diff options
authorAndrew Reynolds <>2020-02-04 09:31:22 -0600
committerGitHub <>2020-02-04 09:31:22 -0600
commitd0f7a3922e38483908d4b86829241a48d8d8db57 (patch)
parentd90b26309b0f3a4ca9d57349f6cedf7b8bbbe6a8 (diff)
Split base solver from the theory of strings (#3680)
5 files changed, 678 insertions, 429 deletions
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 560f79976..26cc5bbcc 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -664,6 +664,8 @@ libcvc4_add_sources(
+ theory/strings/base_solver.cpp
+ theory/strings/base_solver.h
diff --git a/src/theory/strings/base_solver.cpp b/src/theory/strings/base_solver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f5bc8e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theory/strings/base_solver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+/********************* */
+/*! \file base_solver.cpp
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Andrew Reynolds
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Base solver for the theory of strings. This class implements term
+ ** indexing and constant inference for the theory of strings.
+ **/
+#include "theory/strings/base_solver.h"
+#include "options/strings_options.h"
+#include "theory/strings/theory_strings_rewriter.h"
+#include "theory/strings/theory_strings_utils.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace CVC4::context;
+using namespace CVC4::kind;
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace theory {
+namespace strings {
+BaseSolver::BaseSolver(context::Context* c,
+ context::UserContext* u,
+ SolverState& s,
+ InferenceManager& im)
+ : d_state(s), d_im(im), d_congruent(c)
+ d_emptyString = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(::CVC4::String(""));
+ d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false);
+BaseSolver::~BaseSolver() {}
+void BaseSolver::checkInit()
+ // build term index
+ d_eqcToConst.clear();
+ d_eqcToConstBase.clear();
+ d_eqcToConstExp.clear();
+ d_termIndex.clear();
+ d_stringsEqc.clear();
+ std::map<Kind, uint32_t> ncongruent;
+ std::map<Kind, uint32_t> congruent;
+ eq::EqualityEngine* ee = d_state.getEqualityEngine();
+ Assert(d_state.getRepresentative(d_emptyString) == d_emptyString);
+ eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator(ee);
+ while (!eqcs_i.isFinished())
+ {
+ Node eqc = (*eqcs_i);
+ TypeNode tn = eqc.getType();
+ if (!tn.isRegExp())
+ {
+ if (tn.isString())
+ {
+ d_stringsEqc.push_back(eqc);
+ }
+ Node var;
+ eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(eqc, ee);
+ while (!eqc_i.isFinished())
+ {
+ Node n = *eqc_i;
+ if (n.isConst())
+ {
+ d_eqcToConst[eqc] = n;
+ d_eqcToConstBase[eqc] = n;
+ d_eqcToConstExp[eqc] = Node::null();
+ }
+ else if (tn.isInteger())
+ {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ else if (n.getNumChildren() > 0)
+ {
+ Kind k = n.getKind();
+ if (k != EQUAL)
+ {
+ if (d_congruent.find(n) == d_congruent.end())
+ {
+ std::vector<Node> c;
+ Node nc = d_termIndex[k].add(n, 0, d_state, d_emptyString, c);
+ if (nc != n)
+ {
+ // check if we have inferred a new equality by removal of empty
+ // components
+ if (n.getKind() == STRING_CONCAT && !d_state.areEqual(nc, n))
+ {
+ std::vector<Node> exp;
+ size_t count[2] = {0, 0};
+ while (count[0] < nc.getNumChildren()
+ || count[1] < n.getNumChildren())
+ {
+ // explain empty prefixes
+ for (unsigned t = 0; t < 2; t++)
+ {
+ Node nn = t == 0 ? nc : n;
+ while (
+ count[t] < nn.getNumChildren()
+ && (nn[count[t]] == d_emptyString
+ || d_state.areEqual(nn[count[t]], d_emptyString)))
+ {
+ if (nn[count[t]] != d_emptyString)
+ {
+ exp.push_back(nn[count[t]].eqNode(d_emptyString));
+ }
+ count[t]++;
+ }
+ }
+ // explain equal components
+ if (count[0] < nc.getNumChildren())
+ {
+ Assert(count[1] < n.getNumChildren());
+ if (nc[count[0]] != n[count[1]])
+ {
+ exp.push_back(nc[count[0]].eqNode(n[count[1]]));
+ }
+ count[0]++;
+ count[1]++;
+ }
+ }
+ // infer the equality
+ d_im.sendInference(exp, n.eqNode(nc), "I_Norm");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // mark as congruent : only process if neither has been
+ // reduced
+ d_im.markCongruent(nc, n);
+ }
+ // this node is congruent to another one, we can ignore it
+ Trace("strings-process-debug")
+ << " congruent term : " << n << " (via " << nc << ")"
+ << std::endl;
+ d_congruent.insert(n);
+ congruent[k]++;
+ }
+ else if (k == STRING_CONCAT && c.size() == 1)
+ {
+ Trace("strings-process-debug")
+ << " congruent term by singular : " << n << " " << c[0]
+ << std::endl;
+ // singular case
+ if (!d_state.areEqual(c[0], n))
+ {
+ Node ns;
+ std::vector<Node> exp;
+ // explain empty components
+ bool foundNEmpty = false;
+ for (const Node& nc : n)
+ {
+ if (d_state.areEqual(nc, d_emptyString))
+ {
+ if (nc != d_emptyString)
+ {
+ exp.push_back(nc.eqNode(d_emptyString));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(!foundNEmpty);
+ ns = nc;
+ foundNEmpty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ AlwaysAssert(foundNEmpty);
+ // infer the equality
+ d_im.sendInference(exp, n.eqNode(ns), "I_Norm_S");
+ }
+ d_congruent.insert(n);
+ congruent[k]++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ncongruent[k]++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ congruent[k]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (d_congruent.find(n) == d_congruent.end())
+ {
+ // We mark all but the oldest variable in the equivalence class as
+ // congruent.
+ if (var.isNull())
+ {
+ var = n;
+ }
+ else if (var > n)
+ {
+ Trace("strings-process-debug")
+ << " congruent variable : " << var << std::endl;
+ d_congruent.insert(var);
+ var = n;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("strings-process-debug")
+ << " congruent variable : " << n << std::endl;
+ d_congruent.insert(n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++eqc_i;
+ }
+ }
+ ++eqcs_i;
+ }
+ if (Trace.isOn("strings-process"))
+ {
+ for (std::map<Kind, TermIndex>::iterator it = d_termIndex.begin();
+ it != d_termIndex.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ Trace("strings-process")
+ << " Terms[" << it->first << "] = " << ncongruent[it->first] << "/"
+ << (congruent[it->first] + ncongruent[it->first]) << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+void BaseSolver::checkConstantEquivalenceClasses()
+ // do fixed point
+ size_t prevSize = 0;
+ std::vector<Node> vecc;
+ do
+ {
+ vecc.clear();
+ Trace("strings-process-debug")
+ << "Check constant equivalence classes..." << std::endl;
+ prevSize = d_eqcToConst.size();
+ checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(&d_termIndex[STRING_CONCAT], vecc);
+ } while (!d_im.hasProcessed() && d_eqcToConst.size() > prevSize);
+void BaseSolver::checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(TermIndex* ti,
+ std::vector<Node>& vecc)
+ Node n = ti->d_data;
+ if (!n.isNull())
+ {
+ // construct the constant
+ Node c = utils::mkNConcat(vecc);
+ if (!d_state.areEqual(n, c))
+ {
+ if (Trace.isOn("strings-debug"))
+ {
+ Trace("strings-debug")
+ << "Constant eqc : " << c << " for " << n << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-debug") << " ";
+ for (const Node& v : vecc)
+ {
+ Trace("strings-debug") << v << " ";
+ }
+ Trace("strings-debug") << std::endl;
+ }
+ size_t count = 0;
+ size_t countc = 0;
+ std::vector<Node> exp;
+ while (count < n.getNumChildren())
+ {
+ while (count < n.getNumChildren()
+ && d_state.areEqual(n[count], d_emptyString))
+ {
+ d_im.addToExplanation(n[count], d_emptyString, exp);
+ count++;
+ }
+ if (count < n.getNumChildren())
+ {
+ Trace("strings-debug")
+ << "...explain " << n[count] << " " << vecc[countc] << std::endl;
+ if (!d_state.areEqual(n[count], vecc[countc]))
+ {
+ Node nrr = d_state.getRepresentative(n[count]);
+ Assert(!d_eqcToConstExp[nrr].isNull());
+ d_im.addToExplanation(n[count], d_eqcToConstBase[nrr], exp);
+ exp.push_back(d_eqcToConstExp[nrr]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d_im.addToExplanation(n[count], vecc[countc], exp);
+ }
+ countc++;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // exp contains an explanation of n==c
+ Assert(countc == vecc.size());
+ if (d_state.hasTerm(c))
+ {
+ d_im.sendInference(exp, n.eqNode(c), "I_CONST_MERGE");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (!d_im.hasProcessed())
+ {
+ Node nr = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
+ std::map<Node, Node>::iterator it = d_eqcToConst.find(nr);
+ if (it == d_eqcToConst.end())
+ {
+ Trace("strings-debug")
+ << "Set eqc const " << n << " to " << c << std::endl;
+ d_eqcToConst[nr] = c;
+ d_eqcToConstBase[nr] = n;
+ d_eqcToConstExp[nr] = utils::mkAnd(exp);
+ }
+ else if (c != it->second)
+ {
+ // conflict
+ Trace("strings-debug")
+ << "Conflict, other constant was " << it->second
+ << ", this constant was " << c << std::endl;
+ if (d_eqcToConstExp[nr].isNull())
+ {
+ // n==c ^ n == c' => false
+ d_im.addToExplanation(n, it->second, exp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // n==c ^ n == d_eqcToConstBase[nr] == c' => false
+ exp.push_back(d_eqcToConstExp[nr]);
+ d_im.addToExplanation(n, d_eqcToConstBase[nr], exp);
+ }
+ d_im.sendInference(exp, d_false, "I_CONST_CONFLICT");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("strings-debug") << "Duplicate constant." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (std::pair<const TNode, TermIndex>& p : ti->d_children)
+ {
+ std::map<Node, Node>::iterator itc = d_eqcToConst.find(p.first);
+ if (itc != d_eqcToConst.end())
+ {
+ vecc.push_back(itc->second);
+ checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(&p.second, vecc);
+ vecc.pop_back();
+ if (d_im.hasProcessed())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool BaseSolver::isCongruent(Node n)
+ return d_congruent.find(n) != d_congruent.end();
+Node BaseSolver::getConstantEqc(Node eqc)
+ std::map<Node, Node>::iterator it = d_eqcToConst.find(eqc);
+ if (it != d_eqcToConst.end())
+ {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ return Node::null();
+Node BaseSolver::explainConstantEqc(Node n, Node eqc, std::vector<Node>& exp)
+ std::map<Node, Node>::iterator it = d_eqcToConst.find(eqc);
+ if (it != d_eqcToConst.end())
+ {
+ if (!d_eqcToConstExp[eqc].isNull())
+ {
+ exp.push_back(d_eqcToConstExp[eqc]);
+ }
+ if (!d_eqcToConstBase[eqc].isNull())
+ {
+ d_im.addToExplanation(n, d_eqcToConstBase[eqc], exp);
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ return Node::null();
+const std::vector<Node>& BaseSolver::getStringEqc() const
+ return d_stringsEqc;
+Node BaseSolver::TermIndex::add(TNode n,
+ unsigned index,
+ const SolverState& s,
+ Node er,
+ std::vector<Node>& c)
+ if (index == n.getNumChildren())
+ {
+ if (d_data.isNull())
+ {
+ d_data = n;
+ }
+ return d_data;
+ }
+ Assert(index < n.getNumChildren());
+ TNode nir = s.getRepresentative(n[index]);
+ // if it is empty, and doing CONCAT, ignore
+ if (nir == er && n.getKind() == STRING_CONCAT)
+ {
+ return add(n, index + 1, s, er, c);
+ }
+ c.push_back(nir);
+ return d_children[nir].add(n, index + 1, s, er, c);
+} // namespace strings
+} // namespace theory
+} // namespace CVC4
diff --git a/src/theory/strings/base_solver.h b/src/theory/strings/base_solver.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c87a3af9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theory/strings/base_solver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+/********************* */
+/*! \file base_solver.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Andrew Reynolds
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Base solver for term indexing and constant inference for the
+ ** theory of strings.
+ **/
+#include "cvc4_private.h"
+#include "context/cdhashset.h"
+#include "context/cdlist.h"
+#include "theory/strings/infer_info.h"
+#include "theory/strings/inference_manager.h"
+#include "theory/strings/normal_form.h"
+#include "theory/strings/skolem_cache.h"
+#include "theory/strings/solver_state.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace theory {
+namespace strings {
+/** The base solver for the theory of strings
+ *
+ * This implements techniques for inferring when terms are congruent in the
+ * current context, and techniques for inferring when equivalence classes
+ * are equivalent to constants.
+ */
+class BaseSolver
+ using NodeSet = context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction>;
+ public:
+ BaseSolver(context::Context* c,
+ context::UserContext* u,
+ SolverState& s,
+ InferenceManager& im);
+ ~BaseSolver();
+ //-----------------------inference steps
+ /** check initial
+ *
+ * This function initializes term indices for each strings function symbol.
+ * One key aspect of this construction is that concat terms are indexed by
+ * their list of non-empty components. For example, if x = "" is an equality
+ * asserted in this SAT context, then y ++ x ++ z may be indexed by (y,z).
+ * This method may infer various facts while building these term indices, for
+ * instance, based on congruence. An example would be inferring:
+ * y ++ x ++ z = y ++ z
+ * if both terms are registered in this SAT context.
+ *
+ * This function should be called as a first step of any strategy.
+ */
+ void checkInit();
+ /** check constant equivalence classes
+ *
+ * This function infers whether CONCAT terms can be simplified to constants.
+ * For example, if x = "a" and y = "b" are equalities in the current SAT
+ * context, then we may infer x ++ "c" ++ y is equivalent to "acb". In this
+ * case, we infer the fact x ++ "c" ++ y = "acb".
+ */
+ void checkConstantEquivalenceClasses();
+ //-----------------------end inference steps
+ //-----------------------query functions
+ /**
+ * Is n congruent to another term in the current context that has not been
+ * marked congruent? If so, we can ignore n.
+ *
+ * Note this and the functions in this block below are valid during a full
+ * effort check after a call to checkInit.
+ */
+ bool isCongruent(Node n);
+ /**
+ * Get the constant that the equivalence class eqc is entailed to be equal
+ * to, or null if none exist.
+ */
+ Node getConstantEqc(Node eqc);
+ /**
+ * Same as above, where the explanation for n = c is added to exp if c is
+ * the (non-null) return value of this function, where n is a term in the
+ * equivalence class of eqc.
+ */
+ Node explainConstantEqc(Node n, Node eqc, std::vector<Node>& exp);
+ /**
+ * Get the set of equivalence classes of type string.
+ */
+ const std::vector<Node>& getStringEqc() const;
+ //-----------------------end query functions
+ private:
+ /**
+ * A term index that considers terms modulo flattening and constant merging
+ * for concatenation terms.
+ */
+ class TermIndex
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Add n to this trie
+ *
+ * A term is indexed by flattening arguments of concatenation terms,
+ * and replacing them by (non-empty) constants when possible, for example
+ * if n is (str.++ x y z) and x = "abc" and y = "" are asserted, then n is
+ * indexed by ("abc", z).
+ *
+ * index: the child of n we are currently processing,
+ * s : reference to solver state,
+ * er : the representative of the empty equivalence class.
+ *
+ * We store the vector of terms that n was indexed by in the vector c.
+ */
+ Node add(TNode n,
+ unsigned index,
+ const SolverState& s,
+ Node er,
+ std::vector<Node>& c);
+ /** Clear this trie */
+ void clear() { d_children.clear(); }
+ /** The data at this node of the trie */
+ Node d_data;
+ /** The children of this node of the trie */
+ std::map<TNode, TermIndex> d_children;
+ };
+ /**
+ * This method is called as we are traversing the term index ti, where vecc
+ * accumulates the list of constants in the path to ti. If ti has a non-null
+ * data n, then we have inferred that d_data is equivalent to the
+ * constant specified by vecc.
+ */
+ void checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(TermIndex* ti, std::vector<Node>& vecc);
+ /** The solver state object */
+ SolverState& d_state;
+ /** The (custom) output channel of the theory of strings */
+ InferenceManager& d_im;
+ /** Commonly used constants */
+ Node d_emptyString;
+ Node d_false;
+ /**
+ * A congruence class is a set of terms f( t1 ), ..., f( tn ) where
+ * t1 = ... = tn. Congruence classes are important since all but
+ * one of the above terms (the representative of the congruence class)
+ * can be ignored by the solver.
+ *
+ * This set contains a set of nodes that are not representatives of their
+ * congruence class. This set is used to skip reasoning about terms in
+ * various inference schemas implemnted by this class.
+ */
+ NodeSet d_congruent;
+ /**
+ * The following three vectors are used for tracking constants that each
+ * equivalence class is entailed to be equal to.
+ * - The map d_eqcToConst maps (representatives) r of equivalence classes to
+ * the constant that that equivalence class is entailed to be equal to,
+ * - The term d_eqcToConstBase[r] is the term in the equivalence class r
+ * that is entailed to be equal to the constant d_eqcToConst[r],
+ * - The term d_eqcToConstExp[r] is the explanation of why
+ * d_eqcToConstBase[r] is equal to d_eqcToConst[r].
+ *
+ * For example, consider the equivalence class { r, x++"a"++y, x++z }, and
+ * assume x = "" and y = "bb" in the current context. We have that
+ * d_eqcToConst[r] = "abb",
+ * d_eqcToConstBase[r] = x++"a"++y
+ * d_eqcToConstExp[r] = ( x = "" AND y = "bb" )
+ *
+ * This information is computed during checkInit and is used during various
+ * inference schemas for deriving inferences.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_eqcToConst;
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_eqcToConstBase;
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_eqcToConstExp;
+ /** The list of equivalence classes of type string */
+ std::vector<Node> d_stringsEqc;
+ /** A term index for each function kind */
+ std::map<Kind, TermIndex> d_termIndex;
+}; /* class BaseSolver */
+} // namespace strings
+} // namespace theory
+} // namespace CVC4
diff --git a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.cpp b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.cpp
index c3a67aec9..7ebc5f35f 100644
--- a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.cpp
+++ b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.cpp
@@ -62,30 +62,6 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, InferStep s)
return out;
-Node TheoryStrings::TermIndex::add(TNode n,
- unsigned index,
- const SolverState& s,
- Node er,
- std::vector<Node>& c)
- if( index==n.getNumChildren() ){
- if( d_data.isNull() ){
- d_data = n;
- }
- return d_data;
- }else{
- Assert(index < n.getNumChildren());
- TNode nir = s.getRepresentative(n[index]);
- //if it is empty, and doing CONCAT, ignore
- if( nir==er && n.getKind()==kind::STRING_CONCAT ){
- return add(n, index + 1, s, er, c);
- }else{
- c.push_back( nir );
- return d_children[nir].add(n, index + 1, s, er, c);
- }
- }
TheoryStrings::TheoryStrings(context::Context* c,
context::UserContext* u,
OutputChannel& out,
@@ -101,12 +77,12 @@ TheoryStrings::TheoryStrings(context::Context* c,
d_preproc(&d_sk_cache, u),
- d_congruent(c),
d_has_extf(c, false),
+ d_bsolver(c, u, d_state, d_im),
d_regexp_solver(*this, d_state, d_im, c, u),
@@ -297,22 +273,10 @@ Node TheoryStrings::getCurrentSubstitutionFor(int effort,
return mv;
Node nr = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
- std::map<Node, Node>::iterator itc = d_eqc_to_const.find(nr);
- if (itc != d_eqc_to_const.end())
+ Node c = d_bsolver.explainConstantEqc(n, nr, exp);
+ if (!c.isNull())
- // constant equivalence classes
- Trace("strings-subs") << " constant eqc : " << d_eqc_to_const_exp[nr]
- << " " << d_eqc_to_const_base[nr] << " " << nr
- << std::endl;
- if (!d_eqc_to_const_exp[nr].isNull())
- {
- exp.push_back(d_eqc_to_const_exp[nr]);
- }
- if (!d_eqc_to_const_base[nr].isNull())
- {
- d_im.addToExplanation(n, d_eqc_to_const_base[nr], exp);
- }
- return itc->second;
+ return c;
else if (effort >= 1 && n.getType().isString())
@@ -1244,266 +1208,6 @@ void TheoryStrings::assertPendingFact(Node atom, bool polarity, Node exp) {
Trace("strings-pending-debug") << " Finished collect terms" << std::endl;
-void TheoryStrings::checkInit() {
- //build term index
- d_eqc_to_const.clear();
- d_eqc_to_const_base.clear();
- d_eqc_to_const_exp.clear();
- d_eqc_to_len_term.clear();
- d_term_index.clear();
- d_strings_eqc.clear();
- std::map< Kind, unsigned > ncongruent;
- std::map< Kind, unsigned > congruent;
- d_emptyString_r = d_state.getRepresentative(d_emptyString);
- eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( &d_equalityEngine );
- while( !eqcs_i.isFinished() ){
- Node eqc = (*eqcs_i);
- TypeNode tn = eqc.getType();
- if( !tn.isRegExp() ){
- if( tn.isString() ){
- d_strings_eqc.push_back( eqc );
- }
- Node var;
- eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( eqc, &d_equalityEngine );
- while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ) {
- Node n = *eqc_i;
- if( n.isConst() ){
- d_eqc_to_const[eqc] = n;
- d_eqc_to_const_base[eqc] = n;
- d_eqc_to_const_exp[eqc] = Node::null();
- }else if( tn.isInteger() ){
- if( n.getKind()==kind::STRING_LENGTH ){
- Node nr = d_state.getRepresentative(n[0]);
- d_eqc_to_len_term[nr] = n[0];
- }
- }else if( n.getNumChildren()>0 ){
- Kind k = n.getKind();
- if( k!=kind::EQUAL ){
- if( d_congruent.find( n )==d_congruent.end() ){
- std::vector< Node > c;
- Node nc = d_term_index[k].add(n, 0, d_state, d_emptyString_r, c);
- if( nc!=n ){
- //check if we have inferred a new equality by removal of empty components
- if (n.getKind() == kind::STRING_CONCAT
- && !d_state.areEqual(nc, n))
- {
- std::vector< Node > exp;
- unsigned count[2] = { 0, 0 };
- while( count[0]<nc.getNumChildren() || count[1]<n.getNumChildren() ){
- //explain empty prefixes
- for( unsigned t=0; t<2; t++ ){
- Node nn = t==0 ? nc : n;
- while (
- count[t] < nn.getNumChildren()
- && (nn[count[t]] == d_emptyString
- || d_state.areEqual(nn[count[t]], d_emptyString)))
- {
- if( nn[count[t]]!=d_emptyString ){
- exp.push_back( nn[count[t]].eqNode( d_emptyString ) );
- }
- count[t]++;
- }
- }
- //explain equal components
- if( count[0]<nc.getNumChildren() ){
- Assert(count[1] < n.getNumChildren());
- if( nc[count[0]]!=n[count[1]] ){
- exp.push_back( nc[count[0]].eqNode( n[count[1]] ) );
- }
- count[0]++;
- count[1]++;
- }
- }
- //infer the equality
- d_im.sendInference(exp, n.eqNode(nc), "I_Norm");
- }
- else if (getExtTheory()->hasFunctionKind(n.getKind()))
- {
- //mark as congruent : only process if neither has been reduced
- getExtTheory()->markCongruent( nc, n );
- }
- //this node is congruent to another one, we can ignore it
- Trace("strings-process-debug")
- << " congruent term : " << n << " (via " << nc << ")"
- << std::endl;
- d_congruent.insert( n );
- congruent[k]++;
- }else if( k==kind::STRING_CONCAT && c.size()==1 ){
- Trace("strings-process-debug") << " congruent term by singular : " << n << " " << c[0] << std::endl;
- //singular case
- if (!d_state.areEqual(c[0], n))
- {
- Node ns;
- std::vector< Node > exp;
- //explain empty components
- bool foundNEmpty = false;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- if (d_state.areEqual(n[i], d_emptyString))
- {
- if( n[i]!=d_emptyString ){
- exp.push_back( n[i].eqNode( d_emptyString ) );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Assert(!foundNEmpty);
- ns = n[i];
- foundNEmpty = true;
- }
- }
- AlwaysAssert(foundNEmpty);
- //infer the equality
- d_im.sendInference(exp, n.eqNode(ns), "I_Norm_S");
- }
- d_congruent.insert( n );
- congruent[k]++;
- }else{
- ncongruent[k]++;
- }
- }else{
- congruent[k]++;
- }
- }
- }else{
- if( d_congruent.find( n )==d_congruent.end() ){
- // We mark all but the oldest variable in the equivalence class as
- // congruent.
- if (var.isNull())
- {
- var = n;
- }
- else if (var > n)
- {
- Trace("strings-process-debug")
- << " congruent variable : " << var << std::endl;
- d_congruent.insert(var);
- var = n;
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("strings-process-debug")
- << " congruent variable : " << n << std::endl;
- d_congruent.insert(n);
- }
- }
- }
- ++eqc_i;
- }
- }
- ++eqcs_i;
- }
- if( Trace.isOn("strings-process") ){
- for( std::map< Kind, TermIndex >::iterator it = d_term_index.begin(); it != d_term_index.end(); ++it ){
- Trace("strings-process") << " Terms[" << it->first << "] = " << ncongruent[it->first] << "/" << (congruent[it->first]+ncongruent[it->first]) << std::endl;
- }
- }
-void TheoryStrings::checkConstantEquivalenceClasses()
- // do fixed point
- unsigned prevSize;
- std::vector<Node> vecc;
- do
- {
- vecc.clear();
- Trace("strings-process-debug") << "Check constant equivalence classes..."
- << std::endl;
- prevSize = d_eqc_to_const.size();
- checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(&d_term_index[kind::STRING_CONCAT], vecc);
- } while (!d_im.hasProcessed() && d_eqc_to_const.size() > prevSize);
-void TheoryStrings::checkConstantEquivalenceClasses( TermIndex* ti, std::vector< Node >& vecc ) {
- Node n = ti->d_data;
- if( !n.isNull() ){
- //construct the constant
- Node c = utils::mkNConcat(vecc);
- if (!d_state.areEqual(n, c))
- {
- Trace("strings-debug") << "Constant eqc : " << c << " for " << n << std::endl;
- Trace("strings-debug") << " ";
- for( unsigned i=0; i<vecc.size(); i++ ){
- Trace("strings-debug") << vecc[i] << " ";
- }
- Trace("strings-debug") << std::endl;
- unsigned count = 0;
- unsigned countc = 0;
- std::vector< Node > exp;
- while( count<n.getNumChildren() ){
- while (count < n.getNumChildren()
- && d_state.areEqual(n[count], d_emptyString))
- {
- d_im.addToExplanation(n[count], d_emptyString, exp);
- count++;
- }
- if( count<n.getNumChildren() ){
- Trace("strings-debug") << "...explain " << n[count] << " " << vecc[countc] << std::endl;
- if (!d_state.areEqual(n[count], vecc[countc]))
- {
- Node nrr = d_state.getRepresentative(n[count]);
- Assert(!d_eqc_to_const_exp[nrr].isNull());
- d_im.addToExplanation(n[count], d_eqc_to_const_base[nrr], exp);
- exp.push_back( d_eqc_to_const_exp[nrr] );
- }
- else
- {
- d_im.addToExplanation(n[count], vecc[countc], exp);
- }
- countc++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- //exp contains an explanation of n==c
- Assert(countc == vecc.size());
- if (d_state.hasTerm(c))
- {
- d_im.sendInference(exp, n.eqNode(c), "I_CONST_MERGE");
- return;
- }
- else if (!d_im.hasProcessed())
- {
- Node nr = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
- std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = d_eqc_to_const.find( nr );
- if( it==d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
- Trace("strings-debug") << "Set eqc const " << n << " to " << c << std::endl;
- d_eqc_to_const[nr] = c;
- d_eqc_to_const_base[nr] = n;
- d_eqc_to_const_exp[nr] = utils::mkAnd(exp);
- }else if( c!=it->second ){
- //conflict
- Trace("strings-debug") << "Conflict, other constant was " << it->second << ", this constant was " << c << std::endl;
- if( d_eqc_to_const_exp[nr].isNull() ){
- // n==c ^ n == c' => false
- d_im.addToExplanation(n, it->second, exp);
- }else{
- // n==c ^ n == d_eqc_to_const_base[nr] == c' => false
- exp.push_back( d_eqc_to_const_exp[nr] );
- d_im.addToExplanation(n, d_eqc_to_const_base[nr], exp);
- }
- d_im.sendInference(exp, d_false, "I_CONST_CONFLICT");
- return;
- }else{
- Trace("strings-debug") << "Duplicate constant." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for( std::map< TNode, TermIndex >::iterator it = ti->d_children.begin(); it != ti->d_children.end(); ++it ){
- std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itc = d_eqc_to_const.find( it->first );
- if( itc!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
- vecc.push_back( itc->second );
- checkConstantEquivalenceClasses( &it->second, vecc );
- vecc.pop_back();
- if (d_im.hasProcessed())
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
void TheoryStrings::checkExtfEval( int effort ) {
Trace("strings-extf-list") << "Active extended functions, effort=" << effort << " : " << std::endl;
@@ -1515,11 +1219,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkExtfEval( int effort ) {
// Setup information about n, including if it is equal to a constant.
ExtfInfoTmp& einfo = d_extf_info_tmp[n];
Node r = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
- std::map<Node, Node>::iterator itcit = d_eqc_to_const.find(r);
- if (itcit != d_eqc_to_const.end())
- {
- einfo.d_const = itcit->second;
- }
+ einfo.d_const = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(r);
// Get the current values of the children of n.
// Notice that we look up the value of the direct children of n, and not
// their free variables. In other words, given a term:
@@ -1718,16 +1418,8 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkExtfInference( Node n, Node nr, ExtfInfoTmp& in, int ef
// otherwise, must explain via base node
Node r = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
- // we have that:
- // d_eqc_to_const_exp[r] => d_eqc_to_const_base[r] = in.d_const
- // thus:
- // n = d_eqc_to_const_base[r] ^ d_eqc_to_const_exp[r] => n = in.d_const
- Assert(d_eqc_to_const_base.find(r) != d_eqc_to_const_base.end());
- d_im.addToExplanation(n, d_eqc_to_const_base[r], in.d_exp);
- Assert(d_eqc_to_const_exp.find(r) != d_eqc_to_const_exp.end());
- in.d_exp.insert(in.d_exp.end(),
- d_eqc_to_const_exp[r].begin(),
- d_eqc_to_const_exp[r].end());
+ // explain using the base solver
+ d_bsolver.explainConstantEqc(n, r, in.d_exp);
// d_extf_infer_cache stores whether we have made the inferences associated
@@ -1932,15 +1624,6 @@ Node TheoryStrings::getSymbolicDefinition(Node n, std::vector<Node>& exp) const
-Node TheoryStrings::getConstantEqc( Node eqc ) {
- std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = d_eqc_to_const.find( eqc );
- if( it!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
- return it->second;
- }else{
- return Node::null();
- }
void TheoryStrings::debugPrintFlatForms( const char * tc ){
for( unsigned k=0; k<d_strings_eqc.size(); k++ ){
Node eqc = d_strings_eqc[k];
@@ -1949,9 +1632,10 @@ void TheoryStrings::debugPrintFlatForms( const char * tc ){
Trace( tc ) << "eqc [" << eqc << "]";
- std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itc = d_eqc_to_const.find( eqc );
- if( itc!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
- Trace( tc ) << " C: " << itc->second;
+ Node c = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(eqc);
+ if (!c.isNull())
+ {
+ Trace(tc) << " C: " << c;
if( d_eqc[eqc].size()>1 ){
Trace( tc ) << std::endl;
@@ -1962,11 +1646,14 @@ void TheoryStrings::debugPrintFlatForms( const char * tc ){
Trace( tc ) << " ";
for( unsigned j=0; j<d_flat_form[n].size(); j++ ){
Node fc = d_flat_form[n][j];
- itc = d_eqc_to_const.find( fc );
+ Node fcc = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(fc);
Trace( tc ) << " ";
- if( itc!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
- Trace( tc ) << itc->second;
- }else{
+ if (!fcc.isNull())
+ {
+ Trace(tc) << fcc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
Trace( tc ) << fc;
@@ -2009,17 +1696,18 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkCycles()
- //rebuild strings eqc based on acyclic ordering
- std::vector< Node > eqc;
- eqc.insert( eqc.end(), d_strings_eqc.begin(), d_strings_eqc.end() );
+ // Rebuild strings eqc based on acyclic ordering, first copy the equivalence
+ // classes from the base solver.
+ std::vector<Node> eqc = d_bsolver.getStringEqc();
if( options::stringBinaryCsp() ){
//sort: process smallest constants first (necessary if doing binary splits)
sortConstLength scl;
for( unsigned i=0; i<eqc.size(); i++ ){
- std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itc = d_eqc_to_const.find( eqc[i] );
- if( itc!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
- scl.d_const_length[eqc[i]] = itc->second.getConst<String>().size();
+ Node ci = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(eqc[i]);
+ if (!ci.isNull())
+ {
+ scl.d_const_length[eqc[i]] = ci.getConst<String>().size();
std::sort( eqc.begin(), eqc.end(), scl );
@@ -2049,7 +1737,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkFlatForms()
//(1) approximate equality by containment, infer conflicts
for (const Node& eqc : d_strings_eqc)
- Node c = getConstantEqc(eqc);
+ Node c = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(eqc);
if (!c.isNull())
// if equivalence class is constant, all component constants in flat forms
@@ -2071,13 +1759,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkFlatForms()
// conflict, explanation is n = base ^ base = c ^ relevant portion
// of ( n = f[n] )
std::vector<Node> exp;
- Assert(d_eqc_to_const_base.find(eqc) != d_eqc_to_const_base.end());
- d_im.addToExplanation(n, d_eqc_to_const_base[eqc], exp);
- Assert(d_eqc_to_const_exp.find(eqc) != d_eqc_to_const_exp.end());
- if (!d_eqc_to_const_exp[eqc].isNull())
- {
- exp.push_back(d_eqc_to_const_exp[eqc]);
- }
+ d_bsolver.explainConstantEqc(n, eqc, exp);
for (int e = firstc; e <= lastc; e++)
if (d_flat_form[n][e].isConst())
@@ -2216,7 +1898,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkFlatForm(std::vector<Node>& eqc,
Node curr = d_flat_form[a][count];
- Node curr_c = getConstantEqc(curr);
+ Node curr_c = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(curr);
Node ac = a[d_flat_form_index[a][count]];
std::vector<Node> lexp;
Node lcurr = d_state.getLength(ac, lexp);
@@ -2254,7 +1936,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkFlatForm(std::vector<Node>& eqc,
Node bc = b[d_flat_form_index[b][count]];
Assert(!d_state.areEqual(curr, cc));
- Node cc_c = getConstantEqc(cc);
+ Node cc_c = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(cc);
if (!curr_c.isNull() && !cc_c.isNull())
// check for constant conflict
@@ -2263,10 +1945,8 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkFlatForm(std::vector<Node>& eqc,
cc_c, curr_c, index, isRev);
if (s.isNull())
- d_im.addToExplanation(ac, d_eqc_to_const_base[curr], exp);
- d_im.addToExplanation(d_eqc_to_const_exp[curr], exp);
- d_im.addToExplanation(bc, d_eqc_to_const_base[cc], exp);
- d_im.addToExplanation(d_eqc_to_const_exp[cc], exp);
+ d_bsolver.explainConstantEqc(ac, curr, exp);
+ d_bsolver.explainConstantEqc(bc, cc, exp);
conc = d_false;
infType = FlatFormInfer::CONST;
@@ -2386,25 +2066,32 @@ Node TheoryStrings::checkCycles( Node eqc, std::vector< Node >& curr, std::vecto
eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( eqc, &d_equalityEngine );
while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ) {
Node n = (*eqc_i);
- if( d_congruent.find( n )==d_congruent.end() ){
+ if (!d_bsolver.isCongruent(n))
+ {
if( n.getKind() == kind::STRING_CONCAT ){
Trace("strings-cycle") << eqc << " check term : " << n << " in " << eqc << std::endl;
- if( eqc!=d_emptyString_r ){
+ if (eqc != d_emptyString)
+ {
d_eqc[eqc].push_back( n );
for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
Node nr = d_state.getRepresentative(n[i]);
- if( eqc==d_emptyString_r ){
+ if (eqc == d_emptyString)
+ {
//for empty eqc, ensure all components are empty
- if( nr!=d_emptyString_r ){
+ if (nr != d_emptyString)
+ {
std::vector< Node > exp;
exp.push_back( n.eqNode( d_emptyString ) );
exp, n[i].eqNode(d_emptyString), "I_CYCLE_E");
return Node::null();
- }else{
- if( nr!=d_emptyString_r ){
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (nr != d_emptyString)
+ {
d_flat_form[n].push_back( nr );
d_flat_form_index[n].push_back( i );
@@ -2460,7 +2147,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::checkRegisterTermsPreNormalForm()
while (!eqc_i.isFinished())
Node n = (*eqc_i);
- if (d_congruent.find(n) == d_congruent.end())
+ if (!d_bsolver.isCongruent(n))
registerTerm(n, 2);
@@ -2686,7 +2373,8 @@ void TheoryStrings::getNormalForms(Node eqc,
eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( eqc, &d_equalityEngine );
while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ){
Node n = (*eqc_i);
- if( d_congruent.find( n )==d_congruent.end() ){
+ if (!d_bsolver.isCongruent(n))
+ {
if (n.getKind() == CONST_STRING || n.getKind() == STRING_CONCAT)
Trace("strings-process-debug") << "Get Normal Form : Process term " << n << " in eqc " << eqc << std::endl;
@@ -2867,7 +2555,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::getNormalForms(Node eqc,
//if equivalence class is constant, approximate as containment, infer conflicts
- Node c = getConstantEqc( eqc );
+ Node c = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(eqc);
if( !c.isNull() ){
Trace("strings-solve") << "Eqc is constant " << c << std::endl;
for (unsigned i = 0, size = normal_forms.size(); i < size; i++)
@@ -2882,12 +2570,7 @@ void TheoryStrings::getNormalForms(Node eqc,
Trace("strings-solve") << "Normal form for " << n << " cannot be contained in constant " << c << std::endl;
//conflict, explanation is n = base ^ base = c ^ relevant porition of ( n = N[n] )
std::vector< Node > exp;
- Assert(d_eqc_to_const_base.find(eqc) != d_eqc_to_const_base.end());
- d_im.addToExplanation(n, d_eqc_to_const_base[eqc], exp);
- Assert(d_eqc_to_const_exp.find(eqc) != d_eqc_to_const_exp.end());
- if( !d_eqc_to_const_exp[eqc].isNull() ){
- exp.push_back( d_eqc_to_const_exp[eqc] );
- }
+ d_bsolver.explainConstantEqc(n, eqc, exp);
//TODO: this can be minimized based on firstc/lastc, normal_forms_exp_depend
exp.insert(exp.end(), nf.d_exp.begin(), nf.d_exp.end());
Node conc = d_false;
@@ -3850,7 +3533,7 @@ int TheoryStrings::processSimpleDeq( std::vector< Node >& nfi, std::vector< Node
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- Node c = getConstantEqc(i == 0 ? ni : nj);
+ Node c = d_bsolver.getConstantEqc(i == 0 ? ni : nj);
if (!c.isNull())
int findex, lindex;
@@ -4465,8 +4148,8 @@ void TheoryStrings::runInferStep(InferStep s, int effort)
Trace("strings-process") << "..." << std::endl;
switch (s)
- case CHECK_INIT: checkInit(); break;
- case CHECK_CONST_EQC: checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(); break;
+ case CHECK_INIT: d_bsolver.checkInit(); break;
+ case CHECK_CONST_EQC: d_bsolver.checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(); break;
case CHECK_EXTF_EVAL: checkExtfEval(effort); break;
case CHECK_CYCLES: checkCycles(); break;
case CHECK_FLAT_FORMS: checkFlatForms(); break;
diff --git a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.h b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.h
index ce92ada86..3b53fcded 100644
--- a/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.h
+++ b/src/theory/strings/theory_strings.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "expr/attribute.h"
#include "expr/node_trie.h"
#include "theory/decision_manager.h"
+#include "theory/strings/base_solver.h"
#include "theory/strings/infer_info.h"
#include "theory/strings/inference_manager.h"
#include "theory/strings/normal_form.h"
@@ -244,30 +245,6 @@ class TheoryStrings : public Theory {
NodeSet d_extf_infer_cache;
std::vector< Node > d_empty_vec;
- NodeSet d_congruent;
- /**
- * The following three vectors are used for tracking constants that each
- * equivalence class is entailed to be equal to.
- * - The map d_eqc_to_const maps (representatives) r of equivalence classes to
- * the constant that that equivalence class is entailed to be equal to,
- * - The term d_eqc_to_const_base[r] is the term in the equivalence class r
- * that is entailed to be equal to the constant d_eqc_to_const[r],
- * - The term d_eqc_to_const_exp[r] is the explanation of why
- * d_eqc_to_const_base[r] is equal to d_eqc_to_const[r].
- *
- * For example, consider the equivalence class { r, x++"a"++y, x++z }, and
- * assume x = "" and y = "bb" in the current context. We have that
- * d_eqc_to_const[r] = "abb",
- * d_eqc_to_const_base[r] = x++"a"++y
- * d_eqc_to_const_exp[r] = ( x = "" AND y = "bb" )
- *
- * This information is computed during checkInit and is used during various
- * inference schemas for deriving inferences.
- */
- std::map< Node, Node > d_eqc_to_const;
- std::map< Node, Node > d_eqc_to_const_base;
- std::map< Node, Node > d_eqc_to_const_exp;
- Node getConstantEqc( Node eqc );
* Get the current substitution for term n.
@@ -285,19 +262,6 @@ private:
std::map< Node, Node > d_eqc_to_len_term;
std::vector< Node > d_strings_eqc;
- Node d_emptyString_r;
- class TermIndex {
- public:
- Node d_data;
- std::map< TNode, TermIndex > d_children;
- Node add(TNode n,
- unsigned index,
- const SolverState& s,
- Node er,
- std::vector<Node>& c);
- void clear(){ d_children.clear(); }
- };
- std::map< Kind, TermIndex > d_term_index;
//list of non-congruent concat terms in each eqc
std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_eqc;
std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_flat_form;
@@ -360,7 +324,6 @@ private:
/** cache of all skolems */
SkolemCache d_sk_cache;
- void checkConstantEquivalenceClasses( TermIndex* ti, std::vector< Node >& vecc );
/** Get proxy variable
* If this method returns the proxy variable for (string) term n if one
@@ -619,6 +582,11 @@ private:
// Symbolic Regular Expression
+ /**
+ * The base solver, responsible for reasoning about congruent terms and
+ * inferring constants for equivalence classes.
+ */
+ BaseSolver d_bsolver;
/** regular expression solver module */
RegExpSolver d_regexp_solver;
/** regular expression elimination module */
@@ -688,28 +656,6 @@ private:
//-----------------------inference steps
- /** check initial
- *
- * This function initializes term indices for each strings function symbol.
- * One key aspect of this construction is that concat terms are indexed by
- * their list of non-empty components. For example, if x = "" is an equality
- * asserted in this SAT context, then y ++ x ++ z may be indexed by (y,z).
- * This method may infer various facts while building these term indices, for
- * instance, based on congruence. An example would be inferring:
- * y ++ x ++ z = y ++ z
- * if both terms are registered in this SAT context.
- *
- * This function should be called as a first step of any strategy.
- */
- void checkInit();
- /** check constant equivalence classes
- *
- * This function infers whether CONCAT terms can be simplified to constants.
- * For example, if x = "a" and y = "b" are equalities in the current SAT
- * context, then we may infer x ++ "c" ++ y is equivalent to "acb". In this
- * case, we infer the fact x ++ "c" ++ y = "acb".
- */
- void checkConstantEquivalenceClasses();
/** check extended functions evaluation
* This applies "context-dependent simplification" for all active extended
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