Type for linear combinations of variables
-; NB: Functions below will assume that the list is always sorted by variable!
-(declare lc type)
-(declare lc_null lc)
-(declare lc_cons (! c mpq (! v arith_var (! rest lc lc))))
-; Sum of linear combinations.
-(program lc_add ((l1 lc) (l2 lc)) lc
- (match l1
- (lc_null l2)
- ((lc_cons c1 v1 l1')
- (match l2
- (lc_null l1)
- ((lc_cons c2 v2 l2')
- (match (arith_var_cmp v1 v2)
- (ord_lt (lc_cons c1 v1 (lc_add l1' l2)))
- (ord_eq
- (let c (mp_add c1 c2)
- (mp_ifzero c
- (lc_add l1' l2')
- (lc_cons c v1 (lc_add l1' l2')))))
- (ord_gt (lc_cons c2 v2 (lc_add l1 l2')))))))))
-; Scaling a linear combination
-(program lc_mul_c ((l lc) (c mpq)) lc
- (match l
- (lc_null l)
- ((lc_cons c' v' l') (lc_cons (mp_mul c c') v' (lc_mul_c l' c)))))
-; Negating a linear combination
-(program lc_neg ((l lc)) lc
- (lc_mul_c l (~ 1/1)))
-; An affine function of variables (a linear combination + a constant)
-(declare aff type)
-(declare aff_cons (! c mpq (! l lc aff)))
-; Sum of affine functions
-(program aff_add ((p1 aff) (p2 aff)) aff
- (match p1
- ((aff_cons c1 l1)
- (match p2
- ((aff_cons c2 l2) (aff_cons (mp_add c1 c2) (lc_add l1 l2)))))))
-; Scaling an affine function
-(program aff_mul_c ((p aff) (c mpq)) aff
- (match p
- ((aff_cons c' l') (aff_cons (mp_mul c' c) (lc_mul_c l' c)))))
-; Negating an affine function
-(program aff_neg ((p aff)) aff
- (aff_mul_c p (~ 1/1)))
-; Subtracting affine functions
-(program aff_sub ((p1 aff) (p2 aff)) aff
- (aff_add p1 (aff_neg p2)))
-;; ================================= ;;
-;; Proving (Real) terms to be affine ;;
-;; ================================= ;;
-; truth type for some real term being affine
-; * `t` the real term
-; * `a` the equivalent affine function
-(declare is_aff (! t (term Real) (! a aff type)))
-; Constants are affine
-(declare is_aff_const
- (! x mpq
- (is_aff (a_real x) (aff_cons x lc_null))))
-; Real variables are affine
-(declare is_aff_var_real
- (! v real_var
- (is_aff (term_real_var v)
- (aff_cons 0/1 (lc_cons 1/1 (av_from_real v) lc_null)))))
-; Int variables are affine
-(declare is_aff_var_int
- (! v int_var
- (is_aff (term_int_to_real (term_int_var v))
- (aff_cons 0/1 (lc_cons 1/1 (av_from_int v) lc_null)))))
-; affine functions are closed under addition
-(declare is_aff_+
- (! x (term Real) ; Omit
- (! aff_x aff ; Omit
- (! y (term Real) ; Omit
- (! aff_y aff ; Omit
- (! aff_z aff ; Omit
- (! is_affx (is_aff x aff_x)
- (! is_affy (is_aff y aff_y)
- (! a (^ (aff_add aff_x aff_y) aff_z)
- (is_aff (+_Real x y) aff_z))))))))))
-; affine functions are closed under subtraction
-(declare is_aff_-
- (! x (term Real) ; Omit
- (! aff_x aff ; Omit
- (! y (term Real) ; Omit
- (! aff_y aff ; Omit
- (! aff_z aff ; Omit
- (! is_affx (is_aff x aff_x)
- (! is_affy (is_aff y aff_y)
- (! a (^ (aff_sub aff_x aff_y) aff_z)
- (is_aff (-_Real x y) aff_z))))))))))
-; affine functions are closed under left-multiplication by scalars
-(declare is_aff_mul_c_L
- (! y (term Real) ; Omit
- (! aff_y aff ; Omit
- (! aff_z aff ; Omit
- (! x mpq
- (! is_affy (is_aff y aff_y)
- (! a (^ (aff_mul_c aff_y x) aff_z)
- (is_aff (*_Real (a_real x) y) aff_z))))))))
-; affine functions are closed under right-multiplication by scalars
-(declare is_aff_mul_c_R
- (! y (term Real) ; Omit
- (! aff_y aff ; Omit
- (! aff_z aff ; Omit
- (! x mpq
- (! is_affy (is_aff y aff_y)
- (! a (^ (aff_mul_c aff_y x) aff_z)
- (is_aff (*_Real y (a_real x)) aff_z))))))))
-;; ========================== ;;
-;; Bounds on Affine Functions ;;
-;; ========================== ;;
-; Bounds that an affine function might satisfy
-(declare bound type)
-(declare bound_pos bound) ; > 0
-(declare bound_non_neg bound) ; >= 0
-; formulas over affine functions
-; the statement that `a` satisfies `b` for all inputs
-(declare bounded_aff (! a aff (! b bound formula)))
-; Sum of two bounds (the bound satisfied by the sum of two functions satisfying
-; the input bounds)
-(program bound_add ((b bound) (b2 bound)) bound
- (match b
- (bound_pos bound_pos)
- (bound_non_neg b2)))
-; The implication of `a1` satisfying `b` and `a2` satisfying `b2`, obtained by
-; summing the inequalities.
-(program bounded_aff_add ((a1 aff) (b bound) (a2 aff) (b2 bound)) formula
- (bounded_aff (aff_add a1 a2) (bound_add b b2)))
-; The implication of scaling the inequality of `a1` satisfying `b`.
-(program bounded_aff_mul_c ((a1 aff) (b bound) (c mpq)) formula
- (match (mpq_ispos c)
- (tt (bounded_aff (aff_mul_c a1 c) b))
- (ff (fail formula))))
-; Does an affine function actuall satisfy a bound, for some input?
-(program bound_respected ((b bound) (a aff)) bool
- (match a
- ((aff_cons c combo)
- (match combo
- (lc_null
- (match b
- (bound_pos (mpq_ispos c))
- (bound_non_neg (mp_ifneg c ff tt))))
- (default tt)))))
-;; =================================== ;;
-;; Axioms for bounded affine functions ;;
-;; =================================== ;;
-; Always true (used as a initial value when summing many bounds together)
-(declare bounded_aff_ax_0_>=_0
- (th_holds (bounded_aff (aff_cons 0/1 lc_null) bound_non_neg)))
-; Contradiction axiom: an affine function that does not respect its bounds
-(declare bounded_aff_contra
- (! a aff ; Omit
- (! b bound ; Omit
- (! pf (th_holds (bounded_aff a b))
- (! sc (^ (bound_respected b a) ff)
- (th_holds false))))))
-; Rule for summing two affine bounds to get a third
-(declare bounded_aff_add
- (! a1 aff ; Omit
- (! a2 aff ; Omit
- (! b bound ; Omit
- (! b2 bound ; Omit
- (! ba_sum formula ; Omit
- (! pf_a1 (th_holds (bounded_aff a1 b))
- (! pf_a2 (th_holds (bounded_aff a2 b2))
- (! sc (^ (bounded_aff_add a1 b a2 b2) ba_sum)
- (th_holds ba_sum))))))))))
-; Rule for scaling an affine bound
-(declare bounded_aff_mul_c
- (! a aff ; Omit
- (! b bound ; Omit
- (! ba formula ; Omit
- (! c mpq
- (! pf_a (th_holds (bounded_aff a b))
- (! sc (^ (bounded_aff_mul_c a b c) ba)
- (th_holds ba))))))))
-; [y >= x] implies that the aff. function y - x is >= 0
-(declare aff_>=_from_term
- (! y (term Real) ; Omit
- (! x (term Real) ; Omit
- (! p aff ; Omit
- (! pf_affine (is_aff (-_Real y x) p)
- (! pf_term_bound (th_holds (>=_Real y x))
- (th_holds (bounded_aff p bound_non_neg))))))))
-; not [y >= x] implies that the aff. function -(y - x) is > 0
-(declare aff_>_from_term
- (! y (term Real) ; Omit
- (! x (term Real) ; Omit
- (! p aff ; Omit
- (! p_n aff ; Omit
- (! pf_affine (is_aff (-_Real y x) p)
- (! pf_term_bound (th_holds (not (>=_Real y x)))
- (! sc_neg (^ (aff_neg p) p_n)
- (th_holds (bounded_aff p_n bound_pos))))))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_quant.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_quant.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa697978..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_quant.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-(declare forall (! s sort
- (! t (term s)
- (! f formula
- formula))))
-;This program recursively checks the instantiation.
-;Composite terms (such as "apply _ _ ...") are handled recursively.
-;Then, if ti and t are equal, we return true. Otherwise, we first verify that t is the variable for which ti is substitued (ifmarked). if this is the case, ti should be equal to k.
-(program is_inst_t ((ti term) (t term) (k term)) bool
- (match t
- ((apply s1 s2 t1 t2)
- (match ti
- ((apply si1 si2 ti1 ti2)
- (match (is_inst_t ti1 t1 k) (tt (is_inst_t ti2 t2 k)) (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- (default (ifequal ti t tt (ifmarked t (ifequal ti k tt ff) ff)))))
-(program is_inst_f ((fi formula) (f formula) (k term)) bool
- (match f
- ((and f1 f2) (match fi
- ((and fi1 fi2) (match (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k) (tt (is_inst_f fi2 f2 k)) (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- ((or f1 f2) (match fi
- ((or fi1 fi2) (match (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k) (tt (is_inst_f fi2 f2 k)) (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- ((impl f1 f2) (match fi
- ((impl fi1 fi2) (match (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k) (tt (is_inst_f fi2 f2 k)) (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- ((not f1) (match fi
- ((not fi1) (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k))
- (default ff)))
- ((iff f1 f2) (match fi
- ((iff fi1 fi2) (match (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k) (tt (is_inst_f fi2 f2 k)) (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- ((xor f1 f2) (match fi
- ((xor fi1 fi2) (match (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k) (tt (is_inst_f fi2 f2 k)) (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- ((ifte f1 f2 f3) (match fi
- ((ifte fi1 fi2 fi3) (match (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k)
- (tt (match (is_inst_f fi2 f2 k) (tt (is_inst_f fi3 f3 k)) (ff ff)))
- (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- ((= s t1 t2) (match fi
- ((= s ti1 ti2) (match (is_inst_t ti1 t1 k) (tt (is_inst_t ti2 t2 k)) (ff ff)))
- (default ff)))
- ((forall s t1 f1) (match fi
- ((forall s ti1 fi1) (is_inst_f fi1 f1 k))
- (default ff)))
- (default ff)))
-(program is_inst ((fi formula) (f formula) (t term) (k term)) bool
- (do (markvar t)
- (let f1 (is_inst_f fi f k)
- (do (markvar t) f1))))
-(declare skolem
- (! s sort
- (! t (term s)
- (! f formula
- (! p (th_holds (not (forall s t f)))
- (! u (! k (term s)
- (! fi formula
- (! p1 (th_holds (not fi))
- (! r (^ (is_inst fi f t k) tt)
- (holds cln)))))
- (holds cln)))))))
-(declare inst
- (! s sort
- (! t (term s)
- (! f formula
- (! k (term s)
- (! fi formula
- (! p (th_holds (forall s t f))
- (! r (^ (is_inst fi f t k) tt)
- (! u (! p1 (th_holds fi)
- (holds cln))
- (holds cln))))))))))
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_real.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_real.plf
deleted file mode 100644
index dfedb28ed..000000000
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_real.plf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-; Deps: smt.plf
-(declare Real sort)
-(define arithpred_Real (! x (term Real)
- (! y (term Real)
- formula)))
-(declare >_Real arithpred_Real)
-(declare >=_Real arithpred_Real)
-(declare <_Real arithpred_Real)
-(declare <=_Real arithpred_Real)
-(define arithterm_Real (! x (term Real)
- (! y (term Real)
- (term Real))))
-(declare +_Real arithterm_Real)
-(declare -_Real arithterm_Real)
-(declare *_Real arithterm_Real) ; is * ok to use?
-(declare /_Real arithterm_Real) ; is / ok to use?
-; a constant term
-(declare a_real (! x mpq (term Real)))
-(declare >=0_Real (! x (term Real) formula))
-(declare =0_Real (! x (term Real) formula))
-(declare >0_Real (! x (term Real) formula))
-(declare distinct0_Real (! x (term Real) formula))
-; unary negation
-(declare u-_Real (! t (term Real) (term Real)))
-; Is this rational positive?
-(program mpq_ispos ((x mpq)) bool
- (mp_ifneg x ff (mp_ifzero x ff tt)))
generated by cgit on debian on lair
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