path: root/proofs/signatures/smt.plf
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authorAndrew Reynolds <>2013-10-03 09:52:24 -0500
committerTianyi Liang <>2013-10-03 10:55:14 -0500
commit38503bde0d58e80bd6c39152fb7d2f226d8ac3c9 (patch)
tree75e0bc7ebf8d7da29d04ca9f36ebb130bf5bec45 /proofs/signatures/smt.plf
parentb663c658c80cee918afe37222e62dd1e5db33f5c (diff)
Adding example proof signatures for LFSC.
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/signatures/smt.plf')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/signatures/smt.plf b/proofs/signatures/smt.plf
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..75bfc442f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/signatures/smt.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+; SMT syntax and semantics (not theory-specific)
+(declare formula type)
+(declare th_holds (! f formula type))
+; constants
+(declare true formula)
+(declare false formula)
+; logical connectives
+(declare not (! f formula formula))
+(declare and (! f1 formula (! f2 formula formula)))
+(declare or (! f1 formula (! f2 formula formula)))
+(declare impl (! f1 formula (! f2 formula formula)))
+(declare iff (! f1 formula (! f2 formula formula)))
+(declare xor (! f1 formula (! f2 formula formula)))
+(declare ifte (! b formula (! f1 formula (! f2 formula formula))))
+; terms
+(declare sort type) ; sort in the theory
+(declare arrow (! s1 sort (! s2 sort sort))) ; function constructor
+(declare term (! t sort type)) ; declared terms in formula
+(declare apply (! s1 sort
+ (! s2 sort
+ (! t1 (term (arrow s1 s2))
+ (! t2 (term s1)
+ (term s2))))))
+(declare ite (! s sort
+ (! f formula
+ (! t1 (term s)
+ (! t2 (term s)
+ (term s))))))
+; let/flet
+(declare let (! s sort
+ (! t (term s)
+ (! f (! v (term s) formula)
+ formula))))
+(declare flet (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 (! v formula formula)
+ formula)))
+; predicates
+(declare = (! s sort
+ (! x (term s)
+ (! y (term s)
+ formula))))
+; To avoid duplicating some of the rules (e.g., cong), we will view
+; applications of predicates as terms of sort "Bool".
+; Such terms can be injected as atomic formulas using "p_app".
+(declare Bool sort) ; the special sort for predicates
+(declare p_app (! x (term Bool) formula)) ; propositional application of term
+; Examples
+; an example of "(p1 or p2(0)) and t1=t2(1)"
+;(! p1 (term Bool)
+;(! p2 (term (arrow Int Bool))
+;(! t1 (term Int)
+;(! t2 (term (arrow Int Int))
+;(! F (th_holds (and (or (p_app p1) (p_app (apply _ _ p2 0)))
+; (= _ t1 (apply _ _ t2 1))))
+; ...
+; another example of "p3(a,b)"
+;(! a (term Int)
+;(! b (term Int)
+;(! p3 (term (arrow Int (arrow Int Bool))) ; arrow is right assoc.
+;(! F (th_holds (p_app (apply _ _ (apply _ _ p3 a) b))) ; apply is left assoc.
+; ...
+; Natural deduction rules : used for CNF
+;; contradiction
+(declare contra
+ (! f formula
+ (! r1 (th_holds f)
+ (! r2 (th_holds (not f))
+ (th_holds false)))))
+;; not not
+(declare not_not_intro
+ (! f formula
+ (! u (th_holds f)
+ (th_holds (not (not f))))))
+(declare not_not_elim
+ (! f formula
+ (! u (th_holds (not (not f)))
+ (th_holds f))))
+;; or elimination
+(declare or_elim_1
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (not f1))
+ (! u2 (th_holds (or f1 f2))
+ (th_holds f2))))))
+(declare or_elim_2
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (not f2))
+ (! u2 (th_holds (or f1 f2))
+ (th_holds f1))))))
+;; and elimination
+(declare and_elim_1
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u (th_holds (and f1 f2))
+ (th_holds f1)))))
+(declare and_elim_2
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u (th_holds (and f1 f2))
+ (th_holds f2)))))
+;; not impl elimination
+(declare not_impl_elim_1
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u (th_holds (not (impl f1 f2)))
+ (th_holds f1)))))
+(declare not_impl_elim_2
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u (th_holds (not (impl f1 f2)))
+ (th_holds (not f2))))))
+;; impl elimination
+(declare impl_intro (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! i1 (! u (th_holds f1)
+ (th_holds f2))
+ (th_holds (impl f1 f2))))))
+(declare impl_elim
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds f1)
+ (! u2 (th_holds (impl f1 f2))
+ (th_holds f2))))))
+;; iff elimination
+(declare iff_elim_1
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (iff f1 f2))
+ (th_holds (impl f1 f2))))))
+(declare iff_elim_2
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (iff f1 f2))
+ (th_holds (impl f2 f1))))))
+(declare not_iff_elim_1
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (not f1))
+ (! u2 (th_holds (not (iff f1 f2)))
+ (th_holds f2))))))
+(declare not_iff_elim_2
+ (! f1 formula
+ (! f2 formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds f1)
+ (! u2 (th_holds (not (iff f1 f2)))
+ (th_holds (not f2)))))))
+;; ite elimination
+(declare ite_elim_1
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds a)
+ (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c))
+ (th_holds b)))))))
+(declare ite_elim_2
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (not a))
+ (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c))
+ (th_holds c)))))))
+(declare ite_elim_3
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (not b))
+ (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c))
+ (th_holds c)))))))
+(declare ite_elim_2n
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds a)
+ (! u2 (th_holds (ifte (not a) b c))
+ (th_holds c)))))))
+(declare not_ite_elim_1
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds a)
+ (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c)))
+ (th_holds (not b))))))))
+(declare not_ite_elim_2
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds (not a))
+ (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c)))
+ (th_holds (not c))))))))
+(declare not_ite_elim_3
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds b)
+ (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c)))
+ (th_holds (not c))))))))
+(declare not_ite_elim_2n
+ (! a formula
+ (! b formula
+ (! c formula
+ (! u1 (th_holds a)
+ (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte (not a) b c)))
+ (th_holds (not c))))))))
+;; How to do CNF for disjunctions of theory literals.
+;; Given theory literals F1....Fn, and an input formula A of the form (th_holds (or F1 (or F2 .... (or F{n-1} Fn))))).
+;; We introduce atoms for literals F1...Fn, mapping them to boolean literals
+;; Do this at the beginning of the proof:
+;; (decl_atom F1 (\ v1 (\ a1
+;; (decl_atom F2 (\ v2 (\ a2
+;; ....
+;; (decl_atom Fn (\ vn (\ an
+;; Our input A is clausified by the following proof:
+;;(satlem _ _
+;;(asf _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
+;;(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
+;;(asf _ _ _ an (\ ln
+;; (contra _
+;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l{n-1}
+;; ...
+;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l2
+;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l1 A))))) ln)
+;;))))))) (\ C
+;; We now have the free variable C, which should be the clause (v1 V ... V vn).
+;; We also need to consider the polarity of literals, say we have A of the form (th_holds (or (not F1) (or F2 (not F3)))).
+;; Where necessary, we use "ast" instead of "asf", introduce negations by "not_not_intro" for pattern matching, and flip
+;; the arguments of contra:
+;;(satlem _ _
+;;(ast _ _ _ a1 (\ l1
+;;(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2
+;;(ast _ _ _ a3 (\ l3
+;; (contra _ l3
+;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l2
+;; (or_elim_1 _ _ (not_not_intro l1) A))))
+;;))))))) (\ C
+;; C should be the clause (~v1 V v2 V ~v3 ) \ No newline at end of file
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