path: root/proofs/signatures
diff options
authorClark Barrett <>2015-04-23 09:43:52 -0700
committerClark Barrett <>2015-04-23 09:43:52 -0700
commitdea679ce032c130d210d54c2e5482f95db1ff04a (patch)
tree6c36f68150172b20717f7d504274ab0bf82791b0 /proofs/signatures
parentd95fe7675e20eaee86b8e804469e6db83265a005 (diff)
A few more minor updates to match google repository with CVC4 repository
(mostly whitespace differences).
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/signatures')
2 files changed, 200 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/ex_bv.plf b/proofs/signatures/ex_bv.plf
index 02cadaeab..ae585e455 100755
--- a/proofs/signatures/ex_bv.plf
+++ b/proofs/signatures/ex_bv.plf
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-; a = b ^ a = 00000 ^ b = 11111 is UNSAT
-(% a var_bv
-(% b var_bv
-(% f1 (th_holds (= BitVec (a_var_bv a) (a_var_bv b)))
-(% f2 (th_holds (= BitVec (a_var_bv a) (a_bv (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 bvn))))))))
-(% f3 (th_holds (= BitVec (a_var_bv b) (a_bv (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 bvn))))))))
-(: (holds cln)
-(decl_bv_atom_var 5 a (\ ba1
-(decl_bv_atom_var 5 b (\ ba2
-(decl_bv_atom_const _ (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 bvn))))) (\ c (\ ba3
-(decl_bv_atom_const _ (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 bvn))))) (\ d (\ ba4
-(decl_atom (bblast a 4) (\ v1 (\ a1
-(decl_atom (bblast b 4) (\ v2 (\ a2
-; bitblasting terms
-(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_var _ _ _ ba1) (\ bt1
-(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_var _ _ _ ba2) (\ bt2
-(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_const _ _ _ _ ba3) (\ bt3
-(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_const _ _ _ _ ba4) (\ bt4
-; bitblasting formulas
-(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_eq _ _ _ _ _ bt1 bt2) (\ bf1
-(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_eq _ _ _ _ _ bt1 bt3) (\ bf2
-(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_eq _ _ _ _ _ bt2 bt4) (\ bf3
-; CNFication
-; a.4 V ~b.4
-(satlem _ _
-(asf _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
-(ast _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
- (contra _ (impl_elim _ _ l2 (iff_elim_2 _ _ (and_elim_1 _ _ (impl_elim _ _ f1 bf1)))) l1) ; notice at the intermost we impl_elim, which converts from atom to bit-blasting representation
-))))) (\ C2
-; ~a.4
-(satlem _ _
-(ast _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
- (impl_elim _ _ l1 (iff_elim_1 _ _ (and_elim_1 _ _ (impl_elim _ _ f2 bf2))))
-))) (\ C3
-; b.4
-(satlem _ _
-(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
- (contra _ (impl_elim _ _ truth (iff_elim_2 _ _ (and_elim_1 _ _ (impl_elim _ _ f3 bf3)))) l2)
-))) (\ C6
-(satlem_simplify _ _ _
-(R _ _ (R _ _ C6 C2 v2) C3 v1) (\ x x))
+; a = b ^ a = 00000 ^ b = 11111 is UNSAT
+(% a var_bv
+(% b var_bv
+(% f1 (th_holds (= BitVec (a_var_bv a) (a_var_bv b)))
+(% f2 (th_holds (= BitVec (a_var_bv a) (a_bv (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 bvn))))))))
+(% f3 (th_holds (= BitVec (a_var_bv b) (a_bv (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 bvn))))))))
+(: (holds cln)
+(decl_bv_atom_var 5 a (\ ba1
+(decl_bv_atom_var 5 b (\ ba2
+(decl_bv_atom_const _ (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 (bvc b0 bvn))))) (\ c (\ ba3
+(decl_bv_atom_const _ (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 (bvc b1 bvn))))) (\ d (\ ba4
+(decl_atom (bblast a 4) (\ v1 (\ a1
+(decl_atom (bblast b 4) (\ v2 (\ a2
+; bitblasting terms
+(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_var _ _ _ ba1) (\ bt1
+(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_var _ _ _ ba2) (\ bt2
+(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_const _ _ _ _ ba3) (\ bt3
+(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_const _ _ _ _ ba4) (\ bt4
+; bitblasting formulas
+(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_eq _ _ _ _ _ bt1 bt2) (\ bf1
+(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_eq _ _ _ _ _ bt1 bt3) (\ bf2
+(th_let_pf _ (bv_bbl_eq _ _ _ _ _ bt2 bt4) (\ bf3
+; CNFication
+; a.4 V ~b.4
+(satlem _ _
+(asf _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
+(ast _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
+ (contra _ (impl_elim _ _ l2 (iff_elim_2 _ _ (and_elim_1 _ _ (impl_elim _ _ f1 bf1)))) l1) ; notice at the intermost we impl_elim, which converts from atom to bit-blasting representation
+))))) (\ C2
+; ~a.4
+(satlem _ _
+(ast _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
+ (impl_elim _ _ l1 (iff_elim_1 _ _ (and_elim_1 _ _ (impl_elim _ _ f2 bf2))))
+))) (\ C3
+; b.4
+(satlem _ _
+(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
+ (contra _ (impl_elim _ _ truth (iff_elim_2 _ _ (and_elim_1 _ _ (impl_elim _ _ f3 bf3)))) l2)
+))) (\ C6
+(satlem_simplify _ _ _
+(R _ _ (R _ _ C6 C2 v2) C3 v1) (\ x x))
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/th_bv.plf b/proofs/signatures/th_bv.plf
index 3fb9d1356..0fb50f8cf 100755
--- a/proofs/signatures/th_bv.plf
+++ b/proofs/signatures/th_bv.plf
@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
-; "bitvec" is a term of type "sort"
-(declare BitVec sort)
-; bit type
-(declare bit type)
-(declare b0 bit)
-(declare b1 bit)
-; bit vector type
-(declare bv type)
-(declare bvn bv)
-(declare bvc (! b bit (! v bv bv)))
-; a bv constant term
-(declare a_bv (! v bv (term BitVec)))
-; calculate the length of a bitvector
-(program bv_len ((v bv)) mpz
- (match v
- (bvn 0)
- ((bvc b v') (mp_add (bv_len v') 1))))
-; a bv variable
-(declare var_bv type)
-; a bv variable term
-(declare a_var_bv (! v var_bv (term BitVec)))
-; bit vector operators
-(define bvoper (! x (term BitVec)
- (! y (term BitVec)
- (term BitVec))))
-(declare bvand bvoper)
-(declare bvadd bvoper)
-; all bit-vector terms are mapped with "bv_atom" to:
-; - a simply-typed term of type "var_bv", which is necessary for bit-blasting
-; - a integer size
-(declare bv_atom (! x (term BitVec) (! y var_bv (! n mpz type))))
-(declare decl_bv_atom_var (! n mpz ; must be specified
- (! x var_bv
- (! p (! u (bv_atom (a_var_bv x) x n)
- (holds cln))
- (holds cln)))))
-(declare decl_bv_atom_const (! n mpz
- (! v bv
- (! s (^ (bv_len v) n)
- (! p (! w var_bv
- (! u (bv_atom (a_bv v) w n)
- (holds cln)))
- (holds cln))))))
-; other terms here?
-; bit blasted terms
-(declare bblt type)
-(declare bbltn bblt)
-(declare bbltc (! f formula (! v bblt bblt)))
-; (bblast_term x y) means term x corresponds to bit level interpretation y
-(declare bblast_term (! x (term BitVec) (! y bblt formula)))
-; a predicate to represent the n^th bit of a bitvector term
-(declare bblast (! x var_bv (! n mpz formula)))
-; bit blast constant
-(program bblast_const ((v bv) (n mpz)) bblt
- (mp_ifneg n (match v (bvn bbltn)
- (default (fail bblt)))
- (match v ((bvc b v') (bbltc (match b (b0 false) (b1 true)) (bblast_const v' (mp_add n (~ 1)))))
- (default (fail bblt)))))
-(declare bv_bbl_const (! n mpz
- (! v bv
- (! x var_bv
- (! f bblt
- (! u (bv_atom (a_bv v) x n)
- (! c (^ (bblast_const v (mp_add n (~ 1))) f)
- (th_holds (bblast_term (a_bv v) f)))))))))
-; bit blast variable
-(program bblast_var ((x var_bv) (n mpz)) bblt
- (mp_ifneg n bbltn
- (bbltc (bblast x n) (bblast_var x (mp_add n (~ 1))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_var (! n mpz
- (! x var_bv
- (! f bblt
- (! u (bv_atom (a_var_bv x) x n)
- (! c (^ (bblast_var x (mp_add n (~ 1))) f)
- (th_holds (bblast_term (a_var_bv x) f))))))))
-; bit blast x = y
-; for x,y of size n, it will return a conjuction (x.{n-1} = y.{n-1} ^ ( ... ^ (x.0 = y.0 ^ true)))
-(program bblast_eq ((x bblt) (y bblt)) formula
- (match x
- (bbltn (match y (bbltn true) (default (fail formula))))
- ((bbltc fx x') (match y
- (bbltn (fail formula))
- ((bbltc fy y') (and (iff fx fy) (bblast_eq x' y')))))))
-(declare bv_bbl_eq (! x (term BitVec)
- (! y (term BitVec)
- (! fx bblt
- (! fy bblt
- (! f formula
- (! ux (th_holds (bblast_term x fx))
- (! uy (th_holds (bblast_term y fy))
- (! c (^ (bblast_eq fx fy) f)
- (th_holds (impl (= BitVec x y) f)))))))))))
-; rewrite rule :
-; x + y = y + x
-(declare bvadd_symm (! x (term BitVec)
- (! y (term BitVec)
- (! x' var_bv
- (! y' var_bv
- (! n mpz
- (! ux (bv_atom x x' n)
- (! uy (bv_atom y y' n)
- (th_holds (= BitVec (bvadd x y) (bvadd y x)))))))))))
-; necessary?
-(program calc_bvand ((a bv) (b bv)) bv
- (match a
- (bvn (match b (bvn bvn) (default (fail bv))))
- ((bvc ba a') (match b
- ((bvc bb b') (bvc (match ba (b0 b0) (b1 bb)) (calc_bvand a' b')))
- (default (fail bv))))))
-; rewrite rule (w constants) :
-; a & b = c
-(declare bvand_const (! c bv
- (! a bv
- (! b bv
- (! u (^ (calc_bvand a b) c)
+; "bitvec" is a term of type "sort"
+(declare BitVec sort)
+; bit type
+(declare bit type)
+(declare b0 bit)
+(declare b1 bit)
+; bit vector type
+(declare bv type)
+(declare bvn bv)
+(declare bvc (! b bit (! v bv bv)))
+; a bv constant term
+(declare a_bv (! v bv (term BitVec)))
+; calculate the length of a bitvector
+(program bv_len ((v bv)) mpz
+ (match v
+ (bvn 0)
+ ((bvc b v') (mp_add (bv_len v') 1))))
+; a bv variable
+(declare var_bv type)
+; a bv variable term
+(declare a_var_bv (! v var_bv (term BitVec)))
+; bit vector operators
+(define bvoper (! x (term BitVec)
+ (! y (term BitVec)
+ (term BitVec))))
+(declare bvand bvoper)
+(declare bvadd bvoper)
+; all bit-vector terms are mapped with "bv_atom" to:
+; - a simply-typed term of type "var_bv", which is necessary for bit-blasting
+; - a integer size
+(declare bv_atom (! x (term BitVec) (! y var_bv (! n mpz type))))
+(declare decl_bv_atom_var (! n mpz ; must be specified
+ (! x var_bv
+ (! p (! u (bv_atom (a_var_bv x) x n)
+ (holds cln))
+ (holds cln)))))
+(declare decl_bv_atom_const (! n mpz
+ (! v bv
+ (! s (^ (bv_len v) n)
+ (! p (! w var_bv
+ (! u (bv_atom (a_bv v) w n)
+ (holds cln)))
+ (holds cln))))))
+; other terms here?
+; bit blasted terms
+(declare bblt type)
+(declare bbltn bblt)
+(declare bbltc (! f formula (! v bblt bblt)))
+; (bblast_term x y) means term x corresponds to bit level interpretation y
+(declare bblast_term (! x (term BitVec) (! y bblt formula)))
+; a predicate to represent the n^th bit of a bitvector term
+(declare bblast (! x var_bv (! n mpz formula)))
+; bit blast constant
+(program bblast_const ((v bv) (n mpz)) bblt
+ (mp_ifneg n (match v (bvn bbltn)
+ (default (fail bblt)))
+ (match v ((bvc b v') (bbltc (match b (b0 false) (b1 true)) (bblast_const v' (mp_add n (~ 1)))))
+ (default (fail bblt)))))
+(declare bv_bbl_const (! n mpz
+ (! v bv
+ (! x var_bv
+ (! f bblt
+ (! u (bv_atom (a_bv v) x n)
+ (! c (^ (bblast_const v (mp_add n (~ 1))) f)
+ (th_holds (bblast_term (a_bv v) f)))))))))
+; bit blast variable
+(program bblast_var ((x var_bv) (n mpz)) bblt
+ (mp_ifneg n bbltn
+ (bbltc (bblast x n) (bblast_var x (mp_add n (~ 1))))))
+(declare bv_bbl_var (! n mpz
+ (! x var_bv
+ (! f bblt
+ (! u (bv_atom (a_var_bv x) x n)
+ (! c (^ (bblast_var x (mp_add n (~ 1))) f)
+ (th_holds (bblast_term (a_var_bv x) f))))))))
+; bit blast x = y
+; for x,y of size n, it will return a conjuction (x.{n-1} = y.{n-1} ^ ( ... ^ (x.0 = y.0 ^ true)))
+(program bblast_eq ((x bblt) (y bblt)) formula
+ (match x
+ (bbltn (match y (bbltn true) (default (fail formula))))
+ ((bbltc fx x') (match y
+ (bbltn (fail formula))
+ ((bbltc fy y') (and (iff fx fy) (bblast_eq x' y')))))))
+(declare bv_bbl_eq (! x (term BitVec)
+ (! y (term BitVec)
+ (! fx bblt
+ (! fy bblt
+ (! f formula
+ (! ux (th_holds (bblast_term x fx))
+ (! uy (th_holds (bblast_term y fy))
+ (! c (^ (bblast_eq fx fy) f)
+ (th_holds (impl (= BitVec x y) f)))))))))))
+; rewrite rule :
+; x + y = y + x
+(declare bvadd_symm (! x (term BitVec)
+ (! y (term BitVec)
+ (! x' var_bv
+ (! y' var_bv
+ (! n mpz
+ (! ux (bv_atom x x' n)
+ (! uy (bv_atom y y' n)
+ (th_holds (= BitVec (bvadd x y) (bvadd y x)))))))))))
+; necessary?
+(program calc_bvand ((a bv) (b bv)) bv
+ (match a
+ (bvn (match b (bvn bvn) (default (fail bv))))
+ ((bvc ba a') (match b
+ ((bvc bb b') (bvc (match ba (b0 b0) (b1 bb)) (calc_bvand a' b')))
+ (default (fail bv))))))
+; rewrite rule (w constants) :
+; a & b = c
+(declare bvand_const (! c bv
+ (! a bv
+ (! b bv
+ (! u (^ (calc_bvand a b) c)
(th_holds (= BitVec (bvand (a_bv a) (a_bv b)) (a_bv c)))))))) \ No newline at end of file
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback