path: root/cmake/UseCython.cmake
diff options
authormakaimann <>2020-02-19 13:54:17 -0800
committerGitHub <>2020-02-19 15:54:17 -0600
commitc82720479efcf922136f0919f6fc26a502b2515a (patch)
treef9007e124cfc07490e914ae1e1e05747e1e1ee11 /cmake/UseCython.cmake
parentc6a9ab9da205df7cbf192edc142ee151404dcb1b (diff)
Add Python bindings using Cython -- see below for more details (#2879)
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/UseCython.cmake')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/UseCython.cmake b/cmake/UseCython.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ff4a276b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/UseCython.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+# Define a function to create Cython modules.
+# For more information on the Cython project, see
+# "Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python language
+# as easy as Python itself."
+# This file defines a CMake function to build a Cython Python module.
+# To use it, first include this file.
+# include(UseCython)
+# The following functions are defined:
+# add_cython_target(<Name> [<CythonInput>]
+# [C | CXX]
+# [PY2 | PY3]
+# [OUTPUT_VAR <OutputVar>])
+# Create a custom rule to generate the source code for a Python extension module
+# using cython. ``<Name>`` is the name of the new target, and ``<CythonInput>``
+# is the path to a cython source file. Note that, despite the name, no new
+# targets are created by this function. Instead, see ``OUTPUT_VAR`` for
+# retrieving the path to the generated source for subsequent targets.
+# If only ``<Name>`` is provided, and it ends in the ".pyx" extension, then it
+# is assumed to be the ``<CythonInput>``. The name of the input without the
+# extension is used as the target name. If only ``<Name>`` is provided, and it
+# does not end in the ".pyx" extension, then the ``<CythonInput>`` is assumed to
+# be ``<Name>.pyx``.
+# The Cython include search path is amended with any entries found in the
+# ``INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`` property of the directory containing the
+# ``<CythonInput>`` file. Use ``iunclude_directories`` to add to the Cython
+# include search path.
+# Options:
+# Embed a main() function in the generated output (for stand-alone
+# applications that initialize their own Python runtime).
+# ``C | CXX``
+# Force the generation of either a C or C++ file. By default, a C file is
+# generated, unless the C language is not enabled for the project; in this
+# case, a C++ file is generated by default.
+# ``PY2 | PY3``
+# Force compilation using either Python-2 or Python-3 syntax and code
+# semantics. By default, Python-2 syntax and semantics are used if the major
+# version of Python found is 2. Otherwise, Python-3 syntax and sematics are
+# used.
+# ``OUTPUT_VAR <OutputVar>``
+# Set the variable ``<OutputVar>`` in the parent scope to the path to the
+# generated source file. By default, ``<Name>`` is used as the output
+# variable name.
+# Defined variables:
+# ``<OutputVar>``
+# The path of the generated source file.
+# Example usage:
+# .. code-block:: cmake
+# find_package(Cython)
+# # Note: In this case, either one of these arguments may be omitted; their
+# # value would have been inferred from that of the other.
+# add_cython_target(cy_code cy_code.pyx)
+# add_library(cy_code MODULE ${cy_code})
+# target_link_libraries(cy_code ...)
+# Cache variables that effect the behavior include:
+# whether to create an annotated .html file when compiling
+# additional flags to pass to the Cython compiler
+# See also FindCython.cmake
+# Copyright 2011 Kitware, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Configuration options.
+ CACHE BOOL "Create an annotated .html file when compiling *.pyx.")
+ "Extra flags to the cython compiler.")
+find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
+function(add_cython_target _name)
+ set(options EMBED_MAIN C CXX PY2 PY3)
+ set(options1 OUTPUT_VAR)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(_args "${options}" "${options1}" "" ${ARGN})
+ list(GET _args_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS 0 _arg0)
+ # if provided, use _arg0 as the input file path
+ if(_arg0)
+ set(_source_file ${_arg0})
+ # otherwise, must determine source file from name, or vice versa
+ else()
+ get_filename_component(_name_ext "${_name}" EXT)
+ # if extension provided, _name is the source file
+ if(_name_ext)
+ set(_source_file ${_name})
+ get_filename_component(_name "${_source_file}" NAME_WE)
+ # otherwise, assume the source file is ${_name}.pyx
+ else()
+ set(_source_file ${_name}.pyx)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(_embed_main FALSE)
+ if("C" IN_LIST languages)
+ set(_output_syntax "C")
+ elseif("CXX" IN_LIST languages)
+ set(_output_syntax "CXX")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Either C or CXX must be enabled to use Cython")
+ endif()
+ set(_input_syntax "PY2")
+ else()
+ set(_input_syntax "PY3")
+ endif()
+ if(_args_EMBED_MAIN)
+ set(_embed_main TRUE)
+ endif()
+ if(_args_C)
+ set(_output_syntax "C")
+ endif()
+ if(_args_CXX)
+ set(_output_syntax "CXX")
+ endif()
+ if(_args_PY2)
+ set(_input_syntax "PY2")
+ endif()
+ if(_args_PY3)
+ set(_input_syntax "PY3")
+ endif()
+ set(embed_arg "")
+ if(_embed_main)
+ set(embed_arg "--embed")
+ endif()
+ set(cxx_arg "")
+ set(extension "c")
+ if(_output_syntax STREQUAL "CXX")
+ set(cxx_arg "--cplus")
+ set(extension "cxx")
+ endif()
+ set(py_version_arg "")
+ if(_input_syntax STREQUAL "PY2")
+ set(py_version_arg "-2")
+ elseif(_input_syntax STREQUAL "PY3")
+ set(py_version_arg "-3")
+ endif()
+ set(generated_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_name}.${extension}")
+ set_source_files_properties(${generated_file} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE)
+ set(_output_var ${_name})
+ if(_args_OUTPUT_VAR)
+ set(_output_var ${_args_OUTPUT_VAR})
+ endif()
+ set(${_output_var} ${generated_file} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ file(RELATIVE_PATH generated_file_relative
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${generated_file})
+ set(comment "Generating ${_output_syntax} source ${generated_file_relative}")
+ set(cython_include_directories "")
+ set(pxd_dependencies "")
+ set(c_header_dependencies "")
+ # Get the include directories.
+ get_source_file_property(pyx_location ${_source_file} LOCATION)
+ get_filename_component(pyx_path ${pyx_location} PATH)
+ get_directory_property(cmake_include_directories
+ DIRECTORY ${pyx_path}
+ list(APPEND cython_include_directories ${cmake_include_directories})
+ # Determine dependencies.
+ # Add the pxd file with the same basename as the given pyx file.
+ get_filename_component(pyx_file_basename ${_source_file} NAME_WE)
+ unset(corresponding_pxd_file CACHE)
+ find_file(corresponding_pxd_file ${pyx_file_basename}.pxd
+ PATHS "${pyx_path}" ${cmake_include_directories}
+ if(corresponding_pxd_file)
+ list(APPEND pxd_dependencies "${corresponding_pxd_file}")
+ endif()
+ # pxd files to check for additional dependencies
+ set(pxds_to_check "${_source_file}" "${pxd_dependencies}")
+ set(pxds_checked "")
+ set(number_pxds_to_check 1)
+ while(number_pxds_to_check GREATER 0)
+ foreach(pxd ${pxds_to_check})
+ list(APPEND pxds_checked "${pxd}")
+ list(REMOVE_ITEM pxds_to_check "${pxd}")
+ # look for C headers
+ file(STRINGS "${pxd}" extern_from_statements
+ REGEX "cdef[ ]+extern[ ]+from.*$")
+ foreach(statement ${extern_from_statements})
+ # Had trouble getting the quote in the regex
+ "cdef[ ]+extern[ ]+from[ ]+[\"]([^\"]+)[\"].*" "\\1"
+ header "${statement}")
+ unset(header_location CACHE)
+ find_file(header_location ${header} PATHS ${cmake_include_directories})
+ if(header_location)
+ list(FIND c_header_dependencies "${header_location}" header_idx)
+ if(${header_idx} LESS 0)
+ list(APPEND c_header_dependencies "${header_location}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ # check for pxd dependencies
+ # Look for cimport statements.
+ set(module_dependencies "")
+ file(STRINGS "${pxd}" cimport_statements REGEX cimport)
+ foreach(statement ${cimport_statements})
+ if(${statement} MATCHES from)
+ "from[ ]+([^ ]+).*" "\\1"
+ module "${statement}")
+ else()
+ "cimport[ ]+([^ ]+).*" "\\1"
+ module "${statement}")
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND module_dependencies ${module})
+ endforeach()
+ # check for pxi dependencies
+ # Look for include statements.
+ set(include_dependencies "")
+ file(STRINGS "${pxd}" include_statements REGEX include)
+ foreach(statement ${include_statements})
+ "include[ ]+[\"]([^\"]+)[\"].*" "\\1"
+ module "${statement}")
+ list(APPEND include_dependencies ${module})
+ endforeach()
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES module_dependencies)
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES include_dependencies)
+ # Add modules to the files to check, if appropriate.
+ foreach(module ${module_dependencies})
+ unset(pxd_location CACHE)
+ find_file(pxd_location ${module}.pxd
+ PATHS "${pyx_path}" ${cmake_include_directories}
+ if(pxd_location)
+ list(FIND pxds_checked ${pxd_location} pxd_idx)
+ if(${pxd_idx} LESS 0)
+ list(FIND pxds_to_check ${pxd_location} pxd_idx)
+ if(${pxd_idx} LESS 0)
+ list(APPEND pxds_to_check ${pxd_location})
+ list(APPEND pxd_dependencies ${pxd_location})
+ endif() # if it is not already going to be checked
+ endif() # if it has not already been checked
+ endif() # if pxd file can be found
+ endforeach() # for each module dependency discovered
+ # Add includes to the files to check, if appropriate.
+ foreach(_include ${include_dependencies})
+ unset(pxi_location CACHE)
+ find_file(pxi_location ${_include}
+ PATHS "${pyx_path}" ${cmake_include_directories}
+ if(pxi_location)
+ list(FIND pxds_checked ${pxi_location} pxd_idx)
+ if(${pxd_idx} LESS 0)
+ list(FIND pxds_to_check ${pxi_location} pxd_idx)
+ if(${pxd_idx} LESS 0)
+ list(APPEND pxds_to_check ${pxi_location})
+ list(APPEND pxd_dependencies ${pxi_location})
+ endif() # if it is not already going to be checked
+ endif() # if it has not already been checked
+ endif() # if include file can be found
+ endforeach() # for each include dependency discovered
+ endforeach() # for each include file to check
+ list(LENGTH pxds_to_check number_pxds_to_check)
+ endwhile()
+ # Set additional flags.
+ set(annotate_arg "")
+ set(annotate_arg "--annotate")
+ endif()
+ set(no_docstrings_arg "")
+ set(no_docstrings_arg "--no-docstrings")
+ endif()
+ set(cython_debug_arg "")
+ set(embed_pos_arg "")
+ set(line_directives_arg "")
+ set(cython_debug_arg "--gdb")
+ set(embed_pos_arg "--embed-positions")
+ set(line_directives_arg "--line-directives")
+ endif()
+ # Include directory arguments.
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES cython_include_directories)
+ set(include_directory_arg "")
+ foreach(_include_dir ${cython_include_directories})
+ set(include_directory_arg
+ ${include_directory_arg} "--include-dir" "${_include_dir}")
+ endforeach()
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES pxd_dependencies)
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES c_header_dependencies)
+ # Add the command to run the compiler.
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${generated_file}
+ ARGS ${cxx_arg} ${include_directory_arg} ${py_version_arg}
+ ${embed_arg} ${annotate_arg} ${no_docstrings_arg}
+ ${cython_debug_arg} ${embed_pos_arg}
+ ${line_directives_arg} ${CYTHON_FLAGS} ${pyx_location}
+ --output-file ${generated_file}
+ DEPENDS ${_source_file}
+ ${pxd_dependencies}
+ IMPLICIT_DEPENDS ${_output_syntax}
+ ${c_header_dependencies}
+ COMMENT ${comment})
+ # NOTE(opadron): I thought about making a proper target, but after trying it
+ # out, I decided that it would be far too convenient to use the same name as
+ # the target for the extension module (e.g.: for single-file modules):
+ #
+ # ...
+ # add_cython_target(_module.pyx)
+ # add_library(_module ${_module})
+ # ...
+ #
+ # The above example would not be possible since the "_module" target name
+ # would already be taken by the cython target. Since I can't think of a
+ # reason why someone would need the custom target instead of just using the
+ # generated file directly, I decided to leave this commented out.
+ #
+ # add_custom_target(${_name} DEPENDS ${generated_file})
+ # Remove their visibility to the user.
+ set(corresponding_pxd_file "" CACHE INTERNAL "")
+ set(header_location "" CACHE INTERNAL "")
+ set(pxd_location "" CACHE INTERNAL "")
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