# require ["fileinto", "reject"]; # https://thsmi.github.io/sieve-reference/en/index.html if allof ( header :contains "Sender" "phd@cs.stanford.edu", not header :contains "From" "stanford" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "From" "The New Yorker", not header :contains "Subject" "Our Gift to You" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "From" "Slack", not header :contains "Subject" "just joined your workspace" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "To" "phd@cs.stanford.edu", not header :contains "From" "stanford" ) { discard; stop; } if header :contains "from" ["felicis.com", "nabpress.com", "anupriyapatel762@gmail.com", "governmentexchange", "nordstrom@eml.nordstrom.com", "divgarg@stanford.edu", "stanfordmeditation@gmail.com", "saidmaryamsaid02@gmail.com", "R&DE Sustainability", "healthyfit.info", "SUPER LIST", "@correlationone.com", "@honorsociety.org", "@webolt.biz", "@highlandstalentgroup.com", "@onepiecelabs.xyz", "Sustainable Stanford", "@correlation-one.com", "Jahanavi Gupta", "firsthand.co", "lumiere.education", "aws-marketing-email-replies@amazon.com", "gmukobi@stanford.edu", "Sales", "Student Loans", "The MIT Press", "Honor Society", "newyorker@newsletter.newyorker.com", "intellectbay.com", "cnnd.bank@csejour.com", "Pearson", "theflourish@stanford.edu", "MetaMask", "State of Mind Public House", "Whova Team", "The Wall Street Journal", "Springer ICICT 2025", "BeansAndBytes", "Nobel DAO", "Research Services LLC", "LinkedIn", "athleticstickets.stanford.edu", "Stanford Alumni", "evsong@stanford.edu", "Cass.Tu@sig.com", "acue.org"] { discard; stop; } # Per https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/sieve/examples/ if header :contains "X-Spam-Level" "**********" { discard; stop; } if header :contains "to" ["signup.hbomax@masot.net", "ai-all@cs.stanford.edu", "ai-students@cs.stanford.edu", "ismatthew@masot.net", "ai-all@ai.stanford.edu", "stanfordml@googlegroups.com", "ai_alignment@lists.stanford.edu"] { discard; stop; } if header :contains "subject" ["Venture Capital", "Job Placement", "MLSys Seminar", "Algorithmic Fairness Seminar", "[cs-seminars] NLP Seminar", "[ai-bio-seminar]", "Invitation: Reasoning meetup @ Wed", "Brown Institute \"Magic Grants\" Call for Proposals", "masots.com", "Apply for a Student Loan", "Get a Quote", "SEO", "Septiembre", "Foesco", "free professional", "App Proposal", "Guaranteed $10", "TrueBlue", "Transformers United", "CS25 ", "CS 25 ", "CS25:", "CS 25:", "OpenAI", "About your masot.net", "masot.net Errors", "Susquehanna"] { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "subject" "Equity", header :contains "subject" "Opportunity" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "to" "considering_cs@lists.stanford.edu", header :contains "to" "mscs@cs.stanford.edu" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "to" "ai-all@cs.stanford.edu", header :contains "to" "stanfordml@googlegroups.com" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "to" "ai-safety-group@lists.stanford.edu", header :contains "to" "nlp-group@lists.stanford.edu" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "from" "gmukobi@stanford.edu", header :contains "to" "ai_alignment@lists.stanford.edu" ) { discard; stop; } if allof ( header :contains "from" "charlotte.he@stanford.edu", header :contains "subject" "Cardinal Ventures" ) { discard; stop; }