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authorAndrew Reynolds <>2018-03-27 16:54:05 -0500
committerGitHub <>2018-03-27 16:54:05 -0500
commit0baee856785df0f018fa2a007f62299c45fd8e5d (patch)
parentd8c56098916be16ba80c79933c2e6fc7850024b7 (diff)
Make sygus pbe use sygus unif utility (#1724)
4 files changed, 317 insertions, 2903 deletions
diff --git a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.cpp b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.cpp
index 347efac26..65b8ba133 100644
--- a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.cpp
+++ b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.cpp
@@ -149,20 +149,35 @@ bool CegConjecturePbe::initialize(Node n,
if( candidates.size()==1 ){// conditional solutions for multiple function conjectures TODO?
// collect a pool of types over which we will enumerate terms
Node c = candidates[0];
- //the candidate must be input/output examples
- if( d_examples_out_invalid.find( c )==d_examples_out_invalid.end() ){
+ // specification must have at least one example, and must be in PBE form
+ if (!d_examples[c].empty()
+ && d_examples_out_invalid.find(c) == d_examples_out_invalid.end())
+ {
Assert( d_examples.find( c )!=d_examples.end() );
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "It is input/output examples..." << std::endl;
- TypeNode ctn = c.getType();
- d_cinfo[c].initialize( c );
- // collect the enumerator types / form the strategy
- collectEnumeratorTypes(c, ctn, role_equal);
- // if we have non-trivial strategies, then use pbe
- if( d_cinfo[c].isNonTrivial() ){
- // static learning of redundant constructors
- staticLearnRedundantOps( c, lemmas );
- d_is_pbe = true;
+ Trace("sygus-pbe") << "Initialize unif utility for " << c << "..."
+ << std::endl;
+ d_sygus_unif[c].initialize(d_qe, c, d_candidate_to_enum[c], lemmas);
+ Assert(!d_candidate_to_enum[c].empty());
+ Trace("sygus-pbe") << "Initialize " << d_candidate_to_enum[c].size()
+ << " enumerators for " << c << "..." << std::endl;
+ // initialize the enumerators
+ for (unsigned i = 0, size = d_candidate_to_enum[c].size(); i < size;
+ i++)
+ {
+ Node e = d_candidate_to_enum[c][i];
+ d_tds->registerEnumerator(e, c, d_parent, true);
+ Node g = d_tds->getActiveGuardForEnumerator(e);
+ d_enum_to_active_guard[e] = g;
+ d_enum_to_candidate[e] = c;
+ Trace("sygus-pbe") << "Initialize " << d_examples[c].size()
+ << " example points for " << c << "..." << std::endl;
+ // initialize the examples
+ for (unsigned i = 0, nex = d_examples[c].size(); i < nex; i++)
+ {
+ d_sygus_unif[c].addExample(d_examples[c][i], d_examples_out[c][i]);
+ }
+ d_is_pbe = true;
@@ -292,715 +307,6 @@ Node CegConjecturePbe::evaluateBuiltin(TypeNode tn, Node bn, Node e,
return Rewriter::rewrite(bn);
-// ----------------------------- establishing enumeration types
-void CegConjecturePbe::registerEnumerator(
- Node et, Node c, TypeNode tn, EnumRole enum_role, bool inSearch)
- if (d_einfo.find(et) == d_einfo.end())
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << "...register " << et << " for "
- << ((DatatypeType)tn.toType()).getDatatype().getName();
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << ", role = " << enum_role
- << ", in search = " << inSearch << std::endl;
- d_einfo[et].initialize(c, enum_role);
- // if we are actually enumerating this (could be a compound node in the
- // strategy)
- if (inSearch)
- {
- std::map<TypeNode, Node>::iterator itn =
- d_cinfo[c].d_search_enum.find(tn);
- if (itn == d_cinfo[c].d_search_enum.end())
- {
- // use this for the search
- d_cinfo[c].d_search_enum[tn] = et;
- d_cinfo[c].d_esym_list.push_back(et);
- d_einfo[et].d_enum_slave.push_back(et);
- // register measured term with database
- d_qe->getTermDatabaseSygus()->registerEnumerator(et, c, d_parent, true);
- d_einfo[et].d_active_guard =
- d_qe->getTermDatabaseSygus()->getActiveGuardForEnumerator(et);
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << "Make " << et << " a slave of "
- << itn->second << std::endl;
- d_einfo[itn->second].d_enum_slave.push_back(et);
- }
- }
- }
-void CegConjecturePbe::collectEnumeratorTypes(Node e,
- TypeNode tn,
- NodeRole nrole)
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- if (d_cinfo[e].d_tinfo.find(tn) == d_cinfo[e].d_tinfo.end())
- {
- // register type
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "Register enumerating type : " << tn << std::endl;
- d_cinfo[e].initializeType( tn );
- }
- EnumTypeInfo& eti = d_cinfo[e].d_tinfo[tn];
- std::map<NodeRole, StrategyNode>::iterator itsn = eti.d_snodes.find(nrole);
- if (itsn != eti.d_snodes.end())
- {
- // already initialized
- return;
- }
- StrategyNode& snode = eti.d_snodes[nrole];
- // get the enumerator for this
- EnumRole erole = getEnumeratorRoleForNodeRole(nrole);
- Node ee;
- std::map<EnumRole, Node>::iterator iten = eti.d_enum.find(erole);
- if (iten == eti.d_enum.end())
- {
- ee = nm->mkSkolem("ee", tn);
- eti.d_enum[erole] = ee;
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << "...enumerator " << ee << " for "
- << ((DatatypeType)tn.toType()).getDatatype().getName()
- << ", role = " << erole << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- ee = iten->second;
- }
- // roles that we do not recurse on
- if (nrole == role_ite_condition)
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << "...this register (non-io)" << std::endl;
- registerEnumerator(ee, e, tn, erole, true);
- return;
- }
- // look at information on how we will construct solutions for this type
- Assert(tn.isDatatype());
- const Datatype& dt = static_cast<DatatypeType>(tn.toType()).getDatatype();
- Assert(dt.isSygus());
- std::map<Node, std::vector<StrategyType> > cop_to_strat;
- std::map<Node, unsigned> cop_to_cindex;
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, Node> > cop_to_child_templ;
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, Node> > cop_to_child_templ_arg;
- std::map<Node, std::vector<unsigned> > cop_to_carg_list;
- std::map<Node, std::vector<TypeNode> > cop_to_child_types;
- std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > cop_to_sks;
- // whether we will enumerate the current type
- bool search_this = false;
- for (unsigned j = 0, ncons = dt.getNumConstructors(); j < ncons; j++)
- {
- Node cop = Node::fromExpr(dt[j].getConstructor());
- Node op = Node::fromExpr(dt[j].getSygusOp());
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << "--- Infer strategy from " << cop
- << " with sygus op " << op << "..." << std::endl;
- // expand the evaluation to see if this constuctor induces a strategy
- std::vector<Node> utchildren;
- utchildren.push_back(cop);
- std::vector<Node> sks;
- std::vector<TypeNode> sktns;
- for (unsigned k = 0, nargs = dt[j].getNumArgs(); k < nargs; k++)
- {
- Type t = dt[j][k].getRangeType();
- TypeNode ttn = TypeNode::fromType(t);
- Node kv = nm->mkSkolem("ut", ttn);
- sks.push_back(kv);
- cop_to_sks[cop].push_back(kv);
- sktns.push_back(ttn);
- utchildren.push_back(kv);
- }
- Node ut = nm->mkNode(APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, utchildren);
- std::vector<Node> echildren;
- echildren.push_back(Node::fromExpr(dt.getSygusEvaluationFunc()));
- echildren.push_back(ut);
- Node sbvl = Node::fromExpr(dt.getSygusVarList());
- for (const Node& sbv : sbvl)
- {
- echildren.push_back(sbv);
- }
- Node eut = nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, echildren);
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << " Test evaluation of " << eut << "..."
- << std::endl;
- eut = d_qe->getTermDatabaseSygus()->unfold(eut);
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << " " << eut;
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << ", type : " << eut.getType() << std::endl;
- // candidate strategy
- if (eut.getKind() == ITE)
- {
- cop_to_strat[cop].push_back(strat_ITE);
- }
- else if (eut.getKind() == STRING_CONCAT)
- {
- if (nrole != role_string_suffix)
- {
- cop_to_strat[cop].push_back(strat_CONCAT_PREFIX);
- }
- if (nrole != role_string_prefix)
- {
- cop_to_strat[cop].push_back(strat_CONCAT_SUFFIX);
- }
- }
- else if (dt[j].isSygusIdFunc())
- {
- cop_to_strat[cop].push_back(strat_ID);
- }
- // the kinds for which there is a strategy
- if (cop_to_strat.find(cop) != cop_to_strat.end())
- {
- // infer an injection from the arguments of the datatype
- std::map<unsigned, unsigned> templ_injection;
- std::vector<Node> vs;
- std::vector<Node> ss;
- std::map<Node, unsigned> templ_var_index;
- for (unsigned k = 0, sksize = sks.size(); k < sksize; k++)
- {
- Assert(sks[k].getType().isDatatype());
- const Datatype& cdt =
- static_cast<DatatypeType>(sks[k].getType().toType()).getDatatype();
- echildren[0] = Node::fromExpr(cdt.getSygusEvaluationFunc());
- echildren[1] = sks[k];
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << "...set eval dt to " << sks[k]
- << std::endl;
- Node esk = nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, echildren);
- vs.push_back(esk);
- Node tvar = nm->mkSkolem("templ", esk.getType());
- templ_var_index[tvar] = k;
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << "* template inference : looking for "
- << tvar << " for arg " << k << std::endl;
- ss.push_back(tvar);
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << "* substitute : " << esk << " -> " << tvar
- << std::endl;
- }
- eut = eut.substitute(vs.begin(), vs.end(), ss.begin(), ss.end());
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << "Constructor " << j << ", base term is "
- << eut << std::endl;
- std::map<unsigned, Node> test_args;
- if (dt[j].isSygusIdFunc())
- {
- test_args[0] = eut;
- }
- else
- {
- for (unsigned k = 0, size = eut.getNumChildren(); k < size; k++)
- {
- test_args[k] = eut[k];
- }
- }
- // TODO : prefix grouping prefix/suffix
- bool isAssoc = TermUtil::isAssoc(eut.getKind());
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << eut.getKind() << " isAssoc = " << isAssoc
- << std::endl;
- std::map<unsigned, std::vector<unsigned> > assoc_combine;
- std::vector<unsigned> assoc_waiting;
- int assoc_last_valid_index = -1;
- for (std::pair<const unsigned, Node>& ta : test_args)
- {
- unsigned k = ta.first;
- Node eut_c = ta.second;
- // success if we can find a injection from args to sygus args
- if (!inferTemplate(k, eut_c, templ_var_index, templ_injection))
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << " could not find injection (range)." << std::endl;
- cop_to_strat.erase(cop);
- break;
- }
- std::map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator itti = templ_injection.find(k);
- if (itti != templ_injection.end())
- {
- // if associative, combine arguments if it is the same variable
- if (isAssoc && assoc_last_valid_index >= 0
- && itti->second == templ_injection[assoc_last_valid_index])
- {
- templ_injection.erase(k);
- assoc_combine[assoc_last_valid_index].push_back(k);
- }
- else
- {
- assoc_last_valid_index = (int)k;
- if (!assoc_waiting.empty())
- {
- assoc_combine[k].insert(assoc_combine[k].end(),
- assoc_waiting.begin(),
- assoc_waiting.end());
- assoc_waiting.clear();
- }
- assoc_combine[k].push_back(k);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // a ground argument
- if (!isAssoc)
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << " could not find injection (functional)."
- << std::endl;
- cop_to_strat.erase(cop);
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (assoc_last_valid_index >= 0)
- {
- assoc_combine[assoc_last_valid_index].push_back(k);
- }
- else
- {
- assoc_waiting.push_back(k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (cop_to_strat.find(cop) != cop_to_strat.end())
- {
- // construct the templates
- if (!assoc_waiting.empty())
- {
- // could not find a way to fit some arguments into injection
- cop_to_strat.erase(cop);
- }
- else
- {
- for (std::pair<const unsigned, Node>& ta : test_args)
- {
- unsigned k = ta.first;
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << "- processing argument " << k << "..."
- << std::endl;
- if (templ_injection.find(k) != templ_injection.end())
- {
- unsigned sk_index = templ_injection[k];
- if (std::find(cop_to_carg_list[cop].begin(),
- cop_to_carg_list[cop].end(),
- sk_index)
- == cop_to_carg_list[cop].end())
- {
- cop_to_carg_list[cop].push_back(sk_index);
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << " duplicate argument used"
- << std::endl;
- cop_to_strat.erase(cop);
- break;
- }
- // also store the template information, if necessary
- Node teut;
- if (isAssoc)
- {
- std::vector<unsigned>& ac = assoc_combine[k];
- Assert(!ac.empty());
- std::vector<Node> children;
- for (unsigned ack = 0, size_ac = ac.size(); ack < size_ac;
- ack++)
- {
- children.push_back(eut[ac[ack]]);
- }
- teut = children.size() == 1
- ? children[0]
- : nm->mkNode(eut.getKind(), children);
- teut = Rewriter::rewrite(teut);
- }
- else
- {
- teut = ta.second;
- }
- if (!teut.isVar())
- {
- cop_to_child_templ[cop][k] = teut;
- cop_to_child_templ_arg[cop][k] = ss[sk_index];
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << " Arg " << k << " (template : " << teut << " arg "
- << ss[sk_index] << "), index " << sk_index << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << " Arg " << k << ", index "
- << sk_index << std::endl;
- Assert(teut == ss[sk_index]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Assert(isAssoc);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (cop_to_strat.find(cop) == cop_to_strat.end())
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "...constructor " << cop
- << " does not correspond to a strategy." << std::endl;
- search_this = true;
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "-> constructor " << cop
- << " matches strategy for " << eut.getKind() << "..."
- << std::endl;
- // collect children types
- for (unsigned k = 0, size = cop_to_carg_list[cop].size(); k < size; k++)
- {
- TypeNode tn = sktns[cop_to_carg_list[cop][k]];
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << " Child type " << k << " : "
- << static_cast<DatatypeType>(tn.toType()).getDatatype().getName()
- << std::endl;
- cop_to_child_types[cop].push_back(tn);
- }
- }
- }
- // check whether we should also enumerate the current type
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug2") << " register this enumerator..." << std::endl;
- registerEnumerator(ee, e, tn, erole, search_this);
- if (cop_to_strat.empty())
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "...consider " << dt.getName() << " a basic type"
- << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- for (std::pair<const Node, std::vector<StrategyType> >& cstr : cop_to_strat)
- {
- Node cop = cstr.first;
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << "Constructor " << cop << " has "
- << cstr.second.size() << " strategies..."
- << std::endl;
- for (unsigned s = 0, ssize = cstr.second.size(); s < ssize; s++)
- {
- EnumTypeInfoStrat* cons_strat = new EnumTypeInfoStrat;
- StrategyType strat = cstr.second[s];
- cons_strat->d_this = strat;
- cons_strat->d_cons = cop;
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << "Process strategy #" << s
- << " for operator : " << cop << " : " << strat
- << std::endl;
- Assert(cop_to_child_types.find(cop) != cop_to_child_types.end());
- std::vector<TypeNode>& childTypes = cop_to_child_types[cop];
- Assert(cop_to_carg_list.find(cop) != cop_to_carg_list.end());
- std::vector<unsigned>& cargList = cop_to_carg_list[cop];
- std::vector<Node> sol_templ_children;
- sol_templ_children.resize(cop_to_sks[cop].size());
- for (unsigned j = 0, csize = childTypes.size(); j < csize; j++)
- {
- // calculate if we should allocate a new enumerator : should be true
- // if we have a new role
- NodeRole nrole_c = nrole;
- if (strat == strat_ITE)
- {
- if (j == 0)
- {
- nrole_c = role_ite_condition;
- }
- }
- else if (strat == strat_CONCAT_PREFIX)
- {
- if ((j + 1) < childTypes.size())
- {
- nrole_c = role_string_prefix;
- }
- }
- else if (strat == strat_CONCAT_SUFFIX)
- {
- if (j > 0)
- {
- nrole_c = role_string_suffix;
- }
- }
- // in all other cases, role is same as parent
- // register the child type
- TypeNode ct = childTypes[j];
- Node csk = cop_to_sks[cop][cargList[j]];
- cons_strat->d_sol_templ_args.push_back(csk);
- sol_templ_children[cargList[j]] = csk;
- EnumRole erole_c = getEnumeratorRoleForNodeRole(nrole_c);
- // make the enumerator
- Node et;
- if (cop_to_child_templ[cop].find(j) != cop_to_child_templ[cop].end())
- {
- // it is templated, allocate a fresh variable
- et = nm->mkSkolem("et", ct);
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << "...enumerate " << et << " of type "
- << ((DatatypeType)ct.toType()).getDatatype().getName();
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << " for arg " << j << " of "
- << ((DatatypeType)tn.toType()).getDatatype().getName()
- << std::endl;
- registerEnumerator(et, e, ct, erole_c, true);
- d_einfo[et].d_template = cop_to_child_templ[cop][j];
- d_einfo[et].d_template_arg = cop_to_child_templ_arg[cop][j];
- Assert(!d_einfo[et].d_template.isNull());
- Assert(!d_einfo[et].d_template_arg.isNull());
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug")
- << "...child type enumerate "
- << ((DatatypeType)ct.toType()).getDatatype().getName()
- << ", node role = " << nrole_c << std::endl;
- collectEnumeratorTypes(e, ct, nrole_c);
- // otherwise use the previous
- Assert(d_cinfo[e].d_tinfo[ct].d_enum.find(erole_c)
- != d_cinfo[e].d_tinfo[ct].d_enum.end());
- et = d_cinfo[e].d_tinfo[ct].d_enum[erole_c];
- }
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << "Register child enumerator " << et
- << ", arg " << j << " of " << cop
- << ", role = " << erole_c << std::endl;
- Assert(!et.isNull());
- cons_strat->d_cenum.push_back(std::pair<Node, NodeRole>(et, nrole_c));
- }
- // children that are unused in the strategy can be arbitrary
- for (unsigned j = 0, stsize = sol_templ_children.size(); j < stsize;
- j++)
- {
- if (sol_templ_children[j].isNull())
- {
- sol_templ_children[j] = cop_to_sks[cop][j].getType().mkGroundTerm();
- }
- }
- sol_templ_children.insert(sol_templ_children.begin(), cop);
- cons_strat->d_sol_templ =
- nm->mkNode(APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, sol_templ_children);
- if (strat == strat_CONCAT_SUFFIX)
- {
- std::reverse(cons_strat->d_cenum.begin(), cons_strat->d_cenum.end());
- std::reverse(cons_strat->d_sol_templ_args.begin(),
- cons_strat->d_sol_templ_args.end());
- }
- if (Trace.isOn("sygus-unif"))
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "Initialized strategy " << strat;
- Trace("sygus-unif") << " for " << ((DatatypeType)tn.toType()).getDatatype().getName() << ", operator " << cop;
- Trace("sygus-unif") << ", #children = " << cons_strat->d_cenum.size()
- << ", solution template = (lambda ( ";
- for (const Node& targ : cons_strat->d_sol_templ_args)
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif") << targ << " ";
- }
- Trace("sygus-unif") << ") " << cons_strat->d_sol_templ << ")";
- Trace("sygus-unif") << std::endl;
- }
- // make the strategy
- snode.d_strats.push_back(cons_strat);
- }
- }
- }
-bool CegConjecturePbe::inferTemplate( unsigned k, Node n, std::map< Node, unsigned >& templ_var_index, std::map< unsigned, unsigned >& templ_injection ){
- if( n.getNumChildren()==0 ){
- std::map< Node, unsigned >::iterator itt = templ_var_index.find( n );
- if( itt!=templ_var_index.end() ){
- unsigned kk = itt->second;
- std::map< unsigned, unsigned >::iterator itti = templ_injection.find( k );
- if( itti==templ_injection.end() ){
- Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << "...set template injection " << k << " -> " << kk << std::endl;
- templ_injection[k] = kk;
- }else if( itti->second!=kk ){
- // two distinct variables in this term, we fail
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }else{
- for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- if( !inferTemplate( k, n[i], templ_var_index, templ_injection ) ){
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-void CegConjecturePbe::staticLearnRedundantOps( Node c, std::vector< Node >& lemmas ) {
- for( unsigned i=0; i<d_cinfo[c].d_esym_list.size(); i++ ){
- Node e = d_cinfo[c].d_esym_list[i];
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo >::iterator itn = d_einfo.find( e );
- Assert( itn!=d_einfo.end() );
- // see if there is anything we can eliminate
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "* Search enumerator #" << i << " : type " << ((DatatypeType)e.getType().toType()).getDatatype().getName() << " : ";
- Trace("sygus-unif") << e << " has " << itn->second.d_enum_slave.size() << " slaves:" << std::endl;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<itn->second.d_enum_slave.size(); j++ ){
- Node es = itn->second.d_enum_slave[j];
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo >::iterator itns = d_einfo.find( es );
- Assert( itns!=d_einfo.end() );
- Trace("sygus-unif") << " " << es << ", role = " << itns->second.getRole()
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- Trace("sygus-unif") << std::endl;
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "Strategy for candidate " << c << " is : " << std::endl;
- std::map<Node, std::map<NodeRole, bool> > visited;
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, bool> > needs_cons;
- staticLearnRedundantOps(c,
- d_cinfo[c].getRootEnumerator(),
- role_equal,
- visited,
- needs_cons,
- 0,
- false);
- // now, check the needs_cons map
- for (std::pair<const Node, std::map<unsigned, bool> >& nce : needs_cons)
- {
- Node em = nce.first;
- const Datatype& dt =
- static_cast<DatatypeType>(em.getType().toType()).getDatatype();
- for (std::pair<const unsigned, bool>& nc : nce.second)
- {
- Assert(nc.first < dt.getNumConstructors());
- if (!nc.second)
- {
- Node tst =
- datatypes::DatatypesRewriter::mkTester(em, nc.first, dt).negate();
- if (std::find(lemmas.begin(), lemmas.end(), tst) == lemmas.end())
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "...can exclude based on : " << tst
- << std::endl;
- lemmas.push_back(tst);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CegConjecturePbe::staticLearnRedundantOps(
- Node c,
- Node e,
- NodeRole nrole,
- std::map<Node, std::map<NodeRole, bool> >& visited,
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, bool> >& needs_cons,
- int ind,
- bool isCond)
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo >::iterator itn = d_einfo.find( e );
- Assert( itn!=d_einfo.end() );
- if (visited[e].find(nrole) == visited[e].end()
- || (isCond && !itn->second.isConditional()))
- {
- visited[e][nrole] = true;
- // if conditional
- if (isCond)
- {
- itn->second.setConditional();
- }
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-unif", ind);
- Trace("sygus-unif") << e << " :: node role : " << nrole;
- Trace("sygus-unif")
- << ", type : "
- << ((DatatypeType)e.getType().toType()).getDatatype().getName();
- if (isCond)
- {
- Trace("sygus-unif") << ", conditional";
- }
- Trace("sygus-unif") << ", enum role : " << itn->second.getRole();
- if( itn->second.isTemplated() ){
- Trace("sygus-unif") << ", templated : (lambda "
- << itn->second.d_template_arg << " "
- << itn->second.d_template << ")" << std::endl;
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-unif") << std::endl;
- TypeNode etn = e.getType();
- // enumerator type info
- std::map< TypeNode, EnumTypeInfo >::iterator itt = d_cinfo[c].d_tinfo.find( etn );
- Assert( itt!=d_cinfo[c].d_tinfo.end() );
- EnumTypeInfo& tinfo = itt->second;
- // strategy info
- std::map<NodeRole, StrategyNode>::iterator itsn =
- tinfo.d_snodes.find(nrole);
- Assert(itsn != tinfo.d_snodes.end());
- StrategyNode& snode = itsn->second;
- if (snode.d_strats.empty())
- {
- return;
- }
- std::map<unsigned, bool> needs_cons_curr;
- // various strategies
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = snode.d_strats.size(); j < size; j++)
- {
- EnumTypeInfoStrat* etis = snode.d_strats[j];
- StrategyType strat = etis->d_this;
- bool newIsCond = isCond || strat == strat_ITE;
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-unif", ind + 1);
- Trace("sygus-unif") << "Strategy : " << strat
- << ", from cons : " << etis->d_cons << std::endl;
- int cindex = Datatype::indexOf(etis->d_cons.toExpr());
- Assert(cindex != -1);
- needs_cons_curr[static_cast<unsigned>(cindex)] = false;
- for (std::pair<Node, NodeRole>& cec : etis->d_cenum)
- {
- // recurse
- staticLearnRedundantOps(c,
- cec.first,
- cec.second,
- visited,
- needs_cons,
- ind + 2,
- newIsCond);
- }
- }
- // get the master enumerator for the type of this enumerator
- std::map<TypeNode, Node>::iterator itse =
- d_cinfo[c].d_search_enum.find(etn);
- if (itse == d_cinfo[c].d_search_enum.end())
- {
- return;
- }
- Node em = itse->second;
- Assert(!em.isNull());
- // get the current datatype
- const Datatype& dt =
- static_cast<DatatypeType>(etn.toType()).getDatatype();
- // all constructors that are not a part of a strategy are needed
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = dt.getNumConstructors(); j < size; j++)
- {
- if (needs_cons_curr.find(j) == needs_cons_curr.end())
- {
- needs_cons_curr[j] = true;
- }
- }
- // update the constructors that the master enumerator needs
- if (needs_cons.find(em) == needs_cons.end())
- {
- needs_cons[em] = needs_cons_curr;
- }
- else
- {
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = dt.getNumConstructors(); j < size; j++)
- {
- needs_cons[em][j] = needs_cons[em][j] || needs_cons_curr[j];
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-unif", ind);
- Trace("sygus-unif") << e << " :: node role : " << nrole << std::endl;
- }
// ------------------------------------------- solution construction from enumeration
void CegConjecturePbe::getTermList(const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
@@ -1009,13 +315,19 @@ void CegConjecturePbe::getTermList(const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
Valuation& valuation = d_qe->getValuation();
for( unsigned i=0; i<candidates.size(); i++ ){
Node v = candidates[i];
- std::map< Node, CandidateInfo >::iterator it = d_cinfo.find( v );
- if( it!=d_cinfo.end() ){
- for( unsigned j=0; j<it->second.d_esym_list.size(); j++ ){
- Node e = it->second.d_esym_list[j];
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo >::iterator it = d_einfo.find( e );
- Assert( it != d_einfo.end() );
- Node gstatus = valuation.getSatValue(it->second.d_active_guard);
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator it =
+ d_candidate_to_enum.find(v);
+ if (it != d_candidate_to_enum.end())
+ {
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++)
+ {
+ Node e = it->second[j];
+ Assert(d_enum_to_active_guard.find(e) != d_enum_to_active_guard.end());
+ Node g = d_enum_to_active_guard[e];
+ // Get whether the active guard for this enumerator is true,
+ // if so, then there may exist more values for it, and hence we add it
+ // to terms.
+ Node gstatus = valuation.getSatValue(g);
if (!gstatus.isNull() && gstatus.getConst<bool>())
@@ -1049,15 +361,30 @@ bool CegConjecturePbe::constructCandidates(const std::vector<Node>& enums,
// only consider the enumerators that are at minimum size (for fairness)
Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "...register " << enum_consider.size() << " / " << enums.size() << std::endl;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<enum_consider.size(); i++ ){
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ for (unsigned i = 0, ecsize = enum_consider.size(); i < ecsize; i++)
+ {
unsigned j = enum_consider[i];
- addEnumeratedValue( enums[j], enum_values[j], lems );
+ Node e = enums[j];
+ Node v = enum_values[j];
+ Assert(d_enum_to_candidate.find(e) != d_enum_to_candidate.end());
+ Node c = d_enum_to_candidate[e];
+ std::vector<Node> enum_lems;
+ d_sygus_unif[c].notifyEnumeration(e, v, enum_lems);
+ // the lemmas must be guarded by the active guard of the enumerator
+ Assert(d_enum_to_active_guard.find(e) != d_enum_to_active_guard.end());
+ Node g = d_enum_to_active_guard[e];
+ for (unsigned j = 0, size = enum_lems.size(); j < size; j++)
+ {
+ enum_lems[j] = nm->mkNode(OR, g.negate(), enum_lems[j]);
+ }
+ lems.insert(lems.end(), enum_lems.begin(), enum_lems.end());
for( unsigned i=0; i<candidates.size(); i++ ){
Node c = candidates[i];
//build decision tree for candidate
- Node vc = constructSolution( c );
+ Node vc = d_sygus_unif[c].constructSolution();
if( vc.isNull() ){
return false;
@@ -1067,1356 +394,6 @@ bool CegConjecturePbe::constructCandidates(const std::vector<Node>& enums,
return true;
-void CegConjecturePbe::addEnumeratedValue( Node x, Node v, std::vector< Node >& lems ) {
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo >::iterator it = d_einfo.find( x );
- Assert( it != d_einfo.end() );
- Node gstatus = d_qe->getValuation().getSatValue(it->second.d_active_guard);
- if (gstatus.isNull() || !gstatus.getConst<bool>())
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug") << " ...guard is inactive." << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- Assert(
- std::find(it->second.d_enum_vals.begin(), it->second.d_enum_vals.end(), v)
- == it->second.d_enum_vals.end());
- Node c = it->second.d_parent_candidate;
- // The explanation for why the current value should be excluded in future
- // iterations.
- Node exp_exc;
- if (d_examples_out_invalid.find(c) == d_examples_out_invalid.end())
- {
- std::map<Node, CandidateInfo>::iterator itc = d_cinfo.find(c);
- Assert(itc != d_cinfo.end());
- TypeNode xtn = x.getType();
- Node bv = d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v, xtn);
- std::map<Node, std::vector<std::vector<Node> > >::iterator itx =
- d_examples.find(c);
- std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator itxo = d_examples_out.find(c);
- Assert(itx != d_examples.end());
- Assert(itxo != d_examples_out.end());
- Assert(itx->second.size() == itxo->second.size());
- std::vector<Node> base_results;
- // compte the results
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = itx->second.size(); j < size; j++)
- {
- Node res = d_tds->evaluateBuiltin(xtn, bv, itx->second[j]);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug")
- << " res = " << res << " from " << bv << std::endl;
- base_results.push_back(res);
- }
- // is it excluded for domain-specific reason?
- std::vector<Node> exp_exc_vec;
- if (getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude(
- c, x, v, base_results, it->second, exp_exc_vec))
- {
- Assert(!exp_exc_vec.empty());
- exp_exc = exp_exc_vec.size() == 1
- ? exp_exc_vec[0]
- : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, exp_exc_vec);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << " : term is excluded (domain-specific)" << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- // notify all slaves
- Assert( !it->second.d_enum_slave.empty() );
- //explanation for why this value should be excluded
- for( unsigned s=0; s<it->second.d_enum_slave.size(); s++ ){
- Node xs = it->second.d_enum_slave[s];
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo >::iterator itv = d_einfo.find( xs );
- Assert( itv!=d_einfo.end() );
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "Process " << xs << " from " << s << std::endl;
- //bool prevIsCover = false;
- if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " IO-Eval of ";
- //prevIsCover = itv->second.isFeasible();
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "Evaluation of ";
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << xs << " : ";
- //evaluate all input/output examples
- std::vector< Node > results;
- Node templ = itv->second.d_template;
- TNode templ_var = itv->second.d_template_arg;
- std::map< Node, bool > cond_vals;
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = base_results.size(); j < size; j++)
- {
- Node res = base_results[j];
- Assert( res.isConst() );
- if( !templ.isNull() ){
- TNode tres = res;
- res = templ.substitute( templ_var, res );
- res = Rewriter::rewrite( res );
- Assert( res.isConst() );
- }
- Node resb;
- if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
- {
- Node out = itxo->second[j];
- Assert( out.isConst() );
- resb = res==out ? d_true : d_false;
- }else{
- resb = res;
- }
- cond_vals[resb] = true;
- results.push_back( resb );
- if( Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-enum") ){
- if( resb.getType().isBoolean() ){
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << ( resb==d_true ? "1" : "0" );
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "?";
- }
- }
- }
- bool keep = false;
- if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
- {
- // latter is the degenerate case of no examples
- if (cond_vals.find(d_true) != cond_vals.end() || cond_vals.empty())
- {
- //check subsumbed/subsuming
- std::vector< Node > subsume;
- if( cond_vals.find( d_false )==cond_vals.end() ){
- // it is the entire solution, we are done
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " ...success, full solution added to PBE pool : " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin( v ) << std::endl;
- if( !itv->second.isSolved() ){
- itv->second.setSolved( v );
- // it subsumes everything
- itv->second.d_term_trie.clear();
- itv->second.d_term_trie.addTerm(v, results, true, subsume);
- }
- keep = true;
- }else{
- Node val =
- itv->second.d_term_trie.addTerm(v, results, true, subsume);
- if( val==v ){
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " ...success";
- if( !subsume.empty() ){
- itv->second.d_enum_subsume.insert( itv->second.d_enum_subsume.end(), subsume.begin(), subsume.end() );
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " and subsumed " << subsume.size() << " terms";
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "! add to PBE pool : " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin( v ) << std::endl;
- keep = true;
- }else{
- Assert( subsume.empty() );
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " : subsumed" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " : it does not satisfy examples." << std::endl;
- }
- }else{
- // must be unique up to examples
- Node val = itv->second.d_term_trie.addCond(v, results, true);
- if (val == v)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " ...success! add to PBE pool : "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v) << std::endl;
- keep = true;
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << " : term is not unique" << std::endl;
- }
- itc->second.d_cond_count++;
- }
- if( keep ){
- // notify the parent to retry the build of PBE
- itc->second.d_check_sol = true;
- itv->second.addEnumValue( this, v, results );
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug")
- << " ...examples do not have output." << std::endl;
- }
- // exclude this value on subsequent iterations
- Node g = it->second.d_active_guard;
- if (exp_exc.isNull())
- {
- // if we did not already explain why this should be excluded, use default
- exp_exc = d_tds->getExplain()->getExplanationForEquality(x, v);
- }
- Node exlem =
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(OR, g.negate(), exp_exc.negate());
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-lemma")
- << "CegConjecturePbe : enumeration exclude lemma : " << exlem
- << std::endl;
- lems.push_back(exlem);
-bool CegConjecturePbe::useStrContainsEnumeratorExclude(Node x, EnumInfo& ei)
- TypeNode xbt = d_tds->sygusToBuiltinType(x.getType());
- if (xbt.isString())
- {
- std::map<Node, bool>::iterator itx = d_use_str_contains_eexc.find(x);
- if (itx != d_use_str_contains_eexc.end())
- {
- return itx->second;
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug")
- << "Is " << x << " is str.contains exclusion?" << std::endl;
- d_use_str_contains_eexc[x] = true;
- for (const Node& sn : ei.d_enum_slave)
- {
- std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator itv = d_einfo.find(sn);
- EnumRole er = itv->second.getRole();
- if (er != enum_io && er != enum_concat_term)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug") << " incompatible slave : " << sn
- << ", role = " << er << std::endl;
- d_use_str_contains_eexc[x] = false;
- return false;
- }
- if (itv->second.isConditional())
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug")
- << " conditional slave : " << sn << std::endl;
- d_use_str_contains_eexc[x] = false;
- return false;
- }
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug")
- << "...can use str.contains exclusion." << std::endl;
- return d_use_str_contains_eexc[x];
- }
- return false;
-bool CegConjecturePbe::getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude(
- Node c,
- Node x,
- Node v,
- std::vector<Node>& results,
- EnumInfo& ei,
- std::vector<Node>& exp)
- if (useStrContainsEnumeratorExclude(x, ei))
- {
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- // This check whether the example evaluates to something that is larger than
- // the output for some input/output pair. If so, then this term is never
- // useful. We generalize its explanation below.
- if (Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug"))
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << std::endl;
- }
- // check if all examples had longer length that the output
- std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator itxo = d_examples_out.find(c);
- Assert(itxo != d_examples_out.end());
- Assert(itxo->second.size() == results.size());
- Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug")
- << "Check enumerator exclusion for " << x << " -> "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v) << " based on str.contains." << std::endl;
- std::vector<unsigned> cmp_indices;
- for (unsigned i = 0, size = results.size(); i < size; i++)
- {
- Assert(results[i].isConst());
- Assert(itxo->second[i].isConst());
- Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug")
- << " " << results[i] << " <> " << itxo->second[i];
- Node cont = nm->mkNode(STRING_STRCTN, itxo->second[i], results[i]);
- Node contr = Rewriter::rewrite(cont);
- if (contr == d_false)
- {
- cmp_indices.push_back(i);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug") << "...not contained." << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug") << "...contained." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- if (!cmp_indices.empty())
- {
- // we check invariance with respect to a negative contains test
- NegContainsSygusInvarianceTest ncset;
- ncset.init(x, d_examples[c], itxo->second, cmp_indices);
- // construct the generalized explanation
- d_tds->getExplain()->getExplanationFor(x, v, exp, ncset);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm")
- << "PBE-cterm : enumerator exclude " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v)
- << " due to negative containment." << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void CegConjecturePbe::EnumInfo::addEnumValue( CegConjecturePbe * pbe, Node v, std::vector< Node >& results ) {
- d_enum_val_to_index[v] = d_enum_vals.size();
- d_enum_vals.push_back( v );
- d_enum_vals_res.push_back( results );
- /*
- if( getRole()==enum_io ){
- // compute
- if( d_enum_total.empty() ){
- d_enum_total = results;
- }else if( !d_enum_total_true ){
- d_enum_total_true = true;
- Assert( d_enum_total.size()==results.size() );
- for( unsigned i=0; i<results.size(); i++ ){
- if( d_enum_total[i]==pbe->d_true || results[i]==pbe->d_true ){
- d_enum_total[i] = pbe->d_true;
- }else{
- d_enum_total[i] = pbe->d_false;
- d_enum_total_true = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- */
-void CegConjecturePbe::EnumInfo::initialize(Node c, EnumRole role)
- d_parent_candidate = c;
- d_role = role;
-void CegConjecturePbe::EnumInfo::setSolved( Node slv ) {
- d_enum_solved = slv;
- //d_enum_total_true = true;
-void CegConjecturePbe::CandidateInfo::initialize( Node c ) {
- d_this_candidate = c;
- d_root = c.getType();
-void CegConjecturePbe::CandidateInfo::initializeType( TypeNode tn ) {
- d_tinfo[tn].d_this_type = tn;
- d_tinfo[tn].d_parent = this;
-Node CegConjecturePbe::CandidateInfo::getRootEnumerator() {
- std::map<EnumRole, Node>::iterator it = d_tinfo[d_root].d_enum.find(enum_io);
- Assert( it!=d_tinfo[d_root].d_enum.end() );
- return it->second;
-bool CegConjecturePbe::CandidateInfo::isNonTrivial() {
- //TODO
- return true;
-// status : 0 : exact, -1 : vals is subset, 1 : vals is superset
-Node CegConjecturePbe::SubsumeTrie::addTermInternal(
- Node t,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::vector<Node>& subsumed,
- bool spol,
- unsigned index,
- int status,
- bool checkExistsOnly,
- bool checkSubsume)
- if (index == vals.size())
- {
- if (status == 0)
- {
- // set the term if checkExistsOnly = false
- if (d_term.isNull() && !checkExistsOnly)
- {
- d_term = t;
- }
- }
- else if (status == 1)
- {
- Assert(checkSubsume);
- // found a subsumed term
- if (!d_term.isNull())
- {
- subsumed.push_back(d_term);
- if (!checkExistsOnly)
- {
- // remove it if checkExistsOnly = false
- d_term = Node::null();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Assert(!checkExistsOnly && checkSubsume);
- }
- return d_term;
- }
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- // the current value
- Assert(pol || (vals[index].isConst() && vals[index].getType().isBoolean()));
- Node cv = pol ? vals[index] : nm->mkConst(!vals[index].getConst<bool>());
- // if checkExistsOnly = false, check if the current value is subsumed if
- // checkSubsume = true, if so, don't add
- if (!checkExistsOnly && checkSubsume)
- {
- Assert(cv.isConst() && cv.getType().isBoolean());
- std::vector<bool> check_subsumed_by;
- if (status == 0)
- {
- if (!cv.getConst<bool>())
- {
- check_subsumed_by.push_back(spol);
- }
- }
- else if (status == -1)
- {
- check_subsumed_by.push_back(spol);
- if (!cv.getConst<bool>())
- {
- check_subsumed_by.push_back(!spol);
- }
- }
- // check for subsumed nodes
- for (unsigned i = 0, size = check_subsumed_by.size(); i < size; i++)
- {
- bool csbi = check_subsumed_by[i];
- Node csval = nm->mkConst(csbi);
- // check if subsumed
- std::map<Node, SubsumeTrie>::iterator itc = d_children.find(csval);
- if (itc != d_children.end())
- {
- Node ret = itc->second.addTermInternal(t,
- vals,
- pol,
- subsumed,
- spol,
- index + 1,
- -1,
- checkExistsOnly,
- checkSubsume);
- // ret subsumes t
- if (!ret.isNull())
- {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Node ret;
- std::vector<bool> check_subsume;
- if (status == 0)
- {
- if (checkExistsOnly)
- {
- std::map<Node, SubsumeTrie>::iterator itc = d_children.find(cv);
- if (itc != d_children.end())
- {
- ret = itc->second.addTermInternal(t,
- vals,
- pol,
- subsumed,
- spol,
- index + 1,
- 0,
- checkExistsOnly,
- checkSubsume);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Assert(spol);
- ret = d_children[cv].addTermInternal(t,
- vals,
- pol,
- subsumed,
- spol,
- index + 1,
- 0,
- checkExistsOnly,
- checkSubsume);
- if (ret != t)
- {
- // we were subsumed by ret, return
- return ret;
- }
- }
- if (checkSubsume)
- {
- Assert(cv.isConst() && cv.getType().isBoolean());
- // check for subsuming
- if (cv.getConst<bool>())
- {
- check_subsume.push_back(!spol);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (status == 1)
- {
- Assert(checkSubsume);
- Assert(cv.isConst() && cv.getType().isBoolean());
- check_subsume.push_back(!spol);
- if (cv.getConst<bool>())
- {
- check_subsume.push_back(spol);
- }
- }
- if (checkSubsume)
- {
- // check for subsumed terms
- for (unsigned i = 0, size = check_subsume.size(); i < size; i++)
- {
- Node csval = nm->mkConst<bool>(check_subsume[i]);
- std::map<Node, SubsumeTrie>::iterator itc = d_children.find(csval);
- if (itc != d_children.end())
- {
- itc->second.addTermInternal(t,
- vals,
- pol,
- subsumed,
- spol,
- index + 1,
- 1,
- checkExistsOnly,
- checkSubsume);
- // clean up
- if (itc->second.isEmpty())
- {
- Assert(!checkExistsOnly);
- d_children.erase(csval);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
-Node CegConjecturePbe::SubsumeTrie::addTerm(Node t,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::vector<Node>& subsumed)
- return addTermInternal(t, vals, pol, subsumed, true, 0, 0, false, true);
-Node CegConjecturePbe::SubsumeTrie::addCond(Node c,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol)
- std::vector<Node> subsumed;
- return addTermInternal(c, vals, pol, subsumed, true, 0, 0, false, false);
-void CegConjecturePbe::SubsumeTrie::getSubsumed(const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::vector<Node>& subsumed)
- addTermInternal(Node::null(), vals, pol, subsumed, true, 0, 1, true, true);
-void CegConjecturePbe::SubsumeTrie::getSubsumedBy(
- const std::vector<Node>& vals, bool pol, std::vector<Node>& subsumed_by)
- // flip polarities
- addTermInternal(
- Node::null(), vals, !pol, subsumed_by, false, 0, 1, true, true);
-void CegConjecturePbe::SubsumeTrie::getLeavesInternal(
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::map<int, std::vector<Node> >& v,
- unsigned index,
- int status)
- if (index == vals.size())
- {
- Assert(!d_term.isNull());
- Assert(std::find(v[status].begin(), v[status].end(), d_term)
- == v[status].end());
- v[status].push_back(d_term);
- }
- else
- {
- Assert(vals[index].isConst() && vals[index].getType().isBoolean());
- bool curr_val_true = vals[index].getConst<bool>() == pol;
- for (std::map<Node, SubsumeTrie>::iterator it = d_children.begin();
- it != d_children.end();
- ++it)
- {
- int new_status = status;
- // if the current value is true
- if (curr_val_true)
- {
- if (status != 0)
- {
- Assert(it->first.isConst() && it->first.getType().isBoolean());
- new_status = (it->first.getConst<bool>() ? 1 : -1);
- if (status != -2 && new_status != status)
- {
- new_status = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- it->second.getLeavesInternal(vals, pol, v, index + 1, new_status);
- }
- }
-void CegConjecturePbe::SubsumeTrie::getLeaves(
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::map<int, std::vector<Node> >& v)
- getLeavesInternal(vals, pol, v, 0, -2);
-Node CegConjecturePbe::constructSolution( Node c ){
- std::map< Node, CandidateInfo >::iterator itc = d_cinfo.find( c );
- Assert( itc!=d_cinfo.end() );
- if( !itc->second.d_solution.isNull() ){
- // already has a solution
- return itc->second.d_solution;
- }else{
- // only check if an enumerator updated
- if( itc->second.d_check_sol ){
- Trace("sygus-pbe") << "Construct solution, #iterations = " << itc->second.d_cond_count << std::endl;
- itc->second.d_check_sol = false;
- // try multiple times if we have done multiple conditions, due to non-determinism
- Node vc;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<=itc->second.d_cond_count; i++ ){
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "ConstructPBE for candidate: " << c << std::endl;
- Node e = itc->second.getRootEnumerator();
- UnifContext x;
- x.initialize( this, c );
- Node vcc = constructSolution(c, e, role_equal, x, 1);
- if( !vcc.isNull() ){
- if( vc.isNull() || ( !vc.isNull() && d_tds->getSygusTermSize( vcc )<d_tds->getSygusTermSize( vc ) ) ){
- Trace("sygus-pbe") << "**** PBE SOLVED : " << c << " = " << vcc << std::endl;
- Trace("sygus-pbe") << "...solved at iteration " << i << std::endl;
- vc = vcc;
- }
- }
- }
- if( !vc.isNull() ){
- itc->second.d_solution = vc;
- return vc;
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe") << "...failed to solve." << std::endl;
- }
- return Node::null();
- }
-Node CegConjecturePbe::constructBestSolvedTerm( std::vector< Node >& solved, UnifContext& x ){
- Assert( !solved.empty() );
- // TODO
- return solved[0];
-Node CegConjecturePbe::constructBestStringSolvedTerm( std::vector< Node >& solved, UnifContext& x ) {
- Assert( !solved.empty() );
- // TODO
- return solved[0];
-Node CegConjecturePbe::constructBestSolvedConditional( std::vector< Node >& solved, UnifContext& x ){
- Assert( !solved.empty() );
- // TODO
- return solved[0];
-Node CegConjecturePbe::constructBestConditional( std::vector< Node >& conds, UnifContext& x ) {
- Assert( !conds.empty() );
- // TODO
- double r = Random::getRandom().pickDouble(0.0, 1.0);
- unsigned cindex = r*conds.size();
- if( cindex>conds.size() ){
- cindex = conds.size() - 1;
- }
- return conds[cindex];
-Node CegConjecturePbe::constructBestStringToConcat( std::vector< Node > strs,
- std::map< Node, unsigned > total_inc,
- std::map< Node, std::vector< unsigned > > incr,
- UnifContext& x ) {
- Assert( !strs.empty() );
- std::random_shuffle(strs.begin(), strs.end());
- // prefer one that has incremented by more than 0
- for (const Node& ns : strs)
- {
- if (total_inc[ns] > 0)
- {
- return ns;
- }
- }
- return strs[0];
-Node CegConjecturePbe::constructSolution(
- Node c, Node e, NodeRole nrole, UnifContext& x, int ind)
- TypeNode etn = e.getType();
- if (Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-dt-debug"))
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "ConstructPBE: (" << e << ", " << nrole
- << ") for type " << etn << " in context ";
- SygusUnif::print_val("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", x.d_vals);
- if (x.d_has_string_pos != role_invalid)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << ", string context [" << x.d_has_string_pos;
- for (unsigned i = 0, size = x.d_str_pos.size(); i < size; i++)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << " " << x.d_str_pos[i];
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "]";
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << std::endl;
- }
- // enumerator type info
- std::map<TypeNode, EnumTypeInfo>::iterator itt = d_cinfo[c].d_tinfo.find(etn);
- Assert(itt != d_cinfo[c].d_tinfo.end());
- EnumTypeInfo& tinfo = itt->second;
- // get the enumerator information
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo >::iterator itn = d_einfo.find( e );
- Assert( itn!=d_einfo.end() );
- EnumInfo& einfo = itn->second;
- Node ret_dt;
- if (nrole == role_equal)
- {
- if (!x.isReturnValueModified())
- {
- if (einfo.isSolved())
- {
- // this type has a complete solution
- ret_dt = einfo.getSolved();
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "return PBE: success : solved "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(ret_dt) << std::endl;
- Assert(!ret_dt.isNull());
- }
- else
- {
- // could be conditionally solved
- std::vector<Node> subsumed_by;
- einfo.d_term_trie.getSubsumedBy(x.d_vals, true, subsumed_by);
- if (!subsumed_by.empty())
- {
- ret_dt = constructBestSolvedTerm(subsumed_by, x);
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "return PBE: success : conditionally solved"
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(ret_dt) << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug")
- << " ...not currently conditionally solved." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ret_dt.isNull())
- {
- if (d_tds->sygusToBuiltinType(e.getType()).isString())
- {
- // check if a current value that closes all examples
- // get the term enumerator for this type
- bool success = true;
- std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator itet;
- std::map<EnumRole, Node>::iterator itnt =
- tinfo.d_enum.find(enum_concat_term);
- if( itnt != itt->second.d_enum.end() ){
- Node et = itnt->second;
- itet = d_einfo.find( et );
- Assert(itet != d_einfo.end());
- }else{
- success = false;
- }
- if (success)
- {
- // get the current examples
- std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator itx =
- d_examples_out.find(c);
- Assert(itx != d_examples_out.end());
- std::vector<String> ex_vals;
- x.getCurrentStrings(this, itx->second, ex_vals);
- Assert(itn->second.d_enum_vals.size()
- == itn->second.d_enum_vals_res.size());
- // test each example in the term enumerator for the type
- std::vector<Node> str_solved;
- for (unsigned i = 0, size = itet->second.d_enum_vals.size(); i < size;
- i++)
- {
- if (x.isStringSolved(
- this, ex_vals, itet->second.d_enum_vals_res[i]))
- {
- str_solved.push_back(itet->second.d_enum_vals[i]);
- }
- }
- if (!str_solved.empty())
- {
- ret_dt = constructBestStringSolvedTerm(str_solved, x);
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "return PBE: success : string solved "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(ret_dt) << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << " ...not currently string solved."
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (nrole == role_string_prefix || nrole == role_string_suffix)
- {
- // check if each return value is a prefix/suffix of all open examples
- if (!x.isReturnValueModified() || x.d_has_string_pos == nrole)
- {
- std::map<Node, std::vector<unsigned> > incr;
- bool isPrefix = nrole == role_string_prefix;
- std::map<Node, unsigned> total_inc;
- std::vector<Node> inc_strs;
- std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator itx = d_examples_out.find(c);
- Assert(itx != d_examples_out.end());
- // make the value of the examples
- std::vector<String> ex_vals;
- x.getCurrentStrings(this, itx->second, ex_vals);
- if (Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-dt-debug"))
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "current strings : " << std::endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0, size = ex_vals.size(); i < size; i++)
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind + 1);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << ex_vals[i] << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // check if there is a value for which is a prefix/suffix of all active
- // examples
- Assert(einfo.d_enum_vals.size() == einfo.d_enum_vals_res.size());
- for (unsigned i = 0, size = einfo.d_enum_vals.size(); i < size; i++)
- {
- Node val_t = einfo.d_enum_vals[i];
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "increment string values : " << val_t
- << " : ";
- Assert(einfo.d_enum_vals_res[i].size() == itx->second.size());
- unsigned tot = 0;
- bool exsuccess = x.getStringIncrement(this,
- isPrefix,
- ex_vals,
- einfo.d_enum_vals_res[i],
- incr[val_t],
- tot);
- if (!exsuccess)
- {
- incr.erase(val_t);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "" << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- total_inc[val_t] = tot;
- inc_strs.push_back(val_t);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "...success, total increment = " << tot
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- if (!incr.empty())
- {
- ret_dt = constructBestStringToConcat(inc_strs, total_inc, incr, x);
- Assert(!ret_dt.isNull());
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "PBE: CONCAT strategy : choose "
- << (isPrefix ? "pre" : "suf") << "fix value "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(ret_dt) << std::endl;
- // update the context
- bool ret = x.updateStringPosition(this, incr[ret_dt]);
- AlwaysAssert(ret == (total_inc[ret_dt] > 0));
- x.d_has_string_pos = nrole;
- }else{
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "PBE: failed CONCAT strategy, no values are "
- << (isPrefix ? "pre" : "suf")
- << "fix of all examples." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt")
- << "PBE: failed CONCAT strategy, prefix/suffix mismatch."
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- if (ret_dt.isNull() && !einfo.isTemplated())
- {
- // we will try a single strategy
- EnumTypeInfoStrat* etis = nullptr;
- std::map<NodeRole, StrategyNode>::iterator itsn =
- tinfo.d_snodes.find(nrole);
- if (itsn != tinfo.d_snodes.end())
- {
- // strategy info
- StrategyNode& snode = itsn->second;
- if (x.d_visit_role[e].find(nrole) == x.d_visit_role[e].end())
- {
- x.d_visit_role[e][nrole] = true;
- // try a random strategy
- if (snode.d_strats.size() > 1)
- {
- std::random_shuffle(snode.d_strats.begin(), snode.d_strats.end());
- }
- // get an eligible strategy index
- unsigned sindex = 0;
- while (sindex < snode.d_strats.size()
- && !snode.d_strats[sindex]->isValid(this, x))
- {
- sindex++;
- }
- // if we found a eligible strategy
- if (sindex < snode.d_strats.size())
- {
- etis = snode.d_strats[sindex];
- }
- }
- }
- if (etis != nullptr)
- {
- StrategyType strat = etis->d_this;
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind + 1);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "...try STRATEGY " << strat << "..."
- << std::endl;
- std::map<unsigned, Node> look_ahead_solved_children;
- std::vector<Node> dt_children_cons;
- bool success = true;
- // for ITE
- Node split_cond_enum;
- int split_cond_res_index = -1;
- for (unsigned sc = 0, size = etis->d_cenum.size(); sc < size; sc++)
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind + 1);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "construct PBE child #" << sc << "..."
- << std::endl;
- Node rec_c;
- std::map<unsigned, Node>::iterator itla =
- look_ahead_solved_children.find(sc);
- if (itla != look_ahead_solved_children.end())
- {
- rec_c = itla->second;
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind + 1);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "ConstructPBE: look ahead solved : "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(rec_c)
- << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- std::pair<Node, NodeRole>& cenum = etis->d_cenum[sc];
- // update the context
- std::vector<Node> prev;
- if (strat == strat_ITE && sc > 0)
- {
- std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator itnc =
- d_einfo.find(split_cond_enum);
- Assert(itnc != d_einfo.end());
- Assert(split_cond_res_index >= 0);
- Assert(split_cond_res_index
- < (int)itnc->second.d_enum_vals_res.size());
- prev = x.d_vals;
- bool ret = x.updateContext(
- this,
- itnc->second.d_enum_vals_res[split_cond_res_index],
- sc == 1);
- AlwaysAssert(ret);
- }
- // recurse
- if (strat == strat_ITE && sc == 0)
- {
- Node ce = cenum.first;
- // register the condition enumerator
- std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator itnc = d_einfo.find(ce);
- Assert(itnc != d_einfo.end());
- EnumInfo& einfo_child = itnc->second;
- // only used if the return value is not modified
- if (!x.isReturnValueModified())
- {
- if (x.d_uinfo.find(ce) == x.d_uinfo.end())
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug2")
- << " reg : PBE: Look for direct solutions for conditional "
- "enumerator "
- << ce << " ... " << std::endl;
- Assert(einfo_child.d_enum_vals.size()
- == einfo_child.d_enum_vals_res.size());
- for (unsigned i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
- {
- std::pair<Node, NodeRole>& te_pair = etis->d_cenum[i];
- Node te = te_pair.first;
- std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator itnt = d_einfo.find(te);
- Assert(itnt != d_einfo.end());
- bool branch_pol = (i == 1);
- // for each condition, get terms that satisfy it in this
- // branch
- for (unsigned k = 0, size = einfo_child.d_enum_vals.size();
- k < size;
- k++)
- {
- Node cond = einfo_child.d_enum_vals[k];
- std::vector<Node> solved;
- itnt->second.d_term_trie.getSubsumedBy(
- einfo_child.d_enum_vals_res[k],
- branch_pol,
- solved);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug2")
- << " reg : PBE: " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(cond)
- << " has " << solved.size() << " solutions in branch "
- << i << std::endl;
- if (!solved.empty())
- {
- Node slv = constructBestSolvedTerm(solved, x);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug2")
- << " reg : PBE: ..." << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(slv)
- << " is a solution under branch " << i;
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug2")
- << " of condition " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(cond)
- << std::endl;
- x.d_uinfo[ce].d_look_ahead_sols[cond][i] = slv;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // get the conditionals in the current context : they must be
- // distinguishable
- std::map<int, std::vector<Node> > possible_cond;
- std::map<Node, int> solved_cond; // stores branch
- einfo_child.d_term_trie.getLeaves(x.d_vals, true, possible_cond);
- std::map<int, std::vector<Node> >::iterator itpc =
- possible_cond.find(0);
- if (itpc != possible_cond.end())
- {
- if (Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-dt-debug"))
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind + 1);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug")
- << "PBE : We have " << itpc->second.size()
- << " distinguishable conditionals:" << std::endl;
- for (Node& cond : itpc->second)
- {
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind + 2);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(cond)
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // static look ahead conditional : choose conditionals that have
- // solved terms in at least one branch
- // only applicable if we have not modified the return value
- std::map<int, std::vector<Node> > solved_cond;
- if (!x.isReturnValueModified())
- {
- Assert(x.d_uinfo.find(ce) != x.d_uinfo.end());
- int solve_max = 0;
- for (Node& cond : itpc->second)
- {
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, Node> >::iterator itla =
- x.d_uinfo[ce].d_look_ahead_sols.find(cond);
- if (itla != x.d_uinfo[ce].d_look_ahead_sols.end())
- {
- int nsolved = itla->second.size();
- solve_max = nsolved > solve_max ? nsolved : solve_max;
- solved_cond[nsolved].push_back(cond);
- }
- }
- int n = solve_max;
- while (n > 0)
- {
- if (!solved_cond[n].empty())
- {
- rec_c = constructBestSolvedConditional(solved_cond[n], x);
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind + 1);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt")
- << "PBE: ITE strategy : choose solved conditional "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(rec_c) << " with " << n
- << " solved children..." << std::endl;
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, Node> >::iterator itla =
- x.d_uinfo[ce].d_look_ahead_sols.find(rec_c);
- Assert(itla != x.d_uinfo[ce].d_look_ahead_sols.end());
- for (std::pair<const unsigned, Node>& las : itla->second)
- {
- look_ahead_solved_children[las.first] = las.second;
- }
- break;
- }
- n--;
- }
- }
- // otherwise, guess a conditional
- if (rec_c.isNull())
- {
- rec_c = constructBestConditional(itpc->second, x);
- Assert(!rec_c.isNull());
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt")
- << "PBE: ITE strategy : choose random conditional "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(rec_c) << std::endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO (#1250) : degenerate case where children have different
- // types?
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "return PBE: failed ITE strategy, "
- "cannot find a distinguishable condition"
- << std::endl;
- }
- if( !rec_c.isNull() ){
- Assert(einfo_child.d_enum_val_to_index.find(rec_c)
- != einfo_child.d_enum_val_to_index.end());
- split_cond_res_index = einfo_child.d_enum_val_to_index[rec_c];
- split_cond_enum = ce;
- Assert(split_cond_res_index >= 0);
- Assert(split_cond_res_index
- < (int)einfo_child.d_enum_vals_res.size());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- rec_c = constructSolution(c, cenum.first, cenum.second, x, ind + 2);
- }
- // undo update the context
- if (strat == strat_ITE && sc > 0)
- {
- x.d_vals = prev;
- }
- }
- if (!rec_c.isNull())
- {
- dt_children_cons.push_back(rec_c);
- }
- else
- {
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (success)
- {
- Assert(dt_children_cons.size() == etis->d_sol_templ_args.size());
- // ret_dt = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR,
- // dt_children );
- ret_dt = etis->d_sol_templ;
- ret_dt = ret_dt.substitute(etis->d_sol_templ_args.begin(),
- etis->d_sol_templ_args.end(),
- dt_children_cons.begin(),
- dt_children_cons.end());
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug")
- << "PBE: success : constructed for strategy " << strat << std::endl;
- }else{
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "PBE: failed for strategy " << strat
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- if( !ret_dt.isNull() ){
- Assert( ret_dt.getType()==e.getType() );
- }
- SygusUnif::indent("sygus-pbe-dt", ind);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt") << "ConstructPBE: returned " << ret_dt << std::endl;
- return ret_dt;
-bool CegConjecturePbe::EnumTypeInfoStrat::isValid(CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- UnifContext& x)
- if ((x.d_has_string_pos == role_string_prefix
- && d_this == strat_CONCAT_SUFFIX)
- || (x.d_has_string_pos == role_string_suffix
- && d_this == strat_CONCAT_PREFIX))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::UnifContext() : d_has_string_pos(role_invalid)
- d_true = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(true);
- d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false);
-bool CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::updateContext( CegConjecturePbe * pbe, std::vector< Node >& vals, bool pol ) {
- Assert( d_vals.size()==vals.size() );
- bool changed = false;
- Node poln = pol ? d_true : d_false;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<vals.size(); i++ ){
- if( vals[i]!=poln ){
- if (d_vals[i] == d_true)
- {
- d_vals[i] = d_false;
- changed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (changed)
- {
- d_visit_role.clear();
- }
- return changed;
-bool CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::updateStringPosition( CegConjecturePbe * pbe, std::vector< unsigned >& pos ) {
- Assert( pos.size()==d_str_pos.size() );
- bool changed = false;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<pos.size(); i++ ){
- if( pos[i]>0 ){
- d_str_pos[i] += pos[i];
- changed = true;
- }
- }
- if (changed)
- {
- d_visit_role.clear();
- }
- return changed;
-bool CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::isReturnValueModified() {
- if (d_has_string_pos != role_invalid)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::initialize( CegConjecturePbe * pbe, Node c ) {
- Assert( d_vals.empty() );
- Assert( d_str_pos.empty() );
- // initialize with #examples
- Assert( pbe->d_examples.find( c )!=pbe->d_examples.end() );
- unsigned sz = pbe->d_examples[c].size();
- for( unsigned i=0; i<sz; i++ ){
- d_vals.push_back(d_true);
- }
- if( !pbe->d_examples_out[c].empty() ){
- // output type of the examples
- TypeNode exotn = pbe->d_examples_out[c][0].getType();
- if( exotn.isString() ){
- for( unsigned i=0; i<sz; i++ ){
- d_str_pos.push_back( 0 );
- }
- }
- }
- d_visit_role.clear();
-void CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::getCurrentStrings(
- CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- std::vector<String>& ex_vals)
- bool isPrefix = d_has_string_pos == role_string_prefix;
- String dummy;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<vals.size(); i++ ){
- if( d_vals[i]==pbe->d_true ){
- Assert( vals[i].isConst() );
- unsigned pos_value = d_str_pos[i];
- if( pos_value>0 ){
- Assert(d_has_string_pos != role_invalid);
- String s = vals[i].getConst<String>();
- Assert( pos_value<=s.size() );
- ex_vals.push_back( isPrefix ? s.suffix( s.size()-pos_value ) :
- s.prefix( s.size()-pos_value ) );
- }else{
- ex_vals.push_back( vals[i].getConst<String>() );
- }
- }else{
- // irrelevant, add dummy
- ex_vals.push_back( dummy );
- }
- }
-bool CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::getStringIncrement(
- CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- bool isPrefix,
- const std::vector<String>& ex_vals,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- std::vector<unsigned>& inc,
- unsigned& tot)
- for( unsigned j=0; j<vals.size(); j++ ){
- unsigned ival = 0;
- if( d_vals[j]==pbe->d_true ){
- // example is active in this context
- Assert( vals[j].isConst() );
- String mystr = vals[j].getConst<String>();
- ival = mystr.size();
- if( mystr.size()<=ex_vals[j].size() ){
- if( !( isPrefix ? ex_vals[j].strncmp(mystr, ival) : ex_vals[j].rstrncmp(mystr, ival) ) ){
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "X";
- return false;
- }
- }else{
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << "X";
- return false;
- }
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-dt-debug") << ival;
- tot += ival;
- inc.push_back( ival );
- }
- return true;
-bool CegConjecturePbe::UnifContext::isStringSolved(
- CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- const std::vector<String>& ex_vals,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals)
- for( unsigned j=0; j<vals.size(); j++ ){
- if( d_vals[j]==pbe->d_true ){
- // example is active in this context
- Assert( vals[j].isConst() );
- String mystr = vals[j].getConst<String>();
- if( ex_vals[j]!=mystr ){
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = d_strats.size(); j < size; j++)
- {
- delete d_strats[j];
- }
- d_strats.clear();
diff --git a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.h b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.h
index dd98dd0aa..fb353a102 100644
--- a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.h
+++ b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.h
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ class CegConjecture;
* via Divide and Conquer" TACAS 2017. In particular, it may consider
* strategies for constructing decision trees when the grammar permits ITEs
* and a strategy for divide-and-conquer string synthesis when the grammar
-* permits string concatenation. This is stored in a set of data structures
-* within d_cinfo.
+* permits string concatenation. This is managed through the SygusUnif
+* utilities, d_sygus_unif.
* (3) It makes (possibly multiple) calls to
-* TermDatabaseSygus::registerMeasuredTerm(...) based
+* TermDatabaseSygus::regstierEnumerator(...) based
* on the strategy, which inform the rest of the system to enumerate values
* of particular types in the grammar through use of fresh variables which
* we call "enumerators".
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ class CegConjecture;
* Points (1)-(3) happen within a call to CegConjecturePbe::initialize(...).
* Notice that each enumerator is associated with a single
-* function-to-synthesize, but a function-to-sythesize may be mapped to multiple
-* enumerators. Some public functions of this class expect an enumerator as
-* input, which we map to a function-to-synthesize via
+* function-to-synthesize, but a function-to-sythesize may be mapped to multiple
+* enumerators. Some public functions of this class expect an enumerator as
+* input, which we map to a function-to-synthesize via
* TermDatabaseSygus::getSynthFunFor(e).
* An enumerator is initially "active" but may become inactive if the enumeration
* exhausts all possible values in the datatype corresponding to syntactic
-* restrictions for it. The search may continue unless all enumerators become
+* restrictions for it. The search may continue unless all enumerators become
* inactive.
* (4) During search, the extension of quantifier-free datatypes procedure for
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class CegConjecture;
* discarded based on
* inferring when two candidate solutions are equivalent up to examples.
* For example, the candidate solutions:
-* f = \x ite( x<0, x+1, x ) and f = \x x
+* f = \x ite( x < 0, x+1, x ) and f = \x x
* are equivalent up to examples on the above conjecture, since they have the
* same value on the points x = 0,5,6. Hence, we need only consider one of
* them. The interface for querying this is
@@ -216,6 +216,21 @@ class CegConjecturePbe : public SygusModule
* search space pruning.
std::map< Node, bool > d_examples_out_invalid;
+ /**
+ * Map from candidates to sygus unif utility. This class implements
+ * the core algorithm (e.g. decision tree learning) that this module relies
+ * upon.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, SygusUnif> d_sygus_unif;
+ /**
+ * map from candidates to the list of enumerators that are being used to
+ * build solutions for that candidate by the above utility.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_candidate_to_enum;
+ /** reverse map of above */
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_enum_to_candidate;
+ /** map from enumerators to active guards */
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_enum_to_active_guard;
/** for each candidate variable (function-to-synthesize), input of I/O
* examples */
std::map< Node, std::vector< std::vector< Node > > > d_examples;
@@ -258,583 +273,6 @@ class CegConjecturePbe : public SygusModule
std::map<Node, std::map<TypeNode, PbeTrie> > d_pbe_trie;
//--------------------------------- end PBE search values
- // -------------------------------- decision tree learning
- /** Subsumption trie
- *
- * This class manages a set of terms for a PBE sygus enumerator.
- *
- * In PBE sygus, we are interested in, for each term t, the set of I/O examples
- * that it satisfies, which can be represented by a vector of Booleans.
- * For example, given conjecture:
- * f( 1 ) = 2 ^ f( 3 ) = 4 ^ f( -1 ) = 1 ^ f( 5 ) = 5
- * If solutions for f are of the form (lambda x. [term]), then:
- * Term x satisfies 0001,
- * Term x+1 satisfies 1100,
- * Term 2 satisfies 0100.
- * Above, term 2 is subsumed by term x+1, since the set of I/O examples that
- * x+1 satisfies are a superset of those satisfied by 2.
- */
- class SubsumeTrie
- {
- public:
- SubsumeTrie() {}
- /**
- * Adds term t to the trie, removes all terms that are subsumed by t from the
- * trie and adds them to subsumed. The set of I/O examples that t satisfies
- * is given by (pol ? vals : !vals).
- */
- Node addTerm(Node t,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::vector<Node>& subsumed);
- /**
- * Adds term c to the trie, without calculating/updating based on
- * subsumption. This is useful for using this class to store conditionals
- * in ITE strategies, where any conditional whose set of vals is unique
- * (as opposed to not subsumed) is useful.
- */
- Node addCond(Node c, const std::vector<Node>& vals, bool pol);
- /**
- * Returns the set of terms that are subsumed by (pol ? vals : !vals).
- */
- void getSubsumed(const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::vector<Node>& subsumed);
- /**
- * Returns the set of terms that subsume (pol ? vals : !vals). This
- * is for instance useful when determining whether there exists a term
- * that satisfies all active examples in the decision tree learning
- * algorithm.
- */
- void getSubsumedBy(const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::vector<Node>& subsumed_by);
- /**
- * Get the leaves of the trie, which we store in the map v.
- * v[-1] stores the children that always evaluate to !pol,
- * v[1] stores the children that always evaluate to pol,
- * v[0] stores the children that both evaluate to true and false for at least
- * one example.
- */
- void getLeaves(const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::map<int, std::vector<Node> >& v);
- /** is this trie empty? */
- bool isEmpty() { return d_term.isNull() && d_children.empty(); }
- /** clear this trie */
- void clear()
- {
- d_term = Node::null();
- d_children.clear();
- }
- private:
- /** the term at this node */
- Node d_term;
- /** the children nodes of this trie */
- std::map<Node, SubsumeTrie> d_children;
- /** helper function for above functions */
- Node addTermInternal(Node t,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::vector<Node>& subsumed,
- bool spol,
- unsigned index,
- int status,
- bool checkExistsOnly,
- bool checkSubsume);
- /** helper function for above functions */
- void getLeavesInternal(const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol,
- std::map<int, std::vector<Node> >& v,
- unsigned index,
- int status);
- };
- // -------------------------------- end decision tree learning
- //------------------------------ representation of a enumeration strategy
- /**
- * This class stores information regarding an enumerator, including:
- * - Information regarding the role of this enumerator (see EnumRole), its
- * parent, whether it is templated, its slave enumerators, and so on, and
- * - A database of values that have been enumerated for this enumerator.
- *
- * We say an enumerator is a master enumerator if it is the variable that
- * we use to enumerate values for its sort. Master enumerators may have
- * (possibly multiple) slave enumerators, stored in d_enum_slave. We make
- * the first enumerator for each type a master enumerator, and any additional
- * ones slaves of it.
- */
- class EnumInfo
- {
- public:
- EnumInfo() : d_role(enum_io), d_is_conditional(false) {}
- /** initialize this class
- *
- * c is the parent function-to-synthesize
- * role is the "role" the enumerator plays in the high-level strategy,
- * which is one of enum_* above.
- */
- void initialize(Node c, EnumRole role);
- /** is this enumerator associated with a template? */
- bool isTemplated() { return !d_template.isNull(); }
- /** set conditional
- *
- * This flag is set to true if this enumerator may not apply to all
- * input/output examples. For example, if this enumerator is used
- * as an output value beneath a conditional in an instance of strat_ITE,
- * then this enumerator is conditional.
- */
- void setConditional() { d_is_conditional = true; }
- /** is conditional */
- bool isConditional() { return d_is_conditional; }
- /** get the role of this enumerator */
- EnumRole getRole() { return d_role; }
- /**
- * The candidate variable that this enumerator is for (see sygus_pbe.h).
- */
- Node d_parent_candidate;
- /** enumerator template
- *
- * If d_template non-null, enumerated values V are immediately transformed to
- * d_template { d_template_arg -> V }.
- */
- Node d_template;
- Node d_template_arg;
- /**
- * The active guard of this enumerator (see
- * TermDbSygus::d_enum_to_active_guard).
- */
- Node d_active_guard;
- /**
- * Slave enumerators of this enumerator. These are other enumerators that
- * have the same type, but a different role in the strategy tree. We
- * generally
- * only use one enumerator per type, and hence these slaves are notified when
- * values are enumerated for this enumerator.
- */
- std::vector<Node> d_enum_slave;
- //---------------------------enumerated values
- /**
- * Notify this class that the term v has been enumerated for this enumerator.
- * Its evaluation under the set of examples in pbe are stored in results.
- */
- void addEnumValue(CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- Node v,
- std::vector<Node>& results);
- /**
- * Notify this class that slv is the complete solution to the synthesis
- * conjecture. This occurs rarely, for instance, when during an ITE strategy
- * we find that a single enumerated term covers all examples.
- */
- void setSolved(Node slv);
- /** Have we been notified that a complete solution exists? */
- bool isSolved() { return !d_enum_solved.isNull(); }
- /** Get the complete solution to the synthesis conjecture. */
- Node getSolved() { return d_enum_solved; }
- /** Values that have been enumerated for this enumerator */
- std::vector<Node> d_enum_vals;
- /**
- * This either stores the values of f( I ) for inputs
- * or the value of f( I ) = O if d_role==enum_io
- */
- std::vector<std::vector<Node> > d_enum_vals_res;
- /**
- * The set of values in d_enum_vals that have been "subsumed" by others
- * (see SubsumeTrie for explanation of subsumed).
- */
- std::vector<Node> d_enum_subsume;
- /** Map from values to their index in d_enum_vals. */
- std::map<Node, unsigned> d_enum_val_to_index;
- /**
- * A subsumption trie containing the values in d_enum_vals. Depending on the
- * role of this enumerator, values may either be added to d_term_trie with
- * subsumption (if role=enum_io), or without (if role=enum_ite_condition or
- * enum_concat_term).
- */
- SubsumeTrie d_term_trie;
- //---------------------------end enumerated values
- private:
- /**
- * Whether an enumerated value for this conjecture has solved the entire
- * conjecture.
- */
- Node d_enum_solved;
- /** the role of this enumerator (one of enum_* above). */
- EnumRole d_role;
- /** is this enumerator conditional */
- bool d_is_conditional;
- };
- /** maps enumerators to the information above */
- std::map< Node, EnumInfo > d_einfo;
- class CandidateInfo;
- class EnumTypeInfoStrat;
- /** represents a node in the strategy graph
- *
- * It contains a list of possible strategies which are tried during calls
- * to constructSolution.
- */
- class StrategyNode
- {
- public:
- StrategyNode() {}
- ~StrategyNode();
- /** the set of strategies to try at this node in the strategy graph */
- std::vector<EnumTypeInfoStrat*> d_strats;
- };
- /** stores enumerators and strategies for a SyGuS datatype type */
- class EnumTypeInfo {
- public:
- EnumTypeInfo() : d_parent( NULL ){}
- /** the parent candidate info (see below) */
- CandidateInfo * d_parent;
- /** the type that this information is for */
- TypeNode d_this_type;
- /** map from enum roles to enumerators for this type */
- std::map<EnumRole, Node> d_enum;
- /** map from node roles to strategy nodes */
- std::map<NodeRole, StrategyNode> d_snodes;
- };
- /** stores strategy and enumeration information for a function-to-synthesize
- */
- class CandidateInfo {
- public:
- CandidateInfo() : d_check_sol( false ), d_cond_count( 0 ){}
- Node d_this_candidate;
- /**
- * The root sygus datatype for the function-to-synthesize,
- * which encodes the overall syntactic restrictions on the space
- * of solutions.
- */
- TypeNode d_root;
- /** Info for sygus datatype type occurring in a field of d_root */
- std::map< TypeNode, EnumTypeInfo > d_tinfo;
- /** list of all enumerators for the function-to-synthesize */
- std::vector< Node > d_esym_list;
- /**
- * Maps sygus datatypes to their search enumerator. This is the (single)
- * enumerator of that type that we enumerate values for.
- */
- std::map< TypeNode, Node > d_search_enum;
- bool d_check_sol;
- unsigned d_cond_count;
- Node d_solution;
- void initialize( Node c );
- void initializeType( TypeNode tn );
- Node getRootEnumerator();
- bool isNonTrivial();
- };
- /** maps a function-to-synthesize to the above information */
- std::map< Node, CandidateInfo > d_cinfo;
- //------------------------------ representation of an enumeration strategy
- /** add enumerated value
- *
- * We have enumerated the value v for x. This function adds x->v to the
- * relevant data structures that are used for strategy-specific construction
- * of solutions when necessary, and returns a set of lemmas, which are added
- * to the input argument lems. These lemmas are used to rule out models where
- * x = v, to force that a new value is enumerated for x.
- */
- void addEnumeratedValue( Node x, Node v, std::vector< Node >& lems );
- /** domain-specific enumerator exclusion techniques
- *
- * Returns true if the value v for x can be excluded based on a
- * domain-specific exclusion technique like the ones below.
- *
- * c : the candidate variable that x is enumerating for,
- * results : the values of v under the input examples of c,
- * ei : the enumerator information for x,
- * exp : if this function returns true, then exp contains a (possibly
- * generalize) explanation for why v can be excluded.
- */
- bool getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude( Node c, Node x, Node v, std::vector< Node >& results, EnumInfo& ei, std::vector< Node >& exp );
- /** returns true if we can exlude values of x based on negative str.contains
- *
- * Values v for x may be excluded if we realize that the value of v under the
- * substitution for some input example will never be contained in some output
- * example. For details on this technique, see NegContainsSygusInvarianceTest
- * in sygus_invariance.h.
- *
- * This function depends on whether x is being used to enumerate values
- * for any node that is conditional in the strategy graph. For example,
- * nodes that are children of ITE strategy nodes are conditional. If any node
- * is conditional, then this function returns false.
- */
- bool useStrContainsEnumeratorExclude(Node x, EnumInfo& ei);
- /** cache for the above function */
- std::map<Node, bool> d_use_str_contains_eexc;
- //------------------------------ strategy registration
- /** collect enumerator types
- *
- * This builds the strategy for enumerated values of type tn for the given
- * role of nrole, for solutions to function-to-synthesize c.
- */
- void collectEnumeratorTypes(Node c, TypeNode tn, NodeRole nrole);
- /** register enumerator
- *
- * This registers that et is an enumerator for function-to-synthesize c
- * of type tn, having enumerator role enum_role.
- *
- * inSearch is whether we will enumerate values based on this enumerator.
- * A strategy node is represented by a (enumerator, node role) pair. Hence,
- * we may use enumerators for which this flag is false to represent strategy
- * nodes that have child strategies.
- */
- void registerEnumerator(
- Node et, Node c, TypeNode tn, EnumRole enum_role, bool inSearch);
- /** infer template */
- bool inferTemplate(unsigned k,
- Node n,
- std::map<Node, unsigned>& templ_var_index,
- std::map<unsigned, unsigned>& templ_injection);
- /** static learn redundant operators
- *
- * This learns static lemmas for pruning enumerative space based on the
- * strategy for the function-to-synthesize c, and stores these into lemmas.
- */
- void staticLearnRedundantOps(Node c, std::vector<Node>& lemmas);
- /** helper for static learn redundant operators
- *
- * (e, nrole) specify the strategy node in the graph we are currently
- * analyzing, visited stores the nodes we have already visited.
- *
- * This method builds the mapping needs_cons, which maps (master) enumerators
- * to a map from the constructors that it needs.
- *
- * ind is the depth in the strategy graph we are at (for debugging).
- *
- * isCond is whether the current enumerator is conditional (beneath a
- * conditional of an strat_ITE strategy).
- */
- void staticLearnRedundantOps(
- Node c,
- Node e,
- NodeRole nrole,
- std::map<Node, std::map<NodeRole, bool> >& visited,
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, bool> >& needs_cons,
- int ind,
- bool isCond);
- //------------------------------ end strategy registration
- //------------------------------ constructing solutions
- /** Unification context
- *
- * This class maintains state information during calls to
- * CegConjecturePbe::constructSolution, which implements unification-based
- * approaches for construction solutions to synthesis conjectures.
- */
- class UnifContext
- {
- public:
- UnifContext();
- /** this intiializes this context for function-to-synthesize c */
- void initialize(CegConjecturePbe* pbe, Node c);
- //----------for ITE strategy
- /** the value of the context conditional
- *
- * This stores a list of Boolean constants that is the same length of the
- * number of input/output example pairs we are considering. For each i,
- * if d_vals[i] = true, i/o pair #i is active according to this context
- * if d_vals[i] = false, i/o pair #i is inactive according to this context
- */
- std::vector<Node> d_vals;
- /** update the examples
- *
- * if pol=true, this method updates d_vals to d_vals & vals
- * if pol=false, this method updates d_vals to d_vals & ( ~vals )
- */
- bool updateContext(CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- std::vector<Node>& vals,
- bool pol);
- //----------end for ITE strategy
- //----------for CONCAT strategies
- /** the position in the strings
- *
- * For each i/o example pair, this stores the length of the current solution
- * for the input of the pair, where the solution for that input is a prefix
- * or
- * suffix of the output of the pair. For example, if our i/o pairs are:
- * f( "abcd" ) = "abcdcd"
- * f( "aa" ) = "aacd"
- * If the solution we have currently constructed is str.++( x1, "c", ... ),
- * then d_str_pos = ( 5, 3 ), where notice that
- * str.++( "abc", "c" ) is a prefix of "abcdcd" and
- * str.++( "aa", "c" ) is a prefix of "aacd".
- */
- std::vector<unsigned> d_str_pos;
- /** has string position
- *
- * Whether the solution positions indicate a prefix or suffix of the output
- * examples. If this is role_invalid, then we have not updated the string
- * position.
- */
- NodeRole d_has_string_pos;
- /** update the string examples
- *
- * This method updates d_str_pos to d_str_pos + pos.
- */
- bool updateStringPosition(CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- std::vector<unsigned>& pos);
- /** get current strings
- *
- * This returns the prefix/suffix of the string constants stored in vals
- * of size d_str_pos, and stores the result in ex_vals. For example, if vals
- * is (abcdcd", "aacde") and d_str_pos = ( 5, 3 ), then we add
- * "d" and "de" to ex_vals.
- */
- void getCurrentStrings(CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- std::vector<String>& ex_vals);
- /** get string increment
- *
- * If this method returns true, then inc and tot are updated such that
- * for all active indices i,
- * vals[i] is a prefix (or suffix if isPrefix=false) of ex_vals[i], and
- * inc[i] = str.len(vals[i])
- * for all inactive indices i, inc[i] = 0
- * We set tot to the sum of inc[i] for i=1,...,n. This indicates the total
- * number of characters incremented across all examples.
- */
- bool getStringIncrement(CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- bool isPrefix,
- const std::vector<String>& ex_vals,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals,
- std::vector<unsigned>& inc,
- unsigned& tot);
- /** returns true if ex_vals[i] = vals[i] for all active indices i. */
- bool isStringSolved(CegConjecturePbe* pbe,
- const std::vector<String>& ex_vals,
- const std::vector<Node>& vals);
- //----------end for CONCAT strategies
- /** is return value modified?
- *
- * This returns true if we are currently in a state where the return value
- * of the solution has been modified, e.g. by a previous node that solved
- * for a prefix.
- */
- bool isReturnValueModified();
- /** visited role
- *
- * This is the current set of enumerator/node role pairs we are currently
- * visiting. This set is cleared when the context is updated.
- */
- std::map<Node, std::map<NodeRole, bool> > d_visit_role;
- /** unif context enumerator information */
- class UEnumInfo
- {
- public:
- UEnumInfo() {}
- /** map from conditions and branch positions to a solved node
- *
- * For example, if we have:
- * f( 1 ) = 2 ^ f( 3 ) = 4 ^ f( -1 ) = 1
- * Then, valid entries in this map is:
- * d_look_ahead_sols[x>0][1] = x+1
- * d_look_ahead_sols[x>0][2] = 1
- * For the first entry, notice that for all input examples such that x>0
- * evaluates to true, which are (1) and (3), we have that their output
- * values for x+1 under the substitution that maps x to the input value,
- * resulting in 2 and 4, are equal to the output value for the respective
- * pairs.
- */
- std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, Node> > d_look_ahead_sols;
- };
- /** map from enumerators to the above info class */
- std::map<Node, UEnumInfo> d_uinfo;
- private:
- /** true and false nodes */
- Node d_true;
- Node d_false;
- };
- /** construct solution
- *
- * This method tries to construct a solution for function-to-synthesize c
- * based on the strategy stored for c in d_cinfo, which may include
- * synthesis-by-unification approaches for ite and string concatenation terms.
- * These approaches include the work of Alur et al. TACAS 2017.
- * If it cannot construct a solution, it returns the null node.
- */
- Node constructSolution( Node c );
- /** helper function for construct solution.
- *
- * Construct a solution based on enumerator e for function-to-synthesize c
- * with node role nrole in context x.
- *
- * ind is the term depth of the context (for debugging).
- */
- Node constructSolution(
- Node c, Node e, NodeRole nrole, UnifContext& x, int ind);
- /** Heuristically choose the best solved term from solved in context x,
- * currently return the first. */
- Node constructBestSolvedTerm( std::vector< Node >& solved, UnifContext& x );
- /** Heuristically choose the best solved string term from solved in context
- * x, currently return the first. */
- Node constructBestStringSolvedTerm( std::vector< Node >& solved, UnifContext& x );
- /** Heuristically choose the best solved conditional term from solved in
- * context x, currently random */
- Node constructBestSolvedConditional( std::vector< Node >& solved, UnifContext& x );
- /** Heuristically choose the best conditional term from conds in context x,
- * currently random */
- Node constructBestConditional( std::vector< Node >& conds, UnifContext& x );
- /** Heuristically choose the best string to concatenate from strs to the
- * solution in context x, currently random
- * incr stores the vector of indices that are incremented by this solution in
- * example outputs.
- * total_inc[x] is the sum of incr[x] for each x in strs.
- */
- Node constructBestStringToConcat( std::vector< Node > strs,
- std::map< Node, unsigned > total_inc,
- std::map< Node, std::vector< unsigned > > incr,
- UnifContext& x );
- //------------------------------ end constructing solutions
- /** represents a strategy for a SyGuS datatype type
- *
- * This represents a possible strategy to apply when processing a strategy
- * node in constructSolution. When applying the strategy represented by this
- * class, we may make recursive calls to the children of the strategy,
- * given in d_cenum. If all recursive calls to constructSolution for these
- * children are successful, say:
- * constructSolution( c, d_cenum[1], ... ) = t1,
- * ...,
- * constructSolution( c, d_cenum[n], ... ) = tn,
- * Then, the solution returned by this strategy is
- * d_sol_templ * { d_sol_templ_args -> (t1,...,tn) }
- * where * is application of substitution.
- */
- class EnumTypeInfoStrat
- {
- public:
- /** the type of strategy this represents */
- StrategyType d_this;
- /** the sygus datatype constructor that induced this strategy
- *
- * For example, this may be a sygus datatype whose sygus operator is ITE,
- * if the strategy type above is strat_ITE.
- */
- Node d_cons;
- /** children of this strategy */
- std::vector<std::pair<Node, NodeRole> > d_cenum;
- /** the arguments for the (templated) solution */
- std::vector<Node> d_sol_templ_args;
- /** the template for the solution */
- Node d_sol_templ;
- /** Returns true if argument is valid strategy in context x */
- bool isValid(CegConjecturePbe* pbe, UnifContext& x);
- };
}/* namespace CVC4::theory::quantifiers */
diff --git a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.cpp b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.cpp
index ee0590b6b..2250deb6f 100644
--- a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.cpp
+++ b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.cpp
@@ -514,36 +514,250 @@ void SubsumeTrie::getLeaves(const std::vector<Node>& vals,
getLeavesInternal(vals, pol, v, 0, -2);
-SygusUnif::SygusUnif(QuantifiersEngine* qe) : d_qe(qe)
- d_tds = qe->getTermDatabaseSygus();
d_true = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(true);
d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false);
SygusUnif::~SygusUnif() {}
-void SygusUnif::initialize(Node candidate,
- std::vector<Node>& lemmas,
- std::vector<Node>& enums)
+void SygusUnif::initialize(QuantifiersEngine* qe,
+ Node f,
+ std::vector<Node>& enums,
+ std::vector<Node>& lemmas)
- d_candidate = candidate;
- // TODO
+ d_candidate = f;
+ d_qe = qe;
+ d_tds = qe->getTermDatabaseSygus();
+ TypeNode tn = f.getType();
+ d_cinfo[f].initialize(f);
+ // collect the enumerator types and form the strategy
+ collectEnumeratorTypes(f, tn, role_equal);
+ // add the enumerators
+ enums.insert(enums.end(),
+ d_cinfo[f].d_esym_list.begin(),
+ d_cinfo[f].d_esym_list.end());
+ // learn redundant ops
+ staticLearnRedundantOps(f, lemmas);
void SygusUnif::resetExamples()
+ d_examples.clear();
+ d_examples_out.clear();
+ // also clear information in strategy tree
void SygusUnif::addExample(const std::vector<Node>& input, Node output)
- // TODO
+ d_examples[d_candidate].push_back(input);
+ d_examples_out[d_candidate].push_back(output);
void SygusUnif::notifyEnumeration(Node e, Node v, std::vector<Node>& lemmas)
- // TODO
+ Node c = d_candidate;
+ Assert(!d_examples.empty());
+ Assert(d_examples.size() == d_examples_out.size());
+ std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator it = d_einfo.find(e);
+ Assert(it != d_einfo.end());
+ Assert(
+ std::find(it->second.d_enum_vals.begin(), it->second.d_enum_vals.end(), v)
+ == it->second.d_enum_vals.end());
+ // The explanation for why the current value should be excluded in future
+ // iterations.
+ Node exp_exc;
+ std::map<Node, CandidateInfo>::iterator itc = d_cinfo.find(c);
+ Assert(itc != d_cinfo.end());
+ TypeNode xtn = e.getType();
+ Node bv = d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v, xtn);
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<std::vector<Node> > >::iterator itx =
+ d_examples.find(c);
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator itxo = d_examples_out.find(c);
+ Assert(itx != d_examples.end());
+ Assert(itxo != d_examples_out.end());
+ Assert(itx->second.size() == itxo->second.size());
+ std::vector<Node> base_results;
+ // compte the results
+ for (unsigned j = 0, size = itx->second.size(); j < size; j++)
+ {
+ Node res = d_tds->evaluateBuiltin(xtn, bv, itx->second[j]);
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug")
+ << " res = " << res << " from " << bv << std::endl;
+ base_results.push_back(res);
+ }
+ // is it excluded for domain-specific reason?
+ std::vector<Node> exp_exc_vec;
+ if (getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude(
+ c, e, v, base_results, it->second, exp_exc_vec))
+ {
+ Assert(!exp_exc_vec.empty());
+ exp_exc = exp_exc_vec.size() == 1
+ ? exp_exc_vec[0]
+ : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, exp_exc_vec);
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
+ << " : term is excluded (domain-specific)" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // notify all slaves
+ Assert(!it->second.d_enum_slave.empty());
+ // explanation for why this value should be excluded
+ for (unsigned s = 0; s < it->second.d_enum_slave.size(); s++)
+ {
+ Node xs = it->second.d_enum_slave[s];
+ std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator itv = d_einfo.find(xs);
+ Assert(itv != d_einfo.end());
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "Process " << xs << " from " << s << std::endl;
+ // bool prevIsCover = false;
+ if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " IO-Eval of ";
+ // prevIsCover = itv->second.isFeasible();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "Evaluation of ";
+ }
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << xs << " : ";
+ // evaluate all input/output examples
+ std::vector<Node> results;
+ Node templ = itv->second.d_template;
+ TNode templ_var = itv->second.d_template_arg;
+ std::map<Node, bool> cond_vals;
+ for (unsigned j = 0, size = base_results.size(); j < size; j++)
+ {
+ Node res = base_results[j];
+ Assert(res.isConst());
+ if (!templ.isNull())
+ {
+ TNode tres = res;
+ res = templ.substitute(templ_var, res);
+ res = Rewriter::rewrite(res);
+ Assert(res.isConst());
+ }
+ Node resb;
+ if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
+ {
+ Node out = itxo->second[j];
+ Assert(out.isConst());
+ resb = res == out ? d_true : d_false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ resb = res;
+ }
+ cond_vals[resb] = true;
+ results.push_back(resb);
+ if (Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-enum"))
+ {
+ if (resb.getType().isBoolean())
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << (resb == d_true ? "1" : "0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "?";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool keep = false;
+ if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
+ {
+ // latter is the degenerate case of no examples
+ if (cond_vals.find(d_true) != cond_vals.end() || cond_vals.empty())
+ {
+ // check subsumbed/subsuming
+ std::vector<Node> subsume;
+ if (cond_vals.find(d_false) == cond_vals.end())
+ {
+ // it is the entire solution, we are done
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
+ << " ...success, full solution added to PBE pool : "
+ << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v) << std::endl;
+ if (!itv->second.isSolved())
+ {
+ itv->second.setSolved(v);
+ // it subsumes everything
+ itv->second.d_term_trie.clear();
+ itv->second.d_term_trie.addTerm(v, results, true, subsume);
+ }
+ keep = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Node val =
+ itv->second.d_term_trie.addTerm(v, results, true, subsume);
+ if (val == v)
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " ...success";
+ if (!subsume.empty())
+ {
+ itv->second.d_enum_subsume.insert(
+ itv->second.d_enum_subsume.end(),
+ subsume.begin(),
+ subsume.end());
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
+ << " and subsumed " << subsume.size() << " terms";
+ }
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
+ << "! add to PBE pool : " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v)
+ << std::endl;
+ keep = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(subsume.empty());
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " : subsumed" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
+ << " : it does not satisfy examples." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // must be unique up to examples
+ Node val = itv->second.d_term_trie.addCond(v, results, true);
+ if (val == v)
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " ...success! add to PBE pool : "
+ << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v) << std::endl;
+ keep = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
+ << " : term is not unique" << std::endl;
+ }
+ itc->second.d_cond_count++;
+ }
+ if (keep)
+ {
+ // notify the parent to retry the build of PBE
+ itc->second.d_check_sol = true;
+ itv->second.addEnumValue(this, v, results);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // exclude this value on subsequent iterations
+ if (exp_exc.isNull())
+ {
+ // if we did not already explain why this should be excluded, use default
+ exp_exc = d_tds->getExplain()->getExplanationForEquality(e, v);
+ }
+ exp_exc = exp_exc.negate();
+ Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-lemma")
+ << "SygusUnif : enumeration exclude lemma : " << exp_exc << std::endl;
+ lemmas.push_back(exp_exc);
Node SygusUnif::constructSolution()
@@ -611,7 +825,7 @@ void SygusUnif::registerEnumerator(
<< static_cast<DatatypeType>(tn.toType()).getDatatype().getName();
Trace("sygus-unif-debug") << ", role = " << enum_role
<< ", in search = " << inSearch << std::endl;
- d_einfo[et].initialize(c, enum_role);
+ d_einfo[et].initialize(enum_role);
// if we are actually enumerating this (could be a compound node in the
// strategy)
if (inSearch)
@@ -1336,209 +1550,7 @@ void SygusUnif::staticLearnRedundantOps(
-// ------------------------------------------- solution construction from
-// enumeration
-void SygusUnif::addEnumeratedValue(Node x, Node v, std::vector<Node>& lems)
- std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator it = d_einfo.find(x);
- Assert(it != d_einfo.end());
- Assert(
- std::find(it->second.d_enum_vals.begin(), it->second.d_enum_vals.end(), v)
- == it->second.d_enum_vals.end());
- Node c = it->second.d_parent_candidate;
- // The explanation for why the current value should be excluded in future
- // iterations.
- Node exp_exc;
- std::map<Node, CandidateInfo>::iterator itc = d_cinfo.find(c);
- Assert(itc != d_cinfo.end());
- TypeNode xtn = x.getType();
- Node bv = d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v, xtn);
- std::map<Node, std::vector<std::vector<Node> > >::iterator itx =
- d_examples.find(c);
- std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator itxo = d_examples_out.find(c);
- Assert(itx != d_examples.end());
- Assert(itxo != d_examples_out.end());
- Assert(itx->second.size() == itxo->second.size());
- std::vector<Node> base_results;
- // compte the results
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = itx->second.size(); j < size; j++)
- {
- Node res = d_tds->evaluateBuiltin(xtn, bv, itx->second[j]);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-debug")
- << " res = " << res << " from " << bv << std::endl;
- base_results.push_back(res);
- }
- // is it excluded for domain-specific reason?
- std::vector<Node> exp_exc_vec;
- if (getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude(
- c, x, v, base_results, it->second, exp_exc_vec))
- {
- Assert(!exp_exc_vec.empty());
- exp_exc = exp_exc_vec.size() == 1
- ? exp_exc_vec[0]
- : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(AND, exp_exc_vec);
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << " : term is excluded (domain-specific)" << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- // notify all slaves
- Assert(!it->second.d_enum_slave.empty());
- // explanation for why this value should be excluded
- for (unsigned s = 0; s < it->second.d_enum_slave.size(); s++)
- {
- Node xs = it->second.d_enum_slave[s];
- std::map<Node, EnumInfo>::iterator itv = d_einfo.find(xs);
- Assert(itv != d_einfo.end());
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "Process " << xs << " from " << s << std::endl;
- // bool prevIsCover = false;
- if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " IO-Eval of ";
- // prevIsCover = itv->second.isFeasible();
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "Evaluation of ";
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << xs << " : ";
- // evaluate all input/output examples
- std::vector<Node> results;
- Node templ = itv->second.d_template;
- TNode templ_var = itv->second.d_template_arg;
- std::map<Node, bool> cond_vals;
- for (unsigned j = 0, size = base_results.size(); j < size; j++)
- {
- Node res = base_results[j];
- Assert(res.isConst());
- if (!templ.isNull())
- {
- TNode tres = res;
- res = templ.substitute(templ_var, res);
- res = Rewriter::rewrite(res);
- Assert(res.isConst());
- }
- Node resb;
- if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
- {
- Node out = itxo->second[j];
- Assert(out.isConst());
- resb = res == out ? d_true : d_false;
- }
- else
- {
- resb = res;
- }
- cond_vals[resb] = true;
- results.push_back(resb);
- if (Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-enum"))
- {
- if (resb.getType().isBoolean())
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << (resb == d_true ? "1" : "0");
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << "?";
- }
- }
- }
- bool keep = false;
- if (itv->second.getRole() == enum_io)
- {
- // latter is the degenerate case of no examples
- if (cond_vals.find(d_true) != cond_vals.end() || cond_vals.empty())
- {
- // check subsumbed/subsuming
- std::vector<Node> subsume;
- if (cond_vals.find(d_false) == cond_vals.end())
- {
- // it is the entire solution, we are done
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << " ...success, full solution added to PBE pool : "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v) << std::endl;
- if (!itv->second.isSolved())
- {
- itv->second.setSolved(v);
- // it subsumes everything
- itv->second.d_term_trie.clear();
- itv->second.d_term_trie.addTerm(v, results, true, subsume);
- }
- keep = true;
- }
- else
- {
- Node val =
- itv->second.d_term_trie.addTerm(v, results, true, subsume);
- if (val == v)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " ...success";
- if (!subsume.empty())
- {
- itv->second.d_enum_subsume.insert(
- itv->second.d_enum_subsume.end(),
- subsume.begin(),
- subsume.end());
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << " and subsumed " << subsume.size() << " terms";
- }
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << "! add to PBE pool : " << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v)
- << std::endl;
- keep = true;
- }
- else
- {
- Assert(subsume.empty());
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " : subsumed" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << " : it does not satisfy examples." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // must be unique up to examples
- Node val = itv->second.d_term_trie.addCond(v, results, true);
- if (val == v)
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum") << " ...success! add to PBE pool : "
- << d_tds->sygusToBuiltin(v) << std::endl;
- keep = true;
- }
- else
- {
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum")
- << " : term is not unique" << std::endl;
- }
- itc->second.d_cond_count++;
- }
- if (keep)
- {
- // notify the parent to retry the build of PBE
- itc->second.d_check_sol = true;
- itv->second.addEnumValue(this, v, results);
- }
- }
- }
- // exclude this value on subsequent iterations
- if (exp_exc.isNull())
- {
- // if we did not already explain why this should be excluded, use default
- exp_exc = d_tds->getExplain()->getExplanationForEquality(x, v);
- }
- exp_exc = exp_exc.negate();
- Trace("sygus-pbe-enum-lemma")
- << "SygusUnif : enumeration exclude lemma : " << exp_exc << std::endl;
- lems.push_back(exp_exc);
+// ------------------------------------ solution construction from enumeration
bool SygusUnif::useStrContainsEnumeratorExclude(Node x, EnumInfo& ei)
@@ -1623,12 +1635,11 @@ bool SygusUnif::getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude(Node c,
Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug") << "...contained." << std::endl;
- /* FIXME
if (!cmp_indices.empty())
// we check invariance with respect to a negative contains test
NegContainsSygusInvarianceTest ncset;
- ncset.init(d_parent, x, itxo->second, cmp_indices);
+ ncset.init(x, d_examples[c], itxo->second, cmp_indices);
// construct the generalized explanation
d_tds->getExplain()->getExplanationFor(x, v, exp, ncset);
@@ -1636,7 +1647,6 @@ bool SygusUnif::getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude(Node c,
<< " due to negative containment." << std::endl;
return true;
- */
return false;
@@ -1645,16 +1655,14 @@ void SygusUnif::EnumInfo::addEnumValue(SygusUnif* pbe,
Node v,
std::vector<Node>& results)
+ // should not have been enumerated before
+ Assert(d_enum_val_to_index.find(v) == d_enum_val_to_index.end());
d_enum_val_to_index[v] = d_enum_vals.size();
-void SygusUnif::EnumInfo::initialize(Node c, EnumRole role)
- d_parent_candidate = c;
- d_role = role;
+void SygusUnif::EnumInfo::initialize(EnumRole role) { d_role = role; }
void SygusUnif::EnumInfo::setSolved(Node slv) { d_enum_solved = slv; }
@@ -1886,6 +1894,7 @@ Node SygusUnif::constructSolution(
for (unsigned i = 0, size = einfo.d_enum_vals.size(); i < size; i++)
Node val_t = einfo.d_enum_vals[i];
+ Assert(incr.find(val_t) == incr.end());
indent("sygus-pbe-dt-debug", ind);
<< "increment string values : " << val_t << " : ";
diff --git a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.h b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.h
index 68ed442a8..d46fb9c86 100644
--- a/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.h
+++ b/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif.h
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class SygusUnif
friend class UnifContext;
- SygusUnif(QuantifiersEngine* qe);
+ SygusUnif();
/** initialize
@@ -356,7 +356,10 @@ class SygusUnif
* those that exclude ITE from enumerators whose role is enum_io when the
* strategy is ITE_strat).
- void initialize(Node f, std::vector<Node>& enums, std::vector<Node>& lemmas);
+ void initialize(QuantifiersEngine* qe,
+ Node f,
+ std::vector<Node>& enums,
+ std::vector<Node>& lemmas);
/** reset examples
* Reset the specification for f.
@@ -432,7 +435,7 @@ class SygusUnif
* role is the "role" the enumerator plays in the high-level strategy,
* which is one of enum_* above.
- void initialize(Node c, EnumRole role);
+ void initialize(EnumRole role);
/** is this enumerator associated with a template? */
bool isTemplated() { return !d_template.isNull(); }
/** set conditional
@@ -447,10 +450,6 @@ class SygusUnif
bool isConditional() { return d_is_conditional; }
/** get the role of this enumerator */
EnumRole getRole() { return d_role; }
- /**
- * The candidate variable that this enumerator is for (see sygus_pbe.h).
- */
- Node d_parent_candidate;
/** enumerator template
* If d_template non-null, enumerated values V are immediately transformed to
@@ -586,15 +585,6 @@ class SygusUnif
std::map<Node, CandidateInfo> d_cinfo;
//------------------------------ representation of an enumeration strategy
- /** add enumerated value
- *
- * We have enumerated the value v for x. This function adds x->v to the
- * relevant data structures that are used for strategy-specific construction
- * of solutions when necessary, and returns a set of lemmas, which are added
- * to the input argument lems. These lemmas are used to rule out models where
- * x = v, to force that a new value is enumerated for x.
- */
- void addEnumeratedValue(Node x, Node v, std::vector<Node>& lems);
/** domain-specific enumerator exclusion techniques
* Returns true if the value v for x can be excluded based on a
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